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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Aurel:The Toa of Fire had cursed several times as she tried to explore the mountain for any place the "Shadow Hapaka" might be holding their prisoners. When she stopped on a large cliff, she froze. There was a path, easily scale-able, and the ledge itself was enough for several Toa to walk together. She followed the ledge along to a rock wall, oddly curved in some places. She reached out to touch the wall, to see if there was an illusion, not noticing the fake snow-storm had stopped. As she reached out to touch the wall...IC: Sideways:A hand, black and orange lept out and grabbed her wrist. The magnetic field was deactivated for just a second to pull Aurel into the cave. Sideways had pulled her wrist behind her back, and had placed his other hand over her mouth."Hello again," Rook said plainly, "I'm sure you remember us from Ko-Koro, Quoribay! Get some rope to bind her."Aurel's eyes simply widened, not suspecting her short-termed captors in Ko-Koro would be the Shadow Hapaka.
IC:Quoribay did what he was told and tied Aurel's hands behind her back with some rope, and then followed to bind her ankles and gag her mouth.
Ic: Stannis nodded at the preparedness, and instantly caught on to Lekua's building frustration. "Good. Lekua and Dece, pitch the tents. Aurax and Lepidran, build the fires. Best get going right away for the night is coming. We have much to discuss and I have much to share."
IC:Nichou silently fist-pumped at his allowed laziness when the orders were given out.

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OOC: I had wanted to do this when Tyler was here, but I'm tired of waiting for him. :PIC, Ciara: Meanwhile, in the women's section of the same store that Krayzikk, Esao, Nova, and Amalod were in, an athletic-looking female Toa of Ice was looking at shirts. Anyone may have noticed that she was wearing short shorts and a short-sleeve shirt, because she was unaffected by the chilly atmosphere of the Koro. If anyone noticed her athletic look and the stack of leotards next to her, they would've come to the conclusion that she was a gymnast. That person would've been right. Now, Ciara had come to the clothing store for the most obvious reason- she needed some new clothes. And a few leotards as well.OOC: Open for interaction. Man, I wish Tyler was here right now. :P

Edited by Sam Nex
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IC:AnktAnkt knocked his opponent's fist away with his left leg, annoyed at Vielah constantly targeting his face and that one spot. He waited for Vielah to attack him again, a battle plan forming in his mind.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC[Lepidran]: The Le-Matoran dropped his pile of wood away from the fire so it wouldn't accidentally catch alight. It had been difficult finding dry wood in a land filled with ice but eventually he'd managed it. You just had to look for the Ko-Koro migrating beetle, a fascinating little creature that used long fronds on its legs to sense for grubs and larvae in wood. It couldn't get those wet or its would be blinded and go hungry. He was happy he'd finally been able to use some of the information he'd spent a lifetime researching


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(Amalod [Talking to Nova: Ko-Koro, Clothing Store])(Vielah Nuvay [Fighting Ankt: Ko-Koro, ruins])

"It's no trouble at all," Amalod replies; holding up different colored cloaks in front of Nova's body. "I want to help," she explains while smiling. It was fun helping out Nova. Buying him a sword, talking to him, and now helping him choose his apparel. It was a fun process overall.Maybe this is what it's like on a date.Amalod's eyes opened wide as she thought over this. Was that why Nova was always so shy around her?Wait. He doesn't think I'm... Oh no."How about you, uh, hold these," the Toa of water states while shoving the cloaks into Nova's hand. She begins to back away in the direction of the counter while adding,"I'm going to see if I can find something-oof!" Amalod exclaims. After running into a shelf of clothes, she had knocked the men's underwear on top of herself. Her high pitched scream echoed throughout the store. Quickly, she sits up while getting the clothing away from her. The Toa drops her own pair of clothes and charges toward the opposite side of the store; her face as red as a Ta-Matoran's mask.While running, she accidentally charges right into Ciara. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I was, just, uh..." Amalod explains, before catching her breath.Vielah takes a step back; standing still for a moment. She catches her breath as she begins to think.This Toa wasn't even attacking her; just parrying her blows. If he was such a bloodthirsty fighter then why didn't he just attack already? And, every attack she could get off was automaticlly dodged. The Ta-Toa wasn't about to tire herself out then be picked off afterward. Plans began to form in her mind as she slowly circled Ankt.The Toa charges forward doing a frontflip toward the Toa; grabbing a handful of snow in each hand while doing so. Once back on her feet, she stands back up and backflips over the Toa; sending snow toward Ankt's eyes as she does so. She lands back on her feet and sends a fist toward the back of Ankt's head. If the snow hit it's mark, he would be completely stunned, allowing for Vielah to have an open shot.-Mef Man

