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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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Ooc: So as far as I can tell, you guys are at the door to Whenua's hut. If I'm wrong, let me know.Ic: Rubigo strutted through the village of Onu-Koro, spear in hand. His armor and saperka clicked with each step, since he hadn't fully adjusted them and straps were still hanging in various places. But despite the casual air he gave in appearance, he still walked with purpose and dignity, making a beeline for the turaga's hut, where he arranged to meet with the others.He approached the hut at last, and there, outside, were the others. Sulov Koskium and a couple others, as well as a four-armed being he didn't recognize, were there. "Hail hail, the gang's all here," he boomed.

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OOC: ... XD Typo.IC: GarmeShe charged right at the clearly much larger Vortixx, ready to slice him apart when she got close enough."You know what your ego needs? A kick to-"The next few words couldn't quite be heard over a startled civilian's scream as Garme ran past with blades drawn.

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OOC: Actually, EW, I think we're somewhere else...

IC(Gavarm and Savulg)

Gavarm looks toward Rubigo and nods his head while smoking the cigar. He looks back to their leader to see if the being had answered the door yet."Wait for me!" calls out Savulg as he charges forward as well, but waits for their opponent to make the first move.-Mef Man

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IC: Pordal, Yerith, Yu'rek, Codename: Nik-Kolii, MekrofThe plan was all coming together. Captain Pordal sneaked through the streets of Onu-Koro. The hike from Le-Wahi was rather long, but it had all been worth it. Soon, Mekrof would be dead at his feet. There was the inn. The Onu Hotel.The plan was all coming together. Captain Yerith followed his old friend through the streets, taking down any of Mekrof's Skakdi that stood in their way. He would then scale the building and take Mekrof down in his suite.The plan was all coming together. Yu'rek would perch in the building across from the inn with Pordal and take care of any trouble Yerith might run into. And his revenge would be complete.The plan was all coming together. Nik-Kolii went in a different direction. He would make sure the trio had a safe exfiltration.The plan was all coming together. Mekrof walked back into his inn. There, before him was the traitor Skakdi. Yerith's old friend Kofrem, all bound up. And he could feel the connection with Yu'rek. He tapped into the power of gravity, attaching a black hole to the Skakdi that would enlarge when he wanted it to. Then the planted a smaller one in Pordal and Yu'rek's nest."I see Yerith," Pordal said. "Whenever you're ready, take out the guards."Yu'rek and Pordal fired as Yerith lowered himself on the balcony. Yu'rek reloaded his crossbow, then fired on the guards inside.Yerith smashed the window in front of him and quickly dispatched any remaining Skakdi guards in the suite. Stair door was opening. He tightened his grip on the trigger of his iron launcher. Kofrem appeared!Mekrof laughed and projected his voice through the black hole in Pordal and Yu'rek's nest."Yu'rek my old friend," he said. "You never should have come.""What does that mean?" Pordal asked, standing up.Now both black holes."Hello, Captain Yerith," Mekrof said in Matoran. Then, in his native northeastern Zakaz tongue, "Karzahni awaits you."Yerith saw the black hole on his friend enlarge."I'm sorry Yerith," Kofrem sighed.The silent boom echoed in the room as Yerith jumped out of the window, rappelling down on his vine.Pordal backed from his iron launcher. The black hole in the back of the room grew."Yu'rek!" he yelled, pushing him out of the tower.Yu'rek fell out of the window, watching Pordal prepare to jump, then being caught in the implosion. Everything above him flashed black. The pair toppled through awnings, off of slanted ceilings, and onto the ground. The rubble landed on Pordal, almost crushing him.Yerith ran across the street and cleared the rubble off of his friend."Come on, mate," he yelled to Yu'rek. "Carry him!"Yu'rek picked Pordal up and dragged him down the street, Mekrof's goons coming out to chase them.The plan was falling apart!

