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That's a fair point.

But that means you will now know our roles. Trying to take that opportunity and lynch us all, you Mafian?

Well I'm just assuming that, Man Named Chro Who Set Another Man's Arm On Fire.

I'd be a poor host to take over midgame anyway. XD

Wait, whose arm did I set on fire? iBrow set my arm on fire, that's it...

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Chro tried to share his curse with Norik and Toarobot, but failed spectacularly.

Not really. The only thing related to that which failed spectacularly was the part where they tried to get my lynched for what was clearly a hastily-created reason used to fill up the eight-suspect quota. ;)

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Well he can just easily deck someone right in the face and they would be immediately KO'ed.


Well if you consider getting a massive third degree burn on your face as to being KO'ed.

I reserve that treatment for Mafia members only. ;)


Also, I'm right-handed, so a punch from my flaming arm would be disappointingly weak.

Edited by Chro

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Way to go, flame reaper!


I'm a little Matoran, tall and thin. Here is my handle and here is my... spin?

Listen, some people can well write in song,

Toarobot has been doing it all game long,

But I regret to inform you, you're not one of these

People who can rhyme, so don't try it please.


save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Can we have a specific hour?

Edited by Rahkshi Guurahk

-Rahkshi Guurahk
GENERATION 3: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



(This banner is created by http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/59020-onaku/ )

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Technically since I'm using his scythe, Voxumo has consistently stopped the Mysterious Figure from killing me in our confrontations. :P

*shakes his hands with index fingers out at everyone*

Boo-ya! people take that! Even from the dead i am somewhat useful


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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Way to go, flame reaper!


I'm a little Matoran, tall and thin. Here is my handle and here is my... spin?

Listen, some people can well write in song,

Toarobot has been doing it all game long,

But I regret to inform you, you're not one of these

People who can rhyme, so don't try it please.


I'm sorry, the song was stuck in my head.

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Chapter 6 Part II: The Day the Miracle Man Died


“Alright, listen,” said Blade. “We’ll give you one last chance to survive, but only because we like Valendale a lot.”


“Thanks, guys,” said Valendale. “I like me too!”


“What do you need to know?” the Man of Miracles asked wearily as his hands were tied to the post behind his back.




“Wow, so specific,” the Man of Miracles said. “Congratulations, Blade.”


“We merely want a confession,” Burnmad said from behind.


“And the names of your allies, good sir!” Lhikevikk added.


The Man of Miracles snorted. “Why should I believe that you’ll really keep me alive?”


“Because we are the Village, and we are honest, hard working people?” Valendale asked. “Y’know, that argument sounded better before I said it.”


“Just confess, that’s all you need to do,” said Blade.


“I’m not confessing to anything!” the Man of Miracles snarled. “This planet has ruined me! I found a device that told me all about every single person’s role in that Mysterious Figure’s twisted games and he destroyed it! He stole my sniper rifle and then Voltex destroyed that! The Hunters never listen to me, they never sent me to do anything!”


“We’ve got a confession!” Blade called, to which an uproar of cheers sounded. “Alright, tie him up! We’ve got a lynching!”


“What-wait, you can’t! You lied to me!” the Sniper accused.


“Of course we did,” Blade said with a shrug. “We don’t love Valendale enough for you to stay alive, knowing that you’re guilty.”


“Guilty of what?!” the Sniper screeched. “I haven’t killed anybody!”


“Guys… he has a point,” Valendale said.


“Don’t you even start, Valendale,” said Burnmad.


“He’s my sibling, what do you want of me?!” Valendale cried. “Do you have any idea what it’s like, knowing that you can’t live without someone, but knowing that they also have to die? It’s awful!”


“We don’t have time for this!” Blade said. “Valendale, get out of the way!”


“No,” Valendale said, “I won’t let you.”


Valendale pulled out a sword – one that used to belong to a certain Matoran.


“This is Voxumo’s sword,” said Valendale. “When Voltex took the scythe and messed around with its abilities, he messed with this sword, too. One touch of this blade and you’ll be in agony for days.”


“Let’s test that theory, shall we?” Blade suggested.


Pulling out a small sword of his own, Blade charged forwards, ducking underneath Valendale’s attack and stabbing at Man of Miracles, who twisted around the pole just in time to escape. Blade ripped his sword out of the wooden pole and ducked underneath Valendale’s swing, attempting to attack Man of Miracles again when something that could only be described as pure, unbridled agony consumed him. Crying out, Blade tossed his sword away as he collapsed, pain consuming him from everywhere at once.


