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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by BioGio

  1. BioGio


    I'd love to see someone tell a woman about how masculinist they are--opposed to a typical discussion of how feminist they supposedly are. ~ BioGaia
  2. Did the truck lose any cargo prior to crossing the bridge? Did it burn up 4 ounces of gasoline before the bird landed? (I'm not even sure if this is possible, but it's worth a shot.) ~ BioGaia
  3. Another idea is to take a few words (e.g., an adjective or two and a noun) and make a MOC out of that. For instance: "Blocky Angel" ~ BioGaia
  4. BioGio

    Makuta W I P

    The Legs are great--very well armored. However, I don't particularly like the lower Torso (or--of course--the Shoulders) ~ BioGaia
  5. To elaborate on this (sort of), was the bridge on the ground or was it being suspended in the air? (That's not the right term, but I'll assume you know what I mean and won't take advantage of the inaccurate wording .) ~ BioGaia
  6. BioGio


    As Singularity said . . . You probably don't have a very good suit for you (e.g., you may have the wrong size, or perhaps bad pants, etc.). I, for one, love wearing suits. ~ BioGaia
  7. BioGio

    Mind = Blown

    1. I'm not certain how much it means, but I'll assume it's at least sort-of positive. I suppose the question is: Did you or , etc.? 2. As for that, I definitely agree; it's just that sometimes a character can be ever so slightly inconsistent without being contradictory--but only when written particularly well. ~ BioGaia
  8. BioGio

    Mind = Blown

    Did I do that with my characters (Raiada and Ajoraaq)? Here's a link to my post in the Profiles Topic. (Speaking of which, I need to jump into the game, huh.) Anyway, I'd like to point out that some of the things that can occasionally be considered contradictions can also be facets to one's personality. For instance, I know a lot of people who can be quite rude, vulgar, or humorous in certain company, but well-behaved and quiet or nerdy in other cases. As for the "loner" issue, I suppose that people want to have excuses to have a relatively fresh start. Or something. ~ BioGaia
  9. [Y] I couldn't find the picture(s) I was thinking of, but I know one or two that may be useful in your avatar or signature for if when you decide to do the full remodel . . . thing. ~ BioGaia
  10. There must be a really bizarre/interesting story behind this, and I now request--nay, demand--to hear it or at least some of it. ~ BioGaia
  11. BioGio

    Is It True

    Apparently it's only a rumor at this point, but I sure hope so. ~ BioGaia
  12. BioGio

    Rubik's Cube

    The "two two"? Anyway, congratulations on your insanity. ~ BioGaia
  13. No! Not the feats of strength! ~ BioGaia
  14. You made me laugh with the "Money for People" line. But isn't Festivus on the 23rd? (My appologies if you only posted this late because you accidentally drafted this, etc., or I'm flat out wrong.) ~ BioGaia
  15. Billy Ray Cyrus was a bit of a One Hit Wonder with "Achy Break-y Heart." ~ BioGaia
  16. If the current count of members is, in fact, 39, then make it 40: I'd love to join. That banner is totally going in my signature. ~ BioGaia
  17. I'm actually going to watch Inception tonight, if all goes according to plan (through OnDemand). A few of my friends saw it, one of whom has watched it twice (and is still unable to understand it, apparently). All in all, I'm really looking forward to it: I've heard only good reviews thus far. Quoted for absolute truth. Wolfgang Iser postulated that the only reason why literature can be meaningful is due to the response of the reader. On a slightly unrelated note, my Honors Bio teacher has the soundtrack, and he played it while we were doing review worksheets for the final exam. It was hilarious when those of us who had yet to complete the assignment (due at the end of the hour) started to panic--just as the music began to speed and swell, becoming quite dramatic. ~ BioGaia
  18. BioGio

    Negative Infinity

    First of all, infinity is a concept, not a number. It is the idea of numbers going on without ever ending. (Source: my maths teacher from last year, who had a Ph. D, so I'll assume she's very credible.) Meanwhile, negative infinity is basically the idea of numbers going LOWER infinitely. It's used a lot as shorthand in notation of the domain or range of an equation, stating that the domain or range continues to become lower without end. Finally, that first graph you used as "proof" is essentially just x^3=y when x=/=0, or something like that. My maths class is starting on this sort of thing in just a couple of months, so Ballom is probably the best source here. ~ BioGaia
  19. I remember when I was living along the Texas-Mexico border, and just a few inches of snow was cause for alarm. At one point, my father was encouraged not to drive due to low visiblity and an inch or so of snow. (Then again, I was just as surprised to actually see snow.) ~ BioGaia
  20. It started snowing where I live (also in Colorado) at about 2:00 PM (Mountain Time), but it was more like hail or sleet. After that, we got some real, good snow. However, then, a bit after 4:00 PM, the snow stopped. We barely got a centimetre. ~ BioGaia
  21. For some reason, the R is showing up as a rectangle (and not like the boxes which are created when one does not have the special characters installed). Anyway, Brickeens seems to use this a lot: Ṙ. I don't know if its different or anything, but it may help. Also, I was wondering how exactly you get these. Specifically, do the symbols from any old Word Document work, or are the characters that can be used more specific? ~ BioGaia
  22. Only three tenses? I was expecting at least past, present, and future perfect tenses. ~ BioGaia
  23. BioGio

    Remember This?

    I was kidding, Daiker, hence the emoticon. ()
  24. BioGio

    Remember This?

    Daiker: Hmm... I don't think I remember those. What are they again? ~ BioGio
  25. Well, I certainly like this so far. The lack of affixes is certainly an interesting idea, although it makes learning a bit more difficult. I also like the bits of etymology included, such as that about ui and wa. ~ BioGaia
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