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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Pordal, Yerith, Yu'rek, Nik-KoliiPordal was just about to walk away from the scorched scene in the village when there was a sudden rustling sound from above.What the Karz?Two more Skakdi had slid down a vine from a Gukko above."Take down that bird!" Yerith called, aiming his weapon.One shot to the Gukko's chest!One shot to the wing!And it was Yu'rek who got one shot to the throat. One Skakdi on the vine and two more Skakdi on the Gukko went crashing hunderds of bio down to the forest floor."Bloody nice shot, Yu'rek," Pordal commented, turning to face their current assailants. "Let's hope you can do that again with these [censored]s.""If one is hard enough to defeat, then we had better watch our [censored]s if we want to make it out of this alive," Yerith said. "Nik-Kolii, provide close air support on your Gukko.""That's a good idea," Nik-Kolii said, running back to his bird."Ah, that coward," Pordal joked, aiming his weapon.Yu'rek took the direct offensive on this, firing a bolt at the Skakdi on the left. It dodged, so Yu'rek reloaded and fired for the ground in front of it."Ya missed!" the Skakdi yelled, aiming its Zamor launcher at Yu'rek. It fired.And Yu'rek fired. The flaming bolt connected with the sphere of acid, causing it to puncture and splatter right where Yu'rek's previous flaming bolt had landed. The acid on the ground bubbled and caught fire."I'd disagree," he said, reloading.Pordal decided to help the rookie and sent a blazing ball of iron at the Skakdi's gut.That first Skakdi jumped back from the blazing acid, then reeled over in pain from Pordal's attack. But it retaliated with a quick Zamor to Pordal.The quick Toa of Fire rolled out of the way, feeling the air move as the sphere zoomed over his face.Yu'rek helped Pordal up from the maneuver and sent the elemental signal up to Nik-Kolii.While this all was happening, Yerith was taking the other Skakdi single-handedly. The Toa of Iron sent a few projectiles toward his enemy while the enraged Skakdi blasted acid Zamors every which way. When this happened, Yerith ducked behind a hut and waited for the Skakdi to reload.The second Skakdi was becoming enraged at this. He mowed down the hut Yerith went to hide behind until it was nothing but a pile of acidic rubble. A Le-Matoran was inside the Skakdi lifted it up and prepared to fling it off the tree.Nik-Kolii received the signal from Yu'rek and began to zero in on the targets from his Gukko.Uh-oh, it seemed that the Skakdi Yerith was fighting was about to throw a villager off of the tree. He launched a few bamboo disks at the beast's feet to catch his attention, then one to the head to daze him."Now for you," he said, bringing the Gukko around to get a good view on the Skakdi Pordal and Yu'rek were fighting. Since no one was in direct danger, he simply launched some disks at the Skakdi's chest to knock the wind out of him."Reloading," he mumbled to himself.The second Skakdi dropped the Le-Matoran on the ground, letting the villager flee to warn his Turaga of the attack. He growled a curse and stood up to face Yerith."You're going down," he said, reloading his Zamor spheres. Then he continued to spray the acidic projectiles about.Yerith realized that the Skakdi's fatal flaw was his accuracy. He was aiming for Yerith, but not intending to hit. He was more about dealing damage to the environment so that Yerith would have no place to hide. He would just have to finish the Skakdi off before that happened.So he launched two more iron balls at the Skakdi's head.Yu'rek launched one more flaming bolt at the first Skakdi, landing a successful hit to the left shoulder.Pordal took this distraction to pull out his knife and stab at the Skakdi's head.The first Skakdi realized that the point of the knife had just knicked him, and that the Toa of Fire was a stealthy threat. He retaliated with a tackle into the acid.Pordal took the force of the hit and flipped the Skakdi over so that he landed in the flaming acid.There was a hiss as the Skakdi landed in the liquid. The armor and flesh on his back began to burn off as the fire caught. He screamed and rolled Pordal over until they reached the edge. And they rolled off...Pordal was licked by the flames a bit, but was generally unharmed. When they rolled off the edge, Pordal grabbed for a vine. His Mask of Strength glowed for a moment, and he gripped the plant like a vise. But the Skakdi below him had caught his ankle. Even with his strong grip, Pordal was slipping."Take this, bonehead!" he screamed, kicking the Skakdi with his free leg, then shooting the beast in the head with a volley of flaming projectiles. If he didn't die from the blasts, he would certainly die from the fall.SNAP!The vine broke.Yu'rek saw and heard the struggle. As the vine snapped, he dived to assist Pordal, catching the vine in his hand. But he was getting dragged down with him! He slowly slid toward the edge, but did his best to drag the vine back up so that Pordal could reach the edge.Nik-Kolii used his Skakdi Telescopic Vision to view the battle as his disc launchers reloaded. Pordal and Yu'rek were about fall! He kicked his Gukko's sides and dived down, both knocking down the Skakdi that was still alive, and pulling down to catch the pair. They were safe. He dropped them back up onto the village and flew back up.Yerith noticed that the last Skakdi was in Nik-Kolii's battle-Gukko's talons. He was a sharp-shooter, and this was just target practice. He kept shooting from his iron tube until the iron-riddled corpse of the Skakdi dropped from the sky."Mekrof keeps sending more," he panted, de-materialising his and Pordal's weapons. "We need to move.""Price is right," Pordal agreed. "Perhaps we just get out of sight for a bit. Stay in an inn for a while.""That's a good idea," Nik-Kolii stated. "Let's go."They all checked the area and set up camp at a nearby inn.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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ICAfter Matau had flamboyantly and happily managed to actually use that complicated trap-rig Laki had once been forced to set up (he wasn't happy about making the net and the bucket and all that- he thought the idea was ridiculous and that it would never get used) and deposited the evil bat-thing-monster-invader into the hands of a very experienced guard, Laki couldn't help but laugh with everyone else and admit the trap was worth it. "Come-go!" he told Aelynn. "I much-want to see evil bat-thing bad-punished and much-ridiculed." Laki happily followed the wise old Turaga of Le-Koro to the central square, where he joined the small crowd around the only Mystix still fighting in Le-Koro.Laki, for once in a long time, was very happy. He had gained to rad-cool throwing disks, two awesome iron madu, and sort-of-kind-of-if-you-had-a-big-imagination saved his Koro! And was helping a toa! And was watching the last of the incredibly powerful Mystix invaders get repelled.

