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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Desdemona (Infernavika, Ga-Wahi)"I am no man's property," she replied coldly, as the ship began to drift away from Desdemona's cove and into the greater river bed. They would reach Po-Wahi soon...OOC: And, finally, Infernavika and crew to Po.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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OOC: AND GO! :PIC: Tirus & Hajia, Ga-KoroExactly at that moment, Tirus kicked the door in. Mumbling to himself, he never saw the two of them as he sat Tajeh down, at much more gentlely laid his sacks on his cot. Looking up, he finally noticed the two other Toa. "Oh. My apologies 'bout this." He murmured indifferently as he made his way towards the door. "N-no, it's fine." Hajia said in a rushed voice, already hesitantly removing her arms from Gravity."You sure? Crikey, the two of you seemed pretty attached." "Yeah.""Well then." Tirus said indifferently, reaching for one of the bottles. Whiskey, no doubt.


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OOC: FINALLY! Remind me to never let you carry another one my characters again. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gifIC(Tajeh): Tajeh rocked back and forth on the chair he was on, still singing a song. Unfortunately for Tajeh, this was the second time he had entered Hound's hut intoxicated. In fact, this was his second time in Hound's hut the entire time he knew him. "And the icicles! The icicles! They smelt of warm bread!" he sang. It wasn't known if he was actually singing a song, or just coming up with words. But most of it sounded like Ko-Koro ditties.


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OOC: LolIC: Gravity"Yeah.... Ok," I said, not quite sure what just happened. My mind had gone blank for a second, and I blinked a couple times. Unwraping my arm for the Ga-Toa, I still held her hand. I took a deep breath in, and was about to say something else, but stopped. Quite frankly, I found the situation to be funny. I looked at Hajia, and she could proabaly tell I was trying had not to laugh.



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IC-Raxa:Raxa sat outside Hound's home, unnoticed by all within as he thought. He kept thinking back to how he had just killed his father, in a fit of rage...it didn't prove anything except that his father was right. He was strong enough and mental enough to kill his own father, the only being truly standing in his way, without a second thought.Raxa sighed, standing up and moving into the hut, ignoring all the others as he stepped over to his Bass and Crossbow.

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IC: Hajia & Tirus, Ga-KoroHajia smiled at Gravity, who seemed to be getting quite the kick out of the current situation."Lass," Tirus said after a swig, pointing his bottle at Hajia. "How are you sitting up like that?""Kirian. He spent his entire savings on a medicine that would act like a Mask of Healing Substitiute." Hajia said with a sigh. "So why isn't he-" Then Tirus sighed as he answered his own question. "Right. He's gone off, and Hound's going to stop him?" "Yeah." Hajia said, her happiness draining away as she stared at the floor.


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IC-Raxa:"I have every faith that Hound can bring him back without incident," Raxa said, popping into the conversation. "Though I have the feeling that isn't likely to happen." He sighed, again."Why does he have to be so proud that he won't accept repayment?" Raxa muttered to himself, trying to think of an answer for his most-likely unheard question.

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IC: Hajia & Tirus, Ga-Koro"Ghost?" Hajia said, cracking a smile. "I haven't heard him use that name in a while. But yeah, that's Kirian." She said to the still-drunk Ko-Matoran."It's not really a matter of pride." Tirus said. "The lad's a bit messed up. He doesn't really like to have anyone attempt to form a friendship with him. Even things that could possibly mean being spoken to. He can't stand it. I've seen him talk. At moments, he shed his mysterious motives, and begin to be an enjoyable lad. And then he realizes what's going on, and he slinks away. I don't know exactly what's happened to him, but I'm guessing that he doesn't want people to get attached to him, because people who are attached to him..." Tirus paused, strugling for the right words. "Normally end up dead."


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IC: Assorted Characters, Ga-KoroAs the other began to do their own things, Tirus leaned back, closed his eyes, and faked sleep. Really, he was listening. Not normally listening, as one would use their ears doing that. Tirus was listening for metal. And he heard it, moving metal, being worn by someone. And he recognized the shape of the wearer."Everyone get down-" He began to say. However, his words were cut off as he slammed into the floor of the hut. An extremely powerful magnetic current had shoved anything metal against the ground, so that it couldn't move, let alone get up. A high-pitched, unusual voice filled the air. "And the great Hound, warrior supreme, leaves his fort undefended." The voice continued, extremely annoying. "Such great things I have heard about him! What a dissapointment this is..." Suddenly, the door was slammed in, and the speaker revealed himself. A rather small, almost punkish looking Toa of Air stood in the door-way, grinning as if he was making an entrance at a party. "But it isn't a total loss..." He said, moving towards Hajia, who pressed against her cot, eyes wide in fear and anger. Suddenly, a small amount of water appeared in the air, falling on the Toa. "You indignant little..." The Toa said, suddenly next to her, and leaning down, his hand crushing her throat. As sudden as his movement, he had regained composure, and stood up, all smiles again. "Luncora! Loosen the poor girl's field! Can't you see she's in pain?" He spoke like a twisted gentleman, sounding friendly, but with dark, horrifying intentions.A second figure appeared in the door, way, a tall, lean, powerful figure, all dark colors. Except for those eyes, eyes that replicate staring at a firey inferno. Without speaking, the being manipulated magnetisim, so that Hajia smoothly levitated to him. Without speaking, he grabbed her and made his way outside."Now, without further ado..." Halion said, his face a gigantic grin as he made his way towards the door.OOC: There's your chance, Kal.


