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Blog Comments posted by Aanchir

  1. I'm so sad that I'm not going to be able to enter. I've finally had some ideas for the contest, but I've just been so busy this month and haven't been feeling all that creative. :( I hope the contest is still a success and you get plenty of good entries, though. Ninja Month has been very fun for me and I'd hate for it to be remembered as a bust all because everything got overshadowed by BIONICLE's return and not enough people were willing and able to participate.

  2. I don't think it has to completely avoid vehicles. For one thing, I really liked the vehicle sets of 2008, but for another, even 2002 had the Exo-Toa and the Boxor, which could ostensibly be considered vehicles.


    Beyond that, the Baranus V7 in 2009 showed that you can have a cool-looking vehicle set without it being high-tech and futuristic. Not saying that is exactly the sort of thing I'd want in the new BIONICLE, but I don't think it'd ruin the theme by any means.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I totally agree. Like someone on MOCpages said, just compare the Orient Expedition Scorpion Palace  with any similarly sized NInjago or CHima set, and you'll see how much it has gone downhill.

    OK, I'll bite. Scorpion Palace is a 341-part set that cost $50. Factoring for inflation, its actual cost at any point in the past four years would be between $60 and $65 dollars.


    So I think it's fair to compare it with The Croc Swamp Hideout and Sir Fangar's Ice Fortress, both of which cost $70, or Lavertus's Outland Base, which costs just $60. All three sets have a similar footprint to the Scorpion Palace and as many or more action features, not to mention over 600 pieces each. Lavertus's Outland Base in particular has more than twice as many pieces as the Scorpion Palace, and while some of those pieces go towards the included vehicles, that still tells you a lot about the actual building value of sets from the late 90s and early naughts.


    As for the Ninjago theme, $60 in 2011 would buy you the Spinjitzu Dojo, which is not as tall as the Scorpion Palace but boasts a similar footprint, a similar number of action features, and 373 pieces. $70 in 2011 would buy you Garmadon's Dark Fortress, a considerably larger set than the Scorpion Palace with 518 pieces and far more action features. And $70 in 2013 would buy you the Temple of Light, which wasn't quite so large but included two floors and a formidable mech.


    So yes, there are a lot of location-based sets in both themes that offer a comparable or better value than the Scorpion Palace for around the same price. "Someone on MOCpages" doesn't know what they're talking about.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Ninjago did have big vehicles from the very start, but in its first year it was only the villains that had them.


    Honestly, though, I don't mind. I think the vehicles in themes like Ninjago and Legends of Chima tend to be pretty awesome. The only disadvantage of the emphasis on vehicles is that there tend to be very few location-based sets, but that's not entirely a new trend... after all, themes like Space, Aquazone, and Alpha Team have always had a similar modus operandi.

    • Upvote 1
  5. It'd be good to learn how to draw the new ones (I for one like drawing CCBS characters), but then you probably wouldn't be able to post them here until the sets are officially revealed, so maybe a good idea to wait on that even if you are feeling adventurous.


    How about Pohatu? Pohatu's fun.



    Elves...is old news.

    Huh, so you do know what theme we're talking about. I don't know how you think it's old news. There has been literally no non-leaked information about the theme.


    We were talking about it in a blog entry that was originally about Lego Friends, IIRC. Still, if it's newer than I thought, could be NYCC reveal. :shrugs: Why they would invite us though is puzzling. We're not exactly that theme's target audience.


    Well, a lot of fansites got invited. BZPower got more tickets than a lot of others, but that might have to do with the amount of traffic the site gets from users within the United States, or some other factor. Of course, there's also still a possibility that this will be BIONICLE... but it would certainly seem a bit weird to me. Maybe they have some plan of how they're going to pull it off.
  7. Personally, I don't see a problem with earth and stone or water and ice being treated as separate elements. Even in Avatar: The Last Airbender, where they ARE the same element, bending dust or loose sand requires an entirely different set of techniques than bending stone or hard clay, which in turn requires a different set of techniques than bending metal. The reason, in that case, is that the bending arts in Avatar: The Last Airbender are very closely tied to the physicality of the elements, so naturally there's a big difference between bending an element in a form that behaves like a solid and in a form that behaves like a fluid.