Edited by Visaru

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC: Aelynn"Done," She said, already doing it. Even though her Elemental power was weak she still did it. "Well that was a crazy battle." She the absorbed the two swords that she had created for EP.

IC: Cy answered, "Thanks. That battle was nothing to some of what I've seen against Nui-Rama, thought. Under Makuta's direction, those things actually know what they're doing, unlike the batty creatures we were up against. Seen much combat?"
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IC: Yu'rek, Yerith, Pordal, Nik-KoliiYu'rek payed for the room in the inn and locked the door behind them."Do you think we'll be safe in here?" he wondered aloud."There's no guarantees," Yerith said, pulling out his knife. "But, this is our best bet for now.""As long as no crazy Skakdi commando comes through the roof and blasts this building to shreds," Pordal said, "we'll be fine.""Try and get some sleep," Yerith sighed, punching Pordal lightly in the arm. "Nik-Kolii, you take the first watch.""Da," Nik-Kolii responded, curtly. "I'll do that. You get some sleep."And as the others rested, Nik-Kolii kept a sharp eye (and ear) out for anything suspicious-sounding.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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"Reloading." Kylina said over her shoulder at Lemaku. "They don't need us and I know when we're not wanted. Might as well gets the birds back up to speed before I go home until the next crisis... which is probably going to be in the next 5 minutes so we might as well get the birds ready while there's a lull anyway. Disc racks don't reload themselves and that goes double for Irregulars." She paused to half turn and face the Le-Matoran. "Unlike the regulars we don't get dedicated privates to reload the racks and lock the racks onto the birds. We do everything ourselves. They don't like 'wasting resources on expendables' like us." She said with a small hint of disgust before resuming her march.

