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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: I'll try to change that!!! :lookhere:


"It's a type of ruby that shadow energy can be chanelled through," he states. "If I get it the Makuta will pay me generously. Maybe." Jild looks the being in the eye as he says. "You can never tell with some beings. They'll betray you in a heartlight's flash.-Mef Man

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I.C. (Tradoris (Skakdi) from Kumu Islets)Tradoris' ship landed on the shore of Le-Wahi near Lewa landing. He hopped off and the captain of the ship started sailing back to the Kumu Islets."There. Now to find some recruits for a crime gang. Maybe someone will be in a nearby village." Tradoris looked around with his X-ray telescopic vision. He saw a boat encased in rock (the ILS' ship) and a pathway that had been trodded down a day ago by a large group."I bet that path leads to the village." Tradoris carefully followed the path. He saw quite a lot of Fikou web. With his vision power, he saw that the swarm of infected spiders weren't far away. He rerouted until he was a safe distance away, then continued on the makeshift path.OOC: Free for interaction.


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"Gladly," Jild mutters as he reaches for a rusty sword. He walks outside to the slaves and points it at the closest one. "Row faster, or this goes through you." The frightened Matoran do as they are told and row faster, almost doubling their speed."Is that good?" asked Jild to Revan, a wicked smile on his face.-Mef Man

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IC: Divan rolled out of the path of blades flying at him, Kakama active. He said, "Hate to agree, but time to put out this fire." Divan used his power to create a set of five buckets. He took control of three, dunking them in the lake and then lifting them high with his power, dousing some of the trees. Miraul did the same with the other two. The other Toa on the team followed his lead, doing various tasks to help stop the blaze. Vilak retracted his canopy at last, compacting it together and reabosorbing what was left.Axana went to Takamaz, picking him up and dragging him into the jungle. Anyone who watched would have seen her hand him to a black Skakdi who quickly vanished deeper into the jungle with the mastery of a hunter.A second later, Axana herself seemed to disappear.OOC: May add more in morning.

Edited by toatc
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OOC: Kiron, Sulkua, Erken and Jagorik from the Kumu- Islets.IC: Kiron and SulkuaThe four of them were pretty much lost in the forest when they came across a sign that lead them to Le-Koro.Kiron had finished his Bula Berries on their long trek. They asked for the location of tunnels to Onu-Koro and the answer was to walk into the forest even more.At the end of the day, the four set up a small campfire and got out their packs as pillows."So, what are your weapons, Jagorik?" Kiron attempted to make small talk with their newest quest member as they took the first watch. The physical activity had worn Kiron out, as he did not like exercise much and very rarely walked several miles through thick forest. Kiron knew Jagorik was a Vortixx and his equipment looked sophisticated. He hoped Jagorik would give an easy explanation.OOC: I realised I pretty much forced the situation on to you guys, not just this once. If I'm being to forceful and always hogging the scenario, PLEASE let me know. Thank you.

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IC - Neirak - Bar/OutsideHe frowned. He didn't have to take this."See, this is what I get for trying to be nice." The Toa stormed out the door, heading straight for the elevator. In his little fit, he didn't even bother with the blasted mechanism. Grabbing a vine, he swung down. Landing straight beside a fire. "Oh, hello."

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC(Mardi, Love): "Argh! This is all going WRONG!" Love yelled, actually frustrated for once. "Mardi! Go apologize or I WILL KILL YOU!"Mardi blinked. "Wh...what? Love? Is that you, or some other thing?"Love just glared at her sister."Okay, okay." The Toa of the Green manipulated some vinery to help her get down, just as Alissita reached Neirak. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm kind of...hot headed...blunt...rude...everything Love isn't."

