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Friar Tuck

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IC:"You must understand" Skaarn began, "I was once a regular Toa, like you all. One day I attempted to find a defeat the evil Makuta. But I was too proud, and Makuta defeated and captured me. Rather than kill me, Makuta mutated me and combined me with a Rahi, stripping me of my Mask powers and allowing me only to manifest my Elemental powers in a Rhotuka disk. He sent me to roam Mata-Nui accepted by no people. If you do not harm me, I am sure I will be able ot keep control and help you destroy the hive. I wish only to exact my revenge on Makuta and end his reign of terror." Skaarn sincerely hoped they would believe him. His head pounded. Even now, Lantz sought to dislodge Skaarn's consciousness. The troublesome scum.

Edited by Toa Fanixe

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC-Dendron:"Again, I say don't trust him," Dendron spat. "Any creature like this is not to be trusted...for multiple reasons." He resisted the urge to run up and instantly strike the Hordika down."I agree with my brother," Mussiki said, after a moment. "After watching one brother fall to darkness and another lose himself to his instincts and insanity, I say that we must either kill this being or imprison him."

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro)Reordin swung his right arm, decapitating a Rama and then following up with a swift bifurcation just for good measure. He heard a roar of pain and looked to his left: Bane was riding the underside of a Rama, an amputated stinger stuck in his chest. As Reordin watched in horror, his second-in-command clambered onto the Rahi in pain and pulled out every remaining grenade in his bag, sticking them all onto his chest and turning."Darrick..." he muttered, moving to cut Bane off, but his reply was a wink and a pained whoop as he flew straight into the oncoming Rama horde. Reordin had just enough time to see the faint orange of a match being lit before a monstrous concussive blast sounded through the area, almost blowing out Reordin's eardrums and incinerating massive amounts of Rama. Reordin watched silently, trying to force words out of his throat."I figure he gave us at least a minute," he finally croaked. "Let's make that minute worth it."-Teezy



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OOC: Aerial Squad LeaderIC: Alfon"Aerial Squad, provide air support for the Demolition Squad!" Alfon ordered, directing the rest of his formation to follow his Kahu towards the hive, the mass of green and orange getting seemingly bigger and much more intimidating. Now they would be getting deep into the enemy forces."Do not break from formation!"A lot of the mission depended on the squad they were protecting: if they couldn't punch a hole for the Strike Team, things would get difficult. Thrusting out his hand, electricity shot forth into a swarm of Nui-Rama approaching them, creating chain-lightning as it spread from one target to another, effectively killing them. Still, his heart dropped slightly as their numbers were replaced as quickly as they had died."Push through and stay close to the Demo Squad! Watch your backs!"OOC: Summing up this post: Aerial Squad moving towards the hive and into real heat, providing as much air support for the Demolition Squad as possible. Don't worry guys, we're not going straight up to the wall: that would be suicide :P

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​IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro)"Of course not. Don't be ridiculous."Reordin pushed his Rama into a dive, pulling out two grenades and tossing them into the swarms."But at least we can put some holes in their line long enough for someone to get in there and gain us some ground."-Teezy



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IC-Mussiki:"Think of two specific things you just said there: Mutated by Makuta, and Rahi Instincts," Mussiki growled, his brother's old sword in his hand. "Like our leader here said, the best that could have happened to you would be that you're completely kriffing mad." Mussiki shook his head."And the best is never what happens," he concluded.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: No pain, no gain, Wotz. Like I said, we're not moving straight up to the wall, we're staying over the Demo Squad before we get too close. We'll pull out then. That and yes, I'm crazy.IC: Alfon"You signed up for a reason buddy and you're going to do your part whether you like it or not. Still, you can leave and face my full out wrath once this is over and mourn the death of the squad you were supposed to protect." All of this was said with his charismatic smile."In short, go hard or go home."

