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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: Mataiti doesn't know who the leader is. He simply tagged along Pirok. And he admires and envies all Toa of Fire.IC (Mataiti, Le-Wahi):Mataiti looked at Pirok, admiring his red armor. How many times had Mataiti dreamed of life as a Toa of Fire? It was not possible for him, for he was a Le-Matoran. Even if he ever became a Toa, he'd be a Toa of Air. But this was why he had his firesword. His love for fire could be channelled through it along with the small fire powers it possessed.

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OOC: Well, I suppose it may be a little unnecessary...but I do want Vidar to make it out. Ah well, he'll find a way. I'm ok with it having worn out.IC (Merror)"Exactly," Merror said, nodding to Proditor. "We've got two Toa of Air here to counter anything you throw at us."





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OOC: Actually, it was Pulse Mataiti tagged along with. It's easy to get confused, as almost all my characters have names starting with 'P'. Pirok, Proditor, Pulse. :PIC: Pirok"What do you think you heard, Invisible?" Pirok asked, ignoring Pulse's comment.IC: Invisible"We're being watched." he whispered.IC: Pulse"You're just paranoid. I'll prove that it was nothing." Pulse said, walking into the jungle. In fact, he nearly walked right into The Shadow. "Oh. Hello, then."IC: The ShadowThe Shadow was confused. A Toa wearing a Tryna?"Who are you?" The Shadow began to ask, but by this point Pulse had run off.IC: PulsePulse ran into the clearing, almost out of breath."Vortixx... Long coat... watching us..."


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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I.C. VompranVompran lifted his arms and instantly, every plant in the area began to change their form into thorn bushes, stinging nettle, oversized venus-fly-traps, and poison ivy. The reformed plants soaked up the marshy ground like a sponge, and began moving to the enemy side, trying to strangle the living tar out of them."In case you haven't seen-noticed," Vompran said, "I frowned."


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Ic: Senegal crushed the last opponent, and as predicted, the champion reigned through the contest. As Senegal was accustomed to, the watchers cheered for him and then cheered louder still for their winnings, the few people stupid enough to have bet on the opposition sulking away dejectedly, avoiding the teller that was dispersing the winning bets. Their time may come eventually, but it wasn't today."Nobody died today, eh?" one of the pit managers said when Senegal was sitting behind the stadium, looking over his new scars."Not today," Senegal said, not looking up. "But a few close calls, I think.""Hooah, you bet. That Kav'Den was just creamed. And that other guy, the insolent one...""Draeverian Joskiir.""That one. I think he's just about done for a long while. You were particularly hard on those two.""And why shouldn't I have? They deserved every ounce of weight I gave," Senegal said, finally looking up. "You sit behind a shield and watch as coins flow, but you have never been in the open like I have. You don't understand the pressure I and those with me endure, just for the pleasure of a select few. You yell louder and I punch harder. You act as if I am the one in control of the fights, as if I decide which opponents lose or win, but the truth is it's you and those with you. If someone dies in the arena, their blood is on your hands.""Hey, hey, easy buddy," the manager said, suddenly feeling threatened and rightfully so. Senegal was flaring like a fire toa. "Look, you need rest.""That's what you and yours always say. I need rest, a respite, relaxation, and yet you always call me back for more of this.""Senegal, if you don't want to come back, you don't have to. Take the month off. Be free. Maybe that'll even rile the crowds up and be better for business! This might be beneficial for the two of us.""Always talking about money," Senegal snorted as he got up. "There are higher things that wealth. But I will take our offer.""So long, then!" the manager said, breathing a sigh of relief inside as the champion walked away.Ooc: Senegal off to Ga-Wahi.