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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OOC: EW, We're in catacombs beneath Onu-Wahi. DEEP. Also, Zoma, I'm assuming you charged past me? Also, where did the civilian scream come from? IC: Lexon, Catacombs underneath Onu-WahiLexon's left arm shot out when the Matoran came close, knocking the blades aside with ease, thanks to having the ability to view her attack in slowmotion. Before she could react, He struck out with his left leg, causing her to trip. Turning to the Vortixx, Lexon's right arm whipped towards Savulg, and chains wrapped around his arm, allowing Lexon to start to pull him back.


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OOC: Mef would be correct in that the group was at Rubigo's door. Key word: 'would'. Because I can see how you were so easily misled (which i accept some blame for due to the fact that i should've dispelled any stuff pointing in that direction) and because there doesn't appear to be anyone else Sulov would need to alert, I feel like saying our chars are at Whenua's doorstep is chill. xPIC: Koskium grinned. Rubigo may have been comparatively eccentric, but that was no detriment to his training. And a commander liked that sort of punctuality."I zink zere iz von morr," he stated. "By ze vay, ze turraga doz not appearr prezent. Ve may vait a zort vile."



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: Gezdom from Ko-Wahi.

IC(Gavarm, Gezdom, and Savulg)

"I'm in no hurry," mumbles the Matoran as he stands up and continues to puff on the cigar. Deciding to make conversation, the Matoran asks,"So...how's everyone been doing?"Gezdom arrives in Onu-Wahi, still hitching a ride on the back of the ussul cart. It was a dangerous thing to do, but it was greatly entertaining for the dare devil of a Toa. He patiently waited for the vehicle to stop so he could make his move...Savulg digged into the tunnel's floor with his feet to stop moving before yanking hard on the chain toward his direction. Hopefully, it would send his attacker flying toward him and a knife to the being wouldn't be that bad either."Walker, a little help here!" he calls out; his voice echoing throughout the tunnels.-Mef Man

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OOC: You guys are like addicted to this. I'm offline for the night and off at school and you guys posted this much stuff...dang.IC: WalkerWalker was busy fooling around spelling 'crab' in a million funny ways he could think of before suddenly realizing that his two friends, Garme and Savulg were running off in the distance towards a tunnel."Waaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!" yelled Walker. He began chasing after them in a fast sprint however they were way too far ahead of him to catch up in time. By the time he made it, the brown Toa heard Savulg's echo for help.The entire scene came into view: a giant Vortixx fighting both of his friends. Without hesitation, he activated his Kakama and sprinted at super-speed towards Lexon to ram into him. Hopefully, if he hit, the impact would send him flying.

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IC: Lexon, Onu-Wahi CatacombsLexon grimaced as the person pulled the Chain, but he didn't go anywhere. As new being entered the room, A plan formulated in Lexon's mind. As soon as the person charged foward, Lexon let himself get pulled along, but stuck out his left arm, clotheslining the newcomer. Before he could get pulled onto the Knife, Lexon crouched and kicked in a circle, effectivly tripping his opponent.IC: Onyx, Onu-Wahi Cavern.Lexon hadn't came back yet. This meant two things. He was in trouble, or he was dead. Either case, Onyx would want to be there. Walking into the cavern, Onyx was greeted by the soft echoes of a fight. Following the echoes, Onyx began to run.


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IC: Nik-KoliiHe saw his friends running from Mekrof's cronies. Yerith was carrying Pordal, now. He gestured for them to follow and led them through a tunnel. He knew exactly where to lead them.Pordal, Nik-Kolii, Yerith, Yu'rek to Ta-Wahi...

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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OOC: What the heck, Darkon? I come at you at Kakama-speed and you have enough time to figure out "Oh, I'm going to let myself get pulled." and clothesline me like that? It's almost a form of meta-gaming since your plan was perfectly meant for someone with a Kakama, yet you never knew Walker had one. Not to mention auto-hit...No matter, I'll get you back.IC: WalkerWalker furiously got up at Kakama-speed and sprinted off extremely quick without use of his Kanohi, like the speedy devil he was and made his way to the Vortixx. Once upon him, he activated his Mask of Speed and sent a barrage of punches at his enemy.

