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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Zauk"Yeah, I guess your right. It is fun to throw electrified spheres of water using telekinesis, at your opponents, though""Only in Ga-Koro," He added.A bit bored he unknowingly levetated clumps of snow.He laced his fingers together and cracked them, alarmingly loud. "So, now what?"

IC (Naru):"Don't do that," she winced. "Always sounds like it hurts. That aside, I don't really know what to do. I came here because I felt useless in Le-Koro. I thought maybe Ko-Koro would need some things heated up."
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IC (CRANE Academy):He'd stopped.No! I have to keep onSpasms.keep on goingThe track was there, but it wasn't. He was running, but he wasn't. Contradictions.for Vernadon--And then darkness.He wasVernadon'll be

No! Vernadon doesn't care about you! He nearly drove you to death!

He was trai

No, he was driving you to death. Didn't I -- or you -- just say that?

I can't give

If you give up Vernadon, you give up becoming a Toa. If you don't, you give up life. Either way, you're giving up something.Which leaves you at an impasse.

No! I will becomeAnd then pain and fatigue rolled back over him in a tidal wave of emotion. He gasped as if he were half-drowned and tried to sit up. A second later he fell back down with an agonized expression on his face."You feeling okay, man?" -- said by a Toa, but an unfamiliar one with a dark red Pakari and light red clothing. Beside him stood Vernadon, who looked genuinely concerned.A wave of anger washed over Nova; he gritted his teeth. "I want to punch something, but I feel like I have no arms," he said truthfully enough.His mind shouted: Vernadon, what in Karzahni was that for? Were you trying to kill me? If you don't want me as your apprentice, just say so! His mouth, however, remained stoic.OOC: Yay for experimental writing styles. :P

Edited by Legolover-361
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IC(Sagom and Vagdom)

Sagom stops in her tracks then turns around toward the store."Let me check with Papa; I'll be right back," she says before running back to the store. Soon, she was back in the store with her adopted father."Papa; we were wondering if you wanted us to go ahead to Onu-Koro."Vagdom looked up from the others to see his daughter back in the store."Oh, Sagom, child." For a moment he seemed to think over her question. Then, he pointed toward a small island on the map. "Meet us there later today. Gez will be there in a few hours after his reconasaince.""Thanks Papa; love you," she says, smiling before kissing her father on the cheek before running back to Nost. Once reaching him, she says,"Yes, we can go ahead to Onu-Wahi. Have you ever been there?"-Mef Man

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IC: "Firstly," the Toa began, "He will find a way to make that training.""Secondly, name's Jolek, nice to meet you.""And third," he said jogging after the smaller Toa "I think I'll join you, I'd be stupid not to." he said...."So... what is this place, anyway?" Cyrunei tenatively asked.

helo frens

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IC [sou- Ko-Wahi]: Snow fell everywhere here in Ko-Wahi. The snow on the ground was so high up, that the earth beneat hit couldn't be seen or touched without digging. Many on the island of Mata-Nui couldn't imagine living here, but for some, this was a way of life. Those who didn't live in Ko-Koro, but were instead wanderers and lost souls quickly learned to survive in this kind of environment. It was survive or die at the hands of one of the many natural perils. One of these perils walk through the snow, it's sharp red eyes narrowed. It was a Muaka Tiger, the beast stomped through the snow, looking for some kind of meal. With the Makuta's growing control over the island, Rahi like the Muaka were unable to find food quickly as they used to be. Even for them, their paradise had been ruined. The Muaka stopped in it's tracks, though. The beast had sensed something, it's quick eyes scanned the snow. There was nothing. Just white... Then the snow exploded and out came what appeared to be a skeleton with armor on it's body. The Muaka growled at this figure. He couldn't tell, but it was a female Toa. The Muaka backed up, preparing to pounce. The Toa's eyes followed the Muaka's and as the beast made it's first move, so did she. Her mask pulsed with power as she copied her foe's natural ability. Her muscles seem to strengthen and Sou shot forward at the beast. The two missed each other by inches, the Muaka making a tiny scratch on her mask with it's claw. However, the Toa quickly shot forward a whip that she pulled out from her back. It was her chosen Toa Tool and the whip wrapped around the Muaka's leg. Using the strength she'd gotten from him, she pulled the beast in and then quickly, created an ice dagger in her hand. The Muaka's life had ended before it even knew what happened. She dropped the ice dagger for it was covered in the fluids of the Muaka. The Toa looked down at his body, "Only the strong survive..." She whispered, before pulling and dragging the Muaka's body with her back to the cave from which she came.Sou, the hunter of Ko-Wahi...


