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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by BioGio

  1. Welcome to BZPower! If you have any questions, check out the New Member Q & A Forum (and feel free to comment on my profile or--after your post ten times--PM me)!

  2. If you put that "funky G" in the blog title, it allows you to have a capital letter after another letter, allowing you to write BioGaia rather than Biogaia. ~ BioGaia
  3. "The funky G" allows you to use CamelCase in a Blog Entry/Topic. In this case, you could use it for my name (or in conjuction with a wierd P for "RPG"). ~ BioGaia
  4. I always just look around for similar things in reality, if that makes any sense to you. ~ BioGaia
  5. Could it be true that Bionicle ending did this? Or were there heated discussions even before that? BIONICLE's end did give us a lot more time to talk about other stuff . . . ~ BioGaia
  6. Nope. People are people are people, and people are emotional, irrational animals. ~ BioGaia
  7. If I had an approval, I'd give it to you times a million. ~ BioGaia
  8. BioGio

    Doctor Who Fans,

    Only if he did so with his Sonic Screwdriver. BTW, the Doctor is called the Doctor because it illustrates his world view and purpose in life--fixing and healing things/people. ~ BioGaia
  9. That would be a pretty good idea, though it would be a little bit harder to do, I'd think. ~ BioGaia
  10. BioGio

    Hug Entry

    *Glomps everyone.* ~ BioGaia
  11. Thanks! This may be of use to you: Ġ BTW, now that I have my own blog, I may post this there, but it may be a day or so until I do so. ~ BioGaia
  12. Did you get my PM from a while ago?

  13. Welcome to BZPower! If you have any questions, check out the New Member Q & A Forum (and feel free to comment on my profile or--after your post ten times--PM me)!

  14. FTR, I believe Ad-Block works for all browsers (except for IE). ~ BioGaia
  15. BioGio

    Mocing Challenge

    I would try, but I sadly do not have that piece and don't plan on getting it any time soon. (BTW, if you say "EMM-OH-CEE," an MOC makes sense to say.) ~ BioGaia
  16. Well, I don't recognize it. Still, nice sig. :)

  17. What's your banner/avatar from? It seems vaguely familiar to me . . .

  18. Welcome to BZPower! If you have any questions, check out the New Member Q & A Forum (and feel free to comment on my profile or--after your post ten times--PM me)!

  19. BioGio

    Ask Me For Advice

    If it's Friday, should I sit in the front seat or in the back seat? ~ BioGaia
  20. Welcome to BZPower! If you ever need any help, feel free to ask me! :)

  21. Welcome to BZPower! If you have any questions, check out the New Member Q & A Forum (and feel free to comment on my profile or--after your post ten times--PM me)!

  22. Sorry. I changed it. He's a full member now. I always just assumed you did that as a joke. ~ BioGaia
  23. I wonder what that is for other types of automobiles. Probably exactly the same. ~ BioGaia
  24. Well, now it's working. That was really bizarre.

  25. So, members just run around reviewing stuff? If so, it sounds awesome. I'm in. ~ BioGaia
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