Edited by Mef Man
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ICVerak glared halfheartedly at Ankt. The nosy, stupidly aggressive Toa was getting in the way of Verak's fun. The Toa of Stone really wanted to head down and find Jade, instead of wasting time with this pointless battle. He took a few steps closer to the fight. His eyes followed Vielah's next strike. As she landed, he lazily lashed out with his foot, hoping to hurt Ankt's shin and slow the toa of oil down.

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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(Amalod [Talking to Ciara: Ko-Koro, Clothing Store])

"I-I'm fine, miss," Amalod replies; placing a hand to her left cheek while she talks. The Toa glances over toward Nova before making her way behind a nearby shelf of clothes. Hopefully he couldn't see her from here. "I'm just embarrassed I guess," she adds in almost a whisper.-Mef Man

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OOC: Well, that's just Amalod for 'ya. She calls everyone a nice title instead of anything else. She would call a Matoran Ma'am or Sir if she wanted to. :D

IC(Amalod [Talking to Ciara: Ko-Koro, Clothing Store])

"I just found out that he probably thinks I'm flirting with him, but that's not what I'm doing at all," she explains, slowly edging herself down toward the floor. "I just realized that's why he's so shy around me. He must be thinking I'm in love with him," Amalod points out; head in her hands. She looks back up toward the Toa, a confused expression still on her face.Why she was telling a complete stranger these things, Amalod didn't know. But, she knew that it felt good to get these things off of her chest. The three guys weren't exactly all ears like a fellow girl would be.-Mef Man

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IC(Amalod [Talking to Ciara: Ko-Koro, Clothing Store])

"B-but, what if he thinks I am?" Amalod asks her. "What if he likes me? I don't want to hurt his feelings by saying I don't like him back. And..." The Toa of water's voice trails off as she slowly looks down toward her knees. "I may...like him back."Well, now the Toa was in a big ordeal. Liking three different Toa wasn't that healthy. Which one would she actually truly end up loving in the end of all of this?-Mef Man

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IC, Ciara: Ciara thought for a moment. "Hmmm... maybe it would be best if you said nothing about it. If he does like you, he might eventually go and tell you. With guys like him, I think it's just a waiting game." Wow, she's in a big mess, the Ko-Toa thought to herself. I guess it would be the right thing to try to help her as best as I can...

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IC: NovaEarly morningClothing store, Ko-KoroNova caught the cloaks robotically. His expression as Amalod retreated was blank. No embarrassment, no sadness, just... nothing.He was too confused to feign any emotion.Amalod's sudden change in demeanor was both unexpected and inexplicable. Nova hadn't time to think of the proper dialogue for such a situation as this, not to mention he wasn't sure any existed. As the Toa of Water's head ducked behind a rack of clothing near the front of the store, regret struck: He must have done something, said something, sent some sort of sign or vague gesture or emotion that had frightened her... Mentally recounting his actions, however, shed no light on what he had done.He stood for several more seconds before remembering staring after someone was tactless and promptly busying himself with comparing the various cloaks. The brighter ones he replaced on the rack; he was left with two, one storm gray, the other midnight black. More cause for hesitation, as if he needed it.

