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Everything posted by BrickPharaoh

  1. Welcome to BZPower! While it does sound cool, I don't think it's appropriate for you to post such a topic here. This forum is dedicated to topics about people's own creations in general, and must contain topics with the users' own Bionicle-based creation. That being said, if you want people to start posting MOC's based on a certain theme, consider making a contest or something. Might not be possible for new users though, I think.
  2. In other news, Korn's Shane Gibson has passed away due to a blood-clotting disorder. :/
  3. Thank you guys for the boost of morale. I don't receive a whole lot of feedback for my creations in general, so this is definitely uplifting. The lower legs are basically made with tires of 2 different kinds to make them look sort of like black boots. The feet and such are kind of elongated on purpose to prevent them from looking stubby. The legs are actually fairly creative. I might be able to provide technique shots when I'm back in Sheffield. I will resolve to taking the photos against a black background to show more of the black-on-black details of the build. Thank you ever so much for your comment. Unfortunately, the voters in the contest did not think the same as you.
  4. This brings a whole new level to ugly. But that is not to say it's not impressively creative. Good luck, not that you need any. You'll win this contest with humor XD Oh my god. I just thought of a horrible pun; it probably won't amoose you.. Another one.. I was kinda struck by my own crippling sense of humor. I need to jump off a bridge. Seriously.
  5. This is genius. Like seriously. Who knew something so simple can be so awesome?! I love it, but I think it might have used some more polishing and details, but otherwise really cool Best of luck on the contest
  6. The only way this could have earned you more awesome points is if it were a Nakkodile-themed vehicle to enter in the SBC contest as well!! XD This is glorious, and what I like the most is the glasses; they're way too creative
  7. I'd try to make my comments more than just "thanking" people if I were you. Onto the MOC, I find it a really creative concept. Is it supposed to be two clone units getting stacked upon each other? Cuz that sounds awesome! The small treads are a bit of a drawback, though. They wouldn't move a machine particularly effectively at all. But the combination feature is cool, I'll give you that
  8. I think this may have been due to fans seeing the Kanohi more as the character's fixed faces than often-changing masks. You know I kinda forgot that they would change masks at all!
  9. Set-wise: The best change I think happened was the introduction of axle connections to the Kanohi. I think they found out that knocking Kanohi off the Rahi wasn't really an appealing play feature, and they have thus decided to retract it. I'd really have to give this a bit more of thought to determine what my favorite story-wise change was.
  10. Bricklink might have spares of the pieces you look to replace. There's little point in fixing one and making it look horrible compared to buying an intact used (or new!) one for (usually) quite cheap. Plus, it's handy if there is more that one piece you need to retrieve.
  11. I actually don't mind those sets at all. Granted, they don't look a thing like their Mata counterparts, but they have a cool factor to them. Also, plenty of useful pieces.
  12. Ah, that day brings back so many memories... My parents had basically molded me into a Lego freak. It was all I thought about (and largely still is)! My first constraction set was the Slizer Blaster that my father had bought for me from Saudi Arabia. I fell in love with the idea of using Technic pieces to put together a cool-looking robot that threw discs and looked awesome. Not long after that, it was Eid time in Egypt (Eid is the Islamic equivalent of Christmas, only we get those twice a year!), and as it was customary, my parents would take me to Toys'R'Us to squander my Eid gift money (It is commonplace for one to pile up some decent pocket money from his/her relatives during that time). The first thing I lay eyes on was the Nui Rama, and it was the largest set that I, a seven-year-old, could afford at the time. And I was hooked ever since. I loved the compatibility with my other sets, namely the Slizer I had, and after building the set and playing with them briefly, I immediately tore it down and started building some little Matoran-like figures from whatever pieces I could combine together. For the next few years, up until my teenage years, it was basically all I spent my money on. I would buy a Bionicle set for every Eid, every birthday, every time my dad would go abroad (some of the ones he gave me were Toa Pohatu Mata and Sidorak), and whenever I could amass a decent lump of money from my child voice acting career (fun fact: I used to voice over in Arabic-dubbed Disney movies, and it was quite a lucrative career for a child like myself ). The thing that bugs me, however, is the fact that I lost a lot of my pieces everywhere, because we used to have a cleaning lady that I assume threw much of it away in utter disregard to the nature of those pieces, and that infuriates me till this day. I don't know whether I was losing those pieces to her incompetence or something much worse, but let's give her the benefit of the doubt. And to this day, I regret having lost so much of my Lego, that would have otherwise been a massive collection. But I will never cease to adore the love of my childhood. I will never stop loving Bionicle (and Lego in general).