“All I did was tap your shoulder,” Valendale said. “It’s amazing what can happen when you start breaking that Staff in two.”


“Valendale,” Burnmad said, “it doesn’t have to be like this. Don’t do it, man.”


“You don’t know anything, do you?!” Valendale yelled. “It does have to be like this. That’s how these twisted games work – you vote for somebody, they die, and there’s nothing anybody can do to stop it. I’m already dead, man – I’m just gonna make sure you pay for it as much as possible.”


Valendale swung the sword again, and would have beheaded Burnmad if the Ta-Matoran had not brought his arm up to catch the blow just in time. Unfortunately, the block did nothing at all for Burnmad, who was consumed by the same agony that now had Blade lying motionless on the sand. Valendale glanced over to Lhikevikk – Lhikevikk considered both Burnmad and Blade for a moment before deciding it was infinitely wiser to run.


“Alright, Miracles… let’s get you free.”


“Not so fast.”


Valendale turned to see Voltex, with the scythe resting on his shoulder. The Host lifted his arm and pointed his palm at Burnmad; Burnmad fell still, panting as the pain ebbed away. Turning his aim, Voltex did the same for the unconscious Blade.


“You were correct, Valendale – you’re already a dead man.”


“What happens if I hit you?” Valendale asked, challenging him. “Maybe you can’t fix yourself.”


“It doesn’t matter what you do to me, because I was never really the Host of this game,” Voltex said. “So get down off of your high horse and let your sibling die.”


“I’ll tell you anything!” Man of Miracles yelled from the post. “Please just let me live! I’ll give you the name of the Hunter! And the Coder!”


Voltex paused. “The Coder?”




“Cut him free.”


Valendale swung; the ropes holding the Miracle Man to the post fell to the ground. The Sniper fell to his knees and stood up as Voltex and Valendale turned to face him – but when the Sniper was standing, he blanched.


“No! No, please!”


Voltex and Valendale turned around to see the Coder standing behind them silently, still flickering into existence, with two strange devices aimed at Valendale and Voltex, both of whom realized who exactly the Coder was at the same instant.


“These devices are going to injure you,” the Coder said, “and they will very nearly kill you. They will wipe your memories of me clean, should you survive this experience, and I will leave.”


To demonstrate his point, the Coder fired; Valendale and Voltex, both unprepared, were blasted in the chest. Both flew six feet and then crumpled to the sand upon landing, several pieces of armour blasted off; not a bit of either’s chest had not been burnt black or blasted away by the attack. Electricity jolted through each, rearranging their memories as the Coder approached the Sniper.


“Please, I didn’t really mean it,” the Sniper said.


“You have been caught and have betrayed us,” the Coder said. “That is unforgiveable.”


“You’re going to kill me?”


“Oh no… something much worse,” the Coder said. “I’m sure you’ll die eventually… before Valendale does, at any rate, and that will certainly be something.”


The Coder pointed his palm at the Sniper and a small metal square launched itself onto the Sniper’s right shoulder.


“What is it?” the Sniper asked.


“You’ll see.”


The Coder flickered out of view as the metal square shuddered, before an identical metal square popped out and flipped beside it. Both squares replicated again, and then a third time before the Sniper realized what was going on. He began to panic, scratching at the squares, but the technology of the Coder was infallible.


By the time a delirious Voltex, on the verge of death, and unable to remember anything that had occurred after he arrived to duel Valendale awoke, it was far too late. All that was left of the Sniper was a small metal cube, one that had first expanded into a humanoid shell from one small square and then slowly contracted and shrunk into what he saw before him.


Of Valendale, nothing remained except the sword he had taken from Voxumo.


Man of Miracles (The Sniper) & Valendale (Matoran;Sibling) Lynched.


Detective, Medic, Sentinels, Mysterious Figure, Hunters - PM!

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*wipes a single tear away from his corpse*

Oh how my sword and scythe have left a legacy.. but the question is if now Voltex will take use of the scythe and sword combo or if he will merely stay with the scythe.. Though you know i wonder what is meant when Valendale says

“It’s amazing what can happen when you start breaking that Staff in two.”

It really does make one wonder doesn't it?


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No. Don't. Tex. No funny ideas. Calm down. Tex. No. Ignore him. He's bad company. He's a flame reaper.

This kind of advice has no effect at all... in fact it's more likely to encourage him

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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No. Don't. Tex. No funny ideas. Calm down. Tex. No. Ignore him. He's bad company. He's a flame reaper.

This kind of advice has no effect at all... in fact it's more likely to encourage him


Bingo.. we have a winner


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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