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IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Le-Wahi):Henkka had figured out that the being attacking him and Traxis was not Alex. But why did this one want to kill them?Henkka recovered his senses and saw Fyrii create a wall of iron to protect himself from Traxis. The mask Fyrii wore was unlike anything Henkka had ever seen. True, he had seen many kinds of strange masks in his life, but this one was completely new to him.Henkka triggered his Huna and turned invisible. With two Huna users assaulting him, Fyrii would have a hard time dodging. Henkka concentrated his air powers and created a small cyclone underneath Fyrii.IC (Erken, Le-Wahi):Erken was uncomfortable in the jungle. There was something scary about it. Behind any tree or bush there could be danger lurking. Erken used his thermal vision to snac the area and noticed several spots of heat. They turned out to be some sort of glowing flies, not dangerous to the group.

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IC: [Stronin]Stronin really hated his life. It seemed as if Henkka was nowhere near the village, meaning that he had to go somewhere else to find out where his wayward and somewhat insane companion had gone. However, he had spent most of his energy getting to the region from Ta-Wahi, so he decided to rest first.

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IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Le-Wahi):Henkka gasped as Fyriin suddenly appeared in a tree. This opponent was difficult. Henkka had fought many times against difficult opponents. He could take on this one as well. He launched a blast of air towards, Fyrii, preparing for her teleporting.

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IC: [Stronin]"What to do," muttered Stronin as he lied back on the bed he had procured in the inn. "Henkka's probably somewhere on the island causing trouble or getting killed by Alex. This means that I just have to find him before he gets killed."He sighed, staring at the roof."Sounds easier than done," he said. "It's going to be hard finding a single Toa of Air on an island with a population of AT LEAST 1500."

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IC:Sisk listened intently to Weta. Whil he had seen what Pulse had been capable off and his plans, he did not know much about the person itself and as such was curious.The Matoran didn't think too much about the three virtues on a daily basis, but he knew that to claim somebody abandoned their destiny was a bit foolish. One does not simply abandon his destiny. But the tamer kept his opinion to himself. It wasn't the time or place to voice it.




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IC: Kiron and SulkuaKiron replied, "I have a Lava Curvesword. It was crafted by a crafter from Ta-Koro. He has seen much action in his years."A rustle in the bush nearby. The two on watch drew their weapons. Sulkua, who was just sleeping was awake and on his feet. He turned around in a flash to block a sudden attack by a Kane-Ra. Sulkua flash-froze it and turned around to see a Nui-Rama bearing down on Erken."Erken! Look out, behind you!" Sulkua warned.OOC:Wow, really sudden. :P

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IC - Neirak - ForestThe Toa took a seat by the fire. "Y'know..." he grinned, "They sell matches. You don't have to do that fancy-shmancy stuff with the rock. Still, I suppose any forestman like yourself would know that it's illegal to start a fire in Le-Koro boundaries."It was a bluff, and Perkahn likely knew it. Still, he noticed small indications of a seriously grumpy soul. Gee, those were fun to mess with."Didn't catch your name."

Edited by The King of No Isles

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Perkahn shot a particularly inquisitive glance at Neirak. "Le-Koro? Back in my day, it only started another five hundred bio away. I can't say I expected it to be this large. Well they'll forgive me if I won't care. I need to eat, as we all do, I suppose."He scratched his chin, thought for a while."You didn't catch my name, because I never threw it. Perkahn. You?"

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IC - Neirak - ForestCatching the glance, he countered with the raise of an eyebrow."Touché," he said to the reasoning, "as I think we all stop caring at some point."Perkahn. Was that foreign? Could've been, though it probably wasn't."Neirak." was his reply, carefully rethinking the situation.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC - Neirak - ForestOh, so that's how you want to play."Thank you," he said, though he hadn't coughed.He managed not to grimace at the smile, but...darn, it was hideous. Glancing sideways at the Matoran of electricity, he nodded."That's Alissita."The Toa's gaze leveled at Perkahn."I bet you're wondering why I called you here today." he kept a straight face.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC (Traxin, jungle): Traxin used his power over Sonics to absorb all sound from the area, so that Fyriin could not hear him approaching. He came close, one dagger in his right hand, to attack her, and the other in his left, preparing to attack his own shadow if she teleported into it. He lunged at Fyriin, in a stabbing motion towards her mask.OOC: That's probably not how your mask works, but Traxin doesn't know that :P

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