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Everything posted by BrickPharaoh

  1. It's a lot easier to play all (or most) of these on a PS3 or Vita. I'm currently replaying Legend of Mana, a fantastic little RPG that predates the Final Fantasy series, developed by SquareSoft (Before they became SquareEnix) as well. And yeah, the Spyro series (particularly Spyro: Year of the Dragon) are really good. I'd imagine it's really hard to come by a memory card these days, which might affect your ability to play through any of those games. If I'm not mistaken, the PS2 is also backwards-compatible with games and such. Don't worry, I got a memory card for 50p yesterday. Also, why are PS2 games so common but PS1 games so hard to find? Also, I only have a PS1. :| And I'm guessing Heroes of Mana (DS) is a sequel to Legend of Mana, If you can, you should buy yourself a PS2. They're dirt cheap and they would possibly last you quite a long time. Either that or a second-hand PS3. I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but I really don't get why some people would torture themselves by keeping obsolete consoles and such, and getting frustrated with them like it's uncommon to experience problems with such dinosaurs.
  2. I have no words to describe to you how much this means to me. It's probably the most heartwarming thing I've heard anyone say about my MOC's. Thank you ever so much
  3. Your advice actually made a world of sense. I've modified one of the legs by making the thigh more "fleshed out" as you suggested, as well as elongating it in the process. The MOC's proportions, while not as true to the proportions of the Minotaur in some of the references, work better that way. I'll post a couple photos when I finish the other leg, as well as modify the tail from comments elsewhere. Thanks again.
  4. New MOC? Nah, I must be bluffing... or not: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/14885-minotaur/?p=745161

    1. Voxumo


      Have I ever mentioned how beautiful your mocs are? I'm certain I have but incase i haven't... well they are a thing of beauty.

    2. BrickPharaoh


      *blushes uncontrollably* :P

    3. Voxumo


      And while I can not really voice my love for the minotaur into words, I felt an upvote would suffice... afterall don't want to look like a blathering fool

