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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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IC: Ageru Tamachan (Sado)


She looked upon the great crystal spires of Sado, pointing towards the sky like a giant finger. Like every other time she'd looked upon them, she couldn't help but scoff at the impression: such pretension and self-inflated ego at work.


"Now now, Tama" her father would've said "to judge based on superficial appearance doesn't help anyone, least of all yourself"


"Alright, alright" the adult Menti waved the memory off. Those words of caution all felt rather moot in hindsight, once she finally found her marginal place in the empire's society.


Because she had judged based on more than superficial appearance...




And she knew exactly what they thought about her kind.


"Well, girl," she muttered to her steed, which she was holding by the reins as she prepared to cross the bridge into the imperial capital, "back into the Dragon's Den yet again, huh?"


Sarala huffed, seemingly in defiance. Tama smiled and stroked the Soko across her face.


"Yeah yeah, I know. I've got you" she said.


Walking around in Sado was generally an unusual experience for Tama. Most of the time she got around by being unassuming and keeping to herself, but the former was a lot harder when you stood two heads taller than the vast majority of streetgoers, and the latter was nothing short of impossible in the densely packed capital of the Dasaka Empire.


Like before, she had to opt for a different approach: set herself a goal and focus on accomplishing it. She set a course for the market, and didn't stop to acknowledge the bystanders whose attention was grabbed by her mount trudging along beside her. By looking like she had a definite reason to be here, she fit in better than she could ever hope to do in the countryside.


Truth be told, Tama had grown to feel a certain sense of pride about her ability to 'blend in' and go unnoticed, there was something about being able to completely avoid the narrow-minded eyes of the imperials that might want to make a problem out of her presence that she felt invigorated by. Half-Taajar or no, as far as these people would ever know she was just another imperial Menti attending to her duties.


But when she entered the wider plaza, she heard something that no amount of practice could've prepared her for:


"Clan Dastana no longer recognizes the Rora's authority!" There was a sudden hush, "The Rora is not entitled to the profits of people she does not respect!"  Her voice began to rise in intensity, "The Rora has no right to the resources my clan makes for themselves! The Rora has no right to clan Dastana! And no sanctions, no threats, and no army at my doorstep will ever change that!" Arsix reached over her shoulder and unclasped golden buttons to cast off her rich cloth, "We secede!"


At the roar behind her, Arsix turned hard on her heel, and in a matter of seconds, Jasik and Arsix had vanished into the crowd.


Tama's first instinct was to leave. She had no interest in being near this level of upheaval and dissent, her actions were the only thing she would have going for her, she needed to make sure they were the right ones.


"But to secede..."


To break away.


To accept no more of the Rora's derision and bloated aristocracy.


Tama fell into introspection, thinking. She thought about all the times she'd been called names, about how her father had explained it by saying "that's just how it is, unfortunately". All the times she'd been shoved aside, spat on or, at best, just outright ignored.


What right had they ever had to do that to her, or to her parents?




And as far as she could tell, someone in power was of the same opinion.


Her instincts took over, driving her into the crowd after the Toroshu and her brother. She needed to find out what they wanted to accomplish with secession... maybe something that she herself could lend her aid to.

Edited by Rucks
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IC: (Naihi/Odaiba)

"I assure you that we are the only people in this room." the Jahagir said.

If these beings did not want to take the job, it would be more of a loss to them than Okrihnok...However, Malleo was only the focus of this attack, not it's reason, not it's true reason. The Coalition was a force of anarchy, one that soon might threaten the Empire. But it would only do so if it was given payment, and that was what Okrihnok was offering.

If the task was completed, not only would one of the clan's enemies be destroyed and because of this a part of the Empire gone, but more of the Empire's enemies would be strengthened simultaneously.

"Do you accept the task?" she asked, her face, in more ways than one, a mask.



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IC: Ayako

"O... Okay?"


This was odd.


"Normally people don't have to ask for permission to travel through Clan lands, as far as I know; then again, I've never handled immigration before. Oh well." Ayako shrugged. "Permission granted."


[Odaiba, Outside Mahuika Hall]


The Datsue’s lack of confidence had not exactly convinced Hatchi that her word would have any weight, but she did not say it.  Instead, she took a deep breath, composing a speech in her head.  She was balancing on a very thin branch over very deep water.