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OOC: Lol, let the random rahi attacks begin!

OOC: I won't do that in the Koro. Too many village attacks as-is. But still, I can get on board with a fight. :PIC (Naru, in the Sanctum):"What were you doing here before you met me?" Naru asked. She glanced at Phavios, who was still standing nearby. "If you need my help with anything, I'd be on board for anything that's not illegal." Edited by Katuko
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IC: Hau grinned. The heat was gradually leaving the toa's face, and the droplet plopped to the ground as he walked."I'unno about catching up for me. I just know I've got to keep workin' on my technique 'n' keepin' myself up to snuff."

Edited by Pein



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: How about outside the Koro? I'm itching to use Zauk some more. :begging:IC: Zauk"Well I had just got back from hunting and was practicing with my ax. You know training for going back out. Then Phavion showed up, looking for information on magnetized mahi."He absent mindedly shaped some snow with his mask.



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OOC: Sigh....I'm getting tired of repeating what to do for this Obstacle Course. :PIC: BruntoaBruntoa looked at the matoran named Red. "Sure, knock yourself out, In fact, I'll put this sign up with the instructions on it, almost forgot about that." He stuck the sign into the hard earth. The sign read:

Obstacle Course Instructions and Rules:

Golden Rule: No mask or elemental powers of any sort!

1. 100 laps around the track

2. Start the Obstacle Course, go through the holes and avoid swinging weapons, get hit by any of them and you must start again.

3. Jump over the series of pits of ice cold water, fall in and you must start again.

4. Run the 700 yards to the finish, avoid the pillars of earth, get hit and you must start again.

Note: If Bruntoa isn't there to create the pillars of earth, you got LUCKY!

Bruntoa then made his way to the inn, "Have fun!" He said as he walked away.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Nost"I've been a couple of times. Always found the place nice; for some reason, I like the darkness there." replied the Ko-Toa, helping Sagom back onto Seaweed. Nost hopped on aboard as if he did this every day and it just occurred to him that he wasn't afraid of flying anymore."You?"

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"Thanks," she replies quickly before grabbing the reins. "Been there a few times, but just for bounty hunting missions. I guess that's what we're doing now as well," adds Sagom as she lifts the bird into the air. They were now heading toward the village of earth and darkness. And possibly their deaths."If we make it out of all this; what would you want to do?" she asks the Toa. The thought had been on her mind for some time, and she didn't know the answer herself.-Mef Man

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Sagom nodded her head at the Toa's response, careful not to hit him in the head."Time will tell," she repeats as they continue to fly. What did she want to do? Help Vagdom run the store? Continue bounty hunting? Marry Nost at some point? She wasn't sure. But, like Nost said, only time would tell.After an hour or so of flying, the two were flying out of Ko-Wahi and into Onu-Wahi.OOC: Nost and Sagom to Onu-Wahi.-Mef Man

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Ic: Ambages sat at his desk in the icy home he had. It was cold, and despite his long years in this koro, he still hadn't gotten used to it. Still, he tolerated it, though the penetrating chill inside his frozen apartment caused him to always wear a heavy cloak just to keep from shivering. That was his idea of tolerance, anyway: shielding himself from the effects around him. But no cloak covered him this time. He was on fire, adrenaline coursing through him as he drew schematics for his newest creation. He had no need for a cloak, or a fire -- he was warm with ingenuity.A chime at his door alerted him to the presence of a solicitor, and he opened the door. His friend, Jaatikko, stood there. "Hello!" he greeted the Ko-Matoran. "Come on in.""Thank you, Ambages," Jaatikko said, entering. The terseness of the conversation was apparent, but it was another thing he had gotten accustomed to in Ko-Koro. People hated to talk here, and while that was the very reason Ambages chose it as his home, it came along with its disadvantages, namely the formality and teeth-puling that had to be done in conversation. If you could even call it a conversation. "What are you designing now?" Jaatikko asked."Oh, nothing," Ambages replied. "Another dream building.""It looks like a rather odd shaped pyramid," Jaatikko observed."It's unfinished, even on paper, but when it is finally built in reality, people will be in awe of it. You could say it is my masterpiece.""Will be your masterpiece," Jaatikko corrected.Ambages shrugged. "A technicality," he joked. From the Ko-Matoran's reaction to the jest, or lack thereof, he might as well have did stand-up to a wall. The lack of humor here was depressing. "It was a joke, geez," he said to himself. "Anyway, what can I do for you?" he asked."I need the schematics for the temple complex the toa are building," he said. "Do you have them ready yet?""Yes! I do," Ambages exclaimed. "Finished them just a couple days ago. Here you go," he said passing it to Jaatikko."Where am I going?" Jaatikko asked, taking the scrolls."I'm sorry, what?" Ambages said, not understanding."It's a joke, Ambages," Jaatikko said with his characteristic dryness, leaving the De-Matoran to wonder what on earth was wrong with these people.

