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Lady K's Human Bionicle Thread

Lady Kopaka

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hey you guys


I have a incurable intense desire to design the characters as human. It's super fun to be creating the cultures, how everyone looks, costumes, and more.



LATEST ART: (updated 11/24)








(click the thumbnail for the larger picture)

TOA NUVA [outdated designs]









Just a note, while I love critique, don't bother with the old art. It's yucky, outdated to myself and designs of the characters. Just thought you guys might enjoy seeing it. I will accept your opinions on how to change their appearances or costumes, though.


If you guys have any suggestions on who I should design, let me know!

Edited by Lady Kopaka
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Your "old" art may be "old" but even in 2011 you had a better grasp on design and impeccable anatomy than so many professional artists. Even your most frenetic lines have a livelihood to them that informs the characters, your subtraction methods are mostly quite subtle but speak volumes of restraint (skill). Your line quality has steadily improved, I'm jealous.


I'll always remember you for your Bionicle art, even when you become a world-renown concept artist because you and Nikira inspired my own the most. While I may not always have the same ideas for the humanized versions, I have to admit they are still amazing and without personal preferences which don't really interfere with the quality of the art or concept at all, I can hardly every find fault with these. Not that I try, haha.


Some of these characters (and others on DA) have a sense of timelessness about them, which is great. The first two years worth of Bionicle characters had that feeling and you've formed your own independent timeless looks as well.


I'm glad you're getting back into it, I would love to see your designs for Turaga, Bohrok, or some of the later characters from 06-08.

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These look great! They represent their characters very well.


Fero and Skirmix please. :P

While that would be awesome, I'm currently working on MU characters first.


Your "old" art may be "old" but even in 2011 you had a better grasp on design and impeccable anatomy than so many professional artists. Even your most frenetic lines have a livelihood to them that informs the characters, your subtraction methods are mostly quite subtle but speak volumes of restraint (skill). Your line quality has steadily improved, I'm jealous.


I'll always remember you for your Bionicle art, even when you become a world-renown concept artist because you and Nikira inspired my own the most. While I may not always have the same ideas for the humanized versions, I have to admit they are still amazing and without personal preferences which don't really interfere with the quality of the art or concept at all, I can hardly every find fault with these. Not that I try, haha.


Some of these characters (and others on DA) have a sense of timelessness about them, which is great. The first two years worth of Bionicle characters had that feeling and you've formed your own independent timeless looks as well.


I'm glad you're getting back into it, I would love to see your designs for Turaga, Bohrok, or some of the later characters from 06-08.

UNCLE K!! It's so lovely to hear from you!


Funny, because I was looking over your art and being jealous about -you-. You were equally a inspiration for me over the years, so it means so much for you to take the time to comment and encourage me. So thank you.


Turaga/Metru I'm currently working on. Bohrok, honestly, I think are pretty much the same as their set design. As for later characters, I have some of them too in progress! So many to design!


Very nice!


The one thing that's confusing is the lack of identification for some of the pictures. Is the one on the bottom left meant to be Tarix?

I apologize for that. I made the topic, ran off to work, and then realized, "wait. I forgot to say who was who. derp". So, I shall fix that and title them properly. As for that dude you mentioned, it's actually Ancient!

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So I'm not really an artist, and thus can't quite critique, but I can gush at how amazing your art is. I love the realism and personality of all of the characters, especially the Toa Nuva. Those seven all have what I think of as the defining traits of their characters reflected perfectly. Kopaka looks appropriately brooding, Lewa and Pohatu both have their signature energy, Tahu seems to have the right amount of solemnity, and so on. I was pretty much able to guess who was who without the names being listed! And it's convenient that the inclusion of Onua's Nuva cube symbol on his goggles allows confirming his identity, and Takanuva too by process of elimination. That's also a great detail that I wish were on more of them other than Onua and Gali.


Overall, fantastic work as always, Lady K. It's good to see you back on BZP. :D


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Oh hi!


Been a while since I've been on here myself, and I have to say, your artwork has remained outstanding! Heck, if anything, it's improved, although that's just going by what my memory tells me lol. Love the styles of them, and I particularly like the incorporation of the Nuva symbols on some of the Toa Nuva.


My personal favorites, though, are the first one (sorry, not as familiar with the characters as I used to be XD) and Krahka. :D

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:camera: This, my friends, is history being made. K, you are a legend reborn. And your newest additions look... different. As opposed to your earlier HB's, they don't have that cartoonish "supermodel" quality anymore. And darkness sure looks dark. I'm mostly impressed by the realism of his armor. It's shiny and pops from the screen.

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Wait, is the guy at the bottom with the really scraggly hair (this guy) Vezon? Because I immediately think of him when I see it.

These are seriously good, though. I've really enjoyed some of the Human!Bionicle stuff that has been coming out recently, and this is no exception.

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My review on the human Dark Hunter Darkness 


I have not done one of these in a very long time so I am a bit rusty but oh well here I go 


The first thing I see when I look at this is the amour and the coat. I do not know why that is the first thing I see but I feel it gives him a lot of edge with they way he is.

The spikes see on this look very neat in my honest opinion his eyes make me unconformable like he is waiting for something as he knows something I don't.

I do enjoy the skin tone as it makes him seem like a real person I could see on the street ex the red eyes I do not see that too often thank goodness. But I enjoy also the hood he has on it gives me a a creepy feel about him as he waiting for me to make a wrong move. 

I really enjoy this work of art and I can not wait to see more from you in the future.