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IC: Hikari raised a hand and a crystal wall erupted from the ground, blocking the ice and iron spikes. Divan's restraints were felt to lessen as he used his own power to counteract the pressure of the other Toa of Iron, but they did not completely weaken, producing an effect of slowed movement. Takamaz responded to Mahdrik by pumping out extra heat, aided by the newfound presence of plasma on Vilak's sword.Miraul said, "You fail to recognize the differences between attacks and restraints-what Divan did was restraint. What you did was attack. I hope you will be kind enough to learn the difference-we are prepared to fight but hope to lack the need. Remember we can end this at any time just by agreeing to send D to Onu-Koro for trial. If word that you harbor murderers here reaches other koro, you will not be highly able to recruit more settlers." Miraul guestered to Hikari, a movement not visible through the thick violet crystal, using the gesture to indicate more walls were needed. The wall expanded as Hikari willed it, in an attempt to box their potential foes in. "That's restraint, by the way," Miraul added. Razorlike crystals grew on the inside of the walls as well, making attempts to shatter them by hand a fool's errand.Takamaz noticed the approaching plants, and they were consumed by a brief raging inferno that he quickly extinguished.

Edited by toatc
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IC RamanoxAs Ramanox flew back he turned the fall into a roll, pulling out his dagger as he did so. He aimed it at Vidar, if Vidar tried anything he would have a dagger in his shoulder.IC TorvTorv remained ready, sword unsheathed, to fire a ball of fire at Vidar in case he decided to make a move. After all I have to play along with my 'friends'.


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IC: Onyx"Thank you for the tip then." In an imitation of Divan, Onyx kept his pressure on Divan as well as restraining his group's movement by taking control of their armor as well. In even further imitation, Onyx reduced the effects of Divan on the Liberation Squad's armor but not entirely.Looks like I'll be responsible to counteract this guy's powers...Onyx starred at the crystal cage trapping them, rather amused by the poor attempt to keep them in a box."Rather dumb aren't you, giving your enemies tips and tricks, eh? Not to mention, if you believe this thing will hold us-" Onyx took Ferrin's mace and fully activating his Pakari, swung the mace twice as strongly as he could against the wall, the first swing cracking the box, the next shattering it like glass. "Then you are sadly mistakened."Onyx let go of the mace with one hand and with it free, he created an iron pole and held onto it tightly. With his mask of strength active, he threw the pole like a spear directly at Divan, light as paper for him, rendering the spear-like pole extremely fast and nothing but a grey blur.OOC: I'll be really surprised if you somehow manage to avoid ANY damage from that but at the same time, very angry :P

Edited by TX Wade 27
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Takamaz noticed the approaching plants, and they were consumed by a brief raging inferno that he quickly reabsorbed.

OOC: You can't just re-absorb spent elemental energy like that. The energy would have gone to combustion of the plants, and so be "wasted". I will not accept a fight against that sort of tomfoolery.IC (Madrihk)Now being able to move again, Madrihk turned around to face their assailants."If you didn't want a fight, you shouldn't even have raised your hand," he growled. "The second you so rudely restrained us, I'm sure you lost every bit of goodwill I may have had against you."He raised his hand, summoning his element in full, but he did not aim it for his fiery foe."Now chill."He swept the freezing blast in an arc towards Hikari, Miraul and Divan.OOC: If you are wondering why we target Divan so much, then guess three times why. :P Edited by Katuko
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OOC:To the thrower of iron-Kakama beats Pakari any day.IC: Divan smiled as he completely released control, using his elemental power to allow himself to move, pairing it with his Kakama. He caught the iron lance as it moved through the air, and absorbed it. Stopping all movement had been a bad idea on Onyx's part, as Vilak had been keeping his sling moving at Kakama speed, and the forced stop had resulted in the stone flying free, straight at Vompran.Hikaki blocked the ice blast for all three of them with a heatstone wall, quickly melting any ice that formed on it.Axana took the offensive first, trying to break Onyx's focus by causing his nervous system to fire at random.Miraul added in, using his magnetism to try and draw Kanohi off their wearers. Vilak channeled his powers into the ground, preparing a little suprise.OOC: I know you might allege that I am ignoring my Kakama users' weakness to restraint of movement, but keep in mind that your restraint techniques on Divan are escapable through his element, and that neither Vilak or Miraul has to move for what they are doing.