“Wise one, you have never heard us ask because we never have had too.  Normally, we would skirt the edge of your honorable territory, and leave your farmers in peace.  We of the Taajar do not have the same rights nor reputation as Imperial traders.  But we have had to leave the capital in haste, and the winter rains have come early.  I have no wish to trouble you, wise one, or the honored members of the clan--but what we humbly seek is something of a more material nature, that we can show as proof of your permission as we pass through.  We are not beggars, and would be prepared to exchange in return for your honorable grace.”



"My attention is usually focused on more pleasing images."


He thought he felt Shaun's grip on his tighten.


He hadn't said that aloud, had he?


[iki, Market]


Though my grip tightened and my smile took on a predatory gleam, Kulrik hadn’t dented my good mood in the slightest.  People really need to be more creative in their insult choice.

“That explains how you miss so much, Kulrikky dear.  Good thing you have me to look after you now.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Vazaria - Odaiba. 


I exchanged a glance with Sora. She'd already agreed; she was just waiting for me. "Fine. I'm in." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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(OC: First RP! Thought this was as good a time as any to introduce Haiko, a somewhat roguish Dastana menti. The mysterious warrior is yours, Rucks)


IC: Dastana Haiko (Sado)


Haiko watched from afar, her hood up and her poncho displaying only a dull brown so as to not attract any unwanted attention. The only orders she'd been given were to come to the plaza and "watch for trouble." As if she knew what that was supposed to mean. Honestly, if they expected her to actually be on the lookout, they'd tell her what and why. She didn't like blindly following orders. As the spindly warrior balanced precariously on a short pillar, gazing about the plaza, an increasing commotion caught her attention. What could this be? A wonderfully thrilling speech, I'm sure. She spotted Arsix and her twin marching through the plaza, a throng of traders and merchants trailing in her wake. Her curiousity piqued, she leaned in closer to catch tidbits of the speech. At first Haiko couldn't pick out any words from the commotion, but the Toroshu's last words were heard all across the plaza. 


"We secede!"


After a moment of contemplation, a smirk spread across Haiko's mask. Well, well. Dastana's finally up and left the high-and-mighties, huh. I like it. She wasn't the most avid follower of the clan herself, but it was an improvement over those Umbraline loyalists. 

"This... should be most interesting," She spoke aloud. As the Toroshu threw off her cloak and stormed back out the plaza, Haiko prepared herself to follow. This was her kind of intrigue. Just as she slung her her naginata across her back, Haiko spotted a peculiar figure out of the corner of her eye, darting through the crowd towards Arsix. A large, muscled character in simple clothes, armed with sword, shield, and bow? That sounded like trouble to Haiko.

"Hey! Warrior! You with the shield!" she called out, beginning to bound across the crowd towards the mysterious warrior.

Edited by Tatterdemalion

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Robalta looked up from the tome, squinting her eyes in the dim light. She leaned back in her chair with the sound of cracking.


Even after all these years, I still haven't gotten used to that she thought with a small chuckle. Dots really are just kids with bodies that have gotten older before we've realized.


The acting Toroshu rose and walked to a comfy cushioned seat by the hearth. She sat down, feeling the radiating heat from the cackling fire flow over here. It was cold in the basements here in Vilda castle, moreso for Datsue. After having spent the day seeing to the needs of the clan, and the past hour poring over a book about politics, these moments were more than she could wish for.


What I could wish for! If only this whole trouble with the Empire could be ended. Fighting in the streets, threats of revolution; it does no good for anyone. And my dear, dear sister Relisai. I wish she were back here, not locked away on Sado. If only I could talk to her and the Empress, I'm sure I could convince them to make up for whatever happened. I know my sister couldn't have done anything that serious, she's as sweet as honey. What am I to do?...


There was a knock on the door.


Of course, that must be tea.


"Come in" she chimed.



​Kulrik's eyes widened.


No, he hadn't imagined it, Shuuan's grip had tightened. And he didn't like that look on her face, he didn't like it one bit. The Vilda First Son wasn't one to scare easily - he couldn't remember the last time he had been scared - but the way this woman talked and acted made afraid and confused. He just couldn't understand her. One thing he did understand though, was that he didn't like it.


