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Laughing Man

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Blog Comments posted by Laughing Man

  1. if you liked "Midnight City", you'll probably like the rest of Hurry Up, We're Dreaming, because aside from a few instrumental interludes it's mostly in a similar vein. same goes for its predecessor Saturdays = Youth, which is where they really made the dive into the synthpop style they're known for now.


    my personal favorite album of theirs is Before the Dawn Heals Us, which is from a time when they had less of an overt synthpop sound and more of an atmospheric, dreamy electronic sound with some rock elements. their second album Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts is widely regarded as their best by critics, though for me it's a very close second - that album is a little lengthier and more abstract and soundscape-y so it's a bit harder to recommend individual tracks from and probably isn't a very good starting point for someone trying to get into their music, although it is very much worth checking out later.


    as a bit of a primer, here are some of my favorite M83 songs from Before the Dawn Heals Us through the Oblivion OST:


    Before the Dawn Heals Us

    "Don't Save Us from the Flames"

    "Teen Angst"


    Saturdays = Youth

    "Kim & Jessie"

    "We Own the Sky"


    Hurry Up, We're Dreaming

    "Claudia Lewis"

    "OK Pal"


    Oblivion original motion picture soundtrack



    hopefully this helps!


    oh, and as a bit of a bonus, here's a remix M83 did of the track "Fall" off of Daft Punk's Tron: Legacy soundtrack.

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  2. there was no reason to reboot the Ghostbusters franchise at all, especially a reboot starring one of the most horribly unfunny and untalented actors in modern comedy and directed by the guy who has directed most of said actor's previous movies.
    call me cynical, but it just feels like a gimmicky attempt at cashing in on a beloved franchise and indicative of Hollywood's larger problem with the trend of churning out sub-par reboots and remakes of movies that were perfectly fine as-is.


    and "no movie is necessary" is a terrible counter-argument. just because no movie needs to be made doesn't mean every single awful idea for a film should be made. it's that attitude that has lead to the pollution of modern cinema with poorly-made trash, bankrupt production companies, and caused the critical decline of entire genres of film (horror and comedy immediately come to mind).


    I'm also tired of this rhetoric that if you don't like the new Ghostbusters, you must be sexist. not necessarily from you Aanchir, since you acknowledged that most people aren't and then cited a legitimate example of a sexist response, but I'm seeing that attitude pushed a lot by the media recently. a friend of mine brought up an article that's being cited and shared by prominent people in the industry that touts something to the effect of "Why does there have to be an all-female Ghostbusters? Because people are complaining about it." which is just.. what? one of the most inane things I've ever heard.


    also have to share what Chromedome said in the previous thread since he explained my use of the word "unnecessary" honestly better than I could've:


    I think Scythey means more need/want than necessary. Did people want a new Star Wars movie? Yes.


    But were there really people just desperately hoping a new Ghostbusters film would come out? Probably a few, but not really.


    I see what she's saying. Was it really necessary to tack another movie onto a dead franchise?


    and Aanchir, the animated series was pretty beloved by fans, at least the first couple seasons before it was taken over by another company and dumbed-down. there was also a video game released in 2009 set two years after the second movie that reunited the original cast, referred to by Dan Akroyd as "essentially the third movie", which was positively-received and sold very well.

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