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IC (Naru):"If you can call rogue Toa Rahi, then yes," Naru said, grinning from ear to ear. "Nothing quite like a good fight. I do so hate it when good people die, though. I've seen enough of that lately. Unfortunately, my only real skills come from melting things and sticking knives in things. Hard to find work that does not involve doing either of that."She gazed out of the sanctum, towards the passage to The Drifts."Looks cold," she frowned. "Even with the coat on."

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IC: RedRed looked at the sign.

Obstacle Course Instructions and Rules: Golden Rule: No mask or elemental powers of any sort!1. 100 laps around the track2. Start the Obstacle Course, go through the holes and avoid swinging weapons, get hit by any of them and you must start again.3. Jump over the series of pits of ice cold water, fall in and you must start again.4. Run the 700 yards to the finish, avoid the pillars of earth, get hit and you must start again.Note: If Bruntoa isn't there to create the pillars of earth, you got LUCKY!

Red took a look at this. I did this before, at least something similar...Where?Bruntoa went to have a drink, so he'd better start soon. He didn't have any powers anyways, and he already found a loophole in part 2 and 4. Use it well. He headed over to the starting line, and started to run.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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IC: Zauk"Yeah its cold, but you get used to it," He replied. He started for the Ko-Wahi drifts.He smiled, "You wouldn't believe some of these rouge Toa I've fought weren't rahi." "I agree, nothing quite like a good fight. What do you think Phavion?"OOC: Phavion is now stuck with two adrenaline junkies. :P



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IC (CRANE Academy, hut):Nova had zoned out after he had spoken to Vernadon and the other Toa. He needed rest, but he didn't want to seem impolite by falling asleep while he had visitors."...every day after your lessons the two of you will spar against one another..."The blue-armored Toa's eyes focused on Vernadon. "Sparring? With whom?"

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IC: VernadonVernadon gestured to Isfel, "With this young Toa here, you are both Toa of fire, and one of you relies on strength, and the other on speed. It should be an interesting matchup."EDIT: For folks from Le-Wahi.IC: KraeynBut Kraeyn paid no mind to Lema, he just kept muttering the same thing over and over again. "I've got to climb it." The feeling was one of pure joy as the icy cold wind blew through his armor. Suddenly Kraeyn leaped, flipped his swords in mid-air and let the hooks grab the mountain as he began climb swiftly upward. The climb of someone who had spent years climbing these very mountains. Not to mention the higher altitude didn't even make him pause for breath, it was obvious that Kraeyn was already acclimatized to these higher altitudes.

Edited by Toa Onarax


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IC: KahuwaKahuwa caught up with everybody else and gazed at what they were about to climb. With a shrug and a shiver, Kahuwa sheathed his two blades and began climbing. To him, it was too easy as he soon found himself catching up to Kraeyn who had a head start and soon passed him."Come on, Frosty! I'm in your own homeland and I'm beating you!"Not even pausing to look back to see if the Ko-Toa was catching up to him, Kahuwa continued to climb but this time, was thinking over what nice comments his companions said in the jungle. The Ta-Toa was weak when it came to praise or something close to it.

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IC: KraeynKraeyn smiled, "Is that so?" Suddenly Kraeyn doubled his pace, without breaking a sweat, and now it was Kraeyn who was surpassing Kahuwa. "Are you sure you are acclimatized to this altitude. Wouldn't want you throwing up, now would we. Something tells ms Savina won't find that very attractive."

Edited by Toa Onarax


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