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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

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IC: AkiniiAkinii looked to his right and dodged an incoming blast of fire from Divinex by mere inches. He looked at Rynekk. "What she said," he said quietly even as he caused large chunks of ice to form on Divinex's various limbs, utilizing what little moisture there was in the arid air of Ta-Koro. Divinex stumbled a bit under the weight, and Akinii ran at him, with his fist rearing back to hit Divinex. Unfortunately, the Toa of Fire dodged Akinii's attack, letting the Toa of Ice run by him in his haste. He then gave the lanky Toa a powerful blow in the back with his mace, sending Akinii several feet away in the general direction of Po-Koro, with a nasty bruise on his spine. Akinii crumpled to the ground, nearly blacking out in pain. Divinex walked towards him, gathering fire in his hands...

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IC: "Lunch break is over." Tahuva led them back to the training ground, where they resumed. "This will be the last stage where we only walk. After dinner, we will begin jogging under these conditions.""Ha-ha. About time! It still a-needs effort, but this is getting more natural!""Yup. Let's start." They all started walking in circles, trying to act normal under the gravity."If not Ko-Koro, then where?""I'd suggest going to Po-Koro. Temperature is neutral within the Koro's boundaries, and the people are friendly enough.""Sounds good to me. And you, Velan?"


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IC: SkyraSkyra wondered what to do next, he could always try to find Kapura, but last time he asked about his whereabouts, no one knew where he was. And of course there was his head injury, he couldn't exactly go anywhere without stumbling. Man I wish I hadn't left Virthee at Po-koro.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Krayzikk and Laserbeak, HospitalLaserbeak sighed. "Lemme take a look at that head of yours. Wouldn't want ya to get a concussion. Then there could be brain damage and all sorts of un-fun things."Krayzikk grimaced. "Join the club, Onuzek. From what I gather, she will pull through but that is what I know." To Balaythah, he said "Join the club of reasons this hospital has been under threat. I'm the founder. How is Nakumir?



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Skyra"Brain damage? Why does that feel like deja vu..." Skyra compiled with her request. "Truth be told I've had a concussion before...several times actually...not to mention getting struck by lightning....though lightning from the red star turned me into a Toa so it wasn't all bad..."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Soli"I'm not blaming you for anything, I'm just stating facts. Now you can either sit down and listen, or you can just continue to be some arrogant, callous, fool, who only cares for himself." Soli was clearly angry now, it should obvious to Zyckel that whatever happened, it clearly wasn't good thing.


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IC: SoliSoli was fuming, "Fine! Abandon us again. Maybe this time I'll commit suicide like Dad, or maybe I should run off and die in a boat like Mom. Taking our little sis with her. Apparently we did something so horrible too you that you think it's okay to let us die. Maybe I should go next, I'm already blind, it's not like I'll see anything new. Your life has been a peace of cake Zycky compared to the lives of so many others out there, but apparently us making sure it remained peaceful wasn't enough for you, apparently our very being near you was evil. Well you don't have to worry about that anymore. Mom, Dad, and our little Sis are dead. Maybe I should be next, will that make you happy, Lord Zyckel."


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IC: "All right, that's enough." "That's quite a long time to be maintaining 10g...two hours. Mata Nui, I need to eat.""Good, cause it's your turn to pay."Ratchet bought them all food."Eat up, we're going to have our hardest training session yet when we finish."OOC: Edit, since no one is posting I'll put the training into this post too.IC: Dino had cold flat bread. "I told them extra crispy!" He shot it with a lightning bolt and ate it. "Much better.""Now that we're all finished, we should move out. Two hours, then we get some sleep and let the nature of muscles take its course." They went out to the training ground."10g ready!""Start running! And if I see anyone walking, they'll be doing ten pushups each time! We must get as strong as we possibly can!"Dervian wanted to be stronger, so he didn't cheat. "Dino, I'll race you!""Again? Ha-ha! If you want to lose again..."Tahuva silently joined the race. He actually ended up losing, due to his speed being lower than theirs. "Karz.""Tahuva, for you, I'd recommend not racing. Your natural ability doesn't lie in speed, even though your speed is decent. Just get the feeling to be natural."Tahuva kept a steady pace. "I understand. Your medical expertise makes this training more effective, Ratchet.""Thank you, Optimus Tahuva."

