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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: Ah okay, in that case, I'm sorry about that. Still, after "investigating an assassination", there's not really a whole lot more that can be said at this point.


But, anyway, sorry again.


IC: Plagia - Gukko Force HQ; Outside Kongu's Office


Wow, this Matoran was good. I have to admit - and this might be somewhat biased by the fact that she was the one keeping us from getting completely lost in this bloody jungle - that I was glad we had her on the team.


"Well then," I said, flopping into a nearby chair, "Thanks for the help, uh..."


Cue awkward realization that I have no idea what this Matoran's name is.





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Sisk and company followed Skyra out of the captain's office. Sisk was about to say something when the were passed by Merror and a few other familiar faces. Sisk and Merror had been on adventures together in the past, and gave the Toa a broad smile and a nod as they walked past each other, too caught up in their respective quests to stop and chat. In the meantime, Zealokan and Skyra had finished catching up though and, not feeling too comfortable with the silence that followed the commander's summing up of what she had told in Kongu in full length, he asked: "So, where to we begin-start to get Le-Koro back on the well-right track?"




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IC: Kutukan


"As long as we're being honest, I'm not to happy about you leading us, either," Kutukan said. His tone was flat and mild, implying no insult.

Thud. A wooden spear landed in front of Jaceren. Kutukan smirked in confusion. He walked over and plucked the item out of the ground.

"Well, I don't think it's Dark's," he observed, "much too primitive. Where did it come from?"

He looked off into the forest as if expecting an answer.


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IC: Jaceren (Le-Wahi)


“I don’t remember saying I wanted to lead this group,” Jaceren grunted. He was about to say something else when suddenly a spear stuck itself in the ground in front of him. Jaceren’s head snapped up in time to see a flash of blue and light-blue armor.


Jaceren growled as his claws popped out, he ran towards the attacker. “Come out of there!”


IC: Ashala (Le-Wahi)


She sighed as Jaceren and Kutukan bickered. Then as the spear landed in the ground she created two blades of ice.


“Be careful Jaceren.”

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IC: Kutukan


"That's not the way to do it," Kutukan said matter-of-factly, "we need to track our attacker. Predict his or her next move. Don't you remember your training?"

He looked over the spear one more time.

"If they didn't intend to kill with this one, they'll have more. And I'm guessing the next attack will be aimed to kill, so, as Ashala so excellently put it, be careful. Very careful."

Edited by The Zytrix


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IC: Skyra - Gukko Force HQ -


There was an awkward silence between me and Zealokan. Very awkward. To be quite honest it was putting me off, Zealokan was too much of a boy and less of a man than I was if he couldn't get over it. "Zealokan for Mata Nui's sake just treat me like you always did! It's not that hard! And stop looking at me like that!"


Not that hard, ha, even I didn't believe my own words. Still, Zealokan looked like a sheepish school boy, especially with how he was twiddling his thumbs. It was really, really annoying me.


I was about ready to give Zealokan an earful when I was interrupted by a familar voice. "So, where do we begin-start to get Le-Koro back on the well-right track?" Sisk suddenly asked, speaking up and breaking the awkward silence.


Thank the Great Beings.... Perfect, I now had a reason to get away from Zealokan for the moment, at least until he stopped making me feel so darn uncomfortable. "Let's talk outside, I need some air." I said to Sisk, who nodded and began to follow me outside the HQ.


'Well... that was kind of rude,' My sharp ears managed to catch what Zealokan muttered as we walked away, I just rolled my eyes, not even looking back as we left the building.


When we were a good distance away I spoke up. "Well, I'd like to start as soon as possible, after I get some rest granted." I said, still looking ahead as we walked. "As to where we start, well, that largely depends on where we're needed the most, I suppose reinforcing our defenses, stepping up our patrols, adding more patrols, increasing the frequency of the patrols, question anyone who looks even slightly suspicious, heck let's include the non-suspicious beings too, check everyone that goes in and out of Le-koro, and their belongings...."


I stopped, looking at Sisk. "I think that's a good place to start, how about you? What do you think?" I wanted Sisk's opinion on this, when brainstorming it was always good to get someone else's input, two minds were better than one.

