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Blog Comments posted by Sorek

  1. This "Swine Flu" thing is so dumb.


    Doesn't anyone remember that just a few years ago we were all terrified of "Avian Flu"?


    "Swine Flu" is actually still just the flu- it isn't transmitted through eating pork or such. It's named "Swine Flu" 'cause in 1939, the first case was discovered on- gasp- a pig.


    Not a danger. Nice try, media.



  2. For those who haven't guessed it... the joke was me telling you there was a joke.


    Ha. Ha. Heh.


    That's a paradox...


    Because if the joke was saying that there was a joke, then there is no joke. But how can there be a joke, and not be a joke at the same time?


    It's the same way the kid in The Matrix is all like, "There is no spoon."





  3. I've seen the first episode the new FMA Anime. And I gotta say, I was actually really disappointed. I love the first anime, even though it's different than the manga. I think it's much deeper and stuff.

    Well um, this is the first episode. It's hard to really judge it yet when we've seen just one out of what...30+ episodes?[/color]


    This is true. But I'm a pessimist. :P


    Although, when the guy used his blood as a weapon- that was pretty dang cool.



  4. I know, right? I was like, "Tony, whatchu doin'? You be good guy!" :(


    I've seen the first episode the new FMA Anime. And I gotta say, I was actually really disappointed. I love the first anime, even though it's different than the manga. I think it's much deeper and stuff.



  5. GregF won the debate hands down with his eyes closed. It wasn't even close. Seriously if a guy can write a storyline well enough to get some random teenagers engaged in heated discussion, then that must be an amazingly well written story.


    I don't think I should vote though but if I did I would say Sorek won. He had me tongue tied at times and I missed several easy attacks.


    I agree with Exo, GregF won. :D


    Actually, if I could vote, I would vote for Exo. A large part of my argument fell apart pretty near to the beginning.



  6. Once again I’d like to thank JG for hosting this and Sorek for being such a worthy opponent. In simple terms this whole argument comes down to one thing that I’ve noticed throughout BZP. Each year is brilliant in its own right and though I believe that 2008 is still the better year there is nothing I can do to change the opinions of those who think otherwise.


    2001 advocates will continue to argue for gears and mask packs, while 08ers will fight for articulation and MOCing. It still gets us nowhere. The problem with other arguments is that each side argues with a closed mind. The radicals on either side will not see the merits that each year possesses. If there is anything that this debate has accomplished, let it be that people will argue for their favorites with a more open mind to the opinions of others.


    I believe that it is a hard fact that 2008 is better than the others. Sorek believes differently. In my eyes 2008 is the exact right combination of everything great about Bionicle.


    Thank you.


    Nicely said. :)




  7. Sorry for the wait.


    '01 was better than '08 because the journey is the worthier part of the trip. We are introduced to heroes, villains, concepts, and plots for the first time, which makes us curious.


    It's like how Spiderman #1 sells for something like a thousand dollars, but Spiderman #845 sells for a lot less. People are always more interested in the origins of characters than their endings.


    That's why '01 was better, in my opinion. Thank you for watching.

  8. It should be clear to most that, honestly, '08 has an advantage when it comes to playability.


    However, the sets of '08 also caved to marketing and cheap plots to try and get fans. They gave blasters that shot projectiles, which honestly never went with the Bionicle theme in my opinion, even if they were fun. Amounts of parts and detail was dropped for bigger pieces, weaker plastic (the lime green joints), and other things.


    I remember playing imaginary wars and storylines with my best friend for HOURS with the so-called 'hindered' sets of '01. Call me retro, but I LOVED the gear function, even if it meant the Toa couldn't necessarily lift their arm. I loved the feature that allowed masks to be knocked off, imagining bad guys stealing them and running away.


    True, the parts may have not had all the articulation possessed by '08 sets, but they were compact, easy to bring with you for fun on the go. True, the lack of piece variety made MOCing more difficult, but also at the same time, more rewarding. The Toa Krakua MOC that won awards was made solely from '01 pieces, with full articulation, despite not having the joints that '08 sets have. You had to be more creative with your MOCing back then, which is very true to the idea of LEGO Bricks.


    It's like retro-'geeks' enjoying the old Mario games as opposed to the 3-D Wii versions. Like car fans enjoying an old Thunderbird Convertible to a Hummer or Lamborghini. There's just something...special to the roots, the beginnings of things.


    And I miss the functions. :P


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