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Everything posted by Saint-14

  1. Sounds cool! I don't think I'll be participating, since there are already so many awesome games that I feel like I would just accidentally rip one of them off, but I'm looking forward to seeing some entries! Edit: nevermind, I think I might enter this contest, or at least try and think of an interesting entry tonight and tomorrow! And I like Lucina's idea about them being open for two weeks; it all depends on the amount of entries received, though, so perhaps have a limit for the entries? For example, if less than ten entries are received, play is open for a week. However, more than ten means a week and half, and twenty plus is two weeks or something. These numbers are all random, just used to illustrate the concept
  2. Nice topic! For function, I'd have to say the Kanohi Iden. Sure, the user's body is left vulnerable, but with the right planning and team one could scout an entire island before going ahead with any plans, or if there are multiple pathways they could send their spirit ahead to see which path is the right one As for appearance, if have to go with the Great Komau. The visor is just super cool, and if it had come in more colours I definitely would have used it in a lot more MOCs
  3. I'd say they were very deliberate in their choice to not use adjectives like "soft", "squishy", "wiggly", or "complete opposite of" to describe the reboot. Given that the default state of a reboot is completely and thoroughly disconnected, I don't see how a lack of saying that specifically could be seen as evidence towards a type of "reboot" that has only previously been described with one of those modifiers affixed to its beginning. What I mean is that there was no deliberation after the fact; from the debates here it is clearly illustrated that reboot means different things to different people in different scenarios. Therefore, it should have been stated whether or not it was connected at all, or whether the only connection is in the name Regardless, until proven otherwise, I'd say that the overall ambiguity of the term reboot is up in the air, relatively, but any connecting factors or non-connecting factors are all based in the individual minds of whoever wants to believe in
  4. You're 100% entitled to your opinion in this matter, but ... what exactly would convince you that G2 truly is G2 and not some far-flung extension of G1? I mean, if a LEGO employee saying "it's a reboot" isn't convincing enough, then what would be?To be quite honest, I'm too stubborn to convince beyond reasoning, so I Don't think anything really could I mean, if they had elaborated on the 'reboot' and said more than just 'it's a reboot', I'd take their word for it. But, like what many people on both sides of the debate have been saying, you need evidence to prove it. Not that being a Lego employee is not evidence enough, but they should have been more deliberate in their word choices
  5. Ok thanks for the timing! Edit: watched the part. Kinda wish they had said a bit more instead of just "it's a reboot", but beggars can't be choosers. That being said, I'll definitely stick to my belief that maybe one day they'll connect it Vague and exact at the same time
  6. You do realize it's three seconds, tops, of this guy saying "it's a reboot"? I have no idea what you're hoping to scrutinize. He doesn't go back and say "okay reboot's not quite right" or "ok not a 'reboot' reboot", just "it's a reboot". What I meant was that I didn't have time to find the exact part where they mention it. Plus maybe if you said things in a more polite tone, too, the conversation might be easier. It kind of comes off as sarcastic and arrogant :/ The link links to the exact moment in seconds. I'm not going to send someone into a thirty minute long video without pointing them exactly where they need to be. That's just asking for them to come up fruitless and claim it doesn't exist. I apologize for my frustration at an argument that's been happening practically endlessly for half a year now. I just find it frustrating that many of the arguments haven't even changed in that time. The link is unfortunately not working for me then, it just lead me to the beginning of the video And no worries about the frustration, but do note that many people on the forums can never be aware of personal situations or emotions, so when frustration comes out on a post it seems like it is pointed at the user, not at the topic in general
  7. You do realize it's three seconds, tops, of this guy saying "it's a reboot"? I have no idea what you're hoping to scrutinize. He doesn't go back and say "okay reboot's not quite right" or "ok not a 'reboot' reboot", just "it's a reboot". What I meant was that I didn't have time to find the exact part where they mention it. Plus maybe if you said things in a more polite tone, too, the conversation might be easier. It kind of comes off as sarcastic and arrogant :/
