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Nuju Metru

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"I scratched my opponent. She chose to run." Nihonei wasn't insulted by Shuuan's outburst; she wasn't even really surprised. Her tone stayed calm, even quiet. "I did not wish to stop her, so I let her go. In a good world, they would have chosen the same. In a proper world they wouldn't have attacked at all." 


"I've never killed, and I rarely fight. I find both to be horrible. But sometimes you have to fight or they'll kill you instead."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Jiyu kept his words to himself, instead slowly taking in Shuuan's words. He had done what the situation had called for. His opponents had attempted to kill him, Shuuan, Seigyo, and Toroshu Nihonei... But that wasn't the proper response?


The giant Dasaka had always enjoyed combat... In the yards on Sado, he had been considered dedicated and ruthless, even by his instructors. The thrill of fighting felt amazing compared to having to stand against Eshiwa's abuse. When he finally killed Eshiwa, his first reaction had been joy.


Shuuan's reaction was regret. Should he have felt regret instead of joy..?

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[iki, Geyser Field]


“I wasn't questioning the morality of my actions,” I said to Nihonei.  Typical philosophical answer.  Sounded good on paper, but didn’t actually do anything to assuage the horrid feeling running through me.  “I was just--being upset.  Paying my proper respects.”  Zuto Nui, I sounded like mother.


I didn't look at Jiyu.  I didn't need to, to sense his confusion.  He had absolutely no idea of how I felt, of why I could possibly be upset after ending someone’s life with my own hands.


I shivered.  Suddenly I didn't feel like I knew him as well as I thought.  I needed to do something.  I glanced over at Kulrik.


“Should we walk him up?”

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"I have several ideas of how to wake the Vilda up," Jiyu said, pausing before adding , "That don't require physically harming him. If someone has a source of fire, I have incense with me... That could wake him. Although, I would like to have a conversation with the three of you without his prattling."


Seigyo was already trying to gently shake him awake.

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IC: Dastana Haiko (Sado)


The stranger "just wanted to ask a question" to the Toroshu? Haiko retained her nonchalant look as she contemplated what to do with her. The warrior was either an Imperial wishing to defect or a very bad assassin. Either way, she couldn't make a scene here, in the middle of the capitol.

"Very well. I'll escort you to Arsix myself." At the very least this should be interesting. "You wouldn't happen to have a name, would you?" Haiko added as an afterthought. It would be easier to travel with the warrior without having to refer to her as "stranger."

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Oblivious to world due to his Willhammer-induced sleep, the Vilda First Son did not feel Seigyo's hands trying to waken him. He certainly did not hear the conversation between the Menti around him. Besides for the rise and fall of his chest, Kulrik did not move.


The corpses did. 


The bodies of Two and Three rose slowly from the ground. A knife stuck out of the former's heart light, an arrow from the latter. Neither weapon seemed to cause any concern on the two dead faces. In fact, their faces were wholeheartedly blank, their eyes expressionless. But they walked with purpose. Two held a sword and Three a dagger. They swung at their opponents' backs. 

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IC: Dastana Haiko (Sado)


The stranger "just wanted to ask a question" to the Toroshu? Haiko retained her nonchalant look as she contemplated what to do with her. The warrior was either an Imperial wishing to defect or a very bad assassin. Either way, she couldn't make a scene here, in the middle of the capitol.

"Very well. I'll escort you to Arsix myself." At the very least this should be interesting. "You wouldn't happen to have a name, would you?" Haiko added as an afterthought. It would be easier to travel with the warrior without having to refer to her as "stranger."


IC: Ageru Tamachan (Sado)


Tama nodded, and started following the other Menti.


"My name is Ageru Tama" she said with ease.

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OOC: Ok, the Court of Clan Ageru is now convened. Anyone with a sufficiently high-ranking Ageru character (if only there were more of you...:P) is more than welcome to have them attend.


IC (Kilanya)

When Toroshu Kilanya entered the main hall, most of the court had already arrived and were seated on and around the dais of Gestheru's Seat. Most of the highest-ranking Ageru were present: noble vassals, Datsue advisors, Menti generals...and, of course, Nalano.

Kilanya approached the Seat, and turned to face the gathered courtiers. They all rose from their chairs and inclined their heads in the traditional manner.
"This court is convened," she said, and seated herself. The rest of the court followed suit. One aide approached the Seat and handed her a sheaf of papers containing the most recent reports of anything the Toroshu needed to be aware of. She skimmed through them briefly, looking particularly long and intently at one of them, then set them down on a small table to her right.
She appraised her courtiers.


