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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC(Meja): The Ash Bear walked slowly, the soft underground sinking under it's mighty paws. It did not noticed the hunter floated from tree to tree above it, nor did it notice the arrow slamming into it's head until it was too late. The hunter became the hunted. The archer gently lowered herself, using her mask of Gravity, to the soft ground of Le-Wahi. She approached the dead beast, removing her arrow from it's limp head, cleaned it of the bear's blood on it's fur, then using her mask again, picked the bear up, and began her walk back to Le-Koro, where it's claws, pelt and head would fetch a good price.


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OOC: Don't worry, Inspiration's trained me to not god-moderator. Obviously not foolproof, but I won't be thinking of new combos and random stuff in fights like I used to. Being homicidal IC when you aren't actually aiming for a kill OOC, and just playing for fun is ok, right? IC: Dervian inclined his head. "Yep. Please don't say the name out loud, he's famous for that time he set a fourth of Ta-Koro on fire when he missed a shot. Just collateral damage, right?" He gave a nervous laugh. "I actually don't know how he's doing. Haven't seen him since the disbanding. Haven't seen any of the old crew since then."


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IC: AuronThe Toa of Fire nodded, "I was on sandy place, fighting spined monsters that took home island. Lost fight, and put in pod. Friends were dead, or captured by spined monsters." The Toa remember the being captured by the Skakdi, "I lost home, hope that spined monsters dead by time. Do not think so."Auron said this part sadly, and his anger against the monsters boiled within him. The Toa of Fire didn't notice, but he started heating the air around him, a unfortunate side-effect of his anger.

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IC(Meja): The archer had walked for a good distance, before glancing her eyes heavenward. "There." she said, a little more then a whisper. She lifted herself up with the dead bear. In a few moments, she was landing on the edge of the Le-Koro Market Platform. She walked to a small meat shop with the bear, stopping at a side door and knocking. "What the kraz do you want....oh, it's you Meja. Come in, come in." said a older Matoran, who seemed to run the meat shop. "What did you get this time, Meja?" "An Ash Bear, Tolas." she calmly replied. "Good, good. Is the fur, claws and head intact?" "The fur and claws are fine, the head has a wound at the neck from my arrow." "Doing aerial hunting again, eh? Set it on that table." he said, pointing at a long wide table. She used her mask to set it on the table. "How much for it?" "I'll give you 250 widgets." "250?" she said sourly, "That's less then the other one." "The other one you didn't shoot in the head." She grimaced. "Fine." she took the bag of widgets and left the shop.


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OOC: You know, normally I would drop a random rahi on them... But seeing as the situation doesn't really go with it... Darn.IC: AelynnShe thought for a minute before saying, "Wanna go see what's around? Or take a swim in the lake?"It wasn't good, but still better then sitting around in her hut doing nothing.



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IC(Meja): Meja was slightly disappointed at the pay. Although, she deserved it for shooting the bear do close to the head. She headed home, tired from the hunt. The closer she got, the more her feet dragged and the bigger her yawns were. She approached her wooden hut, opened the creaky door and walked in. Her hut wasn't that cleaned, but it was organized. She hung her bow on a hook next to a door, her quiver next to it. She collapsed in her bed, she didn't care if was still light or not, she was gonna sleep.


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IC:A while later, after they had finished their second round of drinks, Leah turned to Sisk and especially Verdi and Lashev. "Well boys, it's been great to meet you and to spill a few drinks, but I have to get back to my duties now. How about we head back to the HQ, so I don't get to work overtime for being late?" she said with a wink in Verdi's direction.Sisk nodded in agreement. "Sounds fine-well, we should all go; see how Lans is fare-doing."




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IC: Ketan (Le-Koro's Shadiest Bar)Ketan smiled at Gorlur's agreement, and reached out and shook Dathros' offered hand."Excellent. The island will soon know our names, my friends. I assure you, we will soon make the plans by which we will take power, but this bar, full of unpleasant folk, is no place for plotting. So, let us get through the pleasantries first: what names do you go by?"

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IC:In key locations in Le-koro, there were posters describing a job. It said that a certain toa was hiring members for a small team, and was willing to pay for that service. The mission would be debriefed when the team had enough people. Anyone interested would meet him at a small inn in the west wing of the Village, called "The Sleeping Kahu".IC: Ardoku"That should do it..." The toa said as he walked away from the last poster he put up. This should get peoples attention...On his way to the inn, he went over the plan one more time. Satisfied with it, he sat down and ordered a mug of black-ale. He finished the drink, That hits the spot, one of the servants took the mug. Now, only thing left to do was to wait... wait that anyone would either be brave enough, or foolish for that matter, to agree to join this journey... OOC: As you may or may not have already guessed, I'm hoping that someone would like to take notice of this and hopefully want to have his character join in... I hope someone would like too, otherwise... :S

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IC: "Eh." Dervian watched the skies, and started using his power over wind to blow some clouds around. He made a sort of 'cloud sculpture' of a Hau, the chosen symbol of Mata Nui, since they were both to protect. "For luck." And beside it, a Miru, like Lewa's. "And for this Koro."