Edited by Legolover-361
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IC(Amalod [Talking to Ciara: Ko-Koro, Clothing Store])

"I...don't know, actually," Amalod replies, a bit confused. "I think we may be fighting something, but I'm not sure. I haven't been told much and I haven't asked much. But, I'm going to go to a concert with Esao later, and maybe I can talk to him about that later. And...other things," she adds with a small giggle; eyes turning toward Esao before turning back to Ciara. She also made sure to continue to whisper. The store was so quiet...-Mef Man

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IC(Amalod [Talking to Ciara: Ko-Koro, Clothing Store])

"I...guess I should," Amalod replies with a smile. "I'm just a bit confused about day-to-day life. I've only just awaken on this island and I don't know much about conversations or anything like that." The Toa shrugs; smiling sheepishly as she talks.-Mef Man

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IC(Amalod [Talking to Ciara: Ko-Koro, Clothing Store])

"I'm all right," Amalod replies with a smile. "I know about the stars and I know how to talk and write. And...uh..." The Toa of water tries desperately to think of anything she knew about, but she couldn't think of much. "I can sew...things."-Mef Man

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IC(Amalod [Talking to Ciara: Ko-Koro, Clothing Store])

The Toa of water's eyes look over the leotard; a small smile on her face. "Oh, those are lovely little things. I'm sure those are a bit...revealing, though, when you wear them." Amalod's eyes slowly look down over Ciara's appearance. "Speaking of which, aren't you a tad bit freezing in that outfit? It's atleast ten degrees outside."-Mef Man

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IC(Amalod [Talking to Ciara: Ko-Koro, Clothing Store])

"I wish I could say the same," Amalod replies; eyes looking down over her own appearance. She was in a heavy fur jacket and thick pants that were tucked into a big pair of boots. She looked about three times heavier than she was. The feeling was terrible for the Toa. "I wish that we could all go to Ga-Koro. It's so much nicer there than here."-Mef Man

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IC(Amalod [Talking to Ciara: Ko-Koro, Clothing Store])

"Well, maybe we both can go back there some time," Amalod says. She looks back toward the others before turning to Ciara once more. "Well, I'll see you around. I should get back to the others and apologize to Nova..." The Toa looks down at her feet. "But, I'd love to see you again. If you want to, come see us at the inn later. Or, if you're not busy, you can stay with us for a bit. But, Esao and I are about to go see that concert in a bit and there's only two tickets."-Mef Man

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IC(Amalod [Talking to Ciara: Ko-Koro, Clothing Store])

"Excellent!" Amalod says happily; bringing her voice up a notch and away from the whisper. "Since I have a fellow female with me, maybe you could help me decide if this looks good on- Wait. Where did it..." Looking down at her hands, Amalod notices that they were indeed empty. The outfit she had were gone. Turning toward Nova, she could see her outfit in the pile of clothes she had felled."One second," says the Toa of water. Amalod walks back toward Nova; intending on talking to him.-Mef Man

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IC: NovaMorningClothing store, Ko-KoroNova didn't want to say he'd been watching Amalod's general direction, but he did notice her as soon as she emerged from behind the clothing rack. He glanced back to the two cloaks he held before him, hiding his deep thought about what to say as she approached. Should he greet her as if nothing happened? -- pretend he didn't mind? -- admit he'd been perturbed by her sudden retreat?He felt her presence meters away and immediately uttered the first, most non-inspired word to come to mind:"...Hi."

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IC(Amalod [Talking to Nova: Ko-Koro, Clothing Store])

The Toa of water looks up toward Nova. Apparently she didn't have to start the conversation... "Hi," Amalod replies. After a few moments of simply standing in front of the Toa, she finally says,"Listen, I'm...sorry for making you fell uncomfortable. If you think I'm, uh...flirting with you, then I'm sorry for being that way. But, I'm not trying to. It's just...it's just the way I am," Amalod replies with a small shrug.That came out terrible...-Mef Man

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