  8. Does anybody have a type of paint that they recommend?
  9. The only time I have ever seen a non-hard reboot, it was specifically called a soft reboot at the time. Believe it or not, the whole "soft reboot" thing doesn't actually happen all that often. I may even be remembering that the term was coined specifically to describe the 2009 story. Therefore, when someone says "reboot" without putting a Mohs scale number next to it, it's pretty safe to say they probably mean the actual reboot kind of reboot. Even then, where is the reboot info coming from? That is what my original question post was asking, since I've only seen it on the forums being used, never officially stated by Lego themselves . Okay, thanks! I don't have time to watch it now but ill definitely scrutinize it later Off the top of my head:It gives the story extra depth for those who like stories with depth. It means certain details Toa origin stories already exist for those who wish to know, so G2 would not have to gain complexity by inventing new ones. To some people it just "feels nicer" if the G2 Toa are the characters they grew to love in 2001 and memorised every action of etc. - it may bring back the nostalgia or whatever. The last reason I'll suggest is that, as you suggest, it doesn't really matter if it is a continuation of this type. But it will make an extra few people happy, while not affecting anyone else, so why not? Edit: @Dina I may have deliberately included a false equivalence because I saw you campaigning against them earlier (sorry...) My point exactly! No harm in headcanons about a possible connection. In the same vein, the people without the connection headcanons seem to be going out of their way to put down those with the headcanon, so why don't we all just keep to ourselves? We obviously won't change anything, if the multiple topics and debates about the issue are to say anything, so why not just let people think what they want to think?
  10. The only time I have ever seen a non-hard reboot, it was specifically called a soft reboot at the time. Believe it or not, the whole "soft reboot" thing doesn't actually happen all that often. I may even be remembering that the term was coined specifically to describe the 2009 story. Therefore, when someone says "reboot" without putting a Mohs scale number next to it, it's pretty safe to say they probably mean the actual reboot kind of reboot. Even then, where is the reboot info coming from? That is what my original question post was asking, since I've only seen it on the forums being used, never officially stated by Lego themselves
  11. In all honesty, though, what's the harm in letting people imagine a timeline where it IS a far future continuation? The debate about headcanons and canons came up in another (locked) thread, albeit about a different topic, but what's the big deal? It isn't harming anybody if they want to believe that there may be a connection, and if you don't want to believe that there is a connection then that's alright, too. About the 'reboot' wording, too; has this ever been confirmed as hard or soft reboot? I've only seen the term reboot being tossed around on the forums, but I haven't seen any actual confirmation as to the the actual meaning, or to what Lego has actually said on the matter Does anybody have some links? It would be nice to see some hard evidence rather than just all of us flapping our gums without any essence behind our words
  12. Hello all! The title says it all: I have some questions about painting pieces! I want to paint a bunch of regular masks into Ko-Toa/Ko-Matoran masks for MOCs and such (i.e. Great Komau and Huna being painted white). So, for those of you who have experience painting, what do you recommend? I'd like to try and recreate the same feeling, with it being matte rather than gloss, or the in-between look that Lego achieves on their masks. Thanks in advance for your help!