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OOC: I'm not going to lie, this group of yours is really getting on my nerves. Plus, taking control of my nervous system with your elemental powers of electricity? That's complete ridicule. Are you actually allowed to remove one's mask with magnetism?IC: Onyx / AlfonOnyx tightly gripped his mask with his free hand and ran over to Miraul. He began to increase pressure on the enemy group's armor, hoping to suffocate them. Onyx was soon upon the immobilized Miraul and sent his mace swinging at his chest.As he felt his mask give, Alfon put a hand over it and reached in his satchel to pull out some of his wire. Quickly, he released his grip on his mask and tied his wire of his mark very tightly so it wouldn't slip off. By the time Onyx was upon Miraul, Alfon made his way to Takamaz, activating his Calix if he'd try to burn him. OOC: ILS, any thoughts?

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IC: Kethrye slammed his axe against the ground, creating a series of ice spikes that erupted out of the ground towardsDivan. " Have a ice day," He said. Boy, that was a weak line, better work on some better snaky battle remarks. He thoughtas he pulled his axe out of the ground.OOC: I agree with you there, TX Wade.

Edited by BenLuke-116
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OOC: Neither is impossible-the nerves are actually very reasonable, seeing as the amount of electricty is essentially very low in them, making control rather easy. Axana isn't even making an effort to do something specific, just creating random pulses to break your focus, and Alfon can block it. Keep in mind I was originally planning to electrocute the brain-by far more extreme.The Kanohi attack is also well within Miraul's capabilities-Kanohi are attached to their users via magnetism.NOTICE: I will likely not be on at all Thursday.IC: Miraul protected himself from attack with the mace via a magnetic field, repulsing the mace if it came to near.A powerful magnetic pulse was targeted at Onyx, more than enough to send him flying.Axana also increase the strength of her neural assault on Onyx, hopefully enough to break his focus and keep him from resisting the pulse.Takamaz knew that it was best to strike first. He unleashed a wide angle burst of fire, in hopes that his foe would be unable to dodge.Divan smiled as he saw the ice spikes coming. A wall of iron was created underground by his power, freezing the ice in it's tracks."You know, if you beleive D is the murderer, then it would make sense to help us out, you know. Or at a least sit back and be neutral for a little while, since we want to bring him to justice." Hikari focused again, repairing the damage done to the wall by Onyx, meaning anyone who had failed to move would be trapped inside again. Then the razor crystals on the inside of the wall began to fire off at random-Hikari took special care to avoid the spot she had last seen Kethrye. Divan focused on trying to lift D out with his metal power, in hopes of capturing him and fleeing once the other Iron Toa was taken care of.

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IC (Matan and Natan): The two Skakdi watched impassively as the funeral procession moved on past the Turaga’s hut. It was no unusual thing for a Skakdi of Zakaz to see a comrade die, so the death of some unknown matoran did not bother them as much as it did others in the crowd. What was interesting was that the dead matoran seemed to have been someone of importance, and that made the parade worth watching. When various parties had left to spread news of the death and prevent others from occurring, they approached the Turaga’s hut once again. Approaching the Turaga, the two Skakdi inclined their heads to the elder, and Matan spoke for the pair. "Greetings, Turaga, and our consolations about losing your matoran friend. My brother Natan and I have but recently landed on this island, but already we can see the greatness of your realm. All around us, beings of all races prosper under your guidance." In the Skakdi's experience, it pays to keep your leader happy, and buttering them up gets you what you want. "Seeing this, we wish to raise a home for ourselves in your village. By the standards of our race, we are neither troublemakers nor anti-social. Also, we bring to your community skills of great worth, even as these toa here can attest, for we both are crafters and weapon smiths of some skill. See, we have restored their armor this morning, and would be glad to trade our services to others of the village." Here he gestured to the Toa Hyfeik, who had accompanied them since their meeting the previous evening. Matan tried to be as eloquent as possible while making his case. He needed the Turaga to see them as an asset to the village, not a liability to the fragile peace. "Therefore, please grant us this request. We seek your leave to build ourselves lodging here in Le-koro, as well as a workshop where we may ply our trade. In return, we offer you our loyalty as warlord and will submit to your rule while under the shade of your forest. What say you?" What the Skakdi had said was true. Le-koro seemed a nice enough place, and it would be good to have the security of a place to live and work in, at least for now. There was still a lot the pair wanted to see and do of this strange island - they did not intend to stay permanently in the village of air, but it was as good a place to start as any, and it seemed prudent to have a recourse should their future activities require it.