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC: Nik-Kolii, Pordal, Yerith, Yu'rekNik-Kolii was doing a surprisingly excellent job guarding his dear friends in their sleep. He made sure that there was no suspicious noise he could defend against.But now there was a whistling... What was it?BOOM!The Skakdi of Air coughed as the dust cleared. He had to wake the guys."Soap!" he hissed to Pordal, respecting the codenames. "Get up. The inn's under attack!"Pordal jumped. Attack?!"Uhg, right, on it," he mumbled, pulling a knife out of its sheath. "Where's he?""I don't know," Nik-Kolii responded, waking the other two. "They must be--"THUMP! CRASH!Five Skakdi burst into the room, acid Zamor launchers blazing. They mowed down the room until there were no walls to speak of. Luckily, the group had hidden under their beds just in time. The Skakdi went outside to break down the entire inn, and blaze the entire village of Le-Koro if needed."Get 'em," Yerith commanded as they stalked the enemy.Yu'rek nodded and aimed carefully. One quick hit to the back of the neck killed one Skakdi.At the same time, Pordal took one more out with his larger knife. Stabbed 'em right in the back of the neck.This alerted the other three. If they were this stealthy, they were dangerous. They opened fire on the entire village, firing at huts, branches, and even the occasional passerby.Yu'rek and his friends hid elusively in the shadows, watching painfully as they began to set fire to the village. The orange flames grew into the night. Mekrof and his cronies were getting bold."Go for the stealthy approach," Yerith whispered to his team. "We get that Skakdi on the far right. I double tap him with my iron power, Nik-Kolii hits 'im in the head with a disk, and Yu'rek finishes him off with two crossbow bolts. They will both have their attention drawn to that. Since they are in that formation so far apart from each other, Pordal, take out the one at the far left with both your knives. Slice him up good."They quickly executed the plan. Yerith launched two iron projectiles at the first Skakdi.Nik-Kolii threw a disk at his head.And Yu'rek shot two flaming crossbow bolts in quick succession. Three down, two to go.Pordal sneaked up behind the other Skakdi, both knives at the ready. One, two! One, two! And through and through! The bloody, lacerated corpse lay on the ground. FYI, it was from the knives, not the bad poetry reference. Pordal stole back to his team through the shadows."Bloody fine mess we're makin' here," he complimented."We're not done yet," Yerith said, gazing at the last Skakdi. "Hold a moment. I think he's onto us."The last Skakdi was alone... The four others were all dead. He ran into the village. If the enemy was hiding in the shadows, they couldn't follow him in the light. He shot as many fire Zamors around him as he could. The village was lit with flames. They couldn't follow him. He ran further. And there was the Turaga's hut. He destroyed this, Master Mekrof would give him praise, and one less obstacle would be in the way of conquering the island. He aimed and fired just one Zamor at the hut."Hey, Makua-brains," Pordal called out.The Skakdi turned away from the Turaga's hut. That one sphere would cause a small blaze that would take a few minutes to spread if left unattended. And the foolish Toa of Fire was unarmed."I believe it is you who is the stupid one," he called out."No, you just don't know how to use fire," Pordal stated, a small ball of flame burning in his hand. "And I don't appreciate being insulted by anyone other than my team leader."He released a stream of flame from his hands that enveloped the Skakdi. He kept on going for a few minutes, listening to the pained screams. Zamors were blindly fired in agony, finding a few random targets. Le-Matoran all over the place were running in fear of all of the fire around them. Pordal finally heard the Skakdi's screams stop...He let go of the fire and looked at the charred body. Then up at Matau's hut. The fire was spreading! He sucked the flame into his body, leaving just a charred hole and a draft in the Turaga's hut. But he had to let it out somewhere. Pordal decided to let it out in small, short-ranged bursts. Once all that was gone, he collapsed to the ground, exhausted."Son!" Yerith called out, leaning over his friend. "You all right, mate?""Just fine," Pordal groaned looking up at his team leader. "A bit tired is all.""What are we going to do about this fire?" Nik-Kolii asked, looking up at the flames that pierced the night blackness. The dark sky was dotted with natural stars, but ripped by the orange glow of the fire, a warm effect, but so frightening in all of its deadly glory. "There are villagers everywhere! And they're freaking out! Some are homeless. This fire needs to be put out."Yu'rek simply surveyed the damage. Oh, Mata Nui this was bad. The noble village of Le-Koro was being burned to the ground and no one knew what to do about it.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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ICLaki shrugged from Aelynn's shoulders. "Yeah. I don't know him enough to speak-say that, but I suppose he is. Good luck with your training. And... I owe you. I'm not sure how I can help you, being a matoran, but you've saved my life at least twice, and given me lots of weapons. I should do something for you."

