Zidonaro Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 Played the beta. Really amazing. Nice job on Ga-koro, I suppose It's design is a mix of Ga-koro in MNOG1 and MNOG2. The models are pretty great too and my favorite part is Jaller and Hahli living together. Just a question tho: This is post-MoL, right ? So this means... No Ta-Koro ? 2
Synan Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 This is amazing. I just spent an hour playing around with it and I still want to keep looking. Even if there's no story, I greatly look forward to the rest of the island and just walking around. Good luck in this great undertaking, I can't wait. Also, am I right in assuming that Kuki happened to spot a Time Lord? 2 Insert signature here Scrap that idea. I'm leaving mine blank. Except for this: My BZPRPG characters
NickonAquaMagna Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 (edited) Played the beta. Really amazing. Nice job on Ga-koro, I suppose It's design is a mix of Ga-koro in MNOG1 and MNOG2. The models are pretty great too and my favorite part is Jaller and Hahli living together. Just a question tho: This is post-MoL, right ? So this means... No Ta-Koro ? Maybe you get to explore the ruins of it, kinda like going through the stadium ruins at the tail end of Jak 3. that would be REEEEEALLY cool (and really creepy). Edited October 7, 2014 by NickonAquaMagna The Toa- A Bionicle Retelling by NickonAquaMagna http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/25275-the-toa-a-retelling-of-bionicle/
specsowl Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 (edited) This game is being made by extremely hardcore Bionicle fans. I don't think you will be disappointed in what we decide to do with Ta-Koro and some other villages Edited October 7, 2014 by specsowl
Zidonaro Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 (edited) Played the beta. Really amazing. Nice job on Ga-koro, I suppose It's design is a mix of Ga-koro in MNOG1 and MNOG2. The models are pretty great too and my favorite part is Jaller and Hahli living together. Just a question tho: This is post-MoL, right ? So this means... No Ta-Koro ? Maybe you get to explore the ruins of it, kinda like going through the stadium ruins at the tail end of Jak 3. that would be REEEEEALLY cool (and really creepy). Yeah, but unfortunately I believe Ta-Koro is already 100% sunken in lava. *EDIT* This game is being made by extremely hardcore Bionicle fans. I don't think you will be disappointed in what we decide to do with Ta-Koro and some other villages Great ! Ta-koro is still a thing. Can't wait to see Le-Koro. Edited October 7, 2014 by Zidonaro
Meiko Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 Don't really have time to see if this is an already-reported bug. If it is, ignore this. If not, the sensitivity setting is too close to the Quit button on the pause menu, which makes it near impossible to change (haven't been able to successfully change it myself). I've only tried it on PC at 1920x1080. Here's a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/TPnenQB.png Also if it's not too much to ask, would you mind sending me the Maya model for any random Matoran? I've been trying to learn Maya and I think this'd be an easy model for me to use as a reference, if you don't mind. -- Meiko - @georgebarnick LUG Ambassador and administrator at Brickipedia News reporter and database administrator at Brickset Administrator at BIONICLEsector01 DISCLAIMER: All opinions and contributions made under this account are based solely on my own personal thoughts and opinions, and in no way represent any of the above groups/entities. If you have any concerns or inquiries about the contributions made under this account, please contact me individually and I will address them with you to the best of my ability.
Zidonaro Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 Ryle... Master of Art! Or, Toa, rather... I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE 3
Gonny Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 The pre-alpha looks incredible so far. I walked around and looked for everything and everyone I could find. In case someone hasn't already pointed them out, I wanted to let you know of some minor typos: Daleo and JallerEnd conversation with save travels instead of safe travels Hahliisays lear instead of learn OkothSays seeked instead of sought Marka-those gear-like plates is instead of are-contruct instead of construct Other than that, my only critique was that some of the plants and things in Ga-Koro are looking pretty static. If the harkekeye (sp?) and bamboo could blow in the wind every once in a while or something like that, I think it would really help bring everything to life a little more. I did want to say that I really enjoyed the animations of the characters and rahi, especially the kewa which seems to move pretty realistically like a bird. I also liked that you brought back the whole Hahlii/Jaller thing. I know that was kind of phased out after MNOLG, since I think Greg said there was only one guy on the story team really pushing for it and it was dropped after he left, but I always felt like that was one of the aspects of the game that brought it to life a little more and made it easier to relate to. 3 A Turaga You are a very wise Turaga. Ultimate Bionicle Knowledge Quiz
Tattorack Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 You kept falling in the water!?! XDNot funny! Basically any movement in a straight line plunges the character into the water, so I have to auto-correct the movement with the --> key to stay on the surface. If not done perfectly, I fall into the water again, get disoriented, and have to work my way out of it. Fun, that not be. (It doesn't help that I start facing a solid wall and have to back out of it using down and SPLASH! ) I turned the sensitivity way down, which helped a little bit, but I'm still having annoyances. Its not a shooter game you know, there aren't enemies lurking in every corner (yet). Holding down spacebar just makes you go up.When you reach out of the water, the spacebar acts as jump, hence the bouncing.I know this. I played MNOGs 1 and 2. I also read the controls menu for this one. As for weird window sizes, tried playing it out of fullscreen mode?Change up the resolution, 1600x900 may not work well for you.If you tried it in windowed mode before fullscreen, try it now in full.I can try this, yes, but I much prefer windowed mode, for reasons. For one thing, it makes printscreens easier. No,seriously, you have to be playing it like Call of Duty to keep falling in the water Relax man. Walk like... like you're walking to your friends at the bar on a Jamaican beach. Also, am I right in assuming that Kuki happened to spot a Time Lord? I think you're the first one to catch the reference -I was infected for the most part on April the 1st BEWARE
Lukas Exemplar Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 Writing? That's my forté! I already sent you a message by the way I wrote most of the script for the movie that was supposed to come out of the now defunct Bionicle: Next Generation project, a version that no one but me and a few have seen though. Just a geeky guy trying to learn the craft of writing stories.