IC:"Your offer is generous-kind," Matau replied to the skakdi with a smile, "But I am no warlord, and none owe me allegiance. I am but an elder and arbiter of those who think me smart-wise enough to follow. If you wish to protect Le-Koro, or to settle here, you do not need my permission!"But before Matan and Natan could so much as smile back, Matau's voice had immediately become ominously soft, and old, and heavy, like an ancient oak groaning in a dark wood. "But if you two disturb our peace-safeness, or make trouble-mischief upon my people, I will have you two bound into the trunks of trees. Am I clear-said?"The two skakdi nodded, afraid to do otherwise. "Very well-good," Matau said, his tone returning to its normal gaiety, "Then begone, and do what you please!"


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IC: Vidar chuckled."I am but a delivery man for the Makuta, serving the ultimate package to those who order it", Vidar said, "What is your game plan now? To please and further encourage the Makuta by breaking your precious Code?"Vidar put away his staff and raised his arms mockingly, "Or will you eventually allow me to escape, so that I may continue to enforce the master's rule?"Vidar lowered his arms. He wasn't sure whether the Toa would actually break the code, but he needed to keep watch over all of his surroundings, in case anything happened. "What is your objective?" he asked. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small cube, the one he took from the Le-Matoran a few weeks ago. He considered opening the box and unleashing its contents, but it was risky. Not wanting to keep his attention away from his enemies for too long, he looked up back up at the surrounding combatants. "You're wasting good people's time," Vidar said, chuckling once again, "You have me trapped here. I guess I'm defeated. What now?"

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: SkyraSkyra's heart raced, he didn't want to break the toa-code but...then he remembered Tamaru."Merror, I think-I think we should kill him..." He said slowly. "I'll do it myself if I have to." Skyra pointed his katana at Vidar."We can't have you kill any more innocents now can we? That would be worse then breaking the code in my book."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: Sorry guys but I believe we've lost the battle already so I'm going to refrain from putting too much effort into this. By the way toatc, your neural attack is by far cheap, seeing as how that gives you the possibility of zapping my brain (like you intended to) meaning each and every Toa of electricity could kill anyone without lifting a finger, effortlessly and pretty much disable them.IC: Alfon / OnyxAlfon dodged the blast of fire with ease as he cartwheeled to the side and then resumed running towards Takamaz. He ran up to him and thrust his blade, directed at his foe's stomach.Onyx was sent flying by the pulse, landing on his back but got up as quick as he could. Luckily, his hand was still glued to his face. He knew that he wouldn't be very efficient in this battle so instead, he devoted all of his concentration to increasing the pressure on their armor, suffocating them even more and crushing their bones if nothing was done about this. The neural attack gave him a slight headache but did not loosen his control.

Edited by TX Wade 27
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IC: Weta was shocked that the toa of air he had spoken to was willing to break the toa code; the morals the guided all toa. "No!" he cried "You can't kill a captive who has just surrendered to you! Remember the virtues of the Great Spirit, and the calling of the toa. It is not up to us to decide who lives and who dies, our role is to serve the Matoran and the Great Spirit.If you do not have the wisdom to deal with this murderer without killing him, find someone who does. Let us take him to a Turaga, and let the elders pass judgement upon him. Whatever happens, I will not allow you to break the toa code while retaining any honour as a servant of Mata Nui."


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IC: Skyra, MimiraSkyra's heart raced all the faster. What should he do? He cleared his head, then he realized what he had to do, even if it cost him everything...Mimira watched for behind the bush she'd been hiding behind the entire time. She watched her brother with worry."I'm sorry...but this is....FOR TAMARU!" Skyra, with all the skill and grace of a master swordman, lunged his katana at Vidar, aiming for the heart. OOC: I do realize that this is going to backfire horribly, but Vidar is gonna escape anyway I'm sure so...but this makes it interesting.... :P

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Weta): Seeing what the mad (in his opinion) toa was trying to do, Weta caught him with a strong magnetic pull just before the katana reached Vidar, and pulled him back from the cage."Toa don't kill." he repeated. "You are a toa, so prove yourself worthy of the title. Sometimes it is harder to do what is right, but no good can come from emulating evil".


