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BZPRPG - Le-Wahi

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IC - Beosach:


"How'd you get sustenance, then? Or did you even have a way to keep track of the time spent while you were in there? And I never said anything about you lifting the rocks, anyways," Beosach corrected. Then his eyes narrowed, and he frowned.


"Which means you corrected me on something I didn't bring up as a point at all, which is making me doubt the validity of your story even more."

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OOC: Interacting with Anirax while continuing interaction with Scorpio.


IC (As Adamas): *Maybe my kanohi won't work against venom. Better not take a risk and blind myself.* The toa of crystal jumped backwards and sprinted to the right, wanting to distance herself from it. Her feet skidded in the dirt as she turned around and jabbed her spear forward, launching a crystal shard at the scorpion. *I have a feeling I'm going to need more than just myself to tame the Nui-Jaga.* she decided to sprint to Le-Koro and contact the gukko force to seek out help. Adamas ran away from Scorpio and made a mad dash towards the air village. She glanced back to see if the scorpion was chasing her and as the crystal toa looked forward, she collided into a toa of ice. "Oww..." The crystal toa winced as she got to her knees and looked at who she bumped into.

Edited by Liuth

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IC: Anirax

She paused.

"Ow." She sat up, pausing to make sure her leg wound hadn't gotten worse. She glanced over at the Crystal Toa who had crashed into her.

"You right there? You look like you're in a hurry."


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IC (As Adamas): "I'm fine." Said the toa of crystal. "I was running from a Nui-Jaga to Le-Koro, I need the gukko force to help me tame the creature." The crystal toa spoke as she looked behind her. *It's probably left me alone or finding a quicker way to get to me.* Adamas knelt down in front of Anirax. "I'm not just taming any old blue or purple scorpion, it's colored tan and it has a saddle. I know this sounds crazy, but I just need to tame and restrain it so I can take it to its owner without it harming anyone."

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IC: Anirax

"I could probably help more if there wasn't a piece of boat in my thigh." She grimaced as she pointed to the piece of wood jutting from her leg.

"Buuuut." She added. She activated her Volitak for a moment.

"I might be able to distract it." As she reappeared into view. She thought for a moment.

"If I help you catch this thing, can you help me out with my...injury...?"


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ooc: Wow two Toa, Scorpio is going to burn off his meal faster than I thought at this rate. Who wants to be his second course?  :dead:

== Le-Wahi - Le-Koro Village - Near the Gukko Force Rookery ==

OOC: Nui-Jaga Scorpio

IC: Scorpio flung his tail forward and fired a burst of his venom at the teal Toa of Crystal only to have her jump back out of the way and take off running. A Poor mistake to be sure as Adamas fleeting response triggered Scorpio's predator response. As soon as the Toa of crystal started running the Nui-Jaga hastened a pursuit. Chattering along the ground he made his way to where the Toa had collided with another. Stopping only to witness their interaction. He noticed the Newcomer vanish for a second then reappear just as quickly. This was a new trick Scorpio had not seen before and it caused him to hesitate. The feeling ended quickly as his predatory senses honed in on Anirax's injury to her leg. She was the weakest link and the prime target. With a shriek of broken glass the Nui-Jaga  flung more of his venom in the direction of the two Toa.

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
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Startled by the shriek, Anirax immediately retracted her head into her cloak before turning on her Volitak, standing up. There was venom on her cloak and a little on her face, so she should be wary of that. This other Toa had told her they wanted to capture it, not kill it, so throwing a knife directly into its skull was probably a bad idea. Stumbling, Anirax ducked into the bushes nearby.

OOC: First fight BTW, lemme know if I'm GMing a bit.


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ooc: GMing? Oh I see, not to my knowledge you are doing good. I think there is a rule regarding attacking while stealthed. So watch out for that...

== Le-Wahi - Le-Koro Village - Near the Gukko Force Rookery ==

OOC: Nui-Jaga Scorpio

IC: Scorpio watched the injured Toa vanish from sight after he fired at it. If he hadn't seen the trick moments prior he would have though he completely vaporized his target. Still there was still one remaining. The teal one who tried to hurt him with a crystal. She is who he really wanted. Stepping slowly and menacingly forward his focus was trained on Adamas. His mandibles chattering in his jaw as fluids dripped from them.