specsowl Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 The pre-alpha looks incredible so far. I walked around and looked for everything and everyone I could find. In case someone hasn't already pointed them out, I wanted to let you know of some minor typos: Daleo and JallerEnd conversation with save travels instead of safe travels Hahliisays lear instead of learn OkothSays seeked instead of sought Marka-those gear-like plates is instead of are-contruct instead of construct Other than that, my only critique was that some of the plants and things in Ga-Koro are looking pretty static. If the harkekeye (sp?) and bamboo could blow in the wind every once in a while or something like that, I think it would really help bring everything to life a little more. I did want to say that I really enjoyed the animations of the characters and rahi, especially the kewa which seems to move pretty realistically like a bird. I also liked that you brought back the whole Hahlii/Jaller thing. I know that was kind of phased out after MNOLG, since I think Greg said there was only one guy on the story team really pushing for it and it was dropped after he left, but I always felt like that was one of the aspects of the game that brought it to life a little more and made it easier to relate to.Thank you for pointing these out! The changes will be made except I am unsure of what you mean by save travels? They matoran are wishing you "safe travels" as in hoping for your well being on your adventure. Also the ideas for romance are still there for several matoran including some new ones? But the classics, Hahli and Jaller, Hewkii and Macku, and perhaps there was someone all along who liked Takua... Ryle... Master of Art! Or, Toa, rather... I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE Hehhehheh Don't really have time to see if this is an already-reported bug. If it is, ignore this. If not, the sensitivity setting is too close to the Quit button on the pause menu, which makes it near impossible to change (haven't been able to successfully change it myself). I've only tried it on PC at 1920x1080. Here's a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/TPnenQB.png Also if it's not too much to ask, would you mind sending me the Maya model for any random Matoran? I've been trying to learn Maya and I think this'd be an easy model for me to use as a reference, if you don't mind. Ah yes, that stupid sensitivity slider. I knew this would happen to somebody. Ok I'll look into that. Also, as of right now, I cannot send you the matoran. When the game gets further along perhaps, but we are still a bit too early to share our assets. If you ever want to learn Maya, perhaps I can help? PM me if you ever have any questions. Played the beta. Really amazing. Nice job on Ga-koro, I suppose It's design is a mix of Ga-koro in MNOG1 and MNOG2. The models are pretty great too and my favorite part is Jaller and Hahli living together. Just a question tho: This is post-MoL, right ? So this means... No Ta-Koro ? Maybe you get to explore the ruins of it, kinda like going through the stadium ruins at the tail end of Jak 3. that would be REEEEEALLY cool (and really creepy). Yeah, but unfortunately I believe Ta-Koro is already 100% sunken in lava. *EDIT* This game is being made by extremely hardcore Bionicle fans. I don't think you will be disappointed in what we decide to do with Ta-Koro and some other villages Great ! Ta-koro is still a thing. Can't wait to see Le-Koro. Ehhhhhh I said you'd be happy what we do with it...not that it's a thing haha. You'll just have to wait and see. Also yes, we are all anxious to work on Le-Koro as well.