  5. New MOC? I must be bluffing... or not!

  6. *Dusts off forums* That's how long it's been. Okay! I have something new for you folks. It's a MINOTAUR!!! ^Click the pic for the gallery^ Main pic Back Side If enough people are interested, I will also provide the LDD file. No story for this particular minotaur. A rather speedy project which took about 4-5 hours in total over two days. I wanted to maintain an asymmetrical armor look because I thought it would work better than full symmetry. Will you please tell me what you think of this guy? Comments and criticism are always welcome. Also, feel free to up-vote the post if you want to. Coming soon: 4 Rounds of the Bio-Cup!!! Edit 30/09/14: Close-up included, plus modified upper legs and tail.
  7. It's a lot easier to play all (or most) of these on a PS3 or Vita. I'm currently replaying Legend of Mana, a fantastic little RPG that predates the Final Fantasy series, developed by SquareSoft (Before they became SquareEnix) as well. And yeah, the Spyro series (particularly Spyro: Year of the Dragon) are really good. I'd imagine it's really hard to come by a memory card these days, which might affect your ability to play through any of those games. If I'm not mistaken, the PS2 is also backwards-compatible with games and such.
  8. Its legs and thigh armor are also white, but the sub-par lighting makes it hard to tell. They're actually Pearl Very Light Grey if you wanna be precise. Cuz the entire color scheme of Thok was of that color. But yeah, the lighting kinda made it hard to tell. I just checked it on Brickset and you are right. I always thought white pieces were just plain old Mata white, and that things like Pearl Very Light Gray didn't exist. I guess its like comparing the gray color of the Rahkshi legs to the gray color of Pohatu Phantoka's body. Now that I see it, the minor color differences are kind of annoying. These transcend just these two colors; you have variants like Flat Silver, Pearl Light Grey (post-2005 silver), then "New" Flat Silver (quite similar to Flat Silver - the latter being used in 2010 onwards for Stars and HF), Dark Grey (Used in all sets pre-2004) and Dark Bluish Grey (the one used currently). It really is a nightmare getting those right (especially the two dark greys). I recommend asking Anachir more about LEGO colors, since he seems to know the most about them.
  9. Its legs and thigh armor are also white, but the sub-par lighting makes it hard to tell. They're actually Pearl Very Light Gray if you wanna be precise. Cuz the entire color scheme of Thok was of that color. But yeah, the lighting kinda made it hard to tell.
  10. Okay I guess I should do the welcoming since no-one else has volunteered. Welcome to BZPower! It's a magical place, which I guess you might have known for some time, since this place is pretty famous. Second order of business: your MOC! Truth be told, it's a bit of a "clone", which essentially means that the MOC does not incorporate any unique features; just prefab limbs, head, and body (something that irks quite a lot of Bionicle builders). That and the fact that the MOC only uses white on the forearms. This is an example of color incoherence, which takes away a bit more from the overall appearance. Finally, the MOC's rather bland color scheme is another minus IMHO. That being said, the silver lining (hehe, see what I did there) is the fact that the armor is creative in some places, which does seem to redeem it in some aspects. I don't mean to offend you at all; forgive me if my tone has done anything of that sort. The fact of the matter is that when you post here, you're pretty much expecting criticism. Which is a good thing, because people who criticize your MOC's mean to help you improve what they think is wrong with it. It's not a bad MOC, but it's not special.
  11. I don't think you're allowed to post creations that aren't yours here.
  12. Really cool! Would help if the wings were more homogeneous but everything else is great. Well done.
  13. Toxic Reapa comes with six of the smallest size HF armour in trans-neon lime, lime skeleton joints, and a trans-neon orange single-socket (hand) piece. (i also bought it for the large quantity of black armour.) oh, and transparent green flames. yeah. You raise some excellent points there. Now I kinda regret not getting many of him :/
  14. Which particular pieces from Toxic Reapa are everyone so fascinated with? :/
  15. Not bad at all! A bigger head would have looked more natural though, and bigger thighs as well. Other than that, I quite like it. Make more MOC's please
  16. Drilldozer for me, Raw-jaw for my bro. We got them at a dodgy rest stop en route to a beach resort on the north coast of Egypt. They were genuine Lego though, even though past experiences with this particular location hadn't been the greatest.
  17. There is no doubt that certain HF sets are more appealing (as well as contain more useful parts for MOCing) than others. So my question is: which sets did you get multiples of, and which ones would you have liked to? My brother got us a second Furno XL (we share our LEGO but most of the stuff is mine since he's growing less fond of it.... today's youth ), and I bought 2 copies of Thornraxx when I got it.
  18. BrickPharaoh


    Jealousy level: over 9000! My favoritest band ever... though I honestly haven't been able to bring myself to finishing Pale Communion. My favorite album is Ghost Reveries, probably because of Reverie/Harlequin Forest. That song is pure euphoria :')
  19. 2008 for me too. The climactic struggle to restore world order has to be my favorite part of the story. Plus, i initially thought the sets from that year were cool too.
  20. They look quite feminine, which I deem was your original idea. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's kinda hard to hold them in another light tbh. But they're definitely as charming as you'd intended
  21. Okay, so you have quite a showcase there. I'll comment on each one separately. The matoran design: appears to be quite limited when it comes to mobility. Also the back is a bit bare; you could have considered a HF foot just to fill it up. The Turaga: a great color scheme. I particularly like the way the staff complements the rest of the color scheme as well. You could get by with a few more minor details added to the MOC, but whatevs Sanmaka: I think it's well thought-out for the most part, but I feel the torso makes him appear a bit too plump and not really feminine from what I've seen. It would help if you reduce the bulk going on at the lower torso, as well as leaving some at the top of the chest. Wouldn't hurt implementing some hip-like armoring as well, something like Rahkshi feet would work great. Overall, while this is a fine collection of creations for someone who hasn't been building for quite a long time, I'd say it's a good attempt that could've used some more work.
  22. Pizza Hut's eco-box...what a thing of beauty XD

  23. Pretty much agreeing with everyone who said no, because it would also probably mean that the expended man-hours and funds used to realize it would probably be better used somewhere else, like.. I dunno... maybe a theme which wasn't quite as lackluster. One of the few reasons Bionicle will be coming back is because it has a lot of fans anticipating its return. Lego weren't able (nor cared, I would imagine) to do that with Throwbots, which was, truth be told, no more than an experiment on Lego's part. That being said, more constraction = happier Moe, so whatevs
  24. This is really cool! I will be getting hold of one as soon as I'm back in the UK
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