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Kehuri (Gukko Force's HQ, sunset)


The Toa of Earth couldn't help but overhear some of the Gukko Force members' conversation before two of them headed out the door. He glanced at Plagia for a moment, wondering if he ought to give in to his curiosity. The female Toa that had left seemed on-edge, so he didn't want to give her any more trouble, but then he thought that having some support- after all, his duty was to Le-Koro just as much as it was to Onu now- could possibly help her out. His eyes went to the silvery Toa that had been speaking with the woman. Maybe he could talk with him for a bit. Either way, there was one thing he had to do first.


Looking back to his senior ILF member, he got up, "You don't need me for the meeting with Kongu, right? Mind if I see if I can help out around the village, and maybe garner some information?"


He almost wanted to ask if Naru could come with him, but then thought it might be a better idea to put a bit of distance between them, what with his emotions getting a little out of his control. He justified it by telling himself that the Toa of Plasma hadn't volunteered to go yet.

Edited by Marius Pontmercy

BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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IC: ZealokanShe's right, you know. Sure, Skyra's acquired another body, sure, Skyra's a completely different gender than she was before, but she's still your friend.'Shut up, conscience, you're making me feel bad.' He stood up and dusted himself off, telling a Matoran sitting next to him to tell Miha and Merror that he had gone for a drink, before leaving Kongu's hut.He seated himself at the bar, and held up two fingers to the bartender, who nodded and brought over two bottles of Salamander's Revenge. 'Thank you,' the Silver Toa choked out, before downing both bottles in thirty seconds. The bartender's eyes widened, but his expression was ignored as the Kineticist held up two fingers. Two more bottles, another thirty seconds.'You okay there?' The bartender asked Zealokan.'Yeah, I guess. Long story.''I've got time. And it's kind of my job to let world-weary travellers offload their troubles onto me.'He laughed. Loudly. 'World-weary? Hardly. So, anyway, it goes like this....'




'That's.... that's quite the dilemma.''Ha, tell me about it.'An silence settled between the two.'Isn't this the part where you offer me some helpful and inspirational advice before sending me on my merry way?''You read too much. Sorry, I got nothin'.'


'Oh.... Okay.'Two more bottles, another thirty seconds...

Edited by Clockwork Kineticist

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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IC: [Kunitu]


Next to Zealokan, a certain Toa of Air was also drowning her sorrows in alcohol, which probably wasn't a good thing to do for such a high-ranking member of the Gukko Force, although she would argue that she was semi-retired and such things didn't apply. She had been rather downcast ever since Matau's death during his return, and nothing had really improved her mood at all over the days following.


"I'll have ... another," she muttered quietly, her head lying on the bar as she waved her hand around, signalling for another drink.


Being Kunitu was suffering, it seemed.

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IC: Jaceren (Le-Wahi)


Jaceren slowed and glanced at Kutukan. He nodded silently, “Fan out then, try to track them as best as you can.” He said softly. He then moved into the brush as he searched for their attacker.


He suddenly heard movement through the trees. Jaceren took off running after the sound, jumping over large roots and streams as he muscled his way through the vegetation. He lashed out with his claws a bit as he ran, cutting through the thicker vines obscuring his way.

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IC: Zealokan'Commander, you say? Well, by all means, go ahead.' He started to let go, then suddenly grabbed her arm tighter, ripped the drink from her grasp, and put it down, out of her reach. 'Stop. Drinking. You're not going doing anybody any good.' Zealokan was such a hypocrite, but in this case, it was justified, seeing as Kunitu could likely barely walk.He turned and held up two fingers. 'Barkeep! Coffee, two of 'em. And leave the jug!'

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC: Kehaga - Bar, Le-koro -


Kunitu would find someone tugging on her leg, and it wasn't Zealokan, if she was sober enough to look she'd see a rather familar Le-matoran. "What are you doing in here getting drunk!? You should be out there doing....stuff!"

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Jaceren didn't notice, but he was right below 61.


