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Everything posted by Saint-14

  1. Alright, thanks for the answers! This can be closed now
  2. That's a pretty good answer, thanks Lucina! One last question, though: if it gets implemented is it made known? If it isn't, is that made known?
  3. So Matoro really did give the ultimate sacrifice then, since his body was disentegrated. As for the Barraki/other beings in the pot, would their mutations be reversed in the Red Star? Edit: Pit, not pot, I'm not very fond of eating sea creatures (especially not warlords )
  4. I imagine that the Mask of Skull Spiders, or the Lost City itself (or whatever it's called) has powers much like the Ignika did. It assigns itself guardians, the first being LOSS in this case, with the next few being the Skull gang. Also as a species you generally listen to the biggest of your kind, or the one that has the most valuable posession, so since LOSS falls under both categories then it isn't hard to assume that the Skull Spiders themselves are just doing what is natural
  5. Makuta's actor only signed on for one episode in his contract, so the next time we see him he'll probably be played by Adam Sandler or something... In all seriousness, though, I think that either the Protectors couldn't find his body, or that they didn't give him a proper burial (why would you give somebody a nice burial after they tried to take over your land?) and just left him to waste somewhere
  6. I love the chest construction, it is very innovative (and the claws help sell the original feel of the Icarax model). It's a shame that we can't enter more than once, but at least you can still keep on building to practice for the next contest!
  7. Wish I had the money (and the time) to go to New York... Glad you all had fun, though, I hope to one day meet up with some other BZPers
  8. Hello! After reading through the Q&A guides I have a question about tracker issues and suggestions. If it gains the 5 votes and is accepted, what happens next? I'm assuming it can't be implemented right away, but what is the process after the iniital yes/no part?
  9. Personally I'd like to see some of the AU stories in graphic novel form, or even just conclusions to the main serials (the non-AU ones), since they ended so abruptly.
  10. I can see Light and Shadow coming back, as those are important elements in almost every story. I'd like Fe-Matoran (well, Iron Protectors) to be canonized in set form, though, mainly because the Nynrah Ghosts were a cool concept, but the closest thing to a set with them were the blasters in the Mistika wave Plus, since the colours are metallic grey and burnt orange there wouldn't be a need to make new colour injections (although it might be hard to distinguish them from the Stone tribe) As for elements I don't see returning, the most obvious one would be air, since Lewa already seems to have some control over it, and Jungle will most likely be the only green we get
  11. I'd have to say Kongu. He was hit with just the right amount of cosmic irony during his time as an Inika that always left him with comedic quips (as the comic relief role was usually placed on Le-Matoran), but he could also show mature sides in the story Plus Lewa was OP, and Matau was barely a Toa hehe
  12. The Metru blue Matatu was also a prototype piece, though, right? If so, does it need to be counted for set completeness? And protoype piece in this sense means from the Bink bag
  13. Wow, this is only your second post here and I'm absolutely floored! These two look phenomenal! You captured Nidhiki's look really well (even better than the actual set, if you're going by what his movie appearance was haha), I love the torso build. Krekka's re-built head, and the use of Stormer's helmet, are also super well done, too! It's going to be a really tough contest! P.S. side note here:your Nidhiki pose 1 link is broken at the moment, but that can easily be fixed in the post editor
  14. I voted other. The reason why is because, while I like their current length, I'd also like them all to be edited into one regular episode at the end of the year, which would be longer than any of the poll options
  15. Very nice! The figures can easily be recognized as who the characters, and seamlessly integrate the CCBS system. I like the use of Stars Gresh's parts, as well, since there aren't that many dark green CCBS parts yet
  16. Perhaps it might be best to open this up as a suggestion ticket in the Tracker?
  17. For display purposes I'm just going to have them in the form that they use on their box, but for story purposes I like their non-adrenaline form (Tahu using his lava board as a shield for most of the first few episodes is pretty nice)
  18. Hm... I really enjoyed Nathan Furst's compositions as a kid (and still do now), but I don't think it has the same feel for the animation style being used now If we had a full-fledged CGI film again, maybe he would be good to have back, but as of right now I'm fine with whoever is doing the music
  19. The Bionicle fandom during the downtime reminded me of the Hoenn fandom in Pokemon; even the tiniest hint, or something that could be warped into a hint, would be used Too bad there weren't any BIONICLE CONFIRMED memes during Hero Factory's run haha
  20. I appreciate the fact that, being Rahi-esque, LOSS used technic elements for the main part of the build, as the old Rahi and the Master Builder Set were very much technic builds.
  21. I enjoyed the fact that Bionicle matured as the fanbase did. Yes, there would always be children buying it, but the large fanbase that was established in the early years were kept in the loop as the story made sure to keep both the young and old fans entertained So I would want the new generation to do the same, although having more epic story lines would be great
  22. How much for both of the Matoro sets (sealed and loose McToran)?
  23. Tool storage would be nice in sets as long as it didn't detract from the overall design. Either storage or dual functioning weapons would be great
  24. Worst is Skull Scorpio for me, that villain just does not make any sense Best is Skull Warrior. I love the trans-light blue and trans-orange combo (reminds me of the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device haha), and the bow is pretty cool, too
  25. Story wise, Fire would be at the top, due to him being the only Protector having an actual role so far Set wise, I'd have to go in the order Ice (I love ice characters to no end so heavy bias here haha), Stone, Jungle, Earth, Water, Fire
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