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Lime Paradox

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Everything posted by Lime Paradox

  1. That statistic is a joke, as opposed to this blatant insult to the vast majority of the Bionicle fandom. And do you think the VAST MAJORITY OF THE BIONICLE FANDOM is crying in a corner right now because Takuma Nuva the big fat meany head unintentionally insulted their "HERO FACTORY IS EVIL FOR KILLING MY BONKLES" mindset? No, the VAST MAJORITY OF THE BIONICLE FANDOM has moved on to Hero Factory because they're a bunch of eight-year-olds who don't care if the Bionicle logo is on the canisters as long as they get their construction toys.
  2. ...Educational spam? You, sir, are my hero.

  3. Lime Paradox

    Bring Back Bionicle Club

    But who doesn't love innacurate generalizations? =D
  4. I like how those two types of entries you mentioned usually come from the same people.
  5. I'm using Chrome right now and it's amazing. It's an older version, too. I've never had a problem with IE, either. Outside of this computer, at least, but it seems to have problems with pretty much everything, so...
  6. So, just out of curiosity... What would be your least favorite way to die?
  7. Your logic amazes me. You should be the new bonesiii.
  8. If you feel your loyalty has been tested, just stop taking BZP so seriously and have some fun here, like I've been doing. Although admittedly DV did win back some of my respect for the staff right here.
  9. Lime Paradox


    hey edit my post please seriously im feeling pretty left out here
  10. Lime Paradox

    Bring Back Bionicle Post 2

    Funny thing is, business doesn't work that way. In fact what LEGO did was: "The Bionicle set line isn't working anymore. We're not getting enough sales so it's costing us too much to keep up. We'll have to discontinue the sets for now. It's just common sense." «Takuma Nuva» Nice job raining on our parade, hater. :angry:
  11. oh hey

    you should start existing here again >=(

    1. ~McFlurry~


      If you insist.

  12. Lime Paradox

    Bring Back Bionicle Post 2

    So I got in a car crash yesterday. I saw the car fly off the road, and then everything went black. In my dream, I was the star. It was me. And then the big man came for a little one-on-one. But it turned out to be crazy what kind of dunks he had. Air like that is unreal. It doesn't even happen. After a brief incident involving a ruler, I woke up. I was in a hospital bed. The doctors told me that they had to perform an emergency heart transplant, but that I was going to be fine now. They said I could go home if I wanted to, so I did. Once I got home, I began thinking about my dream. Eventually, I reached the only logical conclusion. I had been Bionicle, and the big man was Hero Factory. Now I knew what it felt like to be stabbed in the back by the company that created me, and it was horrible. Bionicle didn't deserve this, but what's done is done. All we can do now is try our hardest to convince Lego to bring it back. If that's what you're going to do, I want to help. If we can get enough people to tell Lego they want Bionicle back, they'll have to bring it back. It's just common sense. To put it simply, I'm sorry if I've ever tried to force my ridiculous views on your infallible logic. All I want now is for you to forgive me and let me join your club. Is that too much to ask?
  13. hey that banners ofensive too the visualy impared!!!! :angry:
  14. ...You do know there are people out there that you can request a Firax sprite from in another kit, right? Like maybe someone who used to accept sprite requests but stopped doing so because it required too much effort? Someone who posts in purple and is evidently very fond of Furno 2.0 but obviously not in a sarcastic way at all?
  15. Hero factery is not Bionocle. It can never even hope to have bionicle's amazing and interestign and not repetative story that totaly didnt exist just to sell the sets. Lego used to care about there fans, now its like there just trying to make money or somthing! What kind of compeny woud want to do that!!!! :angry: LEGO MUST LISEN TO US, REMEMBER IF ENOUGH PEOPLE WANT IT OBVIOSLY THEY WILL BRING BACK BIONICLE!!!!!!!
  16. Lime Paradox


    Interesting, what part of the sahara desert do you live in? darn these filters >_<
  17. Stop using XRM and I'll give your topic plenty of love.
  18. Lime Paradox


    I've never had snow in my life.
  19. Yeah, I kinda agree here. Besides, at least she doesn't have massive shoulders or a mustache, so they still did better than Bionicle in that aspect. It's still an awful set, though.

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