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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by BioGio

  1. Welcome to BZPower! If you ever need any help, feel free to ask me or anyone else. :)

  2. Welcome to BZPower! If you ever need any help, feel free to ask me or anyone else. :)

  3. Welcome to BZPower! If you ever need any help, feel free to ask me or anyone else. :)

  4. Welcome to BZPower! If you ever need any help, feel free to ask me or anyone else. :)

  5. Welcome to BZPower! If you ever need any help, feel free to ask me or anyone else. :)

  6. Welcome to BZPower! If you ever need any help, feel free to ask me or anyone else. :)

  7. Welcome to BZPower! If you ever need any help, feel free to ask me or anyone else. :)

  8. This is also in a story where Vapour--a robot--has breathing tubes. Clearly, these robots are ridiculously human-like, which means that it's possible certain aspects of their physiology/CPU/mind/etc. must remain "activated" during upgrades. What really confuses me is that this is their upgrade to being 2.0 Heroes, yet all Heroes are afraid of upgrade. How would they know what it is like? ~ BioGaia
  9. Welcome to BZP! I saw your first post, and I can already tell that you'll be a great member.

  10. lol, sing me up!1! ) kILL hf it's so lame and your plan is awsum!1! Anyway, the one things that I think you're missing in the original post are: "hero factory killed bionicle, I mean BIONICLE was supposed to go on for like ever and then hf came in and sucks" and "it's for babies, unlike bionicle." Or something like those. BTW, TN05, it seems to me like it's more of a parody of the fact that there are so many clubs currently (Bring Back Wooden Ducks, Don't Bring Back BIONICLE, BIONICLE Ambivalence, the list goes on and on). ~ BioGaia
  11. Your link in the following topic appears to be broken. Please correct it or tell me if it isn't broken. http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=334465&st=0&p=7346055entry7346055 (BTW, that's your Old MOCs topic.)

  12. BioGio

    New York!

    New York is awesome (which I'm certain that you already know). If you ever get a chance, try going upstate; it's really beautiful there. ~ BioGaia
  13. No problem, man. Just happy to help out!

  14. Welcome to BZPower! Regarding your signature, you put a space between the URL and "[/img]" tag. Also, FTR, you cannot receive PMs yet, as you do not have 10 approved posts. If you ever need more help, don't hesistate to comment on my page like I commented on yours, or post a topic in New Member Q & A. :)

  15. Because he was blocked out by the cover, perhaps . . .? ~ BioGaia
  16. BioGio

    Bzp's Decline?

    It's all about where you go. S&T, for instance, seems rather slow and dead, without any discussion really. Even the discussion there seems like a bunch of people talking pointlessly about a dead toy line. () However, some places, like the Official MSPA thread gets so many enthusiastic comments a day it's hard to see the site as truly dead. ~ BioGaia
  17. What's up? Hope you've enjoyed your first bit of time on BZP! (In other words, I'm a little late in saying welcome. :P)

  18. BioGio

    On The Subject Of Swearing

    Honestly, I'm often more offended by the thoughts being expressed than I am by the words. After all, there are only bad intentions--not bad words. Still, swearing is basically a sign of mental laziness. If you can't think of any other way to express anger or whatever, then you obviously aren't thinking much of it. ~ BioGaia
  19. FTR, I don't think advertising in PMs is allowed. (Email could be another story, though.) Anyway, yeah, prepare to have this flooded with negative responses. ~ BioGaia
  20. I noticed your comics topic, and have a suggestion: You should probably upload your comics to BrickShelf or another approved image-hosting site so people can see the pictures--and put the topic in Artwork III. I'd love to see your comics! :)

  21. Funny, I didn't realize how new you are to BZP.

  22. BioGio

    Collective Nouns

    Maybe a pinch of halophiles instead? Anyway, I could only think of one: An inferno of dinoflagelates. ~ BioGaia
  23. BioGio


    Couldn't you just delete your posts and/or decrease your post count? It would still be your 10,000th post--but only sort of, just like posting in the uncounted forums. Also, one week late! ~ BioGaia
  24. Asynchronous eyebrow movement - I can arch one eyebrow (like Spock & Bones). Vulcan Salute - Am I missing something about this? Because I can do--and always have been capable of doing--it with ease. Ear wiggling - Not really Nostril flaring - As in "anger causing you nostril to flare to increase intake of air into lungs" or some other definition I don't know? Asynchronous eye movement - I can do this--just a bit. Tongue curling - It depends on how much you mean. Eye twitching - I can only do this if I really concentrate, but I can do so. ~ BioGaia
  25. The good thing is that slippery slope arguments can be used to slip both ways. "Yeah, well, if we don't make a Hero Factory Forum, then we'd have to get rid of the BIONICLE Forums, so we need the HF Forum." (For the record, I totally agree with this and think an HF Forum would be a good idea.) ~ BioGaia
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