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Bzprpg - Po-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Tegam"Mabey Whenua has been replaced with a shapeshifter, or mabey whenua told the people with the tablets something that the assasin doesn't want spread around." Tegam thought out loud. Turning to Virthee he said "Is their anthing he told you that you wouldn't want spreading around?" After realizing that Fiva had said something, and that it was probably important, he asked "What?"OOC: Sorry sometimes whle posting other people post and I don't get them untill after mine goes up.

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IC:Fiva"Alright, it seems that NEX is rumored to be an assain's guild. One dead body was found without legs, the other with only a stab wound. Another was almost killed, but barely survived. A shapeshifter taking the form of Whenua wouldn't surprise me." Fiva said in hushed tones. In a louder voice he added, "In other news, there was a suspicious Toa of Plasma traveling with a Toa of Lightning. Apparently sombody over heard them talking about scamming the Ko-Koro people." He shrugged. "Apparently they have something to do with this."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Amakav"I hate Toa of plasma" mumbled Amakav, who was regaining consciousness. "If you ask me they are overrated Toa of fire. Plus they have big ego's."."How am I doc?" He said, before realizing that their were two with that title in front of him."Tegam!" He yelled in surprise. He jumped up, and immediately collapsed.IC: TegamTegam immediatley caught his friend on a bubble of magnetic force. "You are going to have to stay off your feet for a while, but you should be fine" he said, getting Amakav back on the cart.

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IC: TirokkTirokk aknowledges Evrya's question, "My name is Tirokk." He hesitates, but then adds, "And thank you... without your aid I would surely have drowned back there..." OOC: Last post tonight, and I am currently waiting for Vezok (Agni) and The Mask (Valria) to answer Evrya's question...

Edited by Chief Engineer Onaku
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OOC: iPod Touch=no colourIC: ZealokanHe slowly rose to his feet, his wounds covered with bandages he took from Virthee's bag when he wasn't listening. 'Guys, not that I'm making orders, but I strongly recommend that we establish a base in this area. Somewhere no one will suspect, and where we'll have plenty of space for equipment.'

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC:"My name is Agni," the Toa of fire started to introduce himself, " of the Ta-Koro guard and..."He was interrupted by the ferryman from behind. "And ye look awfully soaked down there, lass!" he called to Evrya, giving the Toa on the ship an impatient look. Agni nodded before looking back at Evrya. "My apologies. Why don't you come aboard?" he offered, holding out a hand for her to help her inside the trimaran.




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IC (Dekuna): "Somewhere away from these supposed assassins would be nice" Dekuna admitted. The talk was unnerving him, and the possibilty was alarming, if it were true. "Any idea where we could have this base? It would probably need to be somewhere near the village, in case something came up and we needed to get into town quickly".


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IC: Evrya"Very well, but this tarakava needs medical care." With those words, Evrya uses the water to swiftly get the tarakava to to the dock. A few ga-toran medics were ready to receive it. "Well then..." She begins, as she lands on the boat, "... where were we?"

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OOC: Chief Engineer, it's Valria, not Valaria. I just couldn't take it anymore.IC: "I'm...Valria." Valria replied, holding out her hand for handshake.OOC: Actually I don't really want to go to Ga-Wahi, I don't have much planned there, if anything. However if the rest of you want to go there we can.


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IC. Kranuka"How's about Onu wahi? There's not half so much desert sun down there. He saddled up Pakari, His pet mahi, with his weapon pack. And walked out of Po-koro to Po-wahi.

IC FehronFehron activated his Kadin and followed.
IC. Kranuka and Fehron traveled through the desert until they made it to the the tunnel to Onu-wahi. "since I don't have a hut here, we will stay at a friend of mine's place."OOC. Kranuka to Onu wahi


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OOC: We don't have to stick around long. Besides, it's on the way to Kini Nui anyhow. I'd say Valria, Agni and Co. to Ga-Wahi!IC:Agni shook Evrya's hand as well, before turning to the ferryman. There was something confident in the Toa's eyes. "Now...bring us to that village of water."




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IC: They walked out of the Koro into the desert. "The cavern's out there. So are a bunch of carvings.." He was already thinking about vandalizing or selling them. Pyras wandered the sands of the desert. No luck in Onu-Koro...he had to find him somehow. OOC: He'll meet them in my next post.

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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IC: Nameless Skakdi CrookThe skakdi wandered down the streets of po-koro, drunk, and angry. He hadn't had enough money to pay his tab, and had to kill the bartender. It wasn't the killing hat had angered him, but the fact that he had gotten blood on his favorite tunic.He continued down the streets, looking for a shop that was closed. After finding one, he entered. He approached the cash register, hoping to find enough widgets to pay his next bar bill. He picked it up, and heard a small click. Suddenly, he felt weightless. The cash register was attached to a cord, which, when pulled, opened up a trapdoor, directly beneath the skakdi's feet. He fell, clutching the cash rigister, into a small pit. The shock of the fall, combined with his drunkness, instantly killed him.