It's him. He has a pair of three claws, proto-steel. Ba-Toa. Kanohi is a Kiril. Strengths? Melee combat. Weaknessess? Not a tactical fighter. Would be easier to strike from a distance. Method of destruction? Remove Kanohi, then fuse joints together. He won't be able to strike back then. Then I'll learn how he tracked me. Then I'll deal with the others.


61 silently charged her elemental power. Then she unleashed a wave of plasma energy, designed not to kill Jaceren, only to immobilize him, aiming to melt his armor to prevent movement.

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IC: 61 would have gotten away with it too, if a certain Cry-Toa hadn't been giving support from the trees. After Jaceren had ran off 767 had followed him, using his Calix to fly through the trees like a Le-Matoran. The crystal wouldn't stop a plasma blast, Jaceren was on his own for that. No, Roben aimed a stream of crystal spikes at the area he had seen the plasma come from.

No such thing as destiny.

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61 had moved positions shortly after her attack, but was still surprised by the sound of something hard embedding itself in the tree that she fired her plasma blast from. She quickly broke cover, launching another plasma blast at her attacker.


"767," She said, "If DARK was trying to be inconspicuous about hunting me, you can tell them they failed."

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"Well, I'd like to start as soon as possible, after I get some rest granted." Skyra said as they walked. "As to where we start, well, that largely depends on where we're needed the most, I suppose reinforcing our defenses, stepping up our patrols, adding more patrols, increasing the frequency of the patrols, question anyone who looks even slightly suspicious, heck let's include the non-suspicious beings too, check everyone that goes in and out of Le-koro, and their belongings...."


Suddenly, the Le-Toa stopped, looking at Sisk. "I think that's a good place to start, how about you? What do you think?"


Sisk's expression was one of uncertainty at first. His mind coming up with many pro and contra arguments to what the commander proposed, but in the end, he had to go with the answer he felt was right and said:


"You sound-speak with deep-much resolve commander and I am all for well-protecting our home and village, but putting every travel-visitor and tree-bright villager under general suspiscion will quick-create easy sympathy for opportunistic people-folks like Koropaki. We will be in better-much standing if we have hearts and minds on our side. We will quick-get better results if we help-protect our people, ask what worry-troubles them and do things about it. That is the spirit of duty and unity...and it can't be bought off with money."




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IC: Skyra - Le-koro -


I sighed, stopping in my tracks and sitting on the railing on the edge of the platform. "You're right of course, if we act like we don't trust our own people then they won't trust us either."


"I guess I'm not that trusting of people I don't know, with Matau gone nothing really makes sense anymore, it's hard to know who to trust."


My eyes fell on upon the nearby bar, it wasn't that I wanted a drink or anything...well okay, it was somewhat tempting. But really I suspected there was a certain Gukko Force Officer inside, if I knew her as well as I thought I did she was in there right now, probably drinking her sorrows from the loss of Turaga Matau. "I think there's a certain Commander Kunitu that might want to help us...if we can get her sober enough." I said as I began to walk toward the bar.

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: Introducing Pasja. Making a nod towards the other characters above. She is now open for interaction, by the way.



"But I know the Makuta is here now, in these burnt trees, and in the dead soil. All of these things were destroyed by the Makuta, but he never left them."— Kapura


"I think there's a certain Commander Kunitu that might want to help us...if we can get her sober enough."

Pasja groaned as she overheard the Toa Skyra - As a lieutenant of the Gukko Force, it was Pasja's job to report to the Commander if anything significant happened in her unit - and something significant did indeed happen that day. It certainly did not help that not even the Gukko Force commanders could get their mental sanity in check. Sure, the Taruga's had died. But such a setback is a time for grim determination, not boozing. Pasja shook her head at the incompotence of her superiour. Still... It could have been worse... But breaking the news to her CO would proably devestate the poor commander even more.




"Mutsu, you are NOT getting us any further. Take a breath! " Pasja exclaimed to her wingman. The Le-Matoran that stood at the other side of her desk that morning made a pathetic impression: To see a soldier broken, reduced to tears and franticly looking about, stammering along, is a sight that cuts your heart right open. Any emotion suddenly can take control over you in a fashion that you would never have known before. Pasja would have none of it.