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC (Lemaku)"Well," Lemaku said, again hiding his amusement, "you're not go-leaving yet."He walked up to Kylina and the other Irregulars."Dismount," he ordered Mawl and Tawk. Grumbling under their breath, the two Onu-Matoran reluctantly obeyed.The four Matoran lined up in front of him, Mawl and Tawk looking sullen, Xavier quizzical and Kylina looking to be about to lose her temper.Lemaku stood there for a few moments, scrutinising each of them in turn, one eyebrow raised stoically. Eventually, he put a hand to his mouth, and shouted up at the sky in a way similar to a Kahu's cry. Almost immediately, a blur of green shot down behind him, and Lahka landed on the platform. She gave a short squawk."Braak."Lemaku turned, and busied himself with one of the Kahu's saddlebags. The Irregular's couldn't see what he was doing; his back was turned.He turned back to face them, and tossed a small pouch to Xavier."Make sure you share them," he said as he turned, leaping onto Lahka's back. In a flash here wings were spread, and they took off, shooting into the air. As he flew, he chuckled to himself. Mata Nui, I hope I'm not turning into Zephyrus. I hope they like fudge...





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IC: Yu'rek, Pordal, Yerith, Nik-Kolii"Perhaps you could absorb the fire," Yu'rek suggested."If I do that, I will need to let it out again," Pordal sighed. "I can't shoot it up, otherwise the tops of the trees will catch fire. I can't shoot it down. The forest floor will burn. Both might buy us some time, but we'll just be back at square one, only that square will be a lot bigger and hotter, and will burn us up in about three seconds.""So, we find a Toa of Water," Yerith said. "They'd be able to put it out.""Where are we going to find one?" Pordal asked, frustrated."There are plenty of Toa here," Nik-Kolii said, shrugging. "Why don't we ask around.""And look like morons?" Yerith snapped. "No one cares that we were the ones who got this village burning in the first place.""But we didn't start the fire," Nik-Kolii mumbled.OOC: Yeah, I just had to.IC: "Those five Skakdi did," he continued. "We just saved the village from being burned to the ground. Well, quicker than it is...""I'll hand ya that one," Pordal sighed. "But no one pays attention to us... Perfect! Since no one pays attention to us, let's move the fire anyways.""Who the Karz is we?" Yerith asked, stepping back. "Last I checked, you were the only Toa of Fire in the group."Pordal shrugged. Then he turned his head upward.CRACK!A burning tree limb fell from above, crushing two huts and pinning Pordal to the ground. Luckily, he was only under a charred part, but it was still glowing fiercely. He tried to lift it, but it was too hot. The flames began to dance on either side of him, closing in on him. And the fire was beginning to spread to the village floor!"Help!" Pordal said before passing out."Lift the branch!" Yerith yelled, taking hold of the limb. The other two followed suit. "LIFT!"It was too heavy. Yerith tried to pry off Pordal's Pakari, but he couldn't reach it without badly burning his hand."We're gonna need some help," he panted, rubbing his hand.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC (Zarrus): Bright, sunlit treetops faded into view. No, he needed more sleep. Five more minutes. He shut his eyes. It was then that Zarrus remembered what had happened, and where he was.He sat up, wide awake, to discover that he had landed in a pool of mushy water. A foul stench filled the air, but whatever a Brakas monkey had left behind in this pond, it had saved his life. Zarrus climbed slowly to his feet, his joints aching horribly, and his head spinning. He meant to lift his right arm to check his mask for damage, only to discover he had​ no right arm. He panicked, he needed medical attention, fast.Using his left arm, he discovered his mask was damaged, but not severely. One of the protruding sections near his jaw had snapped off. The nearest hospital was in Ta-Wahi.It was going to be a long walk.OOC: Zarrus to Ta-Wahi.