"I have just received word that Toroshu Arsix has announced the Dastana's secession from the Empire," she announced. A ripple of murmurs passed around the circle as the news sank in. "The Rora has not yet issued any declaration in response, but it is unlikely she will take kindly to Arsix's act of defiance.


"Do any of you wish to speak on this matter?"





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IC: Ayako

"Um... Lemme take it to some of the higher officials. Sorry to keep you waiting."


Some time later...


As Kilanya brought up the issue of Dastana, Ayako thought for a moment, before saying: "I hate to state the obvious, but we will side with the Rora in whatever measure she chooses to take - within reason - correct? Or have the terms of alliance between us and Umbraline changed?"


"Also, I have a very minor issue to ask of the court; it's probably of little importance, but if I may say it now...?"

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IC: Viitkha


The stony-faced woman listened to the news with her usual air of disinterest from her place among the military leaders of the clan, her gaze flitting around the council as their murmurs grew, lacing her scarred fingers together.  She showed no signs of having just recently come from a rather intense sparring match, though she was dressed in her, comparatively, sparsely adorned green robe rather than her armor.


"Speak, Ayako, for I have the feeling that you will not have the chance once the presented topic take hold," Viitkha said, in the rough deadpan that was almost expected of her.  Though her statement lacked formality, it certainly didn't lack respect for the Datsue.



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IC: Ayako

"Okay. What I wanted to ask was: two traveling merchants are currently asking for permission in the form of a visa or some other official document to be allowed to travel through Ageru land. From the design of their clothes, I highly suspect that they hail from Clan Kuychar. They seem to be in a rush of sorts. What should we do about them?"


"To segue this into a more general topic, incidents like this may happen with greater frequency given current events. Will any measures be taken to regulate the flow of travelers through our territory?"

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Two moved her sword to block Jiyu's, but the male's strength won out. His blade sliced straight through her body an inch or two above the waist, stopping just before the spine. With the sword stabbing straight through her corpse, Two walked closer to Jiyu attack him.


Three continued and moved to grab Shuuan from behind, her dagger ready to be brought to the Menti's throat and take her as a hostage.



It was the next morning. 


A wagon had left earlier with their bags, taking the dawn ferry.  Robalta stood outside the walls of Castle Vilda, admiring her home. She waited patiently for Raiyo, wherever she was.

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[sado, Imperial Palace]


“They have indeed,” Morie said, keeping her voice soft and yet not without emotion.  “If I may not trouble you highness, may I take a seat?  My stamina is not what it used to be."




"Take mine." Desdemona concentrated hard on a chair and slowly slid a chair with her Mindarm under the Toroshu (a little noisily, truth be told, but she got the job done.) When she sat, the Chojo took a seat on her bed, curled up on her side, and wrapped her overlong blanket up around her slim legs and abdomen. She shared a fragile smile, slivers of white teeth shining like her protective crystal armor. "Inokio said I'd be a battlemaster by year's end. I want to make it in a third of that. So I've been practicing Mindarm everywhere - even where I don't really need to."


Des' smile slowly became smaller, more confident but more businesslike.


"What may I help you with today, Toroshu? Anything I can do to help, I would be glad to put my mind to."



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He saw the other corpse move to hurt Shuuan.


Oblivious to harm to himself, he stopped what he was doing and quickly jumped to tackle the dead assassin that was trying to hurt Shuuan, reaching to break its arms- crush it's head- otherwise ruining the body in any way he could with his bare hands, anger coursing through his body. He was dimly aware that his maneuver opened his back up to his opponent, and that he was yelling in burning fury.


Jiyu was angry.

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Three was prevented from grabbing Shuuan by Jiyu's assault. There was a sickening crunch as the bones in her lower left arm broke, as well as one in her skull. She slashed at the male Menti with the dagger in her right hand.


Two swung her sword at Jiyu's shoulder blade, the attack intending to cut off the limb. 

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Two's blow, like Three before her, was deflected by a katana's blade. Toroshu Nihonei had once again drawn her blades, this time bearing a disgusted look upon her face. The effects of the Tryna were well-known. Dividing the user's attention between two creations, especially in a scenario wherein their own senses were affected by distance, made the zombies less coordinated and less effective. A fact she took ready advantage of, slipping a slash from her wakizashi past Two's now disrupted stance to sever the tendons in her dominant arm.


