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Everything posted by Waffles

  1. "Little that is lower than ignorance" *confused*
  2. You can give them to me if you want. I accept Mastercard, Visa, Chase Sapphire, and shell currency.
  3. I am still quite perplexed as to why concepts perceived as unmasculine are labeled "gay". But here, have my text blog approval. Or does nobody do those anymore?
  4. May your day of celebration of birth be pleasant!
  5. *cue angry Molinists hunting down Humva*
  6. This entire topic is a reflection of older generation's hysteria about their children. Violence, swearing, bad role models? Gosh guys, you're repeating what the previous generation criticized you guys about, and using those same arguments about the new generation.THE SATANIC CULTS THAT RUN RAMPANT IN OUR SCHOOLS AND POISON THE MINDS OF OUR CHILDRENPlease, read the short story "Absalom" by Henry Kuttner. It applies quite a bit to this topic.
  7. You know, you can use money to buy LEGO.Sure, the surprise feeling isn't there, but you get more choices, especially as you get pickier about what sets you want.
  8. Waffles

    Why (Again)?

    You chatted me FOR THIS? So many questions.
  9. Has a Windows Phone feel to it.
  10. I disagree on several points. There have always been games, and competitions, and rivalries that lead to cocky behavior. And you didn't exactly state why violent media causes this.There are twerps everywhere, in all ages. If for one, was always kinda cocky to the sixth graders when I was in second.I personally don't see their self-confidence as too much of a problem, it's kinda good that they can stand up to somebody older, and not be eternally intimidated.And really, I don't see why you don't laugh at them instead of being annoyed.
  11. TGGitS is right. People, in most cases, are intrinsically nice, and will retaliate if provoked. A true sign of maturity is to be able to not deign to their level. And frankly, respect is gained, not asked for, and it's best to have people learn your personality instead of writing it out for them. EDIT: I doubt you meant this, but the last sentence in your entry doesn't seem at all nice, but rather menacing.
  12. Patriotism seems like a pretty silly concept to me.
  13. Waffles

    Brick Bus

    If there's a detour to California, and a magic aging pill that makes me 18, then I'll go.
  14. Why would TV networks give out colonoscopies?
  15. Yes, it might scare people away, but by presenting them with different media, you are making think and make their comics much differently, and changing up the game. Photoshop wizards win again! But what about watercolor painters or stenciling? Here things are much more unpredictable, and since much of the comic makers on the site don't seem to be acquainted with these media (after all, they're not using them), then I daresay, you even out the playing field.Windrider, you said that they're most comfortable with sprites. Precisely, a good contest throws people off guard, and challenges them in new ways. It's difficult, this being the first comic contest, but by offering good prizes and finding other ways to attract people, this will be smashing success.Or we can watch the usual talented people dazzle us with editing, and the usual epic comic makers dazzle us with twists. I don't see why we can't achieve some sort of balance between sprites and other media. I guess non-digital might be too horrendous for our fastidious artists, so perhaps only non-sprites.
  16. Waffles

    Tonight's Closing Thoughts #82

    The formatting makes this entry seem like a poem.
  17. Wait, where were you. I only remember FM, Zor, and me?
  18. This kinda crept up on me, I had no idea it was going to be so soon.
  19. Non-digital mediums only. It wouldn't please everyone, but it would promote non-sprite comics and be a change.
  20. I'm not so sure avmatoran, some of those RPG weren't that popular, and relying on backstory that's back in the archives might discourage newbies from joining a LEGO RPG. I would however, love to see the Alpha Team RPG come back.
  21. Go to Waffles Online University. We're an online university that will get you a degree in half the time of other colleges! =) We are the place to go if you want these hot careers: Web Design Conceptual Design Graphic Design Underwater Basket Weaving and more!
  22. You're probably right to an extent, but I feel the only reason people below the age limit should feel slighted was because the Cuusoo team was careless and didn't have the 18+ age limit implemented from the very beginning, even though it has now been found to have been necessary from the outset. If the 18+ age limit had been on the site to begin with, and the reasons had been explained, there would have been no need to "take away" priveleges from people. Instead, the priveleges would only have been granted to those people who could legally reap the benefits of them when the proposals reached the consideration threshold. As it is, it's natural that people who had joined the site to propose their ideas should be upset when their proposals are abruptly taken down for reasons that weren't made clear when they joined the site.The 13+ membership age limit is a bit more arbitrary, but presumably it's just selected as an age when people are expected to have some level of economic understanding. After all, supporting a proposal involves giving a realistic estimate of how much you'd pay for a product based on the proposal, since that tells TLG's designers what price point to design the products for. Sure, it's possible that a person under 13 could be very economically savvy, and it's possible that a person over 13 could have no talent for estimating prices. But these are expected to be outliers rather than the norm, and so the age limit still accomplishes its purpose to a reasonable extent.And as I mentioned, a person below the age limit can still support or create proposals through an older friend or relative. Since a person younger than 13 years old probably gets most of their LEGO sets (or in the very least, their spending money to buy LEGO sets) through their parents, this is probably more reliable for getting reasonable price estimates anyway.> I was responding to the question about BZPower, not Cuusoo.Wouldn't kids know best about LEGO prices since they're the main consumers? After all, by 13, most kids have said goodbye to LEGO.
  23. Waffles


    I couldn't respond to your chat message, so I'll say it here BRING BACK JIIGOOONICLE
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