Edited by TX Wade
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OOC: Strike force leaderIC: Madrihk"I'm afraid we can't take that risk," Madrihk said to the Hordika. "We have no time to sort this out right now. The Rama don't seem to be attacking you, at least, so we can safely leave you imprisoned here till later. Help me out here, people. We need some iron and plant-life to secure him."With that, he turned away and looked for the hive again."Let's get over there. Demolitions seem to be closing in already, and there's no use in staying here."
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IC-Dendron:Dendron eyed the Hordika warily, as he quickly made trees of ironwood grow from the ground and form a strong latticework cage that would hold the creature where he was, with Kal reinforcing it all with stone."I swear, you get out and attack me again, and you'll suffer a fate worse than death," Dendron warned, and pointed to the Nui-Rama covered in the fungal mycelium.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Demolitions squad leader.IC: Reordin (Pala-Koro)"Some bloody vacation," said Reordin with a cold smirk, as he followed Trakuda in his downward dive, plucking Darrick Bane's sword off the ground and swinging it into a Rama in a circular fashion, turning it into mincemeat in moments.-Teezy



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IC:"NOOOO"Skaarn yelled. "Don't leave me alone and trapped! You don't understand, the Nui Rama can tell when my Rahi instincts are in control and when they are not! If you leave me here they will attack! If you leave me here, you're giving me the death sentance. And Toa don't kill!" As if to prove his point the buzzing of the Nui Rama suddenly grew louder. "Please, tie my hands if you want, just bring me with you!"ooc: some rahkshi would be nice....

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: SkrihenSkrihen sliced cleanly through another Rama, before looking at Onyx, her face coated in the gore of a multitude of enemies."Yo! Big guy! I can slow 'em down, can you watch my back?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Don't! He'll slow you down. This entire encounter is slowing you guys down, no offence Fanixe.IC:Trakuda flew straight into another Rama as his mount died, leaping on to the other-dazed Rahi just in time to stab his knife into it's nerve cluster.

Edited by Wotsiznaim
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OOC: Ground Squad LeaderIC:"Beh, you'll be alright," Kethrye said, using his elemental power to surround the Toa with a wall of ice. That shouldn't melt completely until the battle is over, he thought, assuming it doesn't drag on too much."Well, that's done with," Kethrye said, beginning to walk away from the trapped Horde-whatever. "Ground squad to me! Resume march."We still have wok to do.

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IC: OnyxAgain with the 'Big Guy'...how much that name annoyed Onyx didn't help with the battle plan but right now was not the time to complain about it lest he wanted to get a stinger straight through the back of his head."Slow them down? I say we continue to push forward!" Onyx said before ramming his shield into a Nui-Rama, sending it flying. Even with his Pakari active, this was beginning to get tiresome.OOC: You know this guy's a walking tank right? He can literally just put his Spartan shield up and ram his way through as he hides behind it. I just need someone to cover my back :P

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IC: (Aryll & Taro/Demo Squad)As Aryll watched the two fly around for a moment, his mind was beginning to wander, albeit a bit. He thought for a moment about the odds they had against the Rama, how there were probably a dozen Rama to replace each one killed. If they didn't punch a hole in the Hive soon, the battle would drag on for a longer time. The longer the time the hive was up, more and more of them would be killed. It just might give the beasts a chance. Or maybe, it might give Makuta a chance to intervene...Much to his chagrin, Aryll's tactical wanderings stopped when a group of about five matoran walked up to him. The looks on their faces told them that they were rather impressed by Reordin's stunts."Come on, Lieutenant, let's get moving!" he yelled at Taro."Can I not admire my fellow guardsmen's improvisation?" Tarotrix retorted. "But then again, you have a point. Would you mind covering us?""Certainly."***Tarotrix could feel Aryll's lightning bolts whistling over his head. Rushing forth at a small swarm of Rama, he leaped into the air at a beast, bringing it to the ground. Plunging his spear into its brain. Pulling out his blood splattered polearm, he lunged at another. This time, the bug was a bit more tough. With his men and Aryll facing off the rest of the swarm, he was alone in this fight. In desperation, it tried to sting him rapidly. Taro's leather armor padded the blows, which still pained him. With a cry, he pummeled it in the eye, stunning it for one blessed moment.One strike with a spear point and it was done."Not bad, Fire-Spitter."