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IC Thma:After a lot of searching, wrong doors, and finally asking for directions, Thama and Cyrax stood outside of Onepu's hut. Thama knocked on the door. Hopefully he'll be able to help us find Taipu, She thought. And hopefully this is the right door.

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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OOC: Uh, that wasn't just for Kakama. Anyone can be clotheslined. IC: Lexon, Onu-WahiA Shuriken was stuck in the arm bracer of Lexon, having sliced through sufficently to draw blood, but no real damaged. The rest of the shuriken had flown every where. Lexon ripped the shuriken out of his arm bracer as he stood up, and launched it at Savug, turning back to charge Whren, only to find Walker deliver a barrage of punches directly into him. Walker got about 6 punches in before Lexon reacted, driving his knee into the being's chest with enough force to send him flying. As He turned around, A Butterfly sword (Great weapon, choice, BTW. No one every uses those, and they're awesome) slammed into his leg bracer, not having enough force to break through, but enough force to make him look down, just in time to see the other slice the very edge of his thigh, drawing blood, but not causing anything else. Lexon delivered a vicious kick to the know-open0to-attacks-Matoran's face, using enough force to knock-out a Skakdi. Lexon backflipped away from everyone, insanely-fast spinning chains in each-hand, acting like a shield from any projectile attacks, and allowing him to wrap a chain around and pull swords away from anyone that dared to lunge.IC: Onyx, Onu-Wahi CatacombsOnyx continued to run, the sounds of the fight getting clear and clearer. To save energy, he walked, thinking that from the sounds of it, Lexon wasn't doing too badly.


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IC: GarmeGarme barely moved with enough time to keep her skull from being cracked open by the kick, but took the brutal blow right to her shoulder.], sending her sprawling painfully."N... not... really."He other arm was clutching her painfully hurting shoulder.

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IC: WalkerWalker dodged the Vortixx's knee with ease and backed away several feet at a rapid pace. It looked like using his crossbow against his foe would be useless and moving in with those chains spinning. Looks like it's time for some sand.Walker began generating a large mass of sand all around him, beginning to cover several meters of the ground slowly. As the Toa of crystal continued generating more sand, he pulled out his crossbow and shot at the Vortixx, just to distract him and keep him at bay. The Vortixx couldn't hope to take him and everyone else on; it was suicide.

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Savulg bent down and removed the Matoran's hand from her shoulder. It looked as if it was bleeding a bit and possible dislocated, but he couldn't tell in the little to no lighting in the cave."Don't worry, Garme, I'll get you out of here and to a doctor. I promise," he conforts before taking the Matoran in his arms and back away from the fight. "Walker, I'll be back. Trust me," he adds, eyes narrowing toward the being who had attacked them.-Mef Man

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OOC: Nost and Sagom from Ko-Wahi

IC(Dev'ar, Gahla'm, Sagom, and Savulg)

Gahla'm slowly lifts her head up to see the ships coming closer. They had been sitting there for almost an hour now, and it was finally time to go. The being's adrenaline rushes were obviously fading, but her new orders would most likely stir up the excitement again."Okay, time to go," she starts. Looking toward her "family" she points out the orders, starting with,"You all split up and take the lead vessels, you two come with me and we'll proceed to take the first vessel in the rear. We'll meet together at the main center vessel. Good luck." When she said "you two" she meant the Ta-Skakdi and the Toa of Gravity.Now, the three groups were silently and stealthily edging nearer and nearer to the beach that would serve as their way of getting to the vessels...Dev'ar smiles brightly while edging alongside Gahla'm while his brother was on the right side of the Skakdi. They were about to start the fun and the Toa couldn't wait...Sagom looks across the landscape of Onu-Wahi to see nothing more than caves and barren landscapes. It wasn't the most exciting place to be, but it was a deceint part of the island."We'll find a stable and rest Seaweed before grabbing a bite to eat," she says to Nost while they fly closer and closer to Onu-Koro.Savulg backs away from the fight (now protected by the sand barrier) and runs toward the exit."Don't worry, Garme, I'll get you to safety."-Mef Man

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IC Thma:After a lot of searching, wrong doors, and finally asking for directions, Thama and Cyrax stood outside of Onepu's hut. Thama knocked on the door. Hopefully he'll be able to help us find Taipu, She thought. And hopefully this is the right door.