    Even though BIONICLE never came up with a specific reason for the Earth and Stone elements being separate (besides "we had six characters and needed the desert dude and the underground dude to have different powers"), the fact that those elements have such different physical characteristics seems to me like sufficient justification for not treating them as one and the same, even if they're identical on a chemical level.

    • Upvote 1
  8. They will have yet to go through difficult life experiences and may well be immature. BZP will be like the olden days, only with a ton of old members complaining that things are different and "how dare LEGO tamper with our nostalgia?!"

    It was already like this in the olden days. Remember how outraged some people were when it was revealed that Mata Nui was a giant robot? Even though had been planned from the start, for some people it was simply unfaithful to the expectations that the early BIONICLE storyline had fostered.


    Honestly, I think newer members will be a great asset to this community, as they will provide us grumpy old fans with a healthy dose of perspective. I remember back in the day people would belittle younger fans for tainting the BIONICLE sets with their love of shooting functions and sets that favored articulation over moving-parts functions. But it's sometimes harder to hate a group of fans when they're staring you right in the face and the earnestness of their love for the brand is readily apparent.


    Will some of the new fans be immature? Of course — but still, they will have their own opinions to bring to the table, and without admitting those sorts of new opinions into discussion of the new BIONICLE, the community's overall perspective would be incredibly skewed.

    • Upvote 5
  9. If you have fun coming here and discussing BIONICLE, don't worry about whether it's mature or immature. Just do it. Honestly, by now I'm sure you've got bigger things to worry about than what other people would think of the things you happen to enjoy.


    Likewise, if at any point you stop enjoying visiting BZPower and discussing BIONICLE, don't think there's anything holding you here. I took a semi-lengthy hiatus from BZPower in the wake of BIONICLE's cancellation and don't regret it one bit. You don't owe it to your younger self to enjoy something that you're no longer getting as much out of as you used to. At the same time, it doesn't sound like that's a problem... not yet, anyway.

  10. Wow, Eurobricks actually did something that isn't imbued with sexism. Never seen that before.

    Honestly, I know Eurobricks has some serious issues. However, to generalize EVERYTHING they do as sexist and problematic is completely batty. They're a large LEGO fansite, and so it shouldn't be any surprise at all that a lot of what they do is the same as what you'd see on any large LEGO fansite. If you see prejudice in the stuff that sets them apart from the other fansites you have every right to complain, but it's downright stupid to act as though every single aspect of the site is fraught with bigotry.
    • Upvote 5
  11. Just leave your sig as-is for now, and then add pictures related to BIONICLE's return once we have more non-leaked images to work with.


    Alternatively, if you prefer, you can remove the bring back BIONICLE stuff from your sig right now and replace it later. If there is a NYCC reveal, then you only have about a month to wait.

  12. I can think of a number of Phoenix Wright characters who were pretty exaggerated and cartoonish in their own right. Mike Meekins and Jean Armstrong come to mind. And most of the people from the circus case. But you're right, most of the characters do tend to stick to more generic proportions, facial features, and mannerisms than Layton characters. Did you see the unlockable art of Phoenix and Maya in Layton style and Layton and Luke in Ace Attorney style?

    • Upvote 1
  13. Surprises are good.


    Heck, surprises are wonderful for these sorts of games.


    Also, early 1900's, mid 1900's, late 1900's...  At any rate, if it's a modern setting, the Professor is a horrible person for not giving Flora a cellphone.  Then again, there's every single incident where Luke is endangered or dragged into a scenario with guns...  Then again, I'd blame his parents for letting him follow such a shady person to begin with... (I mean... he never takes off his hat!  What is he hiding?)  =P

    How old is Flora? I tend to think of her as 14 years old at the very oldest. I didn't get a cell phone until I was at least 16 years old, and when I did it was a flip phone — which would be consistent with the Phoenix Wright games, since those apparently take place in a strange future where smartphones haven't been invented yet.
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