  13. Self-voted. Honestly, I think I put far too much effort into the actual MOC and a bit too little into the photography. But that's engineering life. You can't have academic prowess, a social life, a hobby AND a decent sleeping pattern -__- And you tend to do things sorta rushed. Anyways, good luck to everyone who entered!
  14. So I know I haven't posted here in eons! But it's time to show you guys the real deal. It's one of my most creative MOC's ever. A naval commander I built for the March 2014 BZPower Flickr Contest. A noble, self-righteous naval officer that does not take anything lightly. He captains a star Frigate by the name of HMS Superiority, and manages a large crew of capable "sailors". He is an elegant fighter, and an accomplished duelist. He sets the bar for honor and prestige, albeit prone to occasional fits of arrogance. He is a wise tactician who has gotten his crew out of a number of drastic situations. <Glancing to his side> This MOC was born out of a pirate MOC, which had to be repurposed for this contest, as I had posted a WIP of the pirate's head on BZPower prior to the contest, and thus was unable to use the MOC without changing the head. While I do admit that the pirate MOC did look cool and had a lot of potential, I have to say that I do like this version better. Set on Flickr This MOC uses the cleverest connection techniques for the coat, and has some very odd piece usage, which made it all the more fun to make! It was a long process for sure, one that took me almost 8 months from conception to this finished MOC. I definitely think it's one of my best works as of yet. Thank you all for stopping by, and stay tuned for the PIRATE version coming soon!!!
  15. I would definitely be willing to teach you, if you want Though I do have to say it's something you learn by building yourself and trying harder and harder until you get it right! Have a look at this blog entry by Zaxvo; you'll find it quite interesting for some of the less intuitive stuff.
  16. Thanks! It means a lot to me that the proportions still retain some appeal
  17. I agree with Phovos about the feet. You could have used either the Onua claws for both front and hind legs, or just the front legs, with the Piraka feet at the back. The way they are right now is a bit too much. Also, the neck is too short, and the tail is rather bland. Finally, since you do have Skirmix it might have been a good idea to substitute the grey connectors on the wings with the Metru Red ones from Skirmix.
  18. I guess you could say this MOC has a creative flare (pun completely intended) From what I can see, seeing as the gallery isn't approved yet, it seems like it's mostly Skirmix's head slightly modified for the fire. I'll come back when the gallery is public to critique the rest of it, but for now enjoy the lame joke I made -__-
  19. Same as me, and even my conclusion towards the end is almost the same as yours!
  20. While I haven't really gotten to play the game, I know how the characters look, and I think your rendition of the two is magnificent. I particularly like all the tools you've give Link. Ganondorf does resemble the actual character, but not as amazingly as Link. But all in all, I think I know where my votes are going this time
  21. I wanted to enter so bad! Had too much work this week and the last. Anyways, best of luck to all the contestants. It will be my pleasure giving votes to you!
  22. Pretty sure it's against the rules to post a topic for a MOC built by someone else, and to top it off link to your own topic in there. Oh gosh I am so sorry I had no idea it was you all along. I just didn't see your current entry on your photostream so I assumed you'd taken someone else's pics and posted them! Onto the MOC: glorious overall, with perfect shaping and marvelous piece usage. The color scheme is also very well executed. Sorry again for my confusion earlier.
  23. Thank you. The legs are a design choice, as said in some of the above choice, and they're actually not as wonky as they seem. I happen to quite like the aesthetics of them to be honest, because they use some really clever techniques for armor. As for the face, I think you would like to know that I came up with this design out of absolute necessity, because I had a handful of sets to work with at the time. Never realized it'd be such a hit haha!
  24. Have you posted your entry anywhere else (like Bricklink, flickr, for example)? Maybe you could link to there?
  25. To be honest, and I think it might be odd to you all seeing it's a minor issue, but the fact that some of the Barraki had names that alluded to their Pit Form; for example, Mantax (so very obviously a Manta ray), Ehlek (eel) and Carapar (carapace of a crab). Could be a "coincidence", but I still wonder what the reasons were for the names. I'd have been fine with the names as they were if I hadn't found out that they had pre-Pit forms. Does anyone else get where I'm coming from?
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