"Lucky me" Kulrik said sarcastically and quietly, though not quiet enough.


The pair reached the Dastana home.




The met Nihonei and Seigyo.


"Hello again" Kulrik greeted the pair. "I hope everything went well on your side. Shuuan and I have discovered the likely location of the next Key; it's probably hidden in a complex amongst geysers on the eastern shore here on Iki."


Kulrik quickly recounted the meeting with the merchant to both Menti.


"We can leave for it first thing in the morning. With any luck, we'll be a step closer to keeping the Empire safe by dawn. Now I think I'll go sleep

to sleep, best to be rested for what's to come. If you need anything, you know where to find me."


Bidding them goodnight, Kulrik followed a Dashi servant to a guest bedroom.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: With a practiced foot, Raiyo pushed open the door with one foot. The Dashi slipped into the room, shutting the door behind her, as usual. The door slammed slightly as Raiyo kicked the door shut. She brought over a tray with tea and cups to Robalta. Her feet scuffed against the stone floor.


The housemaid was concerned. "I've heard it hurts your eyesight to read without enough light. Are you all right?"

The times, they are a-changing...



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OOC: Welcome to the BZPRPG, Tatterdemalion  :)


"Hey! Warrior! You with the shield!" she called out, beginning to bound across the crowd towards the mysterious warrior.


IC: Ageru Tamachan (Sado)


Someone was trying to get in her way, at least as far as she could tell. She stopped, bringing Sarala to a stop beside her. Getting through the crowd with the Soko in tow had proved to go at a snail's pace anyway. 


If it weren't for that, she might've just shoved the Menti aside and kept on, but since that wasn't an option, she decided to humor her.


"What is it, Menti?" she asked, still upholding her imperial accent.

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IC: Dastana Haiko (Sado)


The warrior abruptly turned to face her. Haiko got a better look at the stranger. She was muscled and wore simple clothes and armor. Haiko took note of the warrior's Kanohi, a mask of rebounding. Strangely, the warrior led a black Soko. Black. An unlucky rahi... if I believed in such things. The stranger addressed her, her question dripping with the Imperial accent. Excellent. An Imperial, and a heavily armed one at that. Haiko leaned on her naginata, tilted her head and smirked, adopting a nonchalant pose. 

"Why, hello. What could an Imperial such as yourself be doing pursuing our esteemed Toroshu? Surely nothing of malevolent intent, I hope. I'd hate to make a scene." Haiko dropped the condescending tone for a moment, as she was geniunely curious of this stranger's intent. Despite her accent, she certainly didn't look like a typical Imperial warrior. "Why are you chasing after Arsix?"

Edited by Tatterdemalion

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IC: Ichi

"... I take it you're a fan?"


IC: Kaede

"So with Kata 1, you make the vertical slash in the same stance that you drew your sword from. Kata 2 has you step forward, while Kata 3 has you step back... Am I reading this right?"


Kaede had come to the yards, looking to practice her swordsmanship. She was disappointed with her overall performance during the riot and so felt the need to practice... The trouble was, there wasn't anybody willing to spar at the moment, so she was stuck doing single person iaijutsu kata out of a book. She didn't even have a live edged sword at the moment, so test cutting wasn't an option either... Might be for the best though. If she couldn't swing the sword properly, what was the point of cutting with it?


... This is boring


OOC: Kaede open for interaction.

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Robalta smiled gently at the maidservant.


"Thank you, little dove, but at my age bad eyesight is all but guaranteed. And really, if you don't use your eyes, what good are they?"


The Datsue picked up a cup of tea, holding the crystal in both hands and and appreciating the heat. She took a long, deep drink and when she finished she released a satisfied sigh.


"Why don't you come sit down with me, Raiyo" she said, patting the armchair beside her own, "I'd like the company. Tell me, have you ever learned to read?"



The next morning Kulrik met with the others. They had a quick breakfast then departed the castle, heading east towards the coast.




They were certainly in the right place. The ground was rocky here - though that wasn't exactly special, much of the land on Iki was rocky - but there were dozen, hundreds of geysers and spout holes from which leapt  jets and streams of water. Waves crashed against the rocks, sending sea foam high into the air. 


Kulrik looked around, hoping to see some sign where to go next.


I should sit down.


