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Lime Paradox

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Everything posted by Lime Paradox

  1. Not having a PS3 is no excuse to not care about Uncharted 3. You should still feel slightly happier just knowing that it exists.
  2. Lime Paradox

    Fire Fox Problems

    I love Chrome, and I've honestly never had any problems with IE. I've tried using Firefox on several occasions; I'm not really a fan of it.
  3. Eh, I don't really like the books either, but the movies are okay. I'll probably see it eventually, if only because the rest of my family really wants to.
  4. Lime Paradox

    Fire Fox Problems

    Simple solution - don't use Firefox.
  5. It's not that I don't like it so much as that I don't see I the point. If this is just for fun, that's totally fine; I just hope you know that nothing will actually result from this.
  6. Wow, this is such a new and revolutionary idea which is obviously going to work. After all, everyone knows Lego often tends to randomly drop their plans in favor of listening to the requests of a very small percentage of their fanbase who aren't even in their target audience.
  7. Lime Paradox

    Bring Back Bionicle Club

    Image only comments are not allowed.
  8. It's a decent game for the most part, but there are a few problems... -No matter what you type in for the name, it changes it to "Hello" -Both choices for the rock moster lead to the exact same situation with only a slight difference in dialogue -With both of those choices, if you choose the skip animation option, it says that you died instead of going to the next set of choices -The XRM walking sprites really just don't work when animated, but it's probably safe to assume you won't change kits, so I guess that can't really be fixed Also, I really love that effect you used for Evo.
  9. Your sig is awesome, except not the part with the ugly 2011 HF set. :P

  10. You'll find out eventually. :P

  11. Eh, the movie was okay, but I fail to see what was so amazing about it that leads you to continually worship it over half a year after its release... As for the MOC, it's great, although it's far from the best MOC I've seen.
  12. Lime Paradox


    Apparently, there hasn't been snow where I live in over 20 years...
  13. I once saw Irnakk being sold for $300...
  14. I've never needed braces. I have perfect, slightly yellowish teeth. I am a horrible person.
  15. ...I see no Ratchet and/or Clank. :angry: Also Spyro was a pretty cool guy before he wasn't.
  16. Every time I get a Pokemon game, I play it obsessively for about a month, and then I abruptly get extremely bored and forget about it. Then about a year later, I find it and think to myself "ooh what's this PERHAPS I SHOULD PLAY IT FOR HOURS ON END AND ALLOW IT TO CONSUME MY LIFE I AM TOTALLY GOING TO BUY THE NEXT ONE". And then the next one comes out and I say "no Pokemon we're not doing this again", but a few months later I get really bored and buy it anyway. ...I guess Pokemon addiction just affects me differently than most people.
  17. no kahee dun do taht becos tehn gruky wil get all SRS BSNS adn deleat r comintz!!1!1

  18. You can't win this, Brickeens. Seeing as I'm a fish.
  19. It's Gerlicky's toon kit. It's not going to be publicly released, as far as I'm aware; I just ripped my sprite from the TMUTLG poster.

  20. Technically it's just enforcing an existing BZP rule; I fail to see why an exception should be made for XRM just because it has a following. Reason for edit: we are not a cult. -S

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