  13. Plus they were summoned in the literal Temple of Time, heavily insinuating that these characters traveled through time to reach their destination
  14. I imagine that the Gen2 masks just amplify their connection to their element and powers. I'd like for them to provide actual mask powers, but we've already seen Kopaka create a shield like what the Hau would create, so if anything the only thing confirmed is that the old mask powers, if any, aren't the same as the days of old
  15. Well, if you think about it, Miserix was the one of the last surviving Makuta, and he was generally on the side of the OOMN, so perhaps he did enough good to garner the legends of their good deeds being spread. Plus, if I can recall, Krika spared Gali during the final conflict, so perhaps Gali thought that there was enough inherent good in the Brotherhood that she would insist good information being spread Obviously the catalyst for the evil was Teridax, and with him eliminated the last few Makuta could start helping out more. I don't know, just my thoughts on a possible connection
  16. For the Makuta idea, it might be possible that the legends of the Brotherhood of Makuta were only good ones spread, since they initially were a fairly good organization; they created Rahi and populated the universe with them, so perhaps Gen2 Makuta wanted to spread his mask creations like the Makuta of days old did with their Rahi
  17. The fact that this theory takes place so long after the G1 sets incorporates the Vahi as well. The Temple of Time would be a great place to connect the two generations, as it could have been built by the Spherus Magna societies and then abandoned if their society went into disarray. We had no guarantee at the end Bionice that the new planet was safe, and we definitely had a lot of unresolved conflict Plus even with human beings spread so far apart across our planet between time and space, there are many mysteries in our past that we haven't solved yet And the 'reboot' concept could be just hiding a big reveal later on that the two generations are in fact tied together. Yes, they have said that it is a reboot, but there is no guarantee that they will stick to their guns. It wouldn't have to be a convoluted concept, and with the Vahi/Temple of Time we could see other characters being summoned to Okoto. In fact, that could even be the reason why the Protectors weren't named after the old Turaga; they possibly want to keep the Turaga separate characters to bring back into the story. Not necessarily as sets, but just as characters
  18. I hope so...there's not much to write about from this winter wave. It would be interesting to read about the tales of the other Toa getting their masks. So far we've only seen Tahu get his, and even then it was a fast montage to get it Even just lore about Okoto would be fantastic
  19. Feels hyped enough to me, o: I mean, yeah, we haven't gotten ACTION (all caps) yet, mostly buildings and spas and whatnot, but- Idk, i feel they could introduce some sort of peril now that the problem of "human child can't get home" seems to be solving itself? (plus, i believe they mentioned something about the portal needing to be guarded, which implies elfland could be easily harmed or something. :u) See, I can understand that the hype is there, but from the initial information we gained about it, it seemed like it would be based around more of the medieval theme, like it would be the next replacement for that series. I don't know, it's probably just me that thinks this It just doesn't seem very intense, or dark. Not that Lego does dark themes, but it should be called Faeries over Elves IMO ((not that there is anything wrong with Faeries, hehe, it just seems more Tinkerbell than Legolas))
  20. Does anybody else feel like this theme is being overhyped? Like, the set designs look okay, but with the mini-doll figures instead of the minifigures it just doesn't feel like the action theme it was touted to be
  21. I love the instrumental here, it sounds really great. If somebody could pair this with the vocals from the Tine Midtgaard version it would be absolutely perfect!
  22. Sealed Gali Nuva: http://m.ebay.com/itm/181676442776?nav=SEARCH Sealed Kopaka Nuva: http://m.ebay.com/itm/181676417660?nav=SEARCH
  23. It might help to contact the original builder, too, as they might have information from piece orders that they made, or just the pieces in general. Best of luck on this project, I hope it goes well!
  24. Thanks for the feedback! Short, but sweet I'm glad you like the look! Hope it is good enough to garner your vote, hehe
  25. An Ultimate Accessory Set would be great! Something that could allow us to build Rahi akin to Nescent's current MoCs whilst being affordable (though that could be difficult considering the large price tags we are currently seeing).While something like a CCBS parts tub would be awesome, chances are there will never be anything of the sort. The tubs like the Ultimate Accessory Set seemed to exist largely to clear out parts and sets which had been overproduced relative to demand (explaining how they could justify offering such a huge quantity of parts for such a low price). Since those days Lego has worked hard to improve the efficiency of their business, and as a result that kind of rampant overproduction just doesn't happen anymore.If we got a parts tub now it would be filled with Gali and Onua parts, due to their abundance on Target shelves In all seriousness, though, it would be nice to see another one of those Master Builder sets from 2001. The Rahi added a bunch of play value to stories that children could make, and the parts produced don't necessarily have to be excess; they could build that Kit exclusively for the pieces, and getting some creatures for Okoto would liven up the island
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