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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Gravity"Yeah... Well, someone's gotta be. Might as well be me," I said, grinning as her hand slipped into mine. At that moment I realised a few things: one, after all that had happened we were still there; two, I was pretty sure we were alone...OOC: ...Awkward Tirus/Tajeh walk-in. :P



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IC: (Rewera)The female Toa didn't respond for a second, looking Ravage in the eyes, trying to see something, though she wasn't exactly sure what she was looking for. Finally, she nodded slightly once. "Sufficiently, for now." she said. "Of course, people wouldn't lie to you as often if you were to approach them with honesty in the first place, rather than following them in the shadows. You're not too average either. I am sure some people would find it...unsettling, to know they are being watched by you. But I suppose most of them never know you are there, don't they?"Her eyes kept lingering on the figure of the Rahi-like Toa in front of her. Fascinatingly enough, his weapon of choice, the colour of his armor, even his stealthy nature, we're characteristics she was all too familiar with. It reminded her of her lost bretheren. Which was why she was here in the first place.




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IC: Ravage"Most don't." Ravage agreed. "It's how I made my living for a long time."He paused. "I must ask, however. What is your intent here? One such as you is rarely trivial in this world."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: (Rewera)"Far from trivial. But as you probably know, the greatest deeds often aren't common knowledge. I see you are as observant as you say. And to answer your question: until my nose caught your scent, I was looking for somebody." Rewera said. Mentally, she was going through the possible occupations that would warrant such extrodinary skill in remaining undetected. The list was relatively short. Either a hunter, killer or agent for an unknown. Possible all of the three, as a weapon for hire. She had had run-ins with their kind before. Most were less skilled than Ravage.




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IC: Desdemona (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)Before Raknar could give the order to sail, however, a vine snaked its way up the ship, wrapping around the bow. A lithe, stunningly hot, blue Toa of Plantlife hauled herself up, and Raknar, Perkahn, and Doomie's jaws all dropped in perfect harmony as they saw she was wearing essential armor only."Pirates," she said. It was a statement, not a question. "You are above my home."-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC-Grochi:"Sorry about that, miss," Grochi called from the galley. "I would have informed you, but I thought you'd moved out after the last time I came out this way." The Toa of Plasma then poked his head out."May I interest you with some tea?" He asked Desdemona.

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IC: The Captain's jaw dropped harder than a falling meteor did to Aqua Magna.He'd never thought the autoloading beauty of a cannon the Infernavika's swivel disk-launcher was could taste so good."Mmm. Yeah, some more right the-""WAIT, WHAT?," Doomslayer shouted as he jumped up, hastily slapped his hat back upon his head, and dusted himself off. His eyes flitted about furiously."WHAT JUST HAPPENED? I WAS TOO BUSY CLEANING DISKIE TO NOTICE."

Edited by Francis Wisehead



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Desdemona (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)"You have acquired a new spine, hunchback," said Desdemona coldly. "I would not have expected it of you. Yes, tea would be pleasing as of right now."She turned towards the others."Now, which of you bears the title captain?"-Teezy



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IC: (The Infernavika)Perkahn, for a sec, wanted nothing more than to faint, but he forced himself still long enough to avert his eyes from that lean figure. He'd seen beautiful women in the past, but this one defied all description, topping the charts and beyond. He was an old-fashioned Toa - in the presence of a beautiful woman, he felt the need to bow when he introduced himself. And so he did, almost brushing the ground."Milady, we apologize. We were just leaving," he gestured to the others, meaning, essentially, "Let's move before we make her mad.""Raknar, here, is the captain."

Edited by Tsar Dovydas
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IC-Grochi:"Please, Perkahn," Grochi said, coming up with the teapot and giving Desdemona a cup of the piping-hot beverage, "No need to leave just yet. The woman here has just decided to make herself our guest, after all..." He smiled at Desdemona."And I see that you've decided to wear even less clothing than the last time I saw you. I wasn't sure that was possible."

