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Everything posted by emily

  1. Image gallery here! I've got three of these little guys and have decided to let two go. I can't decide which one to keep, so you guys can take your pick. Once two have been claimed, the last one won't be available anymore. From what I understand these were part of a display at LEGOLAND. The torso, head, mask and disk elements are all finalized, but the arms lack some subtle numerical markings and feel like they are made of a different, more pliable plastic, while the legs have some added detail and some cuts into their bases. All three have those stickers on their backs, I don't know entirely what they are for. $70 a pop. First come, first serve!
  2. Its an old fan theory, nothing to do with 'canon.' So no worries!
  3. Nah, there's no way it ever would have been canon. It would've resembled the official story more, probably, but the actual levels we have in the final game probably wouldn't have been changed too much.
  4. Source: [Animation] Jala and Onepu Have a Chat
  5. That was post-production! I did them in Flash in the older ones and it was absolute heck to get things to work right.
  6. What's happening, folks? I've got a bit of a new animation to share today. I've been working with the assets from Templar's BIONICLE stuff to make my own animations for a few years now (time really does fly, my gosh), and for this one I aimed for a distinct change of pace to match working in a new setting. I really wanted to bring out the characters here, focusing on what I'd like to think are subtleties in movement and behavior - the stuff where the real fun is at. This all in contrast to the more action-oriented stuff I have done previously. This is really only a part of what I hope will be a longer animation that completes the story set up here, but I had to get this specific part done for a project and it turned out so nice I really wanted to share it. (and if you want to see the other stuff I've done, go here - heads up that the earlier ones are pretty stinky, though) I love feedback so don't hold back, type up a post!
  7. That was apparently an actual thing British people would yell to heckle football players at matches. "Who ate all the pies? Who ate all the pies? YOU ate all the pies!" Basically saying they'd put on weight since last season or however it works. It was the art director that threw in gags like that, Gordon Klimes.
  8. emily

    A Thought

    insert gif of hahli willpower +1 here
  9. Right, but I'm pretty sure Lyichir meant the version of the drained masks that was shown in the comics specifically, half colored and half silver.
  10. glatorians that weren't actually glatorians: - malum - vorox - stronius - mata nui - gelu That's five out of twelve! In retrospect it was really weird of them to insist on the distinction between species-member and particular employment. Like, you can call someone an 'arena fighter' or whatever just fine. But for some reason we got 'glatorian' specifically for that and whenever talking about the species there was nothing to say like 'agori' or 'toa' or 'human.' Weird stuff.
  11. Avak's Dynamo is unapologetically xtreme and I unapologetically love that
  12. My fav is GRESH, king of the jungle, a warrior with pinpoint accuracy
  13. Auuugh that concept art is messing me up. Especially the first Skull Army pic. Voodoo Brothers? Giant guy with a freaking literal Voodoo head as his giant hammer's head? These are, like, the greatest things I could have hoped to ask for from BIONICLE. I get that there are reasons and I'm okay with that, but I'm still legit so sad that they couldn't survive development. It's nice to know that I was spot on in picking up VooDoo Heads influence in the summer wave designs, though. His name is Skultakal. Come on EDIT: Oh, no, it's actually Kulta Kal. Less of a wonderfully dumb combination of "skull" and "critical" but possibly even more interesting.
  14. There's no problem with you disliking the webisodes. Really! That's a legitimate and totally cool opinion. But saying that the storytelling is "poor," especially without giving any reasons why, feels pretty unfair to me. I personally thought that the approach of the animations was very solid, taking from the tried-and-true narrative of inexperienced newcomers who must be inducted into a fantastic new world to become its savior. The Toa themselves were oozing with character as much as 1:30 shorts would allow. They certainly aren't perfect, and the limited runtime is a definite weakness that cost them, but saying that the storytelling quality is poor seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of the issues they have. It's also rather weird that you're intimating with the topic title that 2015 doesn't have a story. Just because you don't like the webisodes, doesn't mean they don't "count".
  15. Really neat! I do believe that someone did find and try to explore this level before, but something about how they were doing it locked up their character from navigating beyond the first hallway in a rather strange way. Would definitely be fun to see some more. Some of the folks on Rock Raiders United dabbled with this game a bit, you might find what they found useful: Link
  16. I can't in good conscience say I completely enjoyed Web of Shadows, but I respect it for being by far the most ambitious of the four films as far as character-driven plot goes.
  17. emily

    Really people?

    This is a BIONICLE site, so for a lot of people BIONICLE is an important part of their lives. When someone sees something about it differently, it becomes an encroachment on something somewhat important to someone else. So disagreements happen. The anonymity of the internet just allows people to get angrier faster. That's true anywhere, not just BZP.
  18. The original narrative, in fact, was that the Tohunga realized they were all one people of Mata Nui as much as they were six distinct peoples, and united as Matoran. It was a direct contrast to the "Koronan" term that was used alongside Tohunga in reference to an islander from a specific village (Ta-Koronan, Ga-Koronan, etc). Of course, that went out the window when we went all flashback to Metru Nui and everyone was still called Matoran.
  19. I got Tahu, Kopaka, Lewa and Pohatu all together. I wanted to get Gali over Lewa but she wasn't in stock yet at the time. Built Kopaka first since the original was my first BIONICLE set in general.
  20. emily

    matoran pics

    The filenames should link to the images, though it may be a system/browser difference causing the issue.
  21. If you remove a Tohunga's legs and use the pins sticking out on the inner part of the Ussal (intended for securing rubber bands on the official model) to attach them sideways, then you can secure the rest of the Tohunga as you wish and have them in a convincing sitting position on the crab. The biggest problem is that Ussal are upscaled in MNOG - in real life, the Tohunga is almost as big as the crab and looks more than a little goofy sitting on it. I'd take some pictures to illustrate but I don't have access to an Ussal at the moment.
  22. 1. All the CD pack-ins were limited runs, so they only came with the first few waves of a particular set before they were retired and the set was sold without them. The Toa Metru had the CDs packed in in Europe, and in the US the included Kanoka Club code unlocked a download for the software on the BIONICLE site. 2. They were misprinted, but I don't remember specifically which ones were switched for which. I do know for certain that Turahk's CD had Panrahk's staff on it, but that's it. 3. Yes, they all had the same CD. Hope this helps!
  23. I like BIONICLE because the interactive CD that came packaged with Kopaka sold me with its sense of immersion, and when I choose to follow something I just instinctively stick with it to the end. It helps that MNOG is just a fantastic media artifact.
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