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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OOC: Have some Nui-Jaga music:

IC: Anirax

Anirax, using the sound-nullifying effects of her Volitak as much as possible, snuck up to the nearest tree, slipping behind it. Summoning her ice powers, she turned off her Volitak as the scorpion walked by, aiming for Adamas. Slipping out from behind her cover, Anirax fired a burst of frost as Scorpio's stinger, aiming to freeze it solid. If it worked, one of its main offenses would be gone. Even if it didn't, it would certainly startle it.


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IC: Komae [Le-Koro]


"Not to mention -" he raised his left hand with a smile, turning it so the scar along the back was clearly visible - "people are capable of astonishing feats when they're backed into a corner.  What's more likely? That a Toa managed to dig himself out of a tight spot - or that some made-up god came along and saved a Toa who won't even acknowledge his role in the world?"

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
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BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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IC (As Adamas): The toa of crystal raised her hands to conjure a ring of crystals. *If the ice hits, it'll stop it from flinging its venom, now all I have to do is keep the rahi in the barrier and reinforce it so it can't break out or at least get slowed down enough for us to find some more people to help.* she thought as crystal spires shot up out of the ground and surrounded the Nui-Jaga.

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IC: Komae [Le-Koro]


"Not to mention -" he raised his left hand with a smile, turning it so the scar along the back was clearly visible - "people are capable of astonishing feats when they're backed into a corner.  What's more likely? That a Toa managed to dig himself out of a tight spot - or that some made-up god came along and saved a Toa who won't even acknowledge his role in the world?"

IC Rahkiir:


"The rock was solid stone. It was roughly the size of a house, not to mention I was bleeding out in a corner. The fact of the matter is that there is no way on Heaven or Earth that I could escape from that cave without divine intervention."

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== Le-Wahi - Le-Koro Village - Turaga Talu's Hut ==

OOC: Po-Matoran Doseki


IC: "My Apologies Turaga Talu. It is not normal in these trying times to find one a kind soul." Doseki's attention moved to the door as the Toa Entered the Hut. "Yes we are Matoran. I am Doseki of Po-Koro. It is a pleasure to meet you Toku."


IC: Toku - Talu's hut




"So there are multiple Koro's"




"You matoran have all been so nice to me"


"What a pleasant and peaceful island this is" 

It's time to move on.

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IC - Beosach:


"See, now you're changing your story to make it seem more believable," Beosach shot back, smiling ever so slightly. "First you say you were buried by a lot of rubble. Now you say it is one, house-sized rock." He leaned back against the railing meant to protect people from falling off the platform, smiling.


"If you keep changing your story - or adding in information that was never asked for in the first place - people are going to seriously doubt everything you're saying, because those are both easy ways to spot a complete liar."

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IC Rahkiir:


"And now you're arguing with semantics. Is not any rock that was once part of a bigger rock 'rubble?' Plus, would you have not asked if I could remove the rock? I assume you would."


"I haven't changed my story in the slightest. Maybe your understanding, yes, but the story itself has remained unchanged. It is you who are, how do you say it, 'grasping at straws.' You couldn't possibly hope to understand the might of a god, so you undermine his authority by criticizing the tiniest details that can be explained away with even a child's grasp of the Matoran language."

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IC: Talu

Talu nodded at the words of the Toa. As he sat down in a seat Talu began to talk.

"You see, Toa Toku, it all began long ago - 1000 years to be precise." Started Talu, and lent forward on his stick. He then went on to talk about the deadly Makuta, the coming, and falling, of the Toa Mata, the darken days, the Toa Maru's success, the sudden appearance of the Piraka on the island, the coming of the Daska, and finally the assult on Ko-Koro. By the time he was finished, the sun was high in the sky of midday.

"And so you see, Toa Toku, not all has been or is well on this island, or the other islands. And now, you must realize your duty, as a Toa, for what to do. But, if you ever are in a pickle, or need some helping hand, I am here." Finished Talu, hoping that Toku had taken the barrage of information in.

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IC: Talu

Talu nodded at the words of the Toa. As he sat down in a seat Talu began to talk.

"You see, Toa Toku, it all began long ago - 1000 years to be precise." Started Talu, and lent forward on his stick. He then went on to talk about the deadly Makuta, the coming, and falling, of the Toa Mata, the darken days, the Toa Maru's success, the sudden appearance of the Piraka on the island, the coming of the Daska, and finally the assult on Ko-Koro. By the time he was finished, the sun was high in the sky of midday.