A messy business, but the most efficient way to defeat a zombie was also known; render it immobile.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Dastana Haiko (Sado)


"Ageru. Funny. I'm Haiko, by the way." Haiko lead Tama through the crowd. The gathered merchants had already begun to disperse after the declaration of Dastana's independence. She retained her confident demeanor as she swaggered across the way, occasionally stopping to make sure that the Ageru was keeping up with her long strides. "Arsix, as you can imagine, has a rather busy schedule planned, but I'm sure she'd make an exception for me." She thought of her rather... strained relationship with her clan, letting a smile slip on to her face. Tama wouldn't need to know her own standing just yet. "We'll have to hurry to catch Arsix. She's soon leaving on an important trip." In truth, Haiko had no idea where Arsix was going, but it must be somewhere important, right? She just needed to catch her before she left Sado. The tall Menti increased her speed, loping along the path her Toroshu took when leaving the area, following the awed looks of Saihoko.

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Three's body soon bore a myriad of injuries. Bones were broken, ribs were shattered and blood poured out of a dozen gashes. Soon it stopped resisting completely, but still Jiyu attacked it. Finally he stopped. The corpse tried to move, but bones and muscle could no longer support the deceased body. Three budged slightly, but it was of no use. It stopped, and whatever life-force had kept it 'alive' departed.


Two fared just as badly. Her sword dropped from her arm, which was now useless, so she tried to claw at Nihonei's face with her one good arm. The Menti made short of work her, quickly removing Two's ability to attack. 


"Rrrragghhhh" was all Two could snarl. Sensing her own defeat, she collapsed onto the ground, dead. Again.




Not too far away, One fully deactivated her Mask and slid from a rocky outcropping hidden by mist and steam onto a canoe. She held an arm to her cut belly and signalled for Six to paddle them away. Six did just that. 

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"They're dead, again," Jiyu growled. He wasted no time to quickly move away from the corpse, clutching at his arm. He would be forced to see the healers, again. His single eye closed in frustration as he placed his hand over the dagger, and the wound. He would have to keep pressure on it, and avoid removing the weapon until someone could bandage him... So long as the blade wasn't poisoned. Somehow, he doubted that fact. These assailants lacked subtlety.

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"Ah, there you are. I was wondering how long it would take to tell the whole castle I'd be gone. Not too long, I now know" Robalta said with a small chuckle. "Let's be off then."


The Datsue began the walk to the docks and Raiyo quickly followed after, a few steps behind her mistress.


Robalta paused.


"Not like that, my dear. Come walk beside me. At my age you don't need all that business with honour, you just need a good friend."


She beckoned for the Dashi to move forward.


"So tell me little dove, have you found any young boys that catch your fancy? Surely you must, I remember when I was young..."




Kulrik breathed. And slept.

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"Ha, yes they are!" Robalta laughed. "Why, back in my day I had suitors come to visit me every other evening during my Menti training. They were different back then, real gentlemen. Some were rich, some came from very noble families and some were as handsome as the moon. Nothing like a Vilda though" the Datsue said with a wink.


"There's a reason we are the most attractive clan in the Empire. Though I wonder if maybe it'time for the rules to change....In any case Raiyo, you better watch yourself in the capital. Some of those First Sons tongue's might sound sweet one moment, then as sharp as a serpent's the next. Unfortunately, the politics breeds all sorts of nastiness in Dasaka. It's really such a shame."




Robalta pointed to towers of crystal that reached up into the sky.


"Here we are Raiyo" she said, disembarking with her handmaiden from the ferry. She handed the Dashi a small pouch of coins. "Sado, the jewel of the Empire. I think we can have some fun shopping before getting to business, don't you?"

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As Kilanya brought up the issue of Dastana, Ayako thought for a moment, before saying: "I hate to state the obvious, but we will side with the Rora in whatever measure she chooses to take - within reason - correct? Or have the terms of alliance between us and Umbraline changed?"


"Also, I have a very minor issue to ask of the court; it's probably of little importance, but if I may say it now...?"

IC: Viitkha


The stony-faced woman listened to the news with her usual air of disinterest from her place among the military leaders of the clan, her gaze flitting around the council as their murmurs grew, lacing her scarred fingers together.  She showed no signs of having just recently come from a rather intense sparring match, though she was dressed in her, comparatively, sparsely adorned green robe rather than her armor.


"Speak, Ayako, for I have the feeling that you will not have the chance once the presented topic take hold," Viitkha said, in the rough deadpan that was almost expected of her.  Though her statement lacked formality, it certainly didn't lack respect for the Datsue.