IC:The door opened, revealing a strong-looking Onu-Matoran. "Yes?" he asked.


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IC Thama:"Hello sir," Thama said. "My name is Thama and this is Cyrax. It's important that we speak with Onepu. Are you him?"

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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The rest of the trip to the hospital was spent in silence. No drawn out speeches about Garme acting foolishly by taking on such a larger being or anything like that. Just a few "It's okay."s and "We're almost there"s were all the Vortixx said as he literally ran the mile or two to the hospital while lifting a Matoran. Soon, the Matoran was admitted into the hospital and the Vortixx was right beside her the entire time.-Mef Man

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OOC: This is the first time i've played as a crystal user, and I have to ask, how do you generate sand? Isn't sand fragments of stone? Also, I seriously doubt that even a Kakama user could dodge a knee that they never saw coming, let alone one in the middle of a focused attack.IC: Onyx & Lexon, Onu-Wahi catacombs.Onyx stepped into the area, casual as could be. Putting his hand into the sand, He absorbed it. Lexon easily batted the crossbow bolt away with his chains, not caring about the sand since he didn't plan on moving. However, when his master appeared, and the sand was absorbed, He charged at the Toa, wrapping one of his chains around his head, and flying it sideways with enough force to snap a neck. Onyx flicked his hand, and crystal erupted from under Whren, covering his lower-half, and keeping him in place.


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OOC: A Kakama user can probably dodge just about any attack (bullets or projectiles may be harder) and it was approved by the staff that sand was crystal.


"I was glad to do it," he replies; his face shiny from the sweat collecting along his face. The Vortixx was still breathing in and out quickly, but it was returning to normal. He would need to go back to the others and help, but not yet. Not until he rested more. "Does...it hurt?" he asks; a large breath in between his words.-Mef Man

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OOC: That's cool! So we can control it fully, like a stone-user can stone, or just limitedly? Back on the Kakama thing, I don't doubt they could dodge normal attacks, but he was in the process of attacking when he was attacked back. You would have to be able to see into the future to dodge that.


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OOC: Pretty much the full element. And, what you're saying is Walker attacked before your character attacked back? Well, if Walker attacked first then your character would either dodge the attack or get hit by the attack (not be able to attack right back). And, try to avoid OOC only posts in the future. :D


Gezdom finally reached the rendesvous point. In the distance were a few ships that made a beautiful looking backdrop for the area. The Toa decided to relax for a while and watch before trying to find the clan.-Mef Man

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Savulg's eyes widened at the Matoran's words."He's not in yet?" he repeats. The Vortixx was so messed up he thought he had been in already.Must be more tired than I thought."I'll fix that," he says simply while standing up. The Vortixx walks toward the door, but heads toward the Toa first. With a well placed kick to the being's abdomen, whatever he was choking on flew out of his mouth; silencing the being. Savulg left the room and returned shortly; dragging a protesting Ko-Matoran doctor. "Fix her. Now.""I keep telling you: I have other patients!"Savulg throws the doctor onto the chair next to Garme's bed. That shut him up fast. "Fix her," he replies, eyes narrowed. The girl he loves is in pain and an annoying doctor isn't going to stop him from getting Garme healed.-Mef Man

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IC: GarmeThe choking was silenced, and the doctor was finally here, though he sure didn't seem to want to be."Hey...doc...""This doesn't look good, not at all..."The Doctor stated as he looked over the Matoran's shoulder."It looks like you were his by a Tarakava..."IC: ChronnThe kick hurt, but it knocked the throat bracer from my throat, and it had pressed open my throat enough to breath... and speak.In a raspy voice, I snarled. "Doctor, I have been here longer... Repairing my throat is more important than that Matoran's injury."

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