"And so you see, Toa Toku, not all has been or is well on this island, or the other islands. And now, you must realize your duty, as a Toa, for what to do. But, if you ever are in a pickle, or need some helping hand, I am here." Finished Talu, hoping that Toku had taken the barrage of information in.

IC: Taku - Talu's hut


"Who would commit such acts against such a good civilization!?" 


"I may not know my past but I will do everything to protect the future of this island"


"I will honour my duty"


"Thank you for your help"


"I am going to find the one who swept up with me and explain his duty to him" 


OOC: Toku is going to Ta-Wahi 

Edited by masterchirox580

It's time to move on.

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IC - Beosach:


"But I never asked whether or not you dug yourself out. Nor was I going to, so then your randomly bringing it up as you did is easily taken to be a sign of a guilty conscience. As for what you said earlier, rubble is most often used to imply various small stones and such as that - not gigantic boulders the size of a house. Beyond that, rubble is a collective term, not singular. So saying your cave was blocked by rubble and then changing it - rather conveniently, I might add - to have been blocked by a single gigantic boulder is also easily taken as a sign of a guilty conscience." By now, Beosach was grinning.


Arguing with the stupid was a fun way for him to pass the time.


"Then, the moment I call you out on that, you turn on me, saying I'm simply arguing semantics when, in fact, I'm not. Then, instead of properly refuting my arguments, you insult my intelligence and my comprehension, and say I'm simply grapsing at straws for a way to disprove your silly fanaticism. Are you having fun making yourself look like a fool?"

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IC - Beosach:


"But I never asked whether or not you dug yourself out. Nor was I going to, so then your randomly bringing it up as you did is easily taken to be a sign of a guilty conscience. As for what you said earlier, rubble is most often used to imply various small stones and such as that - not gigantic boulders the size of a house. Beyond that, rubble is a collective term, not singular. So saying your cave was blocked by rubble and then changing it - rather conveniently, I might add - to have been blocked by a single gigantic boulder is also easily taken as a sign of a guilty conscience." By now, Beosach was grinning.


Arguing with the stupid was a fun way for him to pass the time.


"Then, the moment I call you out on that, you turn on me, saying I'm simply arguing semantics when, in fact, I'm not. Then, instead of properly refuting my arguments, you insult my intelligence and my comprehension, and say I'm simply grapsing at straws for a way to disprove your silly fanaticism. Are you having fun making yourself look like a fool?"

IC Rahkiir:


Rahkiir was rather annoyed by this heathen's claims that his god was nothing more than a hallucination.


"If I couldn't dig myself out, and if the cave entrance was in a dip where the rubble had no where else to go, how could I possibly escape from the cave and live to tell the tale? And, I might add, who are you to decide what the word 'rubble' means to me? I lived in a small village in Po-Wahi. There, rubble was the word we used to refer to any sort of rock that collapsed onto something, no matter the quantity or size."

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IC: D'let


 D'let was probably the most grateful being in Le-Koro for the railing designed to keep people from falling off the platforms on accident. He was sure, if he actually looked where he was going, that he had bumped into all of them, and even a few that broke immediately afterwards. That was one of the downsides to Le-Koro: it wasn't friendly to the tablet users of the world.


 Looking down at the glowing piece of machinery, D'let swiped and tapped, looking at new designs of various machinery across the island. He had downloaded the latest blueprints from the nearest Onu-Koro tech shop. Best place to get them, he was told once. He was always learning, hoping to one day get hired to build some great ship or some new marvel that helped the island or improved some aspect of life. But who would hire a Skakdi? Everybody "knew" that they would just break any equipment they got their hands on. The lasting stereotype that was all too true haunted him no matter where he went.



 OOC: Open for interaction

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IC: Praxis


The Ba-Toa wordlessly accepted the Bo-Toa's herbs, chewing them briefly and downing them with the water from the melting ice pack, before wiping the "runoff" from his face and tossing the now-useless ice pack away.


IC: Lumira - Road From Le-Koro


"That's littering, bruh," I said, giving the resident grumpopotamus the ol' EVIL EYE.