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IC-Raxa:Raxa had quickly grabbed his crossbow as he noticed Tirus slammed down, backflipping out the window near him. He quickly loaded one of his poison bolts into the crossbow-and not one of the little diluted-ones that only reduced you to a coma. This was a big, hard-hitting round loaded with cyanide.Raxa used his Pakari to pull himself into the tree nearest the hut, then jumped over to the next. The leaves had settled once the two beings stepped out of the hut, Hajia in hand. Raxa trained his scope on the one nearest him, the taller being with the magnetism powers, Luncora was the name he thought he heard.He trained the round for a small spot in the being's back, one of the weakest portions of the spine-he'd be able to hit straight into Luncora's spinal chord at this distance. Raxa depressed the trigger of his crossbow, sending the crystalline round flying silently through the air.

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OOC: Hope you guys had nothing planned...IC: GravityOh nuh uh. No one- I'm gonna-I had a hard time forming complete sentances, but I didn't have a problem with my elemental power. Which I used to counter-act the magnetic force holding me to the ground. Credit to this power, I was floating a few inches off the ground. It did feel like my armor was going to get ripped off my body, but quite frankly, I didn't care.There was a couple things I would never do, and one of them was just to sit and watch my girlfriend get carried off. And so, with a burst of my elemental power, I flew towards the door after them. As I did so, I greatly increased the gravity around their feet; to the point that even with a Pakari, it would be hard to walk."Let. Her. Go."



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IC: (Rewera)Rewera lifted an eyebrow slightly. "My brothers." she replied simply. "I doubt you know them. We've only just arrived." The female Toa still hesitated to be forthcoming with information. She knew Ravage was not of the shadows, but that didn't mean that he had no personal angle. And without a name, she maintained a healthy suspicion of her rather bestial opposite.




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IC: RavageRavage nodded. "You're most likely correct, then. It never was my job to keep tabs on the island. I always left that to one more suitable than me."Ravage shrugged. "But whatever the case, I might be able to help you locate them."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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OOC: Alright then. If you don't mind, this I'll be Halion/Gravity, & Raxa/Luncora.IC: Assorted, Ga-KoroTirus attempted to move, but he lacked the speed, youth, and powers of Raxa and Gravity. So, much to his dissapointment, he was glued to the floor."Now why would we do that?" The Toa of Air asked, appearing next to Gravity. He was seemingly unpeturbed by the fact his feet were weighed down. With lightning speed, he drew his hookswords, slashed downwards with one, and horizontally with the other, and then went into a frenzy of randomized stabs, chops, and slashes.A harsh, disturbing, untoa laugh eminated from Luncora as he lurched foward, the bolt shooting past before embedding in a tree. "Fool!" The disturbing Toa roared, his neck muscules contracting and tightening, like writhing snakes. "I am not a Toa of Magnetisim? Do you think me beneath using my element to watch you all? As soon as you left the hut, I noticed your magnetic field. Truly, you mistake me for an arrogant fool." His roar subsided into a growl as he continued, pulling out his sword as he finished.


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IC-Raxa:Raxa cursed as his bolt missed, though it embedded in a soft-wooded tree, where it wouldn't break. Good. He quickly loaded another bolt, firing it at the oncoming Luncora as he drew his tomahawks, rolling and jumping to another tree. He wasn't going to let this being take him out easily.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: Gravity"Because," I stated, my claw whipping around my body, blocking the Toa of Air's first two attacks. "It would be the healthy thing to do."I drew my sword, and blocked the rest of the frenzied attacks with it. An upward slash got knocked away by the weapon, while I twisted out of the way of a stab. I punched the air with my other hand, and a gravitic blast flew from it towards Halion.



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IC: Halion & Luncora, Ga-KoroEven as Gravity punched the air, Halion appeared behind Gravity, slashed backwards with his sword, and then teleported so that he was several yards away, facing the Toa of Gravity.Luncora once again lurched to the side. Unfortunately for Raxa, crossbows took a bit longer to fire than bows, and Luncora had already seen him fire it once. He had a basic understanding of how fast it was, and managed to once again move away in time. Growling, and spreading his arms as if he was about to leap, he created a magnetic wave, one that would send anything cought in it's far-reaching grip flying away, until they came into contact with a large object.


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IC-Raxa:Raxa jumped, using his Pakari-enhanced strength to slam his tomahawks deeply enough into a tree that he stayed where he was, though he could feel the repulsion of his armour. He then used the tomahawks, climbing up the trunk into the branches, where he continued his jumping, shooting spikes of crystal out at Luncora straight from his hands.It looked like this match would be stealth and speed against a heavy, slow-moving strength.

