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Blog Comments posted by TNTOS

  1. What is the difference, I know there is one but I can't remeber...


    Newbs are people who want to know the rules of a website(Or, anything, really) and want to join in on the fun and try their best not to break the rules and they are usually new to a website. They do not deserve to be bashed.


    Noobs, however, are people who don't care about the rules and will spam, flame, and troll and they usually get banned and they usually don't have any friends because of their rule-breaking attitude. Being a Christian, I don't believe they or anyone else deserves to be bashed because of what they do. If they are flaming, spaming, and trolling then I believe they should be punished or banned, but I'd never ever bash them, no matter how "stupid" they come across to me.


    Anyway, I think I'll join the club ^_^.



  2. I have a dochshund too!


    Well, she's actually a dochshund/baset hound mix, but she looks more dochshund than baset hound anyway.


    Here name is Brandy and her colors are black, white, and brown. They're the best colors ever!


    We got her for free from someone who was giving out dochshund puppies and I think she was the last one they were giving out. Dochshunds are great and cute. 'Nuff said.



  3. Well, the implied argument is that because they don't like the Mistika, they are a mistake. As I say, people are using this one more for pun value than to insult people, but still, the reasoning is the format that "I don't like this, therefore LEGO did something wrong" that sums up taste discrimination, unfortunately. It can't logically be judged as a mistake on LEGO's part based on the taste of one observer.


    Okay, I understand now.



  4. Um..Its already April. So is the book Swamp of Secrets or another one?


    He's talking about the 2009 books, not the 2008 books. This year, there will be three books: Shadows in the Sky, Swamp of Secrets, and The Final Battle.


    Next year we're getting only two chapter books, but they're going to be longer than normal.



  5. Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar likes to be called either TNTOS, Nuhrii, or Toa Nuhrii.

    Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar does not like being called by his full name.

    Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar does not live in LEGO HQ, unfortunetely.

    Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar hears voices in his head and is currently trying to get them out of his head, but hasn't had much sucess.

    Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar laughes at the simplest things.

    Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar has a bucket.

    Toa Nuhrii: Toa of Sugar is 100% awesome and 0% unawesome.


    And that's all the little-known facts about me(I think. There might be more, but I'm not sure since they're so little known).



  6. Funny thing is, even though I have been a fan since 2001, I don't feel nostalgic for it or most of the things that were in it. I actually feel more nostalgic for years like 2006, for example, since I really liked 2006. Maybe I'm just different, I don't know.



  7. For Sets, maybe a BIONICLE Photo contest? I mean, people could post pictures of their sets doing things. For example, let's say that tha theme for a photo contest in making a battle scene between the Toa Nuva and the Brotherhood of Makuta, so just take pictures of your Toa Nuva and BOM sets fighting eachother.


    That's just a example, of course and you could do different themes each time. It's just something that I think would be very fun for everyone.



  8. Well, actually, Greg said that Lariska is working for them because the Order payed the Shadowed One so she could work for them. Neither Larsika nor TSO know that the Order of Mata Nui exists, all they know is that Brutaka and co. are a independent band of theives trying to find a way to defeat the Brotherhood of Makuta or at least they are trying to hurt the BOM in some way.



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