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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: KadonAnother weak blast hit me. This time, I got mad. Lightning jumped from hand to hand, and crackled around me in a way most beings would find frightening. Because my ears were ringing, I didn't hear the doctor. "I can do a lot worse to you, Drome!" I tried to keep my voice fairly quiet, but I wasn't sure how loud I was, being temporarily unable to hear.

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IC:Fiva"Well..." Fiva said. "I never really thought to ask... They said that me and my companions would know him when we meet him..."OdhranOdhran reached the Medical Hut that was owned by Virthee. He peeked his head inside. "Is this 'Virthee's' hut?"OOC:Really? Who TDC?

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: DromeI returned fire with sound as painful lightning struck me."No you can not, you bumbling imbecile!"IC: VirtheeHe was forced to step back to avoid the lightning and sound blasts going between the two, only to see someone sticking their head through the entrance."Yes, this is Virthee's hut, and I am Virthee."He ducked down, crawling over to the door to avoid being zapped of deafened.OOC: I would think it would need to be someone arrogant, who thinks themselves a star. Someone with bright armor colors, like yellow. And a bad attitude to make them seem the villain. Plus, they would have to be working with a few 'minions'...

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IC: Vrana"Right, let's get out of here before these two start setting something on fire."He grinned at Cadias, as he started off in a random direction. One that was toward Le-Koro, though he didn't know it."And before saying anything, think about the two fire types we've seen. Both are crazy enough to be arsonists."

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OOC: Lag and a double post as a result. XDIC: Cadias"What about the blacksmith? Wasn't he a Toa of Fire? He certainly seemed arrogant, but not crazy!" Cadias said. After that, he began focusing very hard on not looking down, for fear of his stomach rebelling once more.OOC: Got those peanuts added yet? :P

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IC: Vrana"I don't know... he didn't really seem like the fire type. He seemed sort of... sneakier, more devious."Vrana shrugged, as he was flying. He didn't really remember starting to fly, he thought he had started walking. oh well, it didn't bother him.OOC: Got an extra $29.95 to get moved into first class seats?

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OOC: No, I don't. But you will give them to me anyway.Well, you should have said you were walking, then. I'm the type of person who needs specific.... erm... what is it.... detail thingys. Yeah. Those. :PIC: Cadias"Well, you said everyone in the city were arsonists before. I didn't know that you had also assumed that everyone had the same personality traits, too." Cadias was going to say something clever, but apparently his gut sided with Vrana, because it wasn't letting him talk.IC: VenenI stepped out of the tunnel, glad to be in daylight, or, more importantly, Chronn. Ugh. Thinking of him used to make me mad, although now it made me feel sick. He was overconfident and ignored small things everywhere but in his murder cases... it was a disaster waiting to happen as far as his health and career.

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IC: Cadias"Well, not at all," Cadias said, defeating his stomach for the time being. "There can be thoughtless lunatics who do it for fun or cold, logical criminals who do it for a living. That's about as far apart as it gets."IC: AurixAurix looked up, and for a moment a confused look crossed his mask. "They're leaving! Without me!" Then he grinned again. "Clearly, the other Kings and Queens have warned him that the Star King might find him if he stays for too long, and being King of the Moon he must know that I have joined you on your mission! I only wish I could have learned more wisdom from Father Navayak!"

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IC: Cadias"'Tis indeed, 'tis indeed." The Toa, against his better judgement, watched as the landscape changed from charred wasteland to jungle below.IC: KadonMy hearing was recovering, but not my temper. "There's no need to call her a brat! You're the one screaming in pain! Not to mention having temper issues and flinging sonic blasts about! Oh, and if you blast me with sonics one more time, you are going to get it." The last part of the sentance was said in a menacing tone.

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IC: VranaDespite trying to stay serious, he couldn't help but shout out as he flew into Le-Wahi."Wind-fly!"OOC: Vrana to Le-WahiIC: Drome"You agreed with me about that Matoran in Le-Wahi, why have you gone all brainless now, you overgrown rotten blueberry!"I just had to do it, I just had to do it. I fired another sonic blast.

Edited by The Dark Chronicler

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IC: Havon, Mimira"Hey, I maybe be the most serious wounded in here, at least I think I might be! But I'll be darned if I let you two wreck Virthee's house!" Havon said sternly."Now calm down! You really shouldn't be fighting in a healer's house."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: CadiasAt first, Cadias rolled his eyes, debating whether or not to facepalm.... and then he had to fight off an urge to yell something similar.OOC: Cadias to Le-Wahi.IC: KadonThat was the last straw. I leapt up, electricity crackling all over my body, making me glow eerily as it popped and snapped over my form....And I drew one of my scythes and set it's handle on a course to Drome's head, resisting the urge to give him a more-than-mild shock.