Bionicleboy32 Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 I need some help. The game won't run on my PC, and I specifically created an account on BZP so I could praise you guys x3 I'm running a Dell machine with windows 8 installed, a gig of VRAM and 4 gigs of dedicated RAM. Any idea what I should do? It says that it just won't open, because it's incompatible.
specsowl Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 I need some help. The game won't run on my PC, and I specifically created an account on BZP so I could praise you guys x3 I'm running a Dell machine with windows 8 installed, a gig of VRAM and 4 gigs of dedicated RAM. Any idea what I should do? It says that it just won't open, because it's incompatible.Try right clicking and running in compatibility mode with Windows 7? That should help. Also, welcome to BZP
NickonAquaMagna Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 Is it just going to be the villages (or remains of) connected by warp points (boats), or are you also going to try to recapture some of the wilderness that also made the original MNOG so good? I understand if you don't have the manpower or time to recreate the entire island and have to limit your scope to the villlages... heck, Ga Koro alone feels pretty darn big. Still, just felt like asking. Oh, and another thing... can this game be recorded with fraps? 2 The Toa- A Bionicle Retelling by NickonAquaMagna http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/25275-the-toa-a-retelling-of-bionicle/
specsowl Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 Is it just going to be the villages (or remains of) connected by warp points (boats), or are you also going to try to recapture some of the wilderness that also made the original MNOG so good? I understand if you don't have the manpower or time to recreate the entire island and have to limit your scope to the villlages... heck, Ga Koro alone feels pretty darn big. Still, just felt like asking. Oh, and another thing... can this game be recorded with fraps?It has not been TESTED with fraps but it this is a thinly veiled request to record gameplay, by all means. Also, no, the villages will not be bound by warp points and boats. In fact, the next area were working on it Ga-Wahi connected to Onu-Wahi passing right under the Motara desert. There will, however, be forms of transit. I hope you noticed the Ussalry, Kewa Transit, and Boats in the Pre-Alpha. These are indicators of modes of transportation, as you would not think to find a Kewa in Ga-Koro. Kewa, in fact, are a form of fast travel to other Kewa nests around Mata-Nui. There will be one in each village. The boats connect to the Wahis and Ga-Koro since it is connected to water. Lastly, the Ussals are the only transportation that is not a warp point. In fact, you can rent an Ussal, anyone you want, and it will wait for you at the front of the village. This Ussal can be ridden as a mount, and you control where it goes, and can dismount at any time. Ussals cannot go into villages and caves except for Onu-Koro. 1
Toatapio Nuva Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 Wow, just noticed that the topic has been updated again! Fast progress indded. The screenshots look amazing, I already downloaded the demo and will try it out as soon as I get the chance. 2 My BZPRPG profiles - Viima, Lai Lai Kirgan, Jarkale, Hile, Tuli + Kavala, Khervos, Thira
NickonAquaMagna Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 Is it just going to be the villages (or remains of) connected by warp points (boats), or are you also going to try to recapture some of the wilderness that also made the original MNOG so good? I understand if you don't have the manpower or time to recreate the entire island and have to limit your scope to the villlages... heck, Ga Koro alone feels pretty darn big. Still, just felt like asking. Oh, and another thing... can this game be recorded with fraps?It has not been TESTED with fraps but it this is a thinly veiled request to record gameplay, by all means. Also, no, the villages will not be bound by warp points and boats. In fact, the next area were working on it Ga-Wahi connected to Onu-Wahi passing right under the Motara desert. There will, however, be forms of transit. I hope you noticed the Ussalry, Kewa Transit, and Boats in the Pre-Alpha. These are indicators of modes of transportation, as you would not think to find a Kewa in Ga-Koro. Kewa, in fact, are a form of fast travel to other Kewa nests around Mata-Nui. There will be one in each village. The boats connect to the Wahis and Ga-Koro since it is connected to water. Lastly, the Ussals are the only transportation that is not a warp point. In fact, you can rent an Ussal, anyone you want, and it will wait for you at the front of the village. This Ussal can be ridden as a mount, and you control where it goes, and can dismount at any time. Ussals cannot go into villages and caves except for Onu-Koro. Well, of course I'm going to record gameplay... not much, just enough to make more people aware of this project. A demonstration of what it has to offer, if you will. I did a MNOG LP a while ago, and I ended up exposing a lot of my fans to something that they'd never cared much for before, but grew to appreciate then. So, if I can help spread the word of this through that medium, then great. Also, yes, I'd assumed the boats and Rahi would be usable... and I'm REEEEALLY glad that they are there for that... but it is a relief to know we'll be able to see more of the island's landscape. Story wise, it's so refreshing to see people from all of the villages coming together like this, working as one people. The only place that even came close to that before this was Onu-Koro, with all those merchants in the background. Now that half of Onu-Koro has caved in, well, eh..... I'll be interested to see what you do with places like the great mine, still flooded or not. ...Actually, if it is still flooded, that'll be one of the creeepiest areas of the game, I'm sure... like the giant Eel from Mario Sunshine that scares almost everyone the first time they play it. One last thing... I love that you animated those little jellyfish in 3D. They look just as great as they did back in the day. 4 The Toa- A Bionicle Retelling by NickonAquaMagna http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/25275-the-toa-a-retelling-of-bionicle/