No, I can't do that. We've just got here, we have a huge area to explore, I should


I should sit down.


Well, maybe I should. I guess I am tired from walking here. A quick rest would be nice, help refresh me.


I should sit down and go to sleep.


Yes, I should.


All of a sudden Kulrik fell to his knees and his eyes closed. He was unconscious.


Around him, three figures, dressed in black appeared, apparating through the mists like ghosts. One raised a hand a rock was lifted into the air, then it was hurtling at Seigyo. The other two leapt forward, crystal swords flashing in front of them as they struck out at Nihonei and Shuuan.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Dastana Haiko (Sado)


"Why, hello. What could an Imperial such as yourself be doing pursuing our esteemed Toroshu? Surely nothing of malevolent intent, I hope. I'd hate to make a scene." Haiko dropped the condescending tone for a moment, as she was geniunely curious of this stranger's intent. Despite her accent, she certainly didn't look like a typical Imperial warrior. "Why are you chasing after Arsix?"


IC: Ageru Tamachan (Sado)


"No malevolence is correct, I want to ask her something about the speech she just gave"


Simply saying that was, arguably, borderline with declaring treason herself. If she was loyal to the Empire, why wouldn't she try to arrest them instead after a declaration this public and clearly honest?

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"Someone who lived a very long time ago, as far as I can tell." Kagesu answered, leaning against the wall once more. The Menti was quiet a moment, almost introspective to such a degree that Enali would have been afraid to interrupt her. The moment passed quickly, and the darkly armored Dasaka held her hand out for the younger Ageru to look at. 


"I'm weak, Enali. I don't mean that my will is lacking, or that my mind is feeble. I mean that my body is. Our society places emphasis on its honor, and that carries over into our combat. Duels, open assaults, directly offensive weapons. There are exceptions, of course, but these are the norms. And I couldn't keep up with it. No matter how hard I tried I was always pushed around in the sparring ring. I didn't have the endurance to be a Soulsword," She counted off the Disciplines on her fingers. "I didn't have the strength to be a Mindarm, and I was too polite to want to be a Willhammer."


"That left me with Sighteye. And what could a weakling Sighteye do? What could I possibly do alone?" She smiled faintly, resting a hand against the pouches on her belt. "I was always a reader. Still am. And when I couldn't find answers, I turned to my books. I was lucky enough to find an answer."


"I don't know if she had the same problem, and I'm not even entirely sure who wrote it, but I found a book detailing fighting styles that had long since fallen out of fashion. Not force, but counter-force. Not power but wit. By leaving that work behind she let me tip the balance with techniques and styles designed to control open combat."


"It was a tip of the scales, for once in my favor."


IC (Enali)


"Aah," Enali replied, not really having anything to add. It wasn't an unfamiliar story to her: there were times when she herself had rooted around in books in the Yards' student library (and when that failed her, in the Imperial Library itself) to try and find a way of overcoming whatever was 'holding her back' in developing her Discipline. But the books all said the same things, or different things were equally unhelpful. Lack of drive...emotional detachment...mental blocks... None of them offered any advice as to what to actually do about it: there were some very technical descriptions of 'psycho-nodal disconnects', but none of that meant anything to the young Menti.


With a soft 'hmph', she decided to think about other things.


She looked up at Kagesu again.


"Kagesu?" she said hesitantly. "About the Virtues...do you they really mean...what everyone says they mean?"





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Seigyo lifted her shield to block the rock, before charging forward to Kulrik's side, intent on keeping these mystery assailants away from her master.


Which is when things went from bad to slightly better. A Soulspear shot out from the mists, aiming straight at the robed figure who was charging at Nihonei. Mere seconds later, Jiyu barreled out of the mists, a sword in his own hands as he stepped between the other figure and Shuuan, his own sword lashing out to disarm the other assailant- literally!

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"Yes, the scratchings of lovers on trees saying that their love will last forever. For a lucky few, it does. Too few though, I think, in this world..."


Robalta's voice trailed off, her eyes peering into the fire as memories enveloped her. Then they were gone, and she focused again on the Dashi beside her.


"It is a good thing you read, my dear Raiyo, letters have so much we can learn from. They teach us the wisdom of ages, so that we might have guidance during these horrible, horrible times. You know what's going on in the Empire, don't you? What do you think about it, and the Vilda's place in it all?"