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IC: Havon, Mimira"Alright. I'd rather not be here when they wake up anyway. Let's go Mimira! We're going to Ga-koro!""Okay!" Mimira said excitedly.The two went outside. Mimira was reunited with Mistweaver, she hoped on and followed Havon.Havon, using his mask of flight, set off toward Ga-Koro.OOC: Havon and Mimira to Ga-Wahi.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Mita)"Mmmmm-hmmmmm..." Mita hummed to herself as she walked across the great big stone bridge leading across the lava crater and into Ta-Koro. Her instrument - a guitar - was slung over her shoulder for the time being, but still she couldn't suppress her affinity for music for more than a few minutes at a time. She had been humming the whole way from Ga-Koro, trying to come up with a good song about the village of fire. The poor Ga-Matoran that had ferried her to the region looked about ready to throw Mita overboard after the six hundredth or so repetition of the word "fire", but the Toa of Sonics wasn't about to let that stop her artistic effort. Now, if only she could find a good word that rhymed with "flame"...Mita was a street musician, though she wasn't really in need of money.She simply wanted to use her powers for something constructive rather than all the fighting going on everywhere. She nodded respectfully to the guardsmen as she passed the entrance, though the gesture was mostly automatic. Her head was spinning with possible lyrics.Finding herself a relatively secluded space by the Ta-Koro main square, Mita sat down and began strumming on her guitar."Ooooh, welcome to this city of fi-ih-ire,the safest place on this eye-land of ours!Sometimes the situ-a-tion may be ve-ry dire,but still you will be safe in the midnight hours'cuz we have guards hereand guards thereand everywhere you turn there will be guards, oh yeah!Yes, we got guards hereand guards thereAnd the Turaga says "we don't really have security per se;we jus' got a very good mill-i-tarry force!"So if you wanna feel safejust go straight to the source:It's the one and only Ta-Koro guard, of course!Oh, we got guards hereand guards there...At this point Mita trailed off, as she hadn't come up with anything more to sing about. She quickly wrote down what she had, then played the first verse over again while thinking about possible lines.OOC: This girl's gonna be really fun to write. :lol: Street musician open for interaction, if anyone cares.

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IC: The young toa leaned against a hut, training hard. Just as Hau finished his thirtieth palm-stretch, fingers finally unbending from being held completely bent over by his other palm, his young ears detected a strange sound.It sounded like someone-or something, probably a mata nui cow-was singing about Ta-Koro a while away. And doing a pretty bad job of it, too.Whatever. As long as they didn't mess up his training, he'd be fine.



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IC (Mita)A bit miffed that no-one seemed to care for her brilliant music, Mita decided to ramp it up a little. She focused her sonic element through her guitar, greatly amplifying the sound waves. If the problem was that she hadn't been heard, that would certainly not be the matter this time."Ooooh, welcome to this city of fiiiii-ih-ireeeee..."

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OOC: Can you be a bit more specific? That describes almost all of the yellow armored people... :PIC:Odhran"You seem to be a bit busy... Can I help you?" Odhran said, ready to help.Fiva"I'll be right back, I need to confer with the messenger." Fiva said, walking into the alleyways. He came back a minute later. "It's someone yellow. And they have an attitude. That's all they know."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Ghar-Knel looked at Ga'mal in disbelief."Oh, the Three Virtues, is it?" he growled. "Well, the only one I was bound to was duty. I had nothing and no one, and was walking a road to nowhere with only my gun. Duty is the worst of the three! It's painful. It's lonely. It kills." He hopped off the cart and into the bar. "But, you're as stubborn as a Kane-Ra, so, I'll let you destroy yourself and Tairel. Doesn't matter to me, I'm a heartless assassin."The Vortixx took a look around at the interior of the structure. Well, it wasn't all that clean, but they had plenty of liquor."I never exactly told you what happened to the girl I loved, didn't I?" he went on. "She's dead now. She was supposed to be my partner in arms, but I couldn't have a distraction like that on a mission so..." He trailed off. Then, he dragged a finger across his throat. "But now, I'm a successful assassin with a dead master, and nothing but vengeance on my mind."There was silence. Then Ghar-Knel signaled the bartender."I'm............... sorry I was so harsh," he said, gagging at the word sorry. "I'm just not in a good mood. I almost was killed yesterday. Or was it the day before? How long was I asleep? Don't answer those. My point is... ah, who am I kidding, no one ever cares about Ghar-Knel. Bartender, give me two of your strongest drink." He turned back to Ga'mal. "What'll you have? It's on me."

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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OOC: XD Kirgon, BioBeast, Kirgon.IC: VirtheeHe watched as the two left, heading toward what was likely Ga-Koro, considering they had mentioned it.He went back to work on Drome, and Kadon. He wouldn't be surprised if both of them had major concussions after that.Then, loud Music echoed past his hut, rather loudly, which was more than mildly unpleasant for the doctor trying to concentrate on helping two loud-mouth annoyances."Oh, why can't there be any silence in this village?"