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== Le-Wahi - Le-Koro Village - Turaga Talu's Hut ==

OOC: Po-Matoran Doseki

IC: Doseki just sat quietly as Turaga Talu told the story of the island to the wayward Toa. When the story was finished Doseki was surprised that Toa Taku immediately got up and left. "I guess your story really touched him Turaga Talu. It seems as if he has a purpose now. So how about your own story? How did you become a Turaga?"




ooc: sorry for late reply. Had a post and a reset deleted it. So Your trying to cage the Rahi. Could work, or it could anger him for feeling cornered and making him even more dangerous.



== Le-Koro Village - Near the Gukko Force Rookery ==

== Hunting Cy-Toa Adamas & Ko-Toa Anirax ==

OOC: Nui-Jaga Scorpio

IC: Scorpio was completely focused on the Cy-Toa Adamas that he didn't even notice with the Toa of Ice emerged behind him and fired a freezing blast at his tail. The strike hit him pretty hard as his tail started to become incased in ice. The Nui-Jaga did not like the cold very much being normally a desert dwelling Rahi so the pain was amplified greatly the more the ice spread. The distraction was enough that the pillars of Crystal created by the other Toa were quickly forming around him. Scorpio was swinging his tail wildly to try and free himself from the uncomfortable sensation smashing it into several of the crystals as he went. His temperament was none to the better as he felt his surroundings closing in on him. His cries echoed off the crystals and amplified the sound of shattering glass throughout the near by jungle. Seeing only one way out the Nui-Jaga made for the only exit he could find. the ground below him. Digging quickly with his claws Scorpio started to make his way below the surface of Le-Wahi.

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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Anirax walked over to the trapped scorpion.

It was digging.


Anirax did the only thing she knew that might stop it: She knelt down, placed the palm of her hand on the ground...

And made the ground in the rudimentary cage frosty and cold. It wouldn't be for long, but it would stop it digging its way out.


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IC - Beosach:


At the crazy person's last words, Beosach actually blinked.


"You do realize I'm a Po-Matoran, native of Po-Koro, and when I wasn't making maps or weapons I got to work as a stonemason, right? I'm pretty familiar with rubble. Regardless, if you were in a dip and rubble was falling in, wouldn't there perhaps be other rubble that made it in to the cave, beyond a singular giant boulder? How did you maintain any sustenance inside this cave before your 'god' came to you? Did he come to you immediately? Do you have proof that your wounds were healed in a divine manner, without any scarring or anything like that? How'd you make it back to civilization? Do you have anything else other than some foolish story, of which you are the only witness, to prove the existence of your god?" Beosach stood, gesturing to Rahkiir.


"Your story has holes in it that you aren't really doing a good job of explaining, or proving any of your explanations, and your story has changed in the time since you began telling it to me as well. The only recourse that you went to when you couldn't properly argue any of my points was to insult my intelligence, after I called you out on both the change in your story - and now, your very lackluster attempts to explain said change, which don't do a good job at all - and your rather random and unnecessary addition of information for a question I did not ask, which seemed rather hasty and is easily - and quite often is, and rightly so - considered to be a sign of a guilty conscience. I don't see any proof of any new god in anything you say and in your inability to tell a coherent story, I see an old man, a liar, and a hack. Of course, as can be expected, you refuse to admit to any of it, or perhaps you don't even have the ability anymore to realize what you're doing. As it is, I think it'll be best to just leave you here as you are and let other people have the opportunity to argue with you." He turned to his companion.


"Coming, Komae? I think we're overdue at the inn."

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ooc: Oh I hate you so much right now... :P

== Le-Wahi - Le-Koro Village - Near the Gukko Force Rookery ==

OOC: Nui-Jaga Scorpio

IC: Scorpio was about halfway down when the Toa of Ice started freezing the ground around him. As it stood he was now stuck with half of his body sticking in the air and his tail still flailing around trying to get the ice to break free. This was not a comfortable position and under the ground Scorpio's face showed this discomfort. He was definitely not the hunter his wild brethren were as he doubted if they would have ever gotten themselves into such a predicament.

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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OOC: Breaking interaction with Ranok and interacting with D'let.