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IC: "Sure." They went into the caverns, where there were huge carvings of Kanohi. "One of these has been opened...wanna see the inside?"Pyras walked up to the group.They were interrupted by a colossal Toa TWICE Barricade's height. "Mata Nui...""No, my name is Pyras."Barricade noticed some similarities. "Are you related to Tahuva, by any chance?""Yes. I am, in fact, his ancestor. Where is he?""In Ta-Wahi, training.""Could you lead me to him?""After our vacation. You'll have to wait around."Pyras decided to tail them.OOC: Velan's reaction to a giant ancient Toa of Fire randomly popping up should be about now. :P


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IC: ArgentumArgentum: AHAHAHA! Pyro! Your lineage is just a bunch of annoying criminals killing for no reason! You say you are powerful, so why do you need to kill when you can just disarm? Hahahaha! Stupid Toa of Fire thinking he is pro....think again, you giant! Oh, and by the way, you're interrupting my prisoners date.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: "And you appear to be stalking their date." Pyras replied. "Our lineage has done nothing against the law, unless killing those who are evil is as illegal as killing those who are good on this island."OOC: The last thing he remembers is Pyro culture, so, that's why he's cracking jokes about the customs of Mata Nui.IC: "I should hope that your prisons can hold all the evil, if that is the case."OOC: Zeltroth's broken out of prison before.IC: "We are the guardians of peace, and we set up a loose culture to avoid corruption. We do not take official positions of government to avoid making an empire of things."Yup. That sounded like a Pyro. Barricade agreed with him. "I'm with him...the Pyros do have a good point. Tahuva's team, as you remember, took out about 100 total of the most violent criminals on Mata Nui. And they alerted the general public to these invaders too. Remember when Vakama didn't believe them until there was an attack?"OOC: Maybe not the most dangerous, since there's Makuta and the Mark Bearers, but definitely the most violent.


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IC: ArgentumArgentum: Killing someone is against the law. And If Vakama was advised, he would take everything into consideration. A full fledged Toa team would make him consider. And even if you did take out 100 of the most evil beings.......Well, you SHOULD be on the news. You guys weren't. I was.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: "We didn't meet up with Vakama after winning.""Very well, killing is illegal, I will try to refrain from it when possible. Meaning whenever I can take someone down and the attack doesn't remove their head."OOC: This guy isn't a second Tahuva, so, he might have a little more respect for Mata Nui culture. And laws. XDIC: "Now, they were on a date, you say? Then I'll have to talk to you in private, Toa of Magnetism. That is, if you have anything further to say."OOC: Having something further to say is a good idea. This conversation could get interesting, since to his people this guy is a god.


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IC: Tangura, Tegam, AmakavAs the group proceeded to the the celter of the village, Tegam had enough time to concentrate on his mask of healing, using it on Amakav and Zealokan's wounds. The caravan pulled up just as he was finished.Tegam entered, but as soon as he he stepped through the door, he immediatley fell from sight. "I am o.k.!" he yelled up, and then used his power of magnetism to pull himself all the way out and on to the celing. He flipped a single switch, and the floor slid back into place."Booby traped the cash register." Tangrua explained. " We are gone for most of the time, and people try to come in and take what the want. They try, and fall down into that pit. When we return, we take them out , get our money back, and then throw them out. Amakav's record is 60 feet."He went behind the desk, and reset the trap, then opened a door leading to a stone staircase in the back of the shop. "Follow me" he said.As they proceeded down the saircase, and soon they passed by a metal door. Tangrua took a small key out of his pocket, and then opened the door. It opended, and they were all startled to see the body of a Skakdi, lying lifeless on the floor. "Someone to die from that fall would have to be very drunk, very unlucky, or probably both." Tegam said. Tangrua had just tied a rope to the body, and after taking the armor and zamor launcher of the dead Skakdi, and began to haul him up the stairs. Throwing him out onto the streets, and returning, he said. "The fall isn't supposed to kill people. We have neve had someone die in here before. I can assure you, it was an accident."He then proceded down the stair case, to a HUGE underground cavern,with only a few boxes piled up near the door. "There are smaller caverns conneced by tunnels to this one. I have no idea how far they go, but some of them are almost like little rooms""So, what do you think?"

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IC:Fiva"I think that you're a bloody murderer." Fiva said, looking at the dead body of the Skakdi. "And that you should just lock your store when you leave."Odhrán"What did he say?" Odhrán asked Moylan, still hanging onto the ledge. "I couldn't hear him!" He glanced over at the sun to see that it was noon. "Your day is halfway over by the way."

Edited by Noble Knight BioBeast

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: Whut? :oIC: Havon"Wait...someone was dead....in your store..." Havon was having a hard time processing this, it was just too crazy. IC: XxethXxeth quickly got up to the crow's nest using his mask of speed, he began to pry Odhran's fingers off. "If you want to here what he said properly, then come down."

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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