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: (The Infernavika)A glint of a smile appeared in the corner of Perkahn's mouth. Evidently he wanted nothing more than precisely that she would stay for a while yet. Something of a ferality appeared in his features for a second."I presume the two of you know each other?"

Edited by Tsar Dovydas
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IC: Desdemona (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)"I wear whatever suits my current purpose," she replied coldly. "That purpose, however, is not something I'm used to asking for. A favor."She turned to Raknar."Recently, increased Makuta activity has been sighted across, the island, has it not?""Uhm, yeah, I guess...""Good. Take me with you onboard your ship. I wish to see your culture for what it is. I have no possessions besides what I currently wear and my jumpsuit; we can leave immediately.""Of course, m'lady..." he said quietly.-Teezy



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IC: "TEA? WHERE? I HEAR TEA'S REALLY EPIC-"And then Doomslayer was abruptly silenced. A cloaked toa emanating raw anger had begun to glide at him ominously, drifting ever closer to his frantic eyes.He gulped, looked to his plushie, and ran."So THAT'S what all the yelling was about," Muttered the toa. "STOOPITHEDS gonna be STOOPITHEDS."

Edited by Francis Wisehead



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC-Grochi:Grochi sighed. "Don't render him completely brain-dead, Desdemona," Grochi said, having already used his mask to place the teapot back. "He's still useful...that, and he has a girlfriend. Seductions shall be limited to Perkahn or...well, Perkahn."

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Desdemona (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)"A girlfriend. Interesting concept."She turned away from Raknar, brushing his pectorals lightly with the tips of her fingers, before meeting Grochi's gaze with contempt. Clearly, whatever attraction she had for the captain, she did NOT have for his crewman."Well? We're waiting. Set sail for...where was it you were going again?""Po-Wahi," Raknar piped up, finally coming to his senses."Very well. To the deserts."OOC: Grochi, you can do the honors. At last.-Teezy



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IC: (The Infernavika)Perkahn spat, slowly, as he spun his last bottle of mead around in his hands and flung it into the sea. So something insane did happen. Why do insane things always happen when he drinks? First, someone gets poisoned, second, they're all suddenly in one big sea battle, and now a mermaid from under the ocean comes along. Except, never, ever, ever does the insane thing seem good. Sure, a beautiful woman on board for the rest of the trip wouldn't usually be bad... but now, she was sort of a dirty little Xian."I'll pass on the seduction. I don't think she wants it that much."

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IC-Grochi:"Finally," Grochi muttered, smiling winningly at Desdemona. He disengaged the anchor as he walked past, allowing the currents and his steering once he teleported himself to the wheel to pull them out of the fjord."Also, miss," Grochi said, smiling, "I believe you have yet to tell any of them your name...you don't have to, of course," he said, "But I do believe they prefer to know who their passengers are."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Desdemona (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)Desdemona looked around, her wide blue irises wide with apprehensiveness. Her every visible muscle was taught and ready; finally, she leaned against the mast, seemingly put to ease."Desdemona," she said softly. "Desdemona of the Bay."-Teezy



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IC, Zijak: "Well, Desdemona of the Bay, allow me to formally introduce your location. You are on the famous pirate ship named the Infernavika. You'll find no faster ship on the seas. I am Zijak, former First Mate and Captain." He gestured for the others to introduce themselves as well.OOC: It appears Zijak is now your official tour guide for the ship. :P

Edited by Toa Xemnas of Crystal
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IC: (Perkahn, The Infernavika)Perkahn pushed himself slightly aside from the broadside, straightening himself. "Perkahn. Perkahn of... the Tren Krom Break. Known once as Perkahn Stormbringer. Needless to say, I didn't think of that cliche kenning there. I preferred 'that from the frontlines.'"He turned his head slightly towards the sea, as tempting as it was not to look away from the beautiful, even if pretentious, wench.

