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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

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IC: SalamanderSalamander stepped into the bar, intending to get something to eat. Instead, he found a being who looked an awful lot like Utu. His appearance, along with his behavior, fit almost exactly with what Salamander remembered. After a moment, Salamander was forced to acknowledge that it was indeed Utu who sat before him.Normally, Salamander would have considered this to be nothing less than an incredible stroke of luck. This time, he thought it might have been more of a form of divine punishment.Ha, as if.Stepping forward, Salamander walked towards where Utu was sitting. It would have been easy to attack the Toa of Ice while he had his back turned and was occupied by his drink (one of many, if the numerous mugs surrounding him were anything to go by), but Salamander felt doing so would be wrong. Not that attacking an opponent from behind was wrong, or anything. Oh no, Salamander had no such qualms. No, what kept him from attacking was the thought of defeating Utu in that manner, and how boring it would be. If he was going to fight Utu and win, he was going to do it in as awesome a manner as possible."Hey Utu, how's life treating you? Looks like you made some new friends, which kinda surprises me; I didn't take you for the "friend" type. Although, now that I can get a closer look, a lot of these guys seem rather similar to you... Maybe that explains how they can tolerate your presence when the rest of the village is running in terror. Oh yes, terror. You'd like that, huh?"As he spoke, Salamander slipped back into his outgoing persona that he had used when interacting with Tuara. He had found that acting like a fool was often the easiest way to get his opponents to underestimate him, but he mostly did it because the annoying comments simply came easier that way. Needless to say, he was enjoying every syllable that was said.


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IC-Praggos:Praggos swiveled around, facing Salamander quickly, taking in every detail within a few seconds. His sword he had picked up in the Koro and his two knives were on the bar, if he needed them, though hopefully Utu would contain his temper.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: Angelus (Ga-Koro)Step one: Blink. Make sure that what you are seeing is actually happening.Salamander. Dragon Slayer of Fire. The only person to fight Utu and win; not even Angelus could truly claim that title, seeing as their duel had ended early. If only Tuara were here, she could give a bit more clarity to the situation...Oh, God. Tuara. What would she say about this? What could she say about this?What would you say to her, Angel, old boy, if you knew you might never talk to her again?"I love you," he whispered to no one in particular. "So, so much."Step two: Make your peace with God. Thanks for the memories, Mata Nui. Shame I didn't get to spend more time with you.Now was as good a time as ever.Step three: approach the bar.Angel began to move towards the two soon-to-be-combatants.-Teezy

Edited by #firstworldtyler



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IC: Dalia (Ga-Koro):Inside, she knew this wasn't going to end well. She wasn't suited for fighting yet, and she knew that the newcommer was trouble. Who else would be crazy enough address Utu like an old friend? Oh, right, maybe Yuru, or one of the others.She stayed back, moving towards Tank. If it was going to get violent, she knew that Tank would be her best option of survival.

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IC: Skyra - Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi -I started to laugh as I fell over on the couch. "Hey...stop that! I can't stop..." I was unable to speak as I was laughing even harder. Wraith offered Krian a hand to help him to his feet. "Let's get you inside."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

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IC: Talin "Picnic it is!" Talin made his way through the streets of Ga-Koro to find a local store, buying a case of beer, some snacks and a blanket. With the shopping out of the way, the group soon found itself standing in front of the famous waterfall, its mesmerizing sound filling the air."I keep forgetting how nice this place is. No wonder it's the island's most famous vacation hotspot." he chimed as he lay the blanket.OOC: You can post Alexin and Vahlii following.

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IC: Utu - Ga-Koro - BarUtu turned around to the familiar voice to see the Toa of fire, jeering at him.Utu's face twitched into a smile, but on the inside, he was boiling. The first thought that came into his head was to smash Salamander's in. He decided otherwise. He had instructed the others not to fight.Utu spread open his arms invitingly, the new smile matching his tone; warm, "Salamander! It's great to see you old friend!" He leaned forwards, "How've you been? Stabbed anybody in the back lately? I know Tuara would love to see you! Kinvex too," Utu made a tching sound, "A shame he's dead. A bigger shame you didn't get to be responsible for it. I know how much you would've liked that."The Toa of ice waved away his own words, "Oh, but where are my manners? Would you care to share a drink with me?" He motioned to Frieza, "Or if you prefer, you can fight each and every once of us in this here bar."

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IC-Praggos:Praggos never altered his gaze from Salamander. "Can I recommend you take the first option?" The Toa of Ice asked sarcastically. "I'm fairly certain you won't listen to me, but this way I can say I have plausible deniability."

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: Angelus (Ga-Koro)Angelus almost threw a fireball at Utu on the spot for joking about the late Ta-Koro Guardsman, but he merely settled for plucking a shot of scotch off the table and downing it as he reached Salamander and Utu. His focus firmly trained on Utu, though he was watching Salamander out of the corner of one eye as well."Salamander, I presume," he said softly, signalling for another. "Tuara's told me about you."-Teezy



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IC: Salamander:"Kinvex is dead? Huh... Oh well. I didn't really know him all that well, but I'm sure he'll be missed. How about a toast for Kinvex's memory?"Salamander grabbed a nearby mug and held it up, evidently waiting for others to follow suit.From behind him, Salamander heard someone mutter something about Tuara, and he decided to have a private discussion with that person later. Right now, he was busy trying to mess with Utu and his little gang of misfits, and already having a blast while doing do.