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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IC: Hau shrugged. Seeing that they were all ready to go, he began to walk out the door.

I'm assuming I may move this along.IC: The three toa followed Hau's original path back to the border. They soon passed over into Ko-Wahi.In several more hours the operation was finished. Bloodred armor had covered up the damaged areas after they had been healed as best Tairel could and had poultices applied to them. They had also found clawing at four places on her back, but that was dealt with in much the same way after cauterizing.Takimoc looked down at his work numbly. It had been the best operation he ever led.Not like it mattered."Krayzikk, let's carry her to a ward," the toa said quietly. He gingerly slipped his hands under Riaril and got ready to lift.OOC: Hau, Sucogu, and Slife to Ko-Wahi. Edited by Pein



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: ZyckelHis face contorted with rage, Soli was pulling up things that Zyckel was much better left not having to relive, and they were returning."Abandon my family again? Why yes, I think I will. It was my choice to leave, my choice! I had wasted enough years with my family, doing whatever my father decided would be best for me. Now I choose on my own, I can take the life I wanted. And I am not surprised that that is how father died, I had seen that coming before I left. But the Boat, nothing could have changed that, least of all myself being there. If you wish to be next, then do so as you wish."He kept walking, clenching his hands into fists of rage. He was getting madder and madder by the moment."My life was a piece of cake as you say, yes because of all of Father's money. That money was the reason for all of the problems in our family. All he ever wanted was us to take the same career as he did, and make ourselves as rich as him. We got whatever we wanted, except the option to choose what we did with our lives. And from your words earlier, it appears you've followed in his weapon-making footsteps."He stopped right in his path, turning."But unlike you, I wanted to take my own path, I had dreams of being something different from what our father wanted! But he would not allow it! I took my path, and I chose what I wish. I do not care if I do not make myself rich, I do not do it for the money! I do what I like because I can, and I like making armor, protection, not weapons of death and misery for others as he did! There was a great evil in our family, and it was greed."He turned, storming off.

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC: Krayzikk, HospitalKrayzikk nodded, and lifted Riaril carefully with Takimoc's assistance. He was very careful, making sure that there wasn't a chance in karz she would fall, and waited for Takimoc to tell him where to go.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Takimoc led the way. Keeping Riaril safe at all times, the two moved her into the ward next to Nakumir's-another solitary one-and gently set her down on its sheets.The Ta-Toa silently withdrew a blanket from beneath the bed. He began to cover Riaril with it, nodding for Krayzikk to do the same.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Krayzikk, HospitalKrayzikk took one edge of the blanket and drew it across to his side of the bed, covering Riaril with it. After ensuring she was covered and the blanket would not fall off the bed, Krayzikk sat down in one of the room's two chairs, in such a way he could watch both Riaril and the door at the same time. It would ot be lost on Taikmoc, Krayzikk suspected, that he had a knife within easy drawing distance. Krayzikk wasn't letting anything past him that had even an inkling of ill intention.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: I'm not ICing for Riaril yet because I'm considering exploiting her being asleep next to Krayzikk. ;3IC: Takimoc checked one final time that Riaril was secure. He gave a grim smile to Krayzikk, then turned and walked off towards his office.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: Fair enough, Pein. I look forward to having something smile and/or chuckle at. ^_^IC: Laserbeak and Krayzikk, Hospita and Riaril's Hospital Room, RespctivelyLaserbeak examined Skyra's head. "It looks like you don't have a concussion, but don't push it, will ya?"Krayzikk stood, or rather sat, vigilant. He was not going to allow anything or anyone with ill intent with 10 feet of this room.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Interaction on its way, BenLuke. :)IC: OnuzekThe massive Toa of Gravity didn't really like waiting, so to stop himself from punching holes in the walls, he decided to go for a walk."Onuzek is going for a walk," He called to the beings in the hospital, just incase they needed him.He stepped out on to the hot, Ta-Koro street. So wraped up in his thoughts he almost ran over a Toa of Air."Oops, Onuzek is sorry, he didn't see Le-Toa there."



