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Akuna Toa of Sonics

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Everything posted by Akuna Toa of Sonics

  1. So many to choose from!I'll settle for either teleportation, lightning, or sonics, simply because my name is Akuna Toa of Sonics.
  2. It's a relief to see that MG spared Chilly.
  3. -I feel that it has been decreasing since the downtime.-The decrease had to happen sometime. I just didn't think it would happen so quickly.-I try to, but sometimes I'm just too busy/lazy .
  4. I have had my current avatar for a while now because Regular Show is awesome.Before that it was Master Chief, and even before that, for the longest time(about a year) was Stardust Dragon.
  5. Today's comic.I couldn't make it until about an hour ago today because my brother decided to have a Minecraft marathon on this one. And the idea for the strip was originally something different, but I thought the final version was better.
  6. I like how you combined Bionicle style building with HF parts, especially on the legs. Which are, by the way, the best part.The whole second set of arms thing doesn't really look good, though. The top set seems too skinny compared to the bottom set.Overall, good MOC. Nice build and flowing colors.
  7. Ultimate Dume looked nothing like Makuta's shadow titan form from LOMN and MOL.And the Inika didn't look that similar to their matoran counterparts either. If I hadn't known their names, I would have thought they were completely new characters.
  8. Nerd doesn't really mean what it used to nowadays, though.And I just needed a word for the speech bubble.
  9. Maybe I should give him some of my Reese's cups.On another note, new comic.
  10. Wow, Death is taking everything Gavla says and uses it against him..
  11. Teridax is one of my favorite characters overall. He formulated a 1000 year long plan and intentionally failed to succeed in conquering the Matoran Universe.The crazy skakdi, Vezon, is also cool because he just seems like an interesting character: An insane person who goes to a different dimension with every step.
  12. Brutaka is really mad here. Maybe it's because Vezon has his Olmak?Anyway, this is amazing. I think what appeals to me most is the black and white coloring.
  13. I like the style you chose for Tahu. For some reason it reminds me of Heatblast from Ben 10.But Tahu seems too flat here, which shows especially in the abdomen. That mask, however, is awesome.
  14. I remember them, but I never got a pair.
  15. 1. Either Mata Nui or Metru Nui.2. ^^^3. Karzahni's Realm for sure.
  16. For sheer power, the Olmak and the legendary masks are at the top.For more practical uses, I think better suited masks would be the original Toa Mata kanohi and the Matatu.
  17. Really nice use of more simple parts to make it look more complex.That hoverboard is awesome, but what really caught my attention was the head. It is just so well-done that I don't think you can improve on it much, if at all.However, the thighs could be fixed a little. Those rounded pieces on the top look like they leave space between them and the Metru armor.
  18. Death's whole speech went really deep..
  19. I honestly don't think Lego has any plans to bring Bionicle back any time soon, especially since Hero Factory has been such a success.However, if it does come back, I would think Bionicle would combine old building styles with the 2.0 system of Hero Factory.
  20. So cute and tiny and awesome at the same time.The blue and white really complement each other here, and I really like the bohrok shieldplates in the back.
  21. Much better than the actual sets. My favorite revamp is Toxic Reapa, mainly because of that awesome torso.Rocka could be a little better, though. I don't think those Carapar armor pieces look good on him.
  22. OP that's outright amazing. And it's really cool that you were able to get it in just the right shape.
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