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IC: Vidar watched as the Toa of Air lunged at him, willing to break the code. The Makuta's happy at least, Vidar thought, but what does this mean for me? Well, I know what it won't mean!With a flick of the wrist, Vidar tossed the metallic cube towards the electric confines of the cage. He then followed up with a circular motion that created a small, and short-lived cyclone. However, the circular burst of air was enough to carry the metal object through and along the borders of the cage (circling the cage), conducting the current just as Snelly, in his metallic armor, lunged forth. The disrupted current caused sparks to hit Snelly and cause the cage to deform just long enough for Vidar to force his way out through another blast of air. He spun around through the quasi-electrical storm, keeping most of the sparks off of him as he "flew" a short distance. Vidar hoped that the dagger wielding foe had not tried to pursue, lest he also be caught in the short maelstrom of sparks.Just then, Snelly was pulled back by a magnetic force. Vidar at first thought it was Echelon as he spun towards the ground, but it turned out to be another Toa."Toa don't kill," said the Toa. "You are a Toa, so prove yourself worthy of the title. Sometimes it is harder to do what is right, but no good can come from emulating evil".This is most entertaining! Vidar thought as his somersaulted across the grass. However, his concentration quickly reverted back to the situation at hand. He had to 1) escape, and 2) retrieve that box. In this entire sequence of events, less than a second had passed, and the cube that Vidar watched over dearly had landed on the ground. Without thinking, Vidar lunged for it and picked up the cube, shoving it back in his pocket."The next time you want to attack me and my ally," Vidar said, "Expect a much more... hostile response from me from the beginning"With that, Vidar sent one last, massive blast of wind to the ground, while simultaneously jumping into the air. The combination sent him in an upward motion, and Vidar once again activated his Miru to remove the affects of gravity, allowing him to propel further into the air. As he flew in a narrow arc, he relaxed the power of his Miru, allowing him to fall back to the ground, but in a different area, on the path to Onu-Wahi. Vidar winced as he fell back, realizing that not even he fully escaped the electric current, but the wind help him greatly. Vidar then landed on the grass, twigs and fallen leaves crunching under his feet. Not wanting to stand still for a long time, Vidar pursued Echelon into the tunnel.OOC: Moving to Onu-Wahi region...

Edited by Emzee

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: Skyra, MimiraSkyra cursed under his breath as he got away. "Don't you think I knew that? What you don't understand was that I was trying to SAVE lives, he killed Tamaru...and...and he's gonna find the rest...of..the chroniclers...compa-" Skyra fell unconscious, the last attack having electrified Skyra quite a bit."SKYRA!" Mimira cried, running up to her brother.

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Weta): When Weta saw the results of his actions, a hollow pit began to form in his stomach. He had intervened with the best of intentions, but in doing so he had allowed the murderer to escape, and endangered even more innocent lives. With his voice reduced to a dry husk of its former force and comfidence, he croaked "I'm sorry." In front of a whole company of toa, he had shamed himself. There were no other words he could think of to say.


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OOC: Fine, ignore me then.IC: The ShadowEveryone was so shocked by Vidar's escape that they didn't notice The Shadow walk into the clearing."Morning." he said, brushing some dust off his coat.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: True, Mataiti met Pulse first. My bad. :PBut since Pirok and Mataiti have met now, and Mataiti admires Toa of Fire greatly, he might as well start tagging along with him. If it's alright with you.IC (Mataiti, Le-Wahi):Mataiti walked over to Pirok, the Toa of Fire."Excuse me", he began. "I see you're a great hero on a mission. I know I'm just a Matoran but... I'd be honored to help out a spirit of the flames."

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OOC: No problem. :)BTW, on the subject of theme tunes, I think 'The Imperial March' (Darth Vader's Theme) would suit The Shadow.IC: Pirok, Proditor, The Shadow, Invisible & Pulse"Excuse me," The Shadow began, "But I have a plan nearing completion. And I don't have much time.""A pleasure to see you again." Pirok commented, sarcastically. He then turned to Mataiti. "Shush a second. This guy's some kinda maniac, we met him earlier." he whispered."Oh, the pleasure's all mine. When my plan is completed, I'm going to find you and I am going to laugh." The Shadow said, darkly. "Now, I would like to take Invisible, and be on my way; No fuss necessary."


