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Everything posted by Regitnui

  1. The best sort of villains, the most believable sort of villains, are those who the reader can understand and sympathize with. You have fat more of an emotional journey if you can understand why the Well-Intentioned Extremist does what he does and has followers. A villain of this nature does not need to be redeemable, but the reader should have at least some idea of who they would have been were they not. Like what Greg did with Teridax and Alteridax, but without the copout 'alternate universe' device. Take Darth Vader. He was horrible, but with the prequel movies and hints throughout the original trilogy, we got hints of a character deeper than just 'evil wizard'. We saw that the deep love for his wife and son (can't remember if he remembered his daughter), was his greatest flaw and also how he found redemption. To put that in bionicle terms, it is Krika falling into darkness because he believes in My Country Right or Wrong, following Teridax and his Plan, but if he had learned Miserix was alive, transferring his loyalties back to his original leader. Just like Vader; same trait leading both to downfall and redemption.
  2. You guys are familiar with the D&D alignment system? The Brotherhood, under Teridax was a Lawful Evil organization, obedient to it's leader and internal rules despite how destructive the Plan was to the outside world. Krika would be Lawful Neutral; he obeys, but has enough of a moral code to realize that there was a possibility they were destroying everything and this is a Bad Thing. The other Makuta would range from lawful evil to chaotic evil, with those few who followed Miserix tending towards flavors of Neutral. They may have been good in the past, but made a choice to not be. Hence the most moral alignment being Lawful Neutral.
  3. OK, I'm letting myself in for trouble here, but explain? What is bio? Plant life?
  4. To my knowledge? Nothing. I haven't heard anything. Perhaps reaching out to Farshety or Faber would offer some more insight.
  5. "Mask of Tahu" is pretty much just a slightly-awkward way of saying "Tahu's mask" so I don't see how that's necessarily the wrong terminology. There are some languages where X of Y is the only way they say X belongs to Y. Japanese and 'Nurarihyon no Mago' comes to mind, as translated that would mean 'Grandson of Nurarihyon'.
  6. I prefer the tribes to be gender-dominant. Yes, most Ta-matoran are male, but you will (through programming quirks or simple chance) get one that behaves and identifies more along the lines of 'MU female'. This applies in reverse for the 'female' element. And to avoid future sexism debates, perhaps we should specify 'MU Male' and 'MU female' to mean the gender templates used by the GBs, rather than physical sexes from IRL.
  7. So let's ask them. I'm sure there are some people who have accounts elsewhere. Let's spread the question and see what they think too.
  8. HewkiixMacku JallerxHahli TahuxGali PohatuxFem!Kopaka OnuaxFem!Lewa HelryxxMata NuixKiina
  9. slips this in here (let's pretend onua is there.) Yeah how about no.....Why not? Don't you know sacred cows make the best steaks?
  10. I also vote Kopaka as a 'Defrosting Ice Queen' character archetype, the cold, justice-obsessed paladin learning to lower her unreasonable standards to find friends and love (KopakaxPohatu).
  11. Well that's the big question of why the exploding core didn't do to Spherus Magna what the Death Star did to Alderaan. I'm thinking the core and the soft spots of Spherus Magna were a lot less sturdy than the stuff that the three shards were made of, so the explosion would have been big enough to shatter the soft stuff but not big enough to shatter the three shards and utterly destroy the planet. Fault lines are a good explanation here. Spherus Magna has volcanoes, correct? Whe can then assume that the planet is (or was) tectonically active, and had several plates of rock of which the crust consisted of. Perhaps, in places, the EP had worked it's way into the faults, so those faults were the ones blasted open in the Shattering.
  12. I honestly don't mind either way. They're toys. Gender is largely immaterial, though I did vote to change Lewa and Kopaka, because I like that idea.
  13. I did mention that at least three of these were supposed to be men, right? Because Tahu, Pohatu and Onua are supposed to be men at the very least. Seriously though, nice work. This is (almost) what I was thinking when I was talking about Zero Suit Masters. Yes, the bolding is necessary. Live with it.
  14. Wait, Quaoar, are you doing this because it'll redress the gender balance somewhat, or so you can point to the Su-Matoran page on BS01 and say 'I did that'? If the former, it'd be wise to put up a poll first, so we can at least get an idea of how much support this idea has. It's pointless asking Greg to retrocanonize something only two or three people think is worth it.
  15. This is going to sound rude, but who's that? I can't keep track of everyone on the forum.
  16. And their faces? Their faces are just their masks, the suits would also cover up their neck. Well, that's completely counter to the Zero Suit Masters idea. I mean, compare Zero Suit Samus to Her usual look. Head uncovered, but the rest of her body in a sort of Plug Suit or Tron Outfit. They need faces to be Zero Suit Masters!
  17. slips this in here (let's pretend onua is there.) OK, but aren't at least three of those supposed to be guys? And their faces?
  18. They look like Robotic People! /joke They could be people in mecha exo-suits that allow them to survive in extreme environments, and are airtight enough to allow space travel, or they could be robots who were shot out of a cannon through space like Jules Verne's moon explorers. The point is that ninety percent of people will look at a figure with segmented armour, a mask, and glowing eyes as robotic, no matter the sentience behind the eyes. People in full suits of armour look robotic, robots look robotic.
  19. That's what I'm talking about. That would make Zero Suit Tahu a redhead with ponytail(s) wearing a skintight suit of red. I am now picturing a male version of Asuka, but it's a very good place to start. I think it'd be fair to assume said Zero Suit Tahu is a surfer of some description with a roguish, almost wicked grin on his/her face.
  20. Yes, and I'm not prescribing any race or gender to the Toa. Draw a skinny, male, Japanese Gali or a buff, female Norwegian Tahu. I'm just asking what people think the Zero Suit Masters would look like.
  21. In reference to my previous challenge, I'd like to clarify it thusly: The Zero Suit Masters Challenge If the Masters wore armour like Samus Aran from Metroid, what would their 'Zero Suits' be? In essence, draw or describe the new Toa as if their set forms were them wearing very advanced armour.
  22. Those are supposed to be shoulder pads, not extensions.. You didn't know that? It's not a part of them, it's armor.or its their ENORMOUS SHOULDER MUSCLES that BULGE IMMENSELY from their INCREDIBLY RIPPED TORSOS.Eeeww... Thanks for ruining my perception of Gali... DEATH BY SNU SNU That has some requirements that Gali does not (apparently) have. All it could be was death by pulverized pelvis. And running away from that topic; if we take it that the G2 Masters are organics wearing armour, what would their 'human' selves look like? Anyone willing to take on the challenge of designing a 'human' Master that could still resemble the set when armoured up?
  23. From a layman's viewpoint, the Toa look like robots. As did the Hero Factory figures.
  24. Those are supposed to be shoulder pads, not extensions.. You didn't know that? It's not a part of them, it's armor. or its their ENORMOUS SHOULDER MUSCLES that BULGE IMMENSELY from their INCREDIBLY RIPPED TORSOS. Eeeww... Thanks for ruining my perception of Gali...
  25. Don't hurt me for pointing out tha5 they did combine air and plant life in G2, in 'Jungle'. But back to the topic. Shall we petition for female Su-Matoran?
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