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IC: Luncora, Ga-KoroLuncora growled as he swung his sword in expert strokes, knocking away the first few spikes. As they kept coming, He activated his kanohi, causing them to swerve away from him. Taking the offensive, he used his Kanohi to create a wave of psionic force (Can do that, accordin' to BS01) directly above the leaping Toa of Crystal, it's purpose to push him to the ground.OOC: Oh, I've just finished a very rough draft of Kirian's Origin Story. If anyone wants to proof-read it, pop me a PM.


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IC-Raxa:Raxa felt the force above him as he jumped, and so he had to do something different. He used the beard of his tomahawks to hook onto one of the thick branches of the tree, spinning around it once and flying over to the other tree, as the branch followed with Raxa. He sharpened it quickly, throwing it along with a small barrage of crystal spikes as well."You came close, there," he said, moving on to another tree. "You almost got me." He jumped again.

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IC: GravityWhen the Toa disappeared from my field of view, I did the smart thing and launched myself into the air. I could feel the wind from the Toa's blow underneath me. I came back down, already floating towards the Toa thanks to my elemental power.I sent three quick slashes at him with my sword before my feet touched the ground again. And another four once I landed.That Kanohi would be a problem, so I decided to try and get rid of it.



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IC: Luncora, Ga-KoroNot caring to reply, Luncora remained silent as he judged his options. He had a kicking and screaming Toa of Water in one arm, and this being was going to dance around in the trees until he gained an advantage. As a evil grin began to stretch across his face, he activated his magnetisim powers, launching into the air at an incredible speed. Hajia stopped scream as the air rushed out of her lungs. Never pausing to look down, he shot into the distance, not quite as fast as a Gravity user, but still incredibly fast.IC: Halion, Ga-KoroThe kanohi was indeed a problem. As soon Halion reappeared, didn't see Gravity, he teleported once more, straight ahead. The swords slashes meet thin air as Halion watched them from fifty yards away. "Hmmm... you don't fight like normal people." The Toa of air remarked as he drew out his chainwhip, and sheathed his two swords. "You fight like your life depends on it. Or is that it at all? Maybe you fight like a person who's life is more important than yours depends on you." A expression of mock surprise appeared on his face. "Oh! She's not just your friend, is she? No, there's something special going on here..."


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IC-Raxa:"Karz," Raxa said, dropping from the tree. He still had his Pakari activated, and so he used that to his advantage. His strides carried more power and length to them, allowing him to run much faster than a normal being...though not quite as fast as a Kakama user. He kept about three and one-half bio behind Luncora, attempting to catch up.Not losing his speed, Raxa pulled out his crossbow, cocking and loading it. He pointed it upwards, loading one of his poisoned bolts into it. One hit anywhere and Luncora would be dead within minutes or even seconds. He aimed carefully, pulling the trigger once he was sure he had the perfect shot.

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IC: Emarosa (Ga-Koro)Emarosa's face grew sad, and her face set in a small frown."He, um, stayed behind," she whispered, her voice fragile. "To fight Utu and the other Bearers."-Teezy



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IC: Luncora, Ga-KoroLuncora cursed as the Toa of Crystal chased after them. Growling in anger, he forced them to ascend, and the bolt wobbled before falling back to earth, mere inches below them at it's peak. Focusing, he shot faster, his elemental energy draining.OOC: Luncora to Onu-Wahi.


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IC-Raxa:Angrily, Raxa threw one of his tomahawks at the being, though the metal was just sent spinning straight into the ground as Luncora passed over the village, off towards Onu-Koro. He retrieved it, cursing angrily as he made his way back to Hound's hut.His expression itself could kill as he fired one more bolt at Halion's back, about two-hundred fifty feet away by a large tree. If this bolt didn't hit and kill, he would rip this Toa of Air apart with his bare hands.

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IC: Halion, Ga-Koro"That Brakas..." Halion cursed as he watched the Toa of Magnetisim fly away. Seeing Raxa foward, Halion realized he was outnumbered and doomed. Even Tirus had recovered and was in the doorway, his warhammer in his hand.Cursing once more, he teleported out of reach, did it again, and then once more, heading in the direction Luncora had went.


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IC-Raxa:Raxa had reloaded immediately after launching the first bolt, and fired another after Halion, while also shooting crystal spikes outward in a large radius, to cover for the Toa of Air's ability to teleport, before pulling his tomahawks out and running after the fleeing Toa, again.

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IC: Halion, Ga-WahiThis was bad. Halion had been in worse, but this was still bad. Focusing, he created a cyclone, making it larger and larger, until it was large enough that it sent the projectiles flying off-course.With his cyclone wreaking havoc, Halion began a chain of teleports once more.OOC: Halion to Onu-Wahi.


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IC-Raxa:Raxa waited until the cyclone calmed down, then stepped out from his slight shelter, looking around for signs of Halion. Nothing."Oh, karz," he muttered, before running off to the Koro."Hound!" He yelled. "Hound, come quick!"

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