IC (As Fulmen): "Well, I might go find the cleaner now, thanks for helping me out." Said the matoran of lightning. *If he's not here, he could be somewhere else.* the lightning matoran looked around the village for the cleaner of Le-Koro. His feet carried him wherever he went and as he looked to the right, Fulmen bumped into a skakdi. "Oof!" He cried out as the Vo-Matoran fell down. His bright yellow eyes widened in fear and began stammering. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to b-bump into you!" Fulmen felt like he was back with the crazy toa of fire and Muaka that had both tried to kill him.


IC (As Adamas): "That's good enough, now let's go to Le-Koro." Said the toa of crystal as she stood next to Anirax. "Can you sprint or should I carry you to the village?"

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OOC: 'Second course' my armored hide XD

IC: Anirax

Anirax stood up.

"That should hold it for a while." She sighed. Then she registered the question.

"At best I can jog." She blinked.

"Keep in mind. Boat. In leg. Not fun."


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IC (As Adamas): "Looks like I'm carrying you on my back." Said the toa of crystal as she knelt down to let Anarix climb on. "I know this is silly, but what choice do we have?"

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IC: Komae [Le-Koro]


"Hm.  I guess we are.  No point in wasting our time on this sort of thing."  He tilted his head up just a fraction, but didn't look away from Rahkiir.  "And if this Toa had half a lick of sense, he'd do the same."

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
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BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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IC (As Adamas): "Yes, let's walk to Le-Koro, it's not like the ice won't melt and the Nui-Jaga will destroy the crystal barrier holding it in and I'm sure we don't need to worry about the scorpion chasing us all the way to Le-Koro or decide to wait in a bush and ambush unwary travellers." Replied the toa of crystal with a little irritation. "Sounds like a good idea to me, let's take a nice little stroll, how does that sound?" 

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OOC: Breaking interaction with Ranok and interacting with D'let.


IC (As Fulmen): "Well, I might go find the cleaner now, thanks for helping me out." Said the matoran of lightning. *If he's not here, he could be somewhere else.* the lightning matoran looked around the village for the cleaner of Le-Koro. His feet carried him wherever he went and as he looked to the right, Fulmen bumped into a skakdi. "Oof!" He cried out as the Vo-Matoran fell down. His bright yellow eyes widened in fear and began stammering. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to b-bump into you!" Fulmen felt like he was back with the crazy toa of fire and Muaka that had both tried to kill him.



 IC: D'let


 D'let almost fell backwards, but caught himself before he hit. He stowed his tablet and extended a hand to the blue and yellow Matoran. "I-I-I didn't ssssee you there." D'let muttered, looking at the Matoran's feet. "Are you ok-kay?"

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IC: Komae [Le-Koro]


"Hm.  I guess we are.  No point in wasting our time on this sort of thing."  He tilted his head up just a fraction, but didn't look away from Rahkiir.  "And if this Toa had half a lick of sense, he'd do the same."

IC Rahkiir:


Rahkiir considered himself a patient man, but he was fanatical in his devotion to Rahvok. Despite his grey and tan appearance, he was a Toa of Fire, and had all the associated anger issues, temperment and other stereotypes associated with the role.


"Maros the Blasphemer turned his back on the Dragon God, and suffered greatly. He was cast down from Paradise and sent to burn in Karzahni for all eternity, just as you will!"


Yep. Rahkiir had definitely lost his temper.


Summoning as much elemental power as he could, he conjured a wall of fire and sent to towards the blasphemous Matoran, searing a few onlookers and passers-by.

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[Le-Koro, Central Square]


Ranok waved the vo-matoran off, yawning again.  He picked up his things and went to look for Kunitu.  He wanted to say goodbye to her before he left for Onu-koro.


As he was passing through the markets, he eavesdropped on the fanatic toa (of stone?) and the subsequent argument he had with two po-matoran.  The toa’s story would make a good ballad--some things would have to be modified of course, none of the godly intervention, just a Toa and a dragon who became good friends in a land far away.  Perhaps it would end with the dragon’s death at the hand of mistaken villagers; a tragic note would help give it oomf.


The Le-matoran began composing in his head as he weaved through the market, whistling to himself.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Kunitu


The flames were stopped immediately, whipped into a tornado of wind that channelled the flames up into the air where they could do little more than singe the moist jungle canopies that covered the village of Le-koro. Who could have been responsible for this action? Who would have intervened in order to protect innocent citizens from the attack of an ill-tempered warrior? Probably the guards.