Kulrik did not stir.


The first figure dodged the Soulsword almost lazily, taking only a step aside while continuing her charge at Nihonei. The second, now facing the Herupa Steward instead of Shuuan, paused, brining up her own blade to parry the attack that would dismembered her. She almost dropped the sword against Jiyu's strength. She quickly jumped back, cautiously observing the new balance of things. Then she lashed out again with frightening speed, her sword poised to skewer the giant.


The third Menti in black approached Seigyo, drawing out half a dozen small knives and letting them hang in the air beside her, blade pointed at her target. With a grin that was barely visible, they weapons darted at Seigyo's arms and legs.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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Jiyu leaped back, pushing Shuuan out of the way -he would apologize later-  so that the assailant's attack would fall short.


"You will have to try harder," He growled, single eye glaring at his attacker as his soulspear re-materialized in his hand. Sure he couldn't use it to maximum efficiency with a sword, but two weapons meant he could make twice as many attacks. He lashed out with the spear, hoping to swipe the assailant off their feet, while swinging his sword once more, hoping to remove the assailant's arm. Whoever it was, they could only parry against his might so many times before they faltered.




Seigyo briefly wondered to herself how these assailants avoided the detection of her Anthron before she was faced with a most unique problem. However, she was capable of more unique options of defense.


:Master Kulrik! You must wake up! NOW: She thought, before hurtling her spear at the Telekinesis-powered assailant, using her Anthron to pinpoint the assassin's exact position in the few split seconds she had. She then pulled Kulrik back, tossing him prone on the ground as she fell backwards, temporarily out of the reach of the knives. At least she could still hear their positions, when and where they moved.

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Nihonei's surprise only lasted a moment. The time needed for her contemplation to end, and her training to kick in. The Toroshu drew her sword and deflected her assailant's strike in the same fluid motion, slipping easily into a ready stance. Her opposite hand drew her wakizashi at the same time, lashing out with a shallow slash across the foe's belly. The intent was not to harm, though if the assassin failed to correct her momentum it would do just that, but more to put distance between them.


"You strike at the Eiyu Toroshu. I hope you understand the ramifications of your efforts."




"The Virtues are... Complicated." The Menti began, after a pause to think. "Order, Power, and Honor. All are of noble intent. Power dictates that we strive to improve ourselves, and our clan. But it does not say that Power should be used. It is the basis for abuses and evils, but the Virtue itself is not to blame. Honor states that our actions should reflect well on ourselves, our clan, and our entire society. It also states that we should respect our betters. but it imposes, in the process, a non-confrontational attitude to those who are by our laws our betters."

"Order states that we should never go against the caste system. Our place is to be respected."

"Power and Honor are noble by their definition, but ignoble in their execution. And Order... Order speaks to the root of all evils in our society. Our castes perpetuate a linear ruling class, and those within it are above societal reproach." Kagesu paused and sighed. "The Saihoko shall never improve their lot. The Dashi shall labor until the day they die. Our Rora shall rule, as her daughter one day shall and her granddaughter after her. The Toroshu and their kin will rule their clans, and anyone who defies the Empire shall be cut down. And the Taajar shall cling to what they have left."

"This is the truth of our society, for those who do not rule."




On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC (Enali)


"But," Enali continued, Kagesu's words only serving to solidify the point she wished to make, "does Order really require that? I mean, a garden may have order without any flower being placed above another. Every plant has its proper place, but the garden is still orderly if all are equal, isn't it?"

Edited by Ghosthands





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OOC: Aaaand here's where I get quizzed on how much research I did.


IC: Raiyo thought for a bit. "That's... quite a big question to be asking a little Dashi. The Vilda oversee the Gardens. That is our current role in the Empire. To be honest, I can't say I know for certain why there is fighting. Well, I know why, but  that's mostly just each side lashing out at the other... but what I don't get are the sides. Our clan has stood with the Dastana in the past, but I can't say I truly know what they are fighting for. The caste system works for me, since I'm happy to serve Clan Vilda, but I'm not certain I could say the same for others. I'm probably not the best one to ask; I'm a housemaid, not a philosopher. My words are sagely only some of the time."

The times, they are a-changing...