IC: Ayako

"Okay. What I wanted to ask was: two traveling merchants are currently asking for permission in the form of a visa or some other official document to be allowed to travel through Ageru land. From the design of their clothes, I highly suspect that they hail from Clan Kuychar. They seem to be in a rush of sorts. What should we do about them?"


"To segue this into a more general topic, incidents like this may happen with greater frequency given current events. Will any measures be taken to regulate the flow of travelers through our territory?"

IC (Kilanya)


Kilanya almost allowed herself a smile as Viitkha spoke. She always appreciated the warrior's no-nonsense attitude in the face of politics, where nonsense was rarely in short supply.


"Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention, Datsue," she said. "I will see to it that it is taken care of. In answer to your second question..."


The Toroshu paused for a brief moment's thought, with the expectant eyes of the court on her.


"...that will remain to be seen. At this point in time I see no reason to increase restrictions on our borders, but if circumstances change, that will have to be considered."


"If I may draw the court's attention back to a rather more important question raised by the good Datsue," came the voice of a male: Nalano. The First Son rose to his feet to speak. "I would not have expected to have to ask this, but: why has our full support for the Rora and the Umbralines not been declared sooner? It will be declared now, of course, given today's events, but that goes without saying."


"It will not."


Kilanya's stern and wholly unexpected reply drew gasps from many. Nalano's looked to her in surprise.


"I'm sorry, I must have misheard—" he began.


"You did not mishear," she interrupted firmly. "I will not declare anything yet. Not until I fully understand the situation."


Nalano laughed incredulously.


"'Understand'?" he repeated. "What is there to 'understand'? Surely our support for the Rora is a given, as it has always been."


"Nothing is a given," Kilanya replied. "It is not a decision I can make until I understand all sides, all motivations."


Several of the courtiers were now murmuring to each other. Some were just as shocked as Nalano by the fact that their Toroshu seemed to even be considering the possibility that they would not side with the Umbralines in whatever was to come, as the Ageru always had. Others seemed uncertain.

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IC: Askha's eyes rocketed open when she felt the cold water. She saw a Saihoko, not looking too pleased, holding the bucket. That explained the water. But what it didn't explain was her massive headache, or why she was lying in the back of a merchant's stall.


"Get out! I find you eating my food, sleeping on my baskets, I've had enough of your drunken bullying! Get out! I never want to see your mask around here again!"


Well, that explained some things. Askha groaned as she got up, and did a quick pat-down of her person. It wasn't the first time she had woken up in a strange place with a wicked hangover. Weapons were there, all of them. Nothing new... her coinpurse was gone. Askha half-expected that; thankfully, she hadn't been carrying that many dragons anyway. Wait, where was her token? She frantically dug around in her belt, before grasping something flat, round, and wooden. She took a quick peek; the animated kavinika howled, as usual. Good. It was one of the few reminders she had left that she was a Mashtet, that she had once been a proud Menti warrior. As Askha walked out of the merchant stall, she covered her eyes from the bright sunlight, reflected through the crystal buildings around her.


Wait, something was off... her forehead was always ridged. She had an Iden. it wasn't smooth like hers was now. Quickly, she took out her knife, staring at her face in its crystalline reflection. Askha again groaned; she was looking at a blue Kaukau. A Dashi's, from the markings.


"Have a pleasant sleep, Askha?"


The other reminder that she was a Mashtet, Somei. The Datsue was looking through the stalls, examining fruit. Forking over a few dragons to the incensed Saihoko before taking a bite of the pear. "You want one?"


Askha didn't respond, instead levitating one of the pears to her hand, digging into it. Somei gave the Saihoko, looking increasingly angry, a few more dragons. "What... what happened last night?"


"Well, I can't say for certain. I lost track of you after you started dancing on that table in the tavern. You still had your Iden then. Probably still on some farmer's face for now." She passed Askha a waterskin.


Askha grimaced as she put her hood up, taking the waterskin, since she was becoming very aware of how thirsty she was. Too early for the noise and glare. "Where are we?" she groaned, taking a swig.


"The Markets."


"The Markets? You mean we're on Sado?" The Menti looked skeptical. "But I started drinking on Oki..."


The Datsue nodded. Askha could tell she was concealing a smug look. "I am aware of that, I was there. Good thing I'm carrying most of the money... Now, I think we should get your mask back. The Imperial City is officially on lockdown due to the... situation here."