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: Great, so all the stuff Merror would want to intervene with happens while I'm asleep.IC (Merror)"NO!" Merror shouted as Skyra lunged, and he was just moving in to intercept -When there was a sudden flash, and Vidar was out of the cage and Skyra was being electroshocked. As the Dark Toa retrieved his cube and began to run, Merror hesitated. If he acted now, he could take Vidar down and stop him, but - Skyra was hurt, possibly seriously...Merror made up his mind, as he always did. He hurried over to Skyra, and quickly checked him for injuries. His body bore several scorch-marks, and his heartlight and breathing were a little erratic, so Merror quickly got him into a comfortable position against a tree, to recover.Then a familiar Vortixx hove into view - The Shadow - and demanded Invisible back."If you want him, come and take him," Merror said, placing himself between the Vortixx and the Toa, swords drawn.





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OOC: JL might be leaving for a bit. For now.IC: JLJL turned. As Skyra leapt towards the electric cage, wanting to kill Vidar, JL wanted to scream.Too late.In the course of a little bit over 1 second, Vidar was out and gone, Skyra was down, and the entire battle had gone into a fail. Again.Perhaps it was time for JL to move on. He had to remember - he had a mission to fulfill - find and protect the Chronicler's Company. Currently, he was at Le-Koro. The closest was Ko-Koro. Then, Onu-Koro. He turned back towards his friends.JL: The battle's over. And I think, from what I can see, it was a fail.He headed over to check Skyra's signs. Not good, but alive.JL: But the quest isn't. Mine isn't. And I'm going to Ko-Koro first. I guess. Its the closest anyways. If anyone wishes to come, you are most welcome. However, if any of you decide that you have other matters to attend to... I guess I hate goodbyes. OOC: Wow that was weird, fast and very cheesy.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: Mimira, SkyraMimira tended her little brother. She had called her gukko with her flute, Skyra's gukko, Destiny had arrived right after Vidar had gotten away, as Skyra had summoned her before the fight. "Come one big brother...wake up." She pleaded, really worried about her brother."Wh-What?" Skyra said suddenly, starting to wake up. He's eyes opened. "Oh, hi sis." "Skyra! You're okay!" She said happily. "Well, I don't feel okay....OW! owowowowow." Skyra said when he tried to get up, he stopped trying rather quickly. "I feel like I stood at the top of the highest tree and let the lightning strike me repeatedly...""Well, your awake now, that means you'll be fine." Mimira said reassuringly."Well, not that I want to disagree, but..." He winced as he tried to move his arm. "I-I don't think I'm going to be fine...not...not yet. I don't need a doctor to figure that one out." Skyra hadn't really noticed The Shadow, he was way too out of it. "Hey, Merror..." He said weakly. "I'm-I'm sorry I tried to kill him like that I just felt like I had too..." He paused to catch his breath. "But, if-if I die...bury me next to Tamaru....k?""STOP IT! You're not going to die! Will go see Virthee that's it..ya, someone help me get him on Destiny we need to get him to Virthee..." Mimira said desperately, tears going down her mask.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: So, you are casually blocking a sweep of ice, ignoring armor getting crushed, and incinerating the very ground you stand on as the plants try to grapple you... all the while keeping an entire team from moving with Iron, attempting to pull everyone's mask off with Magnetism and controlling nerves with electricity. Can't we try to keep this civil, at least, with one target at a time and/or just an electric blast with no fancy-schmancy tech babble? Electricity can stun you and make you shudder. Fine. You don't need to specify how in-depth you are targeting the victim, because at that point you have technically already hit the guy. I'm also not sure how your iron/crystal walls are growing quickly enough to completely block attacks that are already underway, but at least they will be blocking your attacks against us as well.If Conteriam's player was active, I would have told him to just gravity slam you lot into submission to teach you a lesson (or send you into the stratosphere), because by your thinking he would apparently be perfectly allowed to do so. If we are to play by the these rules, then Onyx could also kill you all just by making your own armor spike your lungs and watch you bleed out.I ask that you acknowledge hits from our side or at least stop using ridiculous team-wide attacks. Vompran should in that case be a god in this setting, as you would run out of fire energy long before he runs out of plants to bend (which presumably takes less energy than creating the element out of nothing).IC (Madrihk)Madrihk felt an invisible pull on his mask, but seeing as the magnetic force had been spread across his entire team he could easily keep it on with his hand. Seconds later the crystal prison around them began regrowing, which meant that the force was further diluted. The crystal spikes that appeared were a bit of a nuisance, but by this time Madrihk was too enraged to care about a few scratches. He froze the inner walls of the crystal, preventing any more of it from poking out, at the same time weathering .He looked around to see who else was with him inside. Onyx had gotten out, while Kethrye had not been trapped in the first place."If we had Ledzel here, he could have just walled them all in," Madrihk said to his team, "but since that's out of the question I suggest we start going all-out. D, take my blade. Once we break the crystal, teleport behind them and give them a taste of the poison. Alfon, sweep your lightning across the area, while I use my ice to keep them in place. If we can keep them distracted, D will have an easier time surprising them. Trakuda... I see you are still carrying a lot of weapons. Mind if I borrow one as a temporary replacement?"