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IC: Desdemona (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)"I am well aware of who you all are," she said, turning her head to him slowly, almost robotically. "You have made such earsplitting noise over the course of the last day or so that I would have been remiss not to catch your names."She looked around."Where is the one you call 'Song?'"-Teezy



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IC: "I'M..."The toa drew up a humongous breath as he pedaled furiously towards the nearest hatch. He ran with hands raised in terror and eyes flickering about in fright."THECAPTAINAKIRUADOOMSLAYERTHEFIRSTALSOKNOWNASMISSILEFIRINGINCENDIARYHETMANNOMERPIERWSZYKTHANKSGOTTARUNFROMSTOOPITEVILSPIRITSSTOOPITHEADSDONTSAYIDIDNTWARNYOUBAI."He ended by jumping down the hatch and slamming it closed after him, only pausing to grab his stray cap and affix it to his head once more.

Edited by Francis Wisehead



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Desdemona (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)As Doomie made his escape, Desdemona watched with wide, blue, curious eyes before turning to Perkahn."I like him," she said. "I would like him as a guide in this world of yours."-Teezy



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IC: (Perkahn, the Infernavika)Perkahn took a good long glance at Desdemona's face. It was not a face used to smiling. Perkahn didn't mind that - his face wasn't that used to smiling either. It was the fact that the very ridges on said face, or rather, lack of any, refused to comprehend the possibility of a smile.His expression, though, could contort into one even now."Hard not to like him. He's prone to bursting aways like this, but he's pretty likable."

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OOC: Why is it never my characters? :PIC, Zijak: Zijak laughed in agreement. "Who doesn't like him? Besides the weirdos, we all appreciate him," he said as he clapped Perkahn on the back. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going down to the hold to see if I can find my old hat." With that Zijak opened the door to the interior of the ship and walked down the stairs.

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IC: Desdemona (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)Desdemona watched the "former captain" leave before turning to Perkahn again."He...irritates me," she admitted to the Toa of Iron. "I wish to hold him underwater until he ceases motor function."-Teezy



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IC: The cloak stopped. Zmija lifted up its hood a little, showing a bit of her face once more. She then glided over to the railing and looked out at the horizon.Beautiful, She thought.The cawing of gulls, the spray of the sea, the glimmering sun in its sky...All Lys'Fagas observed quietly and without a word.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: (Perkahn, The Infernavika)Perkahn's reaction to Zijak clapping him on the back was an expression that said in all of its entirety, "... Since when are we such good friends?" However, since Zijak took his time to escape, he had no choice in this situation but to annul said expression and turn to Desdemona."Aye there... though perhaps that's a bit harsh. We need every hand here, even if said hand only serves the purpose of making this place even more hilariously dysfunctional."

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OOC: Really Tyler? You're so mean... :P I'm gonna go cry in a corner now.IC, Zijak: Zijak wandered into the hold and took a look around. This place hasn't changed a bit, he thought to himself. Let's see if it's still here... He walked around, searching for it. Then he saw it in a dark abandoned corner. A dusty old trunk with a "Z" carved into it. He smiled, bent down, and opened it. He looked inside. There was a knife, an very dusty bottle of rum, and.... the hat. Zijak picked it up and took a look at it. It was a simple thing, the hat. Black and plain, with no decoration on it save the large purple feather. He smiled and put it on top of his head. Now he felt like a pirate again. He made his way towards the stairs...

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IC: Desdemona (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)"If you pirates only require one hand," replied Desdemona, "may I retrieve his second from his wrist? It may prove...useful."Her wide blue eyes held no indication of humor.-Teezy



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IC: (Perkahn, The Infernavika)Perkahn laughed, his voice slightly more sober. Of course, implying he was ever drunk - his mind was clear, as always. He hadn't drunk that much."I wouldn't mind. Of course, I think you might have to arrange that with Captain Probably-Getting-Slapped-By-Song-Now, because, well, it's his ship - junk on it, including useless hands, is legally his property."

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