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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Demolitions squad leader.IC: Reordin (Rama Hive)The hive was about thirty yards out now. They could make it in a couple minutes if they just...kept...pushing...Reordin jumped away as two Rama came at him in a kamikaze; only a quick landing on yet another insect saved him from being impaled, and he swung his sword into the two, kebobing them and sending out a vicious shriek. He swung the sword and threw them into their swarm. Distracted, the Rama began to concentrate on tearing each other to bits.He stabbed into the nerve clusters again and pulled up alongside Trakuda.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC:"Let's charge, Lieutenant. It's been an honor." he half-smiled and did a mock salute, preparing to have another charge into the cloud of insects. He swore he saw a Toa riding one, but ignored it.He was beginning to get tired, after the run through the jungle and aerial acrobatics. He just hoped they could make it this time.

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IC: Skrihen"I mean I can slow their attack on us. I can do that and keep moving, but I can't fight, move and slow them down."Her next words held a touch of sarcasm. "Not everyone is a tank like you."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Onyx"Fair enough." Onyx said, shrugging at what he tried to take as a compliment. Turning around, he held up his shield to the point where he couldn't see anything in front of him due to its sheer size."Just stay behind me and do what you need to do." he instructed before running forward straight to the hive. He'd serve as a type of moving barrier for Skrihen and also as a distraction while she did her job.As expected, multiple Nui-Rama rammed directly into his shield, only to be bludgeoned to death by it's spikes as it rolled to the side. With the help of his Pakari, Onyx did not relent.

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OOC: Sorry I'm late guys. IC: Plagia - Rama HivePlagia flashed a quick smile to Akinii, "Feel free. Just get ready to fight!"She kicked the bird's flank, causing the Rahi to rise up into the air, it's powerful wings propelling them towards the massive hive. She spotted another flyer near to the structure (Traxin), suggesting that they perform another charge on the insects, "Well, I've got nothing going on. Let's charge!"-Void



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Demolitions squad leader.IC: Reordin (Rama Hive)"Yeah, well, don't thank me yet," replied the lieutenant. "We still have to get you out of--OI!"He pulled Trakuda onto his Rama with a second to spare: about a dozen Rama were moving in on Trakuda's mount, and Reordin has just enough time to toss a grenade into the fray before they reached the dying Rama. Seconds later, the swarm was ripped to shreds."Okay. Now you can thank me."-Teezy



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IC:While the demolition and aerial squadron were fighting their way through the thick of things, Leah was with her men back on the perimeter. As she had predicted, several Rama had broken from the swarm and passed the group to try and harass them. There was no push behind their attack, no drive other than to remove the invaders of their territory, but the Matoran could handle it. The perimeter-guard, Hau-Team, were using their disks and bows to keep the Rahi at bay, a dozen or so lying dead at the edge of the clearing. Another of the flying monsters broke from the brush and raced towards Leah. Seeing the Rahi coming allowed to react in time. She jumped up, giving her body a twist and swung her Bo staff in an arch that knocked both infected masks off the corrupted creature in one strike. Kara came running over to her. "You alright , Lt.?" he asked. "I'm good, I..." Leah beagn to say, but was interrupted by Kara who almost hurled a disk right past her head as another Rahi broke from the brush, but it was no Rama, but a Kahu from Kadin-team, her scouts. "What's the situation?" she called out to the pilot before he even touched down. The Kahu flapped its wings and landed as they moved closer."Two casualties. Aerial squad lost one bird, I have someone on that.""And the other casualty?" Leah asked. The pilot sighed. "Demolition-Squad lost somebody, he's dead, Leah.""Darnit...alright, get back out there, keep me posted." she said decidedly. Despite the unrealistic prospect, a little part of her had hoped they would have been able to come out with everybody alive. But of course that couldn't work.




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OOC: Emissary, regroup with Alfon and the rest of the aerial squad. This goes for everyone else from the ILS in the Aerial Squad.IC: AlfonThe buzzing had grown louder tenfold as the Air support fought in the air, hovering right above Onyx and Skrihen while they picked off Rama one by one. Charging up an electrical blast, Alfon unleashed it into an electrical net of white and blue, killing many Rama all at once and relieving a bit of a chunk off the Demolition Squad's shoulders.

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IC: SkrihenSkrihen ran, staying behind Onyx. At the same time, it seemed that nature itself had attacked the Rama. Vines erupted and smashed Rama out of the air, while trees stretched out their limbs to ensnare the insects.Skrihen grimaced as her power dropped.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "Well, let's get going, then," I muttered, returning my sword to its place. I absently waved a hand, sending another pair of Rama spiraling to the ground in a mass of charred insectoid flesh. I was eager to leave that rambling madman behind.