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IC (Merror)Merror strode over, bent down, and gently lifted Skyra."You'll be fine," he said reassuringly. "Virthee's exactly the Toa to go to. Mimira, do you think you can take him to Ta-Koro alone?" he asked as he placed Skyra on Destiny's back, tying him to the Gukko's saddle to ensure he wouldn't fall off in his weakened state.





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IC (Merror)Merror watched as they flew off into the east.Once they had disappeared from sight, he turned to the remaining Toa."We need a plan of action," he said. "Vidar and Echelon went down the Onu-Wahi tunnel, but we don't know what their destination was. It's too late now to try to catch up with them - we've seen how fast they can move if they need to. And I don't know if I can track them through a rock tunnel. We don't know where they're going, but we know what they're after - the Chronicler's Company."He looked over at The Shadow again, frowning."And then we've got this helpful fellow to deal with."





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IC: The Shadow"Oh, I'm very helpful. I'm going to completely destroy the Makuta's power." The Shadow laughed.IC: Invisible"Go to Karzahni!" Invisible hissed.IC: The Shadow"You first."IC: ProditorWhat The Shadow hadn't noticed was that Proditor had walked up behind him. He hit The Shadow on the back of the head, knocking him unconscious."That's for getting me killed." he said.OOC: The Shadow is unconscious, as usual. :P


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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I.C. Vompran used his kanohi Matatu to slow down the sling-stone that was aiming for him enough so that when it hit him, it wouldn't be fatal. As the stone collided with Vompran's chest plate, it knocked the breath out of him. When he got his breath back, he used his Kanohi Matatu to shatter the wall of crystal. He then Telekinetically sent the shards strait towards the fire toa. "HA! Try quick-dodging that!"OOC: I edited because I just remembered the sling was thrown with Kakama speed. Here was the original version:Vompran used his kanohi Matatu to stop the sling-stone that was aiming for him, and shatter the wall of crystal. He then Telekinetically sent the shards strait towards the fire toa. "HA! Try quick-dodging that!"

Edited by Elemental Ussal


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IC (Merror)Merror nodded with approval."Ok, now we don't have him to deal with. Oh, and I think I know what he meant there. Completely destroy the Makuta's power? Makuta's power comes from the fear of the people of this island."His eyes narrowed."And if he kills everyone, there will be no-one left to fear Makuta."





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IC: Pirok"But why? Why not destroy Makuta himself?"IC: Invisible"He doesn't like getting his hands dirty, and respects his life above all others. He is convinced that he's ultimately supreme in comparison to anyone else."IC: Pirok"That's a lot more long words than you'd usually be likely to use, Invisible." Pirok joked.IC: Pulse"Wait... I'm not entirely sure what's going on. Could someone please explain the situation to me?" Pulse was getting confused.OOC: I'll hand the honours of explaining the situation to anyone who wishes to do so.BTW, why's no-one suspicious of Pulse?


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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