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So I'm not really an artist, and thus can't quite critique, but I can gush at how amazing your art is. I love the realism and personality of all of the characters, especially the Toa Nuva. Those seven all have what I think of as the defining traits of their characters reflected perfectly. Kopaka looks appropriately brooding, Lewa and Pohatu both have their signature energy, Tahu seems to have the right amount of solemnity, and so on. I was pretty much able to guess who was who without the names being listed! And it's convenient that the inclusion of Onua's Nuva cube symbol on his goggles allows confirming his identity, and Takanuva too by process of elimination. That's also a great detail that I wish were on more of them other than Onua and Gali.


Overall, fantastic work as always, Lady K. It's good to see you back on BZP. :D



Well, when I redo the Nuva I definitely plan on giving them their nuva symbol to them--either by some accessory, tattoo, etc.


Thank you so much for the compliments, dear, it means a lot.




<3 That's Elissa-talk for "oh my gosh I can feast my eyes upon these once more"


Because even though I'm currently speaking to you, what better than to let you know how much I love them again!?

Hehe, thank you Elissa!


Oh hi!


Been a while since I've been on here myself, and I have to say, your artwork has remained outstanding! Heck, if anything, it's improved, although that's just going by what my memory tells me lol. Love the styles of them, and I particularly like the incorporation of the Nuva symbols on some of the Toa Nuva.


My personal favorites, though, are the first one (sorry, not as familiar with the characters as I used to be XD) and Krahka. :D

Takatu!!! It's so awesome to see you! Wow, talk about blast from the past. I hope all is well with you.


:camera: This, my friends, is history being made. K, you are a legend reborn. And your newest additions look... different. As opposed to your earlier HB's, they don't have that cartoonish "supermodel" quality anymore. And darkness sure looks dark. I'm mostly impressed by the realism of his armor. It's shiny and pops from the screen.

Well, the older art I showed was back in 2011, so I have changed my style a lot. I've left my manga/cartoon style for a bit of a more realistic approach, and hopefully can avoid making my characters look -too- pretty.


Wait, is the guy at the bottom with the really scraggly hair (this guy) Vezon? Because I immediately think of him when I see it.

These are seriously good, though. I've really enjoyed some of the Human!Bionicle stuff that has been coming out recently, and this is no exception.

It's actually Zaktan. I'm still designing Vezon. (: Sorry, reminds me I still need to properly place a description beside each drawing.


My review on the human Dark Hunter Darkness 


I have not done one of these in a very long time so I am a bit rusty but oh well here I go 


The first thing I see when I look at this is the amour and the coat. I do not know why that is the first thing I see but I feel it gives him a lot of edge with they way he is.

The spikes see on this look very neat in my honest opinion his eyes make me unconformable like he is waiting for something as he knows something I don't.

I do enjoy the skin tone as it makes him seem like a real person I could see on the street ex the red eyes I do not see that too often thank goodness. But I enjoy also the hood he has on it gives me a a creepy feel about him as he waiting for me to make a wrong move. 

I really enjoy this work of art and I can not wait to see more from you in the future.

Thank you so much for the review, I really appreciate it! Glad you think so, I worked hard trying to figure a good outfit for him.

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Wow... I'm totally mind blown...  :bigeek:  those look amazing, especially Norik and Iruni, they look so close to the originals, while giving them human qualities. :D Well done I say.



Wait, is the guy at the bottom with the really scraggly hair (this guy) Vezon? Because I immediately think of him when I see it.

These are seriously good, though. I've really enjoyed some of the Human!Bionicle stuff that has been coming out recently, and this is no exception.

It's actually Zaktan. I'm still designing Vezon. (: Sorry, reminds me I still need to properly place a description beside each drawing.

Wait? That's Zaktan!?  :o Wow, I was trying so hard to figure that out, but now that you mention it, it totally makes sense... he looks really creepy too (I'd hate to meet him in a dark alley lol)  :evilgrin: 

So... I'm assuming the other one is Tarix (with the gold and blue armor?) aaaaannnnndddd.... nope I'm stuck  :notsure:  who is the other 2014 character besides Darkness? (who by the way look absolutely amazing!) :D

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Formerly Iron_Man5


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Yay your back. :DDDDDDD


And on my birthday too.  This art is pretty and I love Gali's redesign and how it brings out her eyes. ^^  She looks like a cool hippy aunt which oddly works with her characterization.

You should draw some bishies now. I bet they'd be purty because imperfect bishies are the purtiest. :3

Edited by Yukiko
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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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So I tried writing a review and I was gonna talk about color and shading other artsy stuff, but then I realized that I know nothing about art, except for the fact that this is freaking rad. 


I like Gali and darkness the best. Totally captures their essence. Gali looks young and beautiful, but still wise and strong. And Darkness looks.....well...really dark. Imagine that!


Seriously though, keep up the freakin rad work!


PS........Vezon?  :begging:







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Wait, wait, how could I miss out on this? D:

It's great to see you're still doing art, and your style is as beautiful as ever. I've always been a huge fan of your HB designs. (Particularly Ancient. :3)


Darkness looks intriguing; I like how the hood hides most of the face, but leaves enough visible to give an impression what he might look like. (I'd still love to see his entire face, even if that's a bit against the whole concept...) The rendition of the armour is also wonderfully done, and I love how it is still reminescent of the sets.


So yeah, it's always a pleasure to see some art from you. :3


 My art collection topic - updated! (21/09/2021)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Glad to see one of the Art forum greats return. They're all fine, with almost comic-esque design to them. :D 

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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  • 1 month later...

Wow, your human concept art looks really good, and looks very professional. I personally like the Vakama one, his expressions looks very close to old movie one's. I could just see Vakama's voice matching very well with this human reimagining. 

"Don't! They will kill you like a small dog. Instead let your anger be as if it were a monkey on a treadmill; confused and tripping around." -Lelouch of Britania- (Here is my BZPRPG Profile, Diotrua.) 


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