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IC:Kiera nodded. "I can see why. It's almost as beautiful as me." Shr beamed, as she plopped down on the blanket.A short ways away, Valhii and Alexin lay down a blanket of their own. They could easily see the trio a short distance ahead. Alexin watched them intently.IC: KrianKrian grabbed the hand, and staggered to his feet. The world spun before his eyes, and he nearly fell over.IC: Laserbeak"When you tell me to stop, I just have to keep going!" Laserbeak parroted.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Emotia - Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi -Emotia frowned. "Wow...you're really willing to go this low for a supposedly friendly wrestling match?" Emotia let go, forfeiting the match right then and there. "Forget this...it's not fun anymore." She walked outside and onto the beach.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

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IC-Zodir:Zodir reached over, grabbing Krian to make sure he didn't fall. "Come, loud-shouter," he said. "Let's get you to your safe-home."IC-Jaron:Jaron looked over to Reaver, glaring at the Toa. "Apologize," he said. "Now."

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: Angelus (Ga-Koro)Angelus took a shot of scotch and held it up."To Kinvex," he said, staring firmly into Yuru's eyes; one way or another, the guy who had skewered his friend would pay. Preferably by his hand, but if not...he would live to deal with it. "Even though none of you actually cared about him."-Teezy



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IC: Skyra - Casa Juturna, Ga-Wahi -I was completely at her mercy, laughing so hard I could hardly breathe. "Touche." Wraith went over to The Seventh and picked up the Ga-Matoran and brought him inside.

Edited by King Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Praggos:"Utu, you can at least show respect for a former enemy," Praggos said to the larger Toa of Ice. "Insulting them serves no use, and it only wastes breath once they're dead." He lifted up his drink despite Utu's not wishing to. "To my fellow guardsman," the Toa of Ice said, downing his drink quickly.

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IC: KieraKiera rolled her eyes at Feongulf, before chugging back half her beer. She grinned. "Well, things'll get even more interesting now."IC: Krian"I have a house?" Krian said dazed, as he stumbled along, toward Tillian's house.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Zodir:"Your guard-friend does," Zodir said, opening the door to Tillian's home."Oi! Juturna! We have a brain-hurt loud-shouter here for you!" The Toa of Air looked over, noticing two beings on a couch. Hey, wait...one of those two looked exactly like him. How odd.

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IC: Salamander"Haha, I guess that's one way to describe him. Of course, since I'm guessing you guys are the ones responsible for his death, I'll take your opinions on the matter with a healthy dose of skepticism."To his surprise, one of the people in the bar had lifted up their mug. The same person, in fact, who had muttered Tuara's name earlier. Then, another did the same. Fortunately, Salamander's expectations of Utu's behavior had proven correct; the Toa of Ice had visibly stiffened at the prospect of a toast, as if afraid even the slightest movement would betray some kind of weakness.Utu's refusal to go along with any of Salamander's games would only serve to make them all the more enjoyable to Salamander. "Okay, so in all seriousness, what's up? Last time I saw you, you were lying in the snow snarling about how you didn't want anyone to touch you. Now I see you and suddenly you've found yourself a whole bunch of friends, none of whom - if you want my opinion - seem to be all that nice. Sure, two of you toasted to Kinvex's memory, but that's more a matter of common decency."Salamander leaned back, his eyes suddenly becoming focused. It was time to get down to business."Let's talk, Utu. What are you up to?"


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IC - Yuru - BarYuru raised his drink to his own merciless slaying of Kinvex."That dolt? He practically stood in place while I dragged a blade through his arteries. Honestly."He nodded at Dorian/Angelus, sure that the look was one of approval, or even admiration."So... Salamander, was it? I'll call you Sally. Next drink's on me if you tell me a bit about yourself."

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Angelus (Ga-Koro)Oh, how Angel wished to reach around Yuru's neck and choke the life out of his windpipe; it would have been such a rewarding end to a long past couple of days. Instead, he lifted his hand and signaled for another scotch. This was the last one: there was a fight brewing, and Angel would prefer to stay sober throughout. It may just save his life.-Teezy



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IC - Yuru - BarYuru smiled calmly, knowing exactly what he was doing. He did it with the most obnoxious tone he could, staring down Salamander."I still have his spear mounted on the wall of my boat. I would give it back, but... It makes such a nice decoration."

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC-Praggos:Praggos sighed. "Yuru, do you have to taunt him for no reason? I understand that you may want to fight, but really, this is completely unnecessary." The Toa of Ice took another sip of his wine, watching the scene unfold."You can at least give your enemies some measure of respect, can't you?" He then turned to Angelus."You too, really?" he asked, skeptical of what the Toa of Fire was planning.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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