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Blog Comments posted by TNTOS

  1. I don't have a Glatorian yet, but I'd have to go in a different direction than the majority and say Skrall. Sure, he's black and gray, but he has Mata Red and his weapons and mask are totally sweet-- and did I mention that shield? =DD


    Pleasantly enough, Skrall has no gray on him. Just good ol' Mata red and black :D .


    Anyway, out of the ones my brothers and I have, I recommend Gresh or Tarix or Metus. They're three very good sets and very neat. But if I had to narrow it down to just one I'd recommend good old Gresh. Sure, he may be one of the more Inika-like of the group, but his color scheme is so vivid and contrasts so nicely it's almost hard not to say yes to him. Also, his spikes and weapons are pretty cool, too.


    (Though if you were willing to get a $20+ set, I would recommend Tuma. He's large and in charge XD)



  2. I usually do that when I'm introduced to new people, too, or whenever someone I don't know very well comes up and talks to me. I've been getting somewhat better in recent years, I think, but I'm still not the kind of person who can jump into a huge crowd of people I don't know and talk to anyone like I've known them for years.


    Still, great to know they liked your artwork, at least :) .



  3. Whenever I read a epic, comedy, or short story, I tend to try to leave a review, usually, explaining what I thought was good and what I thought was bad and how it could be fixed.


    I don't get a lot of reviewers, unfortunately, so I know how you feel. Still, sometimes it's great to know a lot of people looked at your topic, even if you never even get one comment(My current epic, "Tapestry of Evil," for example, had 477 views last time I saw it. Pretty good, in my opinion).


    But yeah, I do get sort of excited when I get a review. Sometimes I worry it will be someone mindlessly tearing apart by work or at least harshly critizing it(Not that I can't take constructive critizem. It's just the extremely harsh ones that I find unhelpful unless they give ways to help improve). But usually it's a comment that pretty much says what they liked about it.


    Anyway, yeah, I agree with you. Us authors lurv comments :P .



  4. Personally, I've always felt that the Phantoka Makuta beat out the Mistika Makuta by far. Cool, menacing-looking bat-like designs, with dark colors to symbolize their evilness, along with wicked cool wings, masks, and weapons. I also feel that they are more worth the $13 price tag than the Mistika Makuta, although my brothers and I got ours before the price increase.


    Not that the Mistika Makuta are horrible. In some ways, the Phantoka Makuta remind me of the Piraka, with their solid, cool-looking, but not very varied designs, while the Mistika Makuta remind me of the Barraki, with their incredibly varied, cool-looking designs, but sometimes not always the most solid.


    Personally, Antroz is my favorite of the Phantoka Makuta. The Piraka limbs, at least on him, work, because they add some bulk to his arms. I have always liked bulky upper bodies and skinny legs. 'Cause it looks weird if they have huge, bulky legs, yet skinny-little arms. 'Course, having both bulky arms and legs or skinny arms and legs are good, too. That's just me, though. Antroz just looks very leader-like and powerful. He's also cool, but everyone knows that :P .


    Takanuva and Rockoh T3? Hmm. I've already got Takanuva, but I've been meaning to find a good pic of Rockoh. It looks like a great set.



  5. I am giving presents to my family this year and I decided upon the perfect gift after reading a book: A heartfelt letter.


    No. Not a simple "thank-you" letter. But one that tells whoever I am giving the letter to my true feelings about that person. Not only is it inexpensive, but also will be treasured for years afterwards.


    Of course, I understand if you want to give your dad something a bit more expensive and with your own money, but personally, since I never get out of the house much and I don't have much money of my own, a letter is just about the perfect gift I could give.


    But it's your decision and this is my suggestion that you do not have to take at all. A license plate sounds good and he might like a lot. Whatever.



  6. I use this method myself mainly for my comedy and Short Stories. Comedies because my comedy doesn't necessarily have a true, over-reaching plot and it is a lot more fun that way. Short Stories/One-shot comedies because since they're so short, why should I bother outlining them at all?


    But I admit, I have outlined my current epic and the next one, but "Tapestry of Evil" doesn't follow the outline 100%. Several things have happened and really I only use the outline to help me remember what's supposed to happen next. Sort of a reminder, really.


    Originally, I planned on outlining my original fiction story, "Two Worlds," but I decided not to after reading this entry. All I really need to do is remember a few key events and I'll let the story write itself. Besides, every time I tried to outline it nothing ever came out all that great, so I'll see how writing as I go works.


    Thanks for writing this entry. I may possibly link to this in my sig sometime. Maybe later.



  7. Lol, he's saying that he has 2000 posts in one year, while you have 1000 posts in three years :P.

    You hit the nail on the head. :P

    So? You tryin' to rub it in?




    :kaukau: -JG


    What's with that emoticon that makes it used all the time?



    Don't know, but it sure is fun to use it :P .



  8. Let me explain this:


    In the Matoran Universe, beings can live for a very, very, very long time. Like, they can live up to 100,000 years at least(The Toa Nuva are all over 100,000 years old BTW). So its pretty normal to see a being who is over 1,000 years old at least.


    Also, Metru Nui, Karda Nui, and pretty much every other island/continent in the Matoran Universe are in a series of gigantic underground domes. Metru Nui is the northern most island and the island of Mata Nui is right above on top of Metru Nui's dome, peaking out into the Endless Ocean. It is the only landmass on the BIONICLE planet.


    The Southern Continent is located south of Metru Nui in its own dome, basically. Nothing too complex about that.


    For the last part, the Piraka had emerged on the island of Mata Nui, which was in its own ocean that was located right above the domed universe. Seeing as Voya Nui was located in the same ocean, they used the canisters that used to belong to the Toa Mata to get there. Hakann, being the traitorous, scheming Piraka he is, tried to drown Vezok on the way there so he would have fewer obstacles in between him and the Mask of Life.


    That's basically it. If there's anything you don't understand, just ask :) !



  9. Heh heh :lookaround: . I actually have outlined my current epic, the epic after this one, and then I outlined a epic that is unrealated to my current trilogy. But the outlines are flexible enough so I can add certain events as I go along.


    But I don't ever outline Short Stories and Comedies. I like to outline my epics just so I don't get stuck, 'cause that almost happend to my first epic and I don't want it to happen again.


    But there's nothing wrong with writing as you go along. Mostly, I like to use the outlines similar to a timeline and keep track of what happened and what will happen.



  10. Out of the large sets I have from this year(Takanuva, Icarax, Toa Ignika, and Vultraz) I'd have to say that Takanuva is my favorite.


    He's huge, complex, cool weapons, looks cool, pretty poseable, unique usage of Takadox heads, unique usage of Pohatu Phantoka arm pieces, unique usage of Onua's shield, tons of white, pretty cheap compared to the vehicles, and just a overall big set.


    The only real problems with him are the red and blue pins. They look pretty funky on him and almost detract from the color scheme. But I try my best to ignore them.


    So I recomend Takanuva for awesomeness, great pieces, and a pretty cool color scheme, with a lot of other good things about him, too.



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