Askha rubbed her eyes, again groaning. She was wondering why the streets were so empty. Better get out before some fanatics Hogo think she's taken a side, and decide to 'suppress' the Mashtet survivors. Hopefully they could make it out of the city with no contact. Askha sighed; It was going to be another one of those days.

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"Take mine." Desdemona concentrated hard on a chair and slowly slid a chair with her Mindarm under the Toroshu (a little noisily, truth be told, but she got the job done.) When she sat, the Chojo took a seat on her bed, curled up on her side, and wrapped her overlong blanket up around her slim legs and abdomen. She shared a fragile smile, slivers of white teeth shining like her protective crystal armor. "Inokio said I'd be a battlemaster by year's end. I want to make it in a third of that. So I've been practicing Mindarm everywhere - even where I don't really need to."


Des' smile slowly became smaller, more confident but more businesslike.


"What may I help you with today, Toroshu? Anything I can do to help, I would be glad to put my mind to."





[sado, Imperial Palace]


Morie sat down on the chair with a sigh of relief, smiling thinly.  She placed the fabric bundle next to her.


“You’re power is impressive, Chojou, I fear that we might need it soon.”


She slightly expanded her own willhammer power, and the silver petals flowed invisibly through the air, judiciously avoiding Desdemona’s hurricane consciousness.   When she was satisfied that no one was within hearing range, she turned back to the Princess.


“Officially I am here to present you with a gift, but that is a pretext.  I know that this is still difficult for you...but are you aware of how the investigation of the Rora’s killer is proceeding?"


[iki, Geyser Field]


The things on the ground could never be mistaken for anything alive.  Next to the minds of the people that surrounded me, writhing with emotion, they might have as well been rocks.  I couldn’t stop staring at them, as if my eyes thought they could somehow take precedence over my sixth sense.  Now the blood and gore marking them up shattered that illusion.  I wouldn’t call it beautiful; I’d seen extremely detailed drawings of ancient battles and even then they gave me a spinning sort of nausea.  But the scene before my was--present, Jiyu’s anger and my other companions’ confusion lending it a sharpness that seemed to cut the air.

I turned to Jiyu.  “Thanks,” I said, and my voice didn’t shake.  I was glad to be in the presence of someone so furiously alive.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Askha clutched her forehead. She desperately wished for some ice. "Have you seen Maripi anywhere? We need to stick together."


Somei shrugged. "When you two were drunk, you at least had the good sense to stick together. I suspect she's around here somewhere."


The Menti took a deep breath to clear her head. She concentrated on the mental plane, trying to find out if she was there. Nothing from her, though she could tell there was chaos in some other parts of the city.


.: Maripi, you awake? We need to get out of here. Please tell me you didn't swap masks too... :.

Edited by Keeper of Kraata

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IC: (Maripi)

Aaargh, head, hurt, ####, ####, ####, pain, head, pain.

The menti opened her eyes, rubbing them groggily. Why had she had a drink last night?

You're supposed to keep a clear head - nobody's gonna hire you with a hangover.

Maybe it's alright once in a while...

No, this is what happens when you be a little--

 --.: Maripi, you awake? We need to get out of here. Please tell me you didn't swap masks too... :.

The grey-armoured Mindarm reached up to her face, and--

 --No mask. Well ####.

Hang on...What was that? In the hay...a Kakama. It was dented and scratched, but it would have to do...she could go a while without her Volitak, and she hadn't worn a mask of speed for a while. Stumbling over, vision blurry and head throbbing, she grabbed the mask from the ground, placing it on her face. It's natural protodermic platinum colour turned dark blue, and her vision cleared. She stared down at the hay, where there lay the sleeping form of a menti she had just inadvertently taken the mask off.

.: Where are you? :. she broadcast back, eyeing the prone dasaka, who was beginning to stir. 

The menti rose, rubbing her eyes--


 --the figure fell back down as one of Maripi's chain weapons impacted their mask-less face. 



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Desdemona's brow furrowed softly.


"You would have to direct all queries to my uncle, I'm afraid," she said softly. "Rayuke is keeping things...close to the chest, and we have not spoken since before he interviewed the Twins."





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IC: .: You say that, but I'd rather not have to explain ourselves to Imperial Guard. Or Clan Hogo, for that matter. :.


Akha did her best to blink away the bleariness. And failed. She took some of the waterskin and splashed her mask to rub away the tired. "Somei, you know the nearest way to get off of Sado onto Oki?"


The Datsue nodded slowly. "I might know a way. And it's... probably still going."

The times, they are a-changing...



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