"MUTSU!" The Lieutenant exclaimed as she jumped up from her seat and proceeded to slap the boy soldier in the face right there. "Pull yourself together! Tell me, exactly, what happened." - The look Mutsu gave her was one of pure astonishment and fear, and finally, he took a deep breath, and tried to explain.


"We were flying across the charred jungle and then... then... she just... just... fell off." Mutsu said - a sob closing his sentence.

Pasja almost regretted slamming the sod across the face. "Take me to her," she ordered him.


The flight took them long. The search took them even longer. However, in the charred parts of the jungle, long destroyed by the Makuta, the colour green and silver stood out. The sight was greusome from above. It was even greusomer on the ground, as they saw how one of her wingmen had turned into a broken, and now slowly decaying, shell. Even then, the look on the shell's face told her everything she needed to know, in that burned jungle, a dark seed was planted in Pasja's heart, as she looked at the shell's face and saw:The Gukko Force airmen had started to commit suicide.

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IC: Plagia - Gukko Force HQ


I shrugged, taking a moment to glance at the party that just left. Gukko Force personnel, by the looks of it, and since we were in the lobby of their base, it was seeming like a very viable possibility.


"Um, sure, go ahead," I said, "Hopefully, this meeting'll be fairly efficient, so how 'bout we all meet back at the main square of the village in, oh, say, an hour?"





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IC: KehuriThe Toa of Earth nodded with a grin, "Sounds good."With that, he strutted out the door and glanced around. He spotted the two... Er, personnel, a ways off, looking as if they were heading towards a bar.For a moment he felt unsure. Talking with strangers had never been his forté, and still wasn't. He had pulled it off with Naru and Kethrye, but he'd had a general idea of what to say.Swallowing his doubt, he stepped forward, "E-excuse me. I couldn't help but overhear that you're somewhat in need of help with fixing up the Koro?..." He let his voice trail off, giving either of them time to respond."


OOC: That'd be Sisk and Skyra

Edited by Marius Pontmercy

BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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OOC: Ah hello Joshua, I think we'll be giving you interaction relatively soon :)


IC: Kehaga - Bar, Le-koro -


"Oh great, she passed out." Kehaga exclaimed with much exasperation before looking at Zealokan. "Well she's my superior officer. So yeah, I know her."

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Sisk nodded and followed Skyra into the bar. The name of Kunitu sounded vaguely familiar, but that was the case with most of the Gukko-Force members. Somewhere along the line, he'd picked up every name at least once during his duty. Which reminded him of another Matoran he had not seen in a while.


"I wish Leah was here with us." the Le-Matoran said as they stepped inside the bar. "She would be a great friend-helper."




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IC: Skyra - Bar, Le-koro -


Leah...now that name I knew, sure it was my job to know the names of other Gukko Force members, but pretty much everyone knew who Leah was. I wouldn't say we were close or knew each other well or anything, but we'd acknowledged each other in passing from time to time.


"The Gukko tamer isn't in Le-koro?" I asked Sisk, he nodded. "Is she on assignment somewhere else in the island?" It wasn't uncommon for Gukko Force members to get missions or assignments that sent them across the island, after all, I'd been away for nearly a year.


My attention became much more focused on the task at hand when I saw Kunitu, passed out in her seat. It was a bit unnerving to see the officer who had trained me in nearly everything I knew passed out with her head on the counter, and probably drool coming out of her mouth.


Ironically Zealokan of all people was sitting next to Kunitu looking almost as drunk, well he wasn't passed out at least, I sighed, it was gonna be one of those days.


I approached Kunitu swiftly, I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do just yet, but I could see a Le-Matoran was trying to force feed Kunitu coffee. I took a moment to get a good look at him, a name began to surface in my mind, Kehaga, I grabbed the coffee mug from his grip. "What are you trying to do airmen, drown her?" Kehaga shrugged sheepishly, I just sighed.


I spun Kunitu around so that she was facing me. "Come on Kunitu, wake up!" I then slapped her across the face, which probably horrified both Kehaga and Sisk.