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Two lifted her arm to push Jiyu's sword to the side. She knew now that a battle of strength would be pointless against this opponent, so instead used speed and agility. Her other arm swung upwards just a few inches. Then, where thin air had been, a Soulsword appeared, two-handed sword glistening with energy that would have been far to heavy to hold had it been real. The Soulsword caught the spear, either psyching weapon unable to break the other. Now Two and Jiyu both wielded weapons in both hands.  Two bent low and dove at Jiyu's legs, swinging the Soulswod at them.


Kulrik thought he heard someone say his name


It's probably nothing he told himself assuringly, his mind happily returning to a very welcome sleep.



Three knelt down quickly but the spear still hit her. Armour saved Three but she fell to the ground, the flying knives dropping a foot. Three leapt back up, the knives imitating their conductor, continued to let  her weapons fly about, ready to send them hurtling at Seigyo the moment an inch of  her was readily exposed. She drew a dagger from her belt and began to walk forward. Her prey could not escape her.



One tried to stop herself, but failed. The wakisashi scraped her belly and long thin line of red appeared. It was a shallow wound but it stung.


"Your name and title mean nothing to us. You are blind fools, all of you!"


Then One jumped into the air. She did not fall. Then as if a giant hand had caught the black-robed figure held her in his hand, One was flung towards the water not far away.




"A sage some of the time is more than most can claim, little one. You are right, you know. Not many people are very aware why the Dastana and Umbralines are fighting. I don't know. We've sided with the Dastana because our Toroshu has been imprisoned by the Empress, and Relisai' advisor, the Warden, now advises we should. The Warden says it will help free Relisai. I hope she's right...


Robalta smiled at the Dashi again.


"Raiyo, how would you like to go on a bit of an adventure?"

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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:... Well, she's half-right: Jiyu noted, jumping back and kicking off into the air, using his Miru to float above his adversary.


While Seigyo continued to evade her foe, Jiyu took advanatage of him being out-of-reach, and decided to end the fight against his opponent, starting to chisel away at the assassin's mind, his pain and anger driving at the assailant's mind, knowing that she would be unprepared for the mental assault.

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[iki, Geyser Field]


Jiyu’s hard shove to the left jolted me, and suddenly I was in the middle of a bunch of robed cultists, all of who appeared to be better fighters than I was, and all of whom certainly intended grievous bodily harm.  In stories, it’s always the ugly ones who die first.  That was really all the encouragement I needed.


Good thing I have the mask I do, huh?


I shot up above the melee fighters fumbling with my bow and quiver.  I nearly dropped the first arrow I tried to knock, but that really wasn’t what I was thinking about now.  I had other things to consider, which I would be much more helpful than trying to shoot a moving target in the middle of steam.  (Although their black cloaks didn’t make bad targets, you’d really think they would use something harder to make out, like grey.)


You see, whoever had willhammered Kulrik had made a two mistakes.  First, they had chosen Kulrik, and not me or Jiyu, who posed far more of a threat to them.


Second, they had done so when I was aware of it.  Since the little incident at the market, I had payed much more attention to the mental landscape around me.  The second Kulrik had slumped over, I had known.  I had pinpointed the exact feel of that invading mind and committed it to memory.  Finding it was simple enough.


Back on Oki, we have bats.  The ones you usually see are about as long as my arm and eat fruit.  They’re sort of cute actually, like little puppies with wings.


Nothing like my swarm.


Imagine a creature that’s not quite reptile and not quite mammal, with one blood red eye (or three, or ten, it depends), and clawed leathery wings.  And teeth, far too many teeth.  Now imagine fifty or a hundred or a thousand but you can never be very sure because sometimes two seem to merge into one or a particularly large one split into several.


That’s a bit like what my swarm looks like.


But it was still resting, listless swarming around and around.  It needed direction, it needed purpose.  I couldn’t find the anger to direct it, so I chose something else.




Strange, maybe?  I was terrified, hanging there in the air any moment expecting the mindarms daggers to turn in my direction.  I took that fear, covered myself with it, let it feed into my swarm, which screamed with the collective energy of the lightning that shudders through your body right before the branch your standing on breaks, the look in a wounded ash bears eyes as a hunter advances.  But fear is just as strong as anger , just as powerful and screeching, moaning, flapping, biting AFRAID, my swarm attacked the quivering mind I had pinpointed.