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IC: Onyx / AlfonAdrenaline fuelled Onyx, continuing to push forward behind his shield, feeling the impact of multiple Nui-Rama connecting with his shield, never relenting in his march towards the hive. Occasionally, he got nicked on the head but he barely felt the pain. Only on the odd occasion would he look back to make sure Skrihen was still with him, alive and kicking.Not being able to see what was in front of him, the Fe-Toa was forced to look on the sides and as he stared at the hive wall coming closer and closer, he saw Reordin, Trakuda and the rest his men as he zoomed by."Follow me!" he yelled, continuing to push without any reply. In a matter of seconds he would reach the wall.Alfon huffed and puffed as he continued to blast the Rama out of the sky, finding that there were way too many to keep up with right now. They were in the thick of things at the moment and they needed to pull out."We're retreating and catching a minute breath before returning to protect the Strike Team. This is as far as we can go without getting killed for sure.""Aerial Squad fall back and regroup above the Strike Team! Get whatever you need at Pala-Koro!" he said before turning his Kahu around and head straight for Pala-Koro. Once there, he'd switch birds.

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Demolition Squad Leader.IC: Reordin (Rama Hive)"Where's the ground squad?" he yelled, now merely yards away from the Hive. "We need our distraction!"-Teezy Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Onyx"Looks like we might have to do without!" Onyx yelled over his shoulder before bumping into something rather hard, causing a sharp pain to go through his arm. Looking up, he noticed a humongous wall loomed over him. They had reached the hive. Not wasting any time, he formed an iron tunnel shaped the width of four people and as tall as a Toa and a half.This would have to serve as protection for now. The only way the Rama could attack would be through the entrance of the tunnel, making it awkward to fight in such close confines and giving the squad the advantage along with the fact that they could only attack from one direction."Come on!" he yelled as he fought off as many Nui-Rama as he could from entering before his team mates.

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IC-Dendron:In response to Reordin, a vine whipped out and grabbed one Nui-Rama, throwing it against the hive. The insect broke against the rock-hard walls, the body bouncing off and to the ground. Another Nui-Rama was caught by branches. Yet another suddenly found fungal mycelium growing inside of it, ripping its nerve bundles to shreds as it fell to the ground.Dendron was back in his element, the way he had been before, though he was limiting himself to a smuch smaller area than he had tried to take control of before. No need to kill himself while he tried to help the others.Soon, Nui-Rama were breaking away in large numbers, only to attack the plantlife around them, one squad flying for the Toa of Plantlife who had to be controlling this, though they made a miscalculation, flying off towards Skrihen and Onyx, not knowing that the latter would easily crush them.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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Demolition squad leader.IC: Reordin (Rama Hive)Reordin wasted no time in jumping off the mount and throwing the corpse into the swarms."I've got plenty of grenades," he said. "We'll wait for ground before moving inside. We can't run the risk that they'll follow us in there."-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Alfon / OnyxAlfon demounted his Kahu as he arrived in Pala-Koro, grabbing a good drink of water and bandaging himself up real quick before taking a Gukko and setting off towards the Strike team.Onyx continued to swat Nui-Rama left and right as they came at him, now gasping huge gulps of air as he continued to fight. Once the charges were planted on the wall at the end of the tunnel, they would repeat this process for whatever else they would need to blow up. Still, Onyx grew tired and he wondered whether he could continue to fend off Rama non-stop the way he was.

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IC-Dendron:Dendron was lacking in ideas to protect the Demo men. Until he noticed a small sapling that was growing right in front of the entrance to Onyx's iron tunnel. He waited for Onyx to step back in towards the tunnel, as a Nui Rama flew straight for him.Before Onyx did anything, the sapling sprang up, the sharp bamboo punching into the Nui-Rama's thorax. The insect tried to fight its way off, but to no avail. After a few minutes the creature died, its body slipping down the bamboo shaft to the ground. More saplings sprang up around the first, giving the Demo men a living shield to protect them, at least long enough for Onyx to catch his breath.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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