But this was no guard.


This was a semi-retired one who was sitting in a tree in the path of the flames and she wasn't going to let others or herself get burnt thank you very much.


"I'm afraid I can't let you do that," said Kunitu, not sounding apologetic at all as she dropped down in front of Rahkiir, her longsword and Toa tool readied in her hands. "Attacking others in the middle of the village? That's unacceptable."

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[Le-Koro, Markets]


As luck would have it (or rather not, since nobody wanted to deal with a fanatic toa of fire immolating them in the first place) Kunitu had showed up.  Ranok was not a coward, but he knew the best thing at this point would be to let the professionals take care of it.


Listening to the the surrounding conversations, he found the healers and helped guide them toward the wounded bystanders.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Kunitu


The flames were stopped immediately, whipped into a tornado of wind that channelled the flames up into the air where they could do little more than singe the moist jungle canopies that covered the village of Le-koro. Who could have been responsible for this action? Who would have intervened in order to protect innocent citizens from the attack of an ill-tempered warrior? Probably the guards.


But this was no guard.


This was a semi-retired one who was sitting in a tree in the path of the flames and she wasn't going to let others or herself get burnt thank you very much.


"I'm afraid I can't let you do that," said Kunitu, not sounding apologetic at all as she dropped down in front of Rahkiir, her longsword and Toa tool readied in her hands. "Attacking others in the middle of the village? That's unacceptable."

IC Rahkiir:


Rahkiir looked at the Toa with mild amusement.


"You dare interfere with my divine duty? By the Dragon, I will end you!"


Rahkiir focused his power through his staff, unleashing a stream of fire from it.


"You will burn for your blasphemy!"

LEGO Republic:

The Valkyrie

The "Christmas Brick"


My BZPRPG Profiles


Now a proud member of The Kanohi Force


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IC - Beosach:


Now, when the crazy old man started blasting fire at him and Komae, Beosach wasn't particularly worried. After all, as one with a good deal of experience with fire - having had to cook for himself out in the wild before, of course - he knew that if you moved quickly enough through a flame, you wouldn't get burnt. At least, not badly. So, instead, he unlimbered his lochaber axe, ready to run through the flames and attack the crazy old Toa of Fire who believed in some strange hallucination.


Then another Toa jumped in to help him and Komae, and he smiled. When the Toa of Fire turned to attack the Toa of Air who had just given Beosach and Komae some aid, Beosach quickly ran to move behind Rahkiir, swinging his lochaber axe at the man's lumbar region once beside him. Beosach's plan was to paralyze him, and leave him unable to run around attacking others as he was. If it had to go further, well, Beosach was prepared to defend himself as much as he needed.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC Rahkiir:


Rahkiir was lucky. A couple of inches to the upper-right, and he would've been toast.


No, instead, the axe became lodged in his upper leg, barely missing the bone.


"ARGH!" he cried out in pain.


Twisting around, he redirected his attention to the Matoran, tossing a fireball directly at the Matoran's mask.

LEGO Republic:

The Valkyrie

The "Christmas Brick"


My BZPRPG Profiles


Now a proud member of The Kanohi Force


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OOC: For the purposes of avoiding an argument, I'll just ignore how there was no mention of what caused Beosach's axe to hit Rahkiir's leg rather than his back, as well as the fact that a battleaxe known to be quite proficient at chopping limbs off didn't take of Rahkiir's leg. Besides, it makes for a more interesting fight. =P


IC - Beosach:


Watching the Toa of Fire to make sure he didn't try anything, Beosach was able to see Rahkiir turning quite quickly. So Beosach continued his movement, ripping his axe back out of Rahkiir's leg and allowing it to bleed freely from whatever blood vessels were severed (alongside muscle and tendon) - all so that when Rahkiir launched his fireball, it was right where Beosach had been previously, and a good foot away from where Beosach was now.


And, before Rahkiir would fully recover from his attack, he would see another axe strike coming, this time the head of the axe about to bite into his shoulder, right where neck connected to torso.


OOC: Also, please, don't try to use the argument of "Beosach is so much shorter than Rahkiir he shouldn't be able to reach there." In the profile it mentions he's tall for a Matoran (or at least it did last I remember, unless I accidentally edited that out), and beyond that, a lochaber axe is a pole axe, giving Beosach better reach as well.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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