When I said I was the strongest willhammer in my clan,  I wasn't lying.

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Two's body snapped still, her arms and legs frozen as her mind was invaded by the giant. Truth, Two hadn't been expecting a mental assault, and why should she have from the brute. Jiyu's mind raced through her own. Two hastily put up defences, but Jiyu was travelling too fast, and he was too strong. Two kept on trying.....then....It stopped. Grinning inwardly, Two plucked the male's mind and pushed it out of hers. She could feel it struggling against the icy hands of her consciousness, trying to reach back in and control her. It was of no use.


Then the bats came. 


Great frightening things, dozens of them, hundreds! The grin disappeared and was replaced with worry, fear. The flying creatures came to Jiyu's defence, turning the tide of the battle.


Two could feel her opponents combined strength battle overwhelm her own. Their consciousness delved into her, farther and deeper into Two's very identity, her memories...


Two was with eleven others, all dressed in black, huddled around a bed. Lying there was a thirteenth, an old and feeble Datsue. She was dying. She tried to rise but the effort proved too much for her. She fell back an inch into the bed.


The old Datuse could at least beckon. She did. The twelve leaned in closer, their ears desperate.


She began to speak.....


"Ughhh" was all Two said. Then she fell, a knife protruding from her heartlight.




Three looked angrily at her dead companion, then at the Menti that had attacked her. Only five knifes flew in the air around her now, but they were completely still. Ignoring Seigyo now, Three used her Mindarm training to shoot the knives at Seigyo and Jiyu.


Her eyes stared daggers her targets. She would not miss.


"Blasphemous dogs!" she spat.




"That's a good things Reiyo, because I'm to go on one, and I'd rather not be alone when I do. I plan on travelling to Sado - I hear the Dastana twins are there right now, and I must talk to them. The queen too, maybe. How soon do you think we can be packed? Oh, and how soon can I expect the castle to know about our trip? Robalta asked.


There was little twinkle in her eye.



Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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[iki, Geyser Field]


Zataka’s left ###!


I should have known they would have some inane “kill your companions before they reveal great and important secrets” clause.  Unfortunately (at least for her), in her rage the dastana forgot I was still circling above her.  Backing up in the air, I took a few seconds to draw the swarm ready around my mind.  It wasn’t much of a defence, but I didn’t fancy I had any secrets I was particularly interested, unlike them. I drew my bow halfway back--at this short of a range I didn’t need that much power--and loosed it.  It sped towards the black robed figure.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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... But Three's aim was, quite suddenly, affected by one simple fact. 


The world she had seen before was no longer her own. The familiar environment had melted away, replaced by a bleak, frigid landscape of featureless black. The temperature was freezing, so cold it felt like her limbs would fall off, and the darkness seemed to eat all light as though it was a living beast. And hungry. The silence was replaced rending screams, wails of pure pain and fright. Consciously, the assassin knew that the environment around her couldn't be real but the barrage on her senses was endless and overwhelming.


It tapped into the primal fears that every being possessed, of the dark, of the cold, and of the unknown. And whether or not she knew it was unreal, it served one purpose.


It kept her away from reality.




In the real world, Nihonei's eyes were narrowed with concentration, her breathing rate calm and smooth. 



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: An adventure? She hadn't been on an adventure in... well, ever. That time she had to hide her stash of artwork from her sisters didn't count. Still...


"How soon? Well... If I'm quiet, about half an hour. When I'm not, about ten minutes. I can pack our bags; it won't take long."

The times, they are a-changing...



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For his first act as a free man, Jasik bought a pear for five hundred dragons.


They were worth maybe one ten-thousandth of that, and Jasik didn't want to seem like some jerkoff just throwing money on one lucky merchant, so instead he went down the line and quietly pressed twenty dragons into the hands of each merchant in line after Arsix spoke. He had half a mind to trail his sister, follow where she led and protecting her from harm...but Arsix could protect herself, and Jasik's mettle had been tested during the brief spiel on secession.


He wanted to cheer, whoop loudly and get the merchants into one giant rave.


He wanted to cry, because Yomiken would never get to see what her golden twins were putting their minds to.