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IC: Aelynn"It's OK," She replied, "You don't own me at all. But I don't exactly have a place to stay. To you mind helping me find a hut?"IC: Ackune"Well so am I," He said, still smiling. He then began to nail the sections together, with Trakuda's help. "There," he said, admiring his work, "Now it just needs a roof."



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OOC: I hope it's okay we're not waiting for emzee to post as matau. I think we should get going.IC"Well..." It was a good point, Laki thought. He didn't either, after those stupid bat-things had blown his house into the swamp. "I think-know of a close-good inn. I will show-tell," After glancing at Matau scold and degrade the bat-thing, they moved on. Laki jumped to the ground and showed her the way, "Also-much, I do owe you, no matter what-say you. Much-hard to repay you as a small-matoran, but beware, I will help you wither you ever-like it or not!" He smiled as they crossed a rickety rope bridge to another platform. His favorte hotel, Laenerk's Inn, was close by, and they had made it there in no time at all. Before Aelynn could stop him, Laki payed for a room for her, and one for himself. He would have to do some scavenging in the ruins of his house later. "Care-much to rest? It is getting dark-late."

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC (Traxin): With no idea how much time had passed since their struggle began, Traxin and Sentraken continued to battle. Traxin hadn't been paying much attention, but at every interval he managed to get his bearings. Now, it seemed, the fight had brought them out of Le-Koro, and into the jungle. They were so evenly matched, Traxin wondered whether this fight would end.At some point, however, the bat-creatures had retreated, meaning that Sentraken would follow them soon. Unless Traxin stopped him. He drove his sword into Sentraken's rib-like body, cutting through nothing vital, but damaging him enough to force a retreat. It had the perfect effect, and Traxin's enemy retreated into the jungle.With his fight over, and Zarrus gone, Traxin decided to head for Ko-Koro.OOC: Traxin to Ko-Wahi.

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IC (Madrihk):"Speaking of which... we're gonna need some proper beds, but I guess we can do that later. For now, let's focus on making the second big hut, with private rooms for each of us, after we help Ackune finish the forge. Oh, and we'll need storage space for food and other goods, in addition to the equipment room in the HQ."Madrihk rubbed his forehead."This is going to be more work than I had thought of," he chuckled. "We really need to attract a bunch of Matoran and other settlers, I think."

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OOC: Hope no one minds me time-skipping a bit.IC: AelynnShe woke well rested and energized. He elemental powers had returned to normal and the head ache that she had the other day had gone away. Walking out of her room, she knocked on Laki's door, "I'm going to find Green, Laki." She told him. She then walked out into the fresh morning air.



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OOC:Time-skipping to next day. IC: SLAM!!!"Uggh...gotta stop those flight dreams..." Cy groaned as he recovered from activating his Kanohi in his sleep and smashing into the ceiling. Rubbing his head, he looked out the window, discovering it was dawn. He got a few things ready, and headed to Le-Koro's central square to await the training session.OOC: I noticed that Aelynn was a slave on Zakaz. I just want to make sure-you do know that Toa charecters do not have memory of their pasts pre-Mata Nui, right?

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OOC: She doesn't remember a thing, it got blocked and pushed down. I forgot to add that to her profile. Maybe we should train somewhere else, I don't think that the rest of the people timeskipped out of the square.IC: Aelynn"Green!" She called as she saw him exiting his hut, "Over here!"



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