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IC: Ekage:Ekage tripped and fell to the ground as a Toa of Gravity almost collided with him. Raising back to his feat he glanced at the other Toa, his armor was purple and black and instead of arms he had two claws that looked bigger then the rest of his body. " Er- Apology accepted." he said. " Where were you going in such a hurry?"

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IC: Rynekk - Ta-Koro - Fighting DivinexRynekk raised his hand, willing tendrils of rock to rise out of the ground, wrapping around Divinex.'I'm not a Toa,' he sneered at the Toa of Fire, 'But at least I'm not a sociopath.'IC: Plagia - Ta-Koro - Fighting DivinexWith Divinex taken care of, Plagia ran over to Akinii, blocking the mad Fire Toa's path.'Want him, you'll have to get through us.'-Void



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IC: SoliSoli shook her head sadly. "oh Zyckel, how little you know. Father never touched a forge in his life, his so called weapons were ones he cobbled together from leftover weapons abandoned by others. His masterpieces were merely lucky finds, and those were the only ones he showed. Father never taught me how to smith, no, a traveling scholar did. You think we were rich, well that was just an illusion Father concocted to make you and Sis happy. I was the one holding down four jobs and working my butt off to make sure you guys were happy. Whenever you were about to get home, Father would scramble to make the house look fancy. To make ourselves look rich. All inorder to make your life and our Sister's life easy." Soli continued. "Father never ever said for you to become a weapon's maker, he just wanted you to be happy. The only person who thought father was trying to make you do something was you. Your big ego caused you to concoct some big old fantasy where you thought father was always trying to make you rich." "You accuse me of so much, I myself do not make swords for money! I don't make them because some one told me too! I make them because I enjoy making them. Too me Sword making is an art. Am I rich, no! Do I care, no! Apparently I'm greedy for trying to look out for my younger siblings. If that's the case then I don't care, I don't regret one moment of looking out for you guys. Am I flawed yes, but if you Zyckel really want me dead. Then look me in the eyes and say so. Tell me you'd rather have me dead, tell me you want the last member of your family dead, and I'll be happy to oblige. Just tell me that'll make you happy, because that's all I've ever done, I've tryed to make you happy. So Zyck look me in the eyesand say: 'I will be happy if you kill yourself.'"


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OOC: Not sure what to do with Skyra right now...something.... :PIC: SkyraSkyra was relieved, he'd much rather not have to stay overnight in a hospital bed, the idea scared him. "Oh, well that's good news. Ya, I'll try to take it easy for the next few days." Laserbeak may or may not of guessed it, but with Skyra, trying and actually doing were too separate categories all on their own.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Morning again. Since Dino had no money, Tahuva bought the food. "Eat up." He noticed that Dino had a beer. "Where'd you get that beer? I didn't buy it for you.""I didn't either.""Same.""Uh..I..ah..""YOU LIED TO US. YOU'RE BUYING THE NEXT TWO MEALS." They finished their food and started sparring under 10g.


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IC: Krayzikk, HospitalKrayzikk tried. He really did, but his exhaustion caught up with him and he fell into an incredibly light sleep. Almost any noise would wake him, but for now he slept.Laserbeak raised an eyebrow. "Try very hard."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Wonder if Rakata isg going to come back.


(Balaythah and Tairel)

Balaythah stands next to Krayzikk and says,"Nakumir's fine, by the way." He wanted to see her again, but decided it would be best to simply let the girl rest. He walks back to his room for a nice sleep. He'd get the doctors to do his favor later.Tairel simply stands on the other side of Krayzikk while looking down at his gloves. There was a thick layer of the female doctor's blood over them; not a very pretty sight. But, she was healed and resting now. It felt good that the operation was finally over.-Mef Man

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IC: Tahuva knocked Dervian to the ground. They had eaten lunch, and the sparring had resumed. But it was doing him no good. "Ratchet, put me under enough gravity to weaken me to the point of a normal Toa.""15g it is, then, assuming Dervian is to stay under 10g.""Yes." Tahuva suddenly fell to the ground on his face. He pushed himself up and drew his weapons. "EN GARDE!"Dervian used his twin blades and matched Tahuva perfectly. "Now we're getting somewhere!"


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