He wanted to spit on the old woman's grave, but at the same time he wanted to see her brother, apologize, swear that this had been a last resort and he had never wanted blood, because the sight of their sleeping mother's throat yawning open had put him off the stuff for life.


The Twins had never kept secrets from each other, and now each sat sullenly on their own separate agendas.


When had that happened? What had his sister sold up there, on that podium? Whatever she becomes, she did it for me. She wanted to save me.


He wished he'd been stronger.


He wished he'd just killed the shriveled .


Which? Yusanora, who would have been dead with or without him? Sheika, the cool aunt who half-admired, half-despised him, who did the deed and pinned it on a boy she'd known all his life? Nera Fursic?


All of them. He wished he'd just killed them all.


His only fear in the world was that Arsix might.


what do you think you're doing


Oh for 's sake. Not now.


you are the first son of the--


Clan Dastana, sworn to take up arms against yak yak yak and uphold the Toroshu's yadda yadda and her blahblahblah until [TBA death date]. Yadda yadda.


this is not the time for a watershed moment. put on the smile


He didn't wanna.


put on the smile. do not break. do not bend. do not question her. she is your toroshu and your elder and


And she's cracking. She's too young for this, she cares too much, she needs to learn to go away inside. 


smile like you mean it!








Jasik took a big bite of pear, smiling at the Menti merchant as the juice ran down his chin.



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Three's skin felt icy. She knew it wasn't real, but there was nothing she could do. Her targets had disappeared and replaced by this frozen wasteland. She begun to muster her mental defences, ready to break through the illusion that ensconced her completely. It would take only a few moments to see again...


The arrow hit her first. Straight in the heartlight. Three was dead before she hit the ground, the spear missing her and instead sailing past.




Kulrik remained on the floor, immobile.


He was a having a pleasant dream. He was surrounded by a score of beautiful women, in a faraway land where males weren't treated like commodities. 




"My, you're faster than I thought. There's no need to leave tonight. Take your time, don't rush yourself. We'll go to Sado in the morning after breakfast."


Robalta drained the last of the tea.


"You can go now. And try not to tell too many people about our little trip.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Raiyo got to her feet, and bowed slightly. "I'll be ready to leave first thing in the morning."


With measured steps, she took the tea out of the room, and back to the kitchen. Couldn't walk too fast, the other servants might get suspicious. She was known for being talkative when she was excited, and Raiyo was especially excited now. Visiting Sado? She hadn't left Oki in so long! She giggled to herself softly as she gathered some essential items to pack, before returning to work cleaning.

The times, they are a-changing...



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With all said and done, Jiyu took a deep breath as he tried to calm down.


"I hope... That my appearance wasn't too sudden," He apologized, eyes drifting towards Kulrik's prone form. As much as he wanted to walk over and kick the Vilda first son awake, playing babysitter for the Vilda wasn't what he was here for.


"When you all have several moments, and while we wake for the Vil- First Son Kulrik to wake, I would like to exchange words with you, Toroshu Nihonei," he said with a slight bow.

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[iki, Geyser Field]


It’s over.




She’s gone.  All those swirling feeling living thoughts, suddenly ceased.


I killed her.  Didn’t I?  Yes that was my arrow, sticking out of there.  I must of been lucky, my aim isn’t usually that good.  The other one, I had been inside her head when she died...but I didn’t--it was her “comrade” --




Oh ####.


There was pain in my knees.  Of course, that’s why you don’t suddenly stop thinking in midair.


I sat down hard, curling into a ball.  And then I started sobbing.  Tears were simple.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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As the assassin fell, Nihonei flicked the tip of her wakizashi to remove the drop of blood from its edge before sheathing both swords. She heard the massive Herupa's words, even gave him a nod, but it was to Shuuan's side that she walked. A few quick strides were all it took, and the Eiyu Toroshu promptly crouched down next to her. Her eyes panned over the Menti briefly, checking for wounds, but it only lasted a moment before she sat down next to her. 


"First time experiencing it?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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[iki, Geyser Field]


I looked at the stuffy old toroshu, suddenly feeling very alone and very angry.


“Yes,” I said.  “She--how can you not feel it?  How can you just clean off your sword if nothing happened?"  I glanced over at Jiyu.  "How can you? People are dead and you acted like someone had taken Toroshu Nihonei away for a chat!”


My voice came out louder than I expected.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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