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Everything posted by BrickPharaoh

  1. I really like this. The resemblance is uncanny. You've managed to capture an impressive amount of detail without letting everything get overly complicated. Very well done and best of luck Edit: just realized that this is an R&C MOC. Took me that long, but now I love it even more
  2. Just realized how wicked the swords SILVER GUY has are. Really cool, once again
  3. I like him. I especially like the chest armor technique, and the blades are Uber creative! What I don't think I like is the legs. They're a tad too short to my preference.
  4. What parts are able to connect to the neck? I can't think of anything aside from a tire (Which I've already tried, and it looks terrible IMO). Well, off the top of my head (see what I did there? LOL), maybe replace the buzzsaw blade (?) with a Glatorian neck and one of these pieces. They always look like a decent piece of armor. Alternatively, one of these might do.
  5. Sweet torso construction! Though the legs are a bit bland, so maybe enlarge and customize them a bit? Also, a tiny nitpick but I think might have helped the look: If you could place some sort of armor at the back of the neck, that would be marvelous.
  6. Metalheads? Is that what you were going for? Lol My guess was because of the skullcap (badly chewed-up Avohkii) and what resembles a guitar. Could use a bit of work here and there. Usually with something simple like this it's better if you add some greebling all over it to detract from an otherwise bland aesthetic.
  7. Self-voted. This is as far as I have ever gone in any contest, so no regrets! Best of luck to all
  8. I really like both. But I feel that maybe both could have looked a bit neater. I also think that the toa Kaita would have looked better if they were built out of pieces from 3 combining MOC's, built with similar structures but different designs. And if that doesn't appeal to you, the upper legs on Wairuha are a bit too thin and under-armored, and his shoulder looks a bit cluttered. But overall, nice work.
  9. From the reference pic, the ship appears to look a lot smoother than your version; it has very little sharp edges, something you were unable to accomplish in your version and I get it. Maybe your point was to keep it at a smaller piece count, or maybe you just wanted to capture the general look without that much attention to details. But for some reason I think I would have liked it better if it were thought out slightly more.
  10. Always fantastic to see something you've made! Onto your MOC: Spectacular piece usage as always, and dat alien head O_o I can't help but to feel that the sled blades could've been slightly slimmer, though. Nevertheless, fantastic work as always. Your work never ceases to amaze me
  11. I have a (partly) working Chaos Emperor Dragon deck. Too bad it's now banned, though. I have two, one of which I think was one of the very rare ones (I'm not overly familiar with the rarity classes) but has since been majorly faded I also used to play a modded version of Power of Chaos on my laptop. I tried to play it online but never really got to it.
  12. So... has anyone heard of this one? I absolutely love it! I'm mainly interested in the first and fourth ones, though. While it kinda looks a bit immature and doesn't offer much challenge whatsoever if you cheat (like me ) , I love to OP my character by enhancing and enchanting the living stars out of his equipment and giving him super stats by collecting boosters (Tarot cards that, when offered together, give your players extra stat points.) I also used to spawn the best of the precious stones to adorn the weapons I have to improve their stats to god-like proportions. I also like recruiting sidekicks to help me, and I never play with a regular pet; I always transform it to a monster from the game. What about you guys? Who plays it? And how do you play it?
  13. I completely remember where I had seen it now! It was you all along! I fixed it in the topic entry so thanks for reminding me
  14. The Zabori kinda remind me of the Rhynocs from Spyro. I just noticed that
  15. A weapons engineer who works for the OoMN. He has control over electricity and limited power over radiation. I hope you like him! <Click the pic!> An army engineer/weapons expert who operates for the OoMN. A hard-working and valiant figure who leads a secret weapon research group working for the Order. He has the elemental power over electricity, and minor control over radiation. He possesses a standard-issue multi-tool wrench blaster, which is equipped with a radiation counter as well as a welder, along with a pulse gun. His melee weapons are two long protosteel daggers coated with a white liquid alloy that enables them to act as better conductors of electricity. His primary weapon is an energy rifle built by himself, and he takes much pride in having built it by himself. The Big Boy, or so he calls it, fires a direct shot whose power is equivalent to 10 shots of the pulse gun he carries, and has a range of 0.8 kios. I know I haven't posted anything in here for a while, but expect a few more things to come this week/couple of weeks. Summer's end is always an inspiring time Your views are always welcome. PS: Since I like to give credit where it is due, torso design was inspired by THE FIRST SHADOW's Geiad, I remembered this when he linked in the post below. Sorry for forgetting and thank you for the inspiration
  16. You're probably right, but he's off the shelf now. I might consider a future revamp where your opinion will be considered, nay, implemented. Thanks again for your input, Chris!
  17. Thanks for the heads-up and thanks for the input as well
  18. A MOC I built for The 50/50 Challenge over on MOCPages Link to the page here Here's the link to the photoset I hope you like him. It's my way of apologizing for not having shared anything in a while. Peace out!
  19. This is just. WOW! But I can't help but to think this guy needs more black on the skeleton. Don't you?
  20. I'm pretty sure they would make gazillions if they relaunched Bionicle. But seems to me that they never do what many people really want. But to be honest, I'm okay with it. I mean let's face it. I want Bionicle back as much as the next guy. But clearly that's not going to happen in the near future. They had a good run- great, even-, but I don't think they have enough story to base things off. Unless they come up with a bigger story for what happens on Spherus Magna. That'd be interesting.
  21. Yeah. The faded picture is kind of a drawback, but I couldn't do more with a dying camera and a bad lens. Thanks for everyone who's voted for me, though To be honest, I self-voted
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