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IC: Despite his best attempts to ignore it, however, the music was just getting too loud. Hau almost swore in annoyance.What to do?Then he realized what he could do to fight back. With a grin, the toa pressed his palms together. But this time, his palm presses would be different...The toa generated some sparks and a current moving in between his arms. A little bit of experimenting led him to find an addictive electronic beat. With some hissing breath control combined with the beat, he had made his own music which he could work out to.Hau now continued his stretches. But this time, they were to music.OOC: Think 'Galaxy Train' for what Hau just came up with.-The Fearless Leader



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IC: Krayzikk walked quickly over to the other side of the street and to the door of the apartement. Knocking, he waited a moment before opening the door. Before he got the chance, however,the door flew open and a sttel gauntlet hit Krayzikk in the face. Krayzikk stepped back in surprise.Standing in the door was Tarn, who promptly used his powers over iron to shift the end of his gauntlet into a pair of knuckledusters. " I knew you would come. Knew you would try to kill me. ""I'm not-""Shut up! You are lying!"Lunging, Tarn attempeted to punch Karyzikk again, only for him to deflect the blow to the side. Tarn activated his mask and flew forward and up, over a few low buildings before slamming Krayikk into a wall near the main square. Momentarily stunned, Karyzikk heard music. Great, a soundtrack.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Hau pressed his fingers down with his thumbs automatically, feeling his muscles flow between the reps to music. He grinned, totally content--Then heard something that sounded a bit like armor crunching into a wall.The young toa stopped what he was doing immediately and began to jog (that was the fastest pace he thought he could go at without damaging himself) towards the sound of a crash."WHAT THE KARZ?!," exclaimed he, once more twirling his head as he ran. He absorbed all the charge in the air built up from his previous sparking and readied for combat, hook twitching.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC (Mita)Mita had been surprised to hear what sounded almost like rhythmic electric crackles coming from not far away. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she went looking for the source of the sound. Just then, suddenly people were shouting and the clattering of armor told her that this would be a fight.She spotted an electrified Toa run past, and realized that he must be the guy with the beat. She merrily followed him, already adjusting her guitar and preparing a piece that would fit a battle...

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OOC: OOH, DADDY, LOOK! (no isles) Hau's a d-ja---esaster! Let's go fight lots of bad people. :P Nothing like a good ole' fight to make Kriigata get back in the action.. Now, if only she had the suave of Ishi in Po...IC: KriigataKriigata's teeth crunched down upon the gristle of her meat in very un-toa fashion, her habits of chewing and even, mata-nui forbid, SWALLOWING her allowance of protein just about put off the passing matoran. Her eating was like a Piraka, uncouth and gushing with a lack of mannerisms. Swallowing her second to last bite of potato and takea-steak, she smiled her fish filled mouth at Sucogu saying:"Thank you."It was probably the most coherent and intentionally planned thought she'd had all day.

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IC: (Ga'mal Tairel)"No one cares about you," repeated the Ga-Matoran in disbelief. She wasn't stating it but more like asking it. "If no one cares about you, then why did I bring you all the way here to make sure you were okay? I don't even know you and I went to the trouble of bringing you to the hospital for your blasted wound." The Matoran places her arm on the Vortixx's arm in a caring way. "I care about you. I'll make sure you can get out of here and on your way in no time."The Ga-Matoran was afraid that the being would mistake it for "love," but Ga'mal was simply trying to comfort him in his time of pain.What am I doing? Saying I care about an assassin. What has gotten into you, girl?The Matoran breaks away from her thoughts and looks at the bartender. "I'll take whatever he's getting."Back at the hospital, the Toa of Fire was spinning in his chair back and forth oh so slowly. "Coffee," he mutters as he looks back toward Riaril's office. He stands up and knocks on her door-yes again-as he licks his lips like some kind of animal. Coffee sounded excellent right now, next to a large drag from a cigarrette.-Mef

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OOC: Let's go! :PIC - Sucogu - EatingSucogu kept a straight face at the sight, even managing to keep his own lunch. "Oh, you're very welcome." Sitting back, he took a drink. He wondered what the heck Hau was doing. He felt the static in the air drawing towards a source. It didn't take a Sherlock to know it was Hau. Electricity crackled in his palms."The other kid is in trouble." he told Kriigata.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Hau heard footsteps behind him and turned his head slightly. The person whose feet were stepping in question appeared to be a female Toa of Sonics with a guitar.Hm...Could be the source of the sound. Then again, I doubt any woman could honestly sing that bad.Turning his head back, he kept on jogging. "I don't know who you are, but there's a fight up ahead," he called back casually. "Sounds like it's between stuff bigger than toa, too. If you can't handle that, then don't follow.""You may come in," Riaril said absently, taking a drag on a cig. Business seemed slow today, so she was really just sitting around her office for now.But she couldn't take a break. After all, her next period of leave would be the holidays. She grimaced. Can't go to the games till then.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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