While technically speaking me and Kunitu were the same rank, she still had me on seniority, and slapping your fellow Gukko Force officer was hardly common practice, or advised. But hey, Kunitu was the closest thing I had to an Aunt, I figured if anyone was allowed to slap her it was me.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Kehuri

He frowned, supposing they hadn't heard him. Granted, he wasn't right next to them, and they were looking away, and he didn't address them by their rank. Whatever that might be. And calling them Toa/Matoran of Air would seem too impersonal.


He had to learn to stop worrying about things like this.


Still, he followed the two Gukko-Force members to the bar and leaned against the wall inside the entrance, waiting for a moment to speak. Seemed he'd been doing similar things a lot, recently. He found himself actually wishing he actually had some sort of rank for the briefest of moments, but forced the wish down with the thought of how it wouldn't be worth it just for this. He couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious, though. To anyone actually paying attention, it could look like he was doing a very bad job of tailing them. But his desire to help (and get help) overrode his embarrassment.


His eyebrows rose at the scene before him, but descended again as his frown deepened. He supposed he couldn't blame anyone for wanting to drown their sorrows in alcohol these days. Didn't mean he couldn't disapprove of it, though. Anger towards the Makuta and whoever else was responsible churned deep within him, though he didn't let it show, other than in the furrow of his brows.


He found himself imagining himself doing very unpleasant things to them again. He didn't fight that thought.

Edited by Marius Pontmercy

BZPRPG Profiles
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IC: Jaceren (Le-Wahi)


Jaceren suddenly felt heat surging towards him through the air. He looked up in time to see a plasma blast heading for him. He ducked and rolled through the foliage growling. His head snapped up, seeing spikes of crystal flying towards a tree. Roben. Jaceren grunted as he heard a voice as well.


He jumped towards the nearest tree, stabbing his proto-steel claws into the bar as he quickly used them to climb up the tree. Now squatting on a branch he got a good view of Roben and their attacker.


“61,” Jaceren said. He recognized the Toa instantly. 61 had been with DARK for a long, long time. Since his number was lower. But see Jaceren had been one of the first Weapons. There was a single rune tattooed onto his wrist, the number 4.


“You’re as foolish as you are noisy if you think we’re still working for DARK.” Jaceren said his blue eyes narrowing.


“We escaped along with the rest during the breakout. In fact we just had a run in with a few DARK agents, they’re all dead.”


IC: Ashala (Le-Wahi)


Following the noise Ashala flew up towards the trees on wings of glittering ice. “Oh hello 61,” she said as she caught the conversation.

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:kaukau: IC: (Nixie, Gukko Force HQ)


"Nixie. My name is Nixie," she said. Kethrye may or may not have mentioned her by name in front of the rest of the ILF members, but even if he did he could not fault anyone for not being on a name's basis with her. After all, there was clearly something bigger going on at the time. "I'm of the Le-Koro fire patrol. And you are Plagia. I'm pretty familiar with most people, but then, it's a small island. You can know a person without even meeting her."


Nearby, the other Toa were getting into a conversation with much tension in the air. She recognized Zealokan and Sisk, but they were with some female Toa she did not recognize. Sisk and the stranger left, and Zealokan muttered that he thought they were being rude. Something about him reeked of disdain. Then he got up and said to her "Tell Miha and Merror when they come out that I've gone off for a drink."


"Yes, Zealokan," said Nixie. He walked away as if there was a burden on his shoulders, like there was something he really didn't want to think about. That figured; he was planning on drinking away his problems. There were certain forms of depression that attracted a brief flirtation with alcoholism.


"Hmmmmm..." she said, pensively. She wasn't thinking too hard about it, but she made a note to store these observations away. If she met Zealokan again, perhaps she could ask him what was wrong, but right now she was talking with Plagia, and she didn't want to suddenly start up a new topic of conversation.


Then Kehuri left, causing another brief interruption. That was probably for the better. He seemed like he was turned to jelly around females. She herself wasn't uncomfortable with him, but it seemed like the social atmosphere suffered from hiccups so long as he was around, and she didn't like the thought of being around if the awkwardness carried by the people who had just left proved to be contagious, in which case Kehuri was the most likely person to get infected.


"Did you know any of the Turaga?" asked Nixie.



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