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ooc: I've decided on the final cut for who (of my character base) will live through to May. Enjoy, as I kill off the remainder.GETTING OUT OF THIS ARC. btw.IC: The DogIshi shifted his wait uneasily. Too much time had been wasted looking through these hideaways with such little success. Tillian had fallen into some sort of daze, leaving Skyra to cope with the stunned toa of gravity. Figures he's all mushy on the inside. While the two toa were out of commission, Ishi wasted no time in learning as much as he could, which was very little. This Crimson Nova didn't seem to have any real information of value to him, nothing more than a few debt notices and who their suppliers of goods and weapons were. Boring. If I read another beer statement I'll puke. Having headed down a smaller side passage, Ishi quickly glanced to see if Lazerbeak had followed behind. Noting nothing but the air, he sighed and began to descend lower, breaking into a run as his feet found dirt path, the sound nothing more than a slight dull *Flip flop* ringing in the darkened tunnel. Light stone in hand, Ishi continued his sojourn away from the group of toa. He'd used them as he'd used all others. Ishi was a vampire for knowledge, once he'd been satiated there was nothing left to do save leave the scene of carnage. Undoubtly, that's another three toa who want me dead. Well, Lazerbeak and Skyra were already wanting me dead, so I guess it's only lover-boy Tilly who's now ready to rip the island apart for my guts."Finally!" Ishi panted, his eyes adjusting to the green light of the jungle foliage. A side exit had led him out into the edge of a swamp, where a boat sat waiting for thieves to make their quick escape. With a surge of adrenaline at an escape well planned, he sprinted the final meters down the dock and hopped into the dingey, pulled out an oar, and began to paddle away...

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IC: Skrihen, Pala-KoroSkrihen stood nearby quietly. She had followed Reordin, and not spoken since the conversation began. "Excuse me? I do have a question... What do you have for redundancies in case one or more elements of the plan fail?"The Toa spoke relatively quietly, sounding hesitant to speak.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro)I was already out the door, though; Skrihen's query meant almost nothing to me. Trakuda, Bane, or one of the others could answer it. For now, I had training to work on. Walking out of the building, I climbed up onto a single, solitary tree overlooking Pala-Koro. After staring at the sun for a moment, I stood, walking to the very tip of the branch and letting the wind brush against my face. I closed my eyes, let it envelop me, let the sun and the wind soak into my skin, turning me into a man of the elements, a creature of God himself--and then, out of nowhere, I was picked off, taken down by a Rama as I sat, unaware and apathetic. Spinning my daggers around my fingers like those gunslingers do in all the plays in Le-Koro, I stabbed into the Rama's underbelly, sending out a screech of pain. I fell to the ground with the Rama, tangled together in a macabre dance as we both hurtled towards the long, permanent, black end to life. At the last moment, the dying insect pulled up, trying to shake me off: a fat lot of good it did the thing. I pulled my daggers out and jumped off, smiling in satisfaction as the creature pitched to the ground, twitching and seizing and spitting blood across my face. I reached up absentmindedly and flecked some away from my eyeball, and as I stared at the creature, my vision started to grow fuzzy and oblong..."Reordin?"I blinked and snapped back into reality. I was perched on the tree branch again, daggers outstretched like Gukko wings.No blood. No Rama. No fall."Hello, Helixi," I said softly with a smile. "It's been too long, darling."I could feel her smile, the heat from her body, enveloping me in warmth as she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me, kissing my jawline, my neck, my shoulders..."Way too long," she agreed, moving to the space between my shoulder blades. I couldn't help but grin slightly."You're getting stale," I noted. I could feel the cold chill of her smirk drive into the back of my neck as she kissed it."That's because you have no imagination, baby," she cooed, wrapping her arms around my neck. "How are things?"I shrugged and sighed."Not very bad, considering," I said. "I missed having you around, though."She laughed a bit and the cold layer of permafrost that had made its home around my heart began to slowly thaw under the weight of her giggle."I missed being around for you," she said, spinning me around. I closed my eyes and leaned in to kiss her--and she was gone. Just like the time before this, just like the time before that, and just like the time before that time. Of course, she wasn't gone. She was a part of me, part of my psyche, intertwined with me in such a way that sometimes I wasn't sure where I ended and where she began...Oh, what a tangled web we weave.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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