specsowl Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 Is it just going to be the villages (or remains of) connected by warp points (boats), or are you also going to try to recapture some of the wilderness that also made the original MNOG so good? I understand if you don't have the manpower or time to recreate the entire island and have to limit your scope to the villlages... heck, Ga Koro alone feels pretty darn big. Still, just felt like asking. Oh, and another thing... can this game be recorded with fraps?It has not been TESTED with fraps but it this is a thinly veiled request to record gameplay, by all means. Also, no, the villages will not be bound by warp points and boats. In fact, the next area were working on it Ga-Wahi connected to Onu-Wahi passing right under the Motara desert. There will, however, be forms of transit. I hope you noticed the Ussalry, Kewa Transit, and Boats in the Pre-Alpha. These are indicators of modes of transportation, as you would not think to find a Kewa in Ga-Koro. Kewa, in fact, are a form of fast travel to other Kewa nests around Mata-Nui. There will be one in each village. The boats connect to the Wahis and Ga-Koro since it is connected to water. Lastly, the Ussals are the only transportation that is not a warp point. In fact, you can rent an Ussal, anyone you want, and it will wait for you at the front of the village. This Ussal can be ridden as a mount, and you control where it goes, and can dismount at any time. Ussals cannot go into villages and caves except for Onu-Koro. Well, of course I'm going to record gameplay... not much, just enough to make more people aware of this project. A demonstration of what it has to offer, if you will. I did a MNOG LP a while ago, and I ended up exposing a lot of my fans to something that they'd never cared much for before, but grew to appreciate then. So, if I can help spread the word of this through that medium, then great. Also, yes, I'd assumed the boats and Rahi would be usable... and I'm REEEEALLY glad that they are there for that... but it is a relief to know we'll be able to see more of the island's landscape. Story wise, it's so refreshing to see people from all of the villages coming together like this, working as one people. The only place that even came close to that before this was Onu-Koro, with all those merchants in the background. Now that half of Onu-Koro has caved in, well, eh..... I'll be interested to see what you do with places like the great mine, still flooded or not. ...Actually, if it is still flooded, that'll be one of the creeepiest areas of the game, I'm sure... like the giant Eel from Mario Sunshine that scares almost everyone the first time they play it. One last thing... I love that you animated those little jellyfish in 3D. They look just as great as they did back in the day. Ohhh Onu-Koro. Yes, it is still partially flooded. And um, ahem, there may be an Onu-Koronan with an affinity for water that no one has seen for a VERY long time. 2
RaidMaster Productions Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 I have and idea which my be controversial among all of you, but I feel would be pretty ###### neat, so I might as well say it: do you guys think there's room for character customization screen at the very beginning of the game, similar to Runescape? Here, you could choose which village you originate from (Le-Koro, Ta-Koro, Onu-Koro, ect), which Kanohi mask you wear, and of course, a name, either made up by the player or randomized. What do you all think about this idea? 1 The Raidmaster
doodleloot Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 I have and idea which my be controversial among all of you, but I feel would be pretty ###### neat, so I might as well say it: do you guys think there's room for character customization screen at the very beginning of the game, similar to Runescape? Here, you could choose which village you originate from (Le-Koro, Ta-Koro, Onu-Koro, ect), which Kanohi mask you wear, and of course, a name, either made up by the player or randomized. What do you all think about this idea? That was actually already planned. You might also be able to unlock special masks later on in the game. 2 Hail Denmark
specsowl Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 An addendum to the above post, is that you will be unable to unlock tier of masks. Find Great Masks and Noble Masks from the original 2001 sagaUnlock Rare or unusual masks from bosses or special quests. These masks include things like the strange ruru/pakari from the tarakavaUnlock "future" masks like Calix, Iden, Volitak etc. and more doing extremely difficult side quests. Unlock Copper mask of victory playing Kohlii, Koli, and other regional gamesUnlock Golden masks (and tools) doing Builder's Guild quests 1
Zeb Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 Hehehe... I see the reference there... 2 The artist formerly known as ŜﮞρЄЯ־GЄNіﮞŜ־CЯЄ▲Ŧ۞Я BBC#69 Entry: Roodaka - Master of Manipulation BFTGM entries: Zigben · Ventox · Deflecto “Hail Denmark.”
Shadow Destroyer Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 I played this last night, and I was absolutely blown away. I actually felt like I was in Ga-koro, and the music and visuals were amazing. Great work everyone, this game is turning into something really special! Also, I recorded some good gameplay using shadowplay, and I will be featuring this project on a community spotlight over on my channel! Hopefully it will get even more people to play this. 3 Thank you to the Dark Beings Banner and Avatar Shop for the banner! Brickshelf Gallery BZPRPG Profiles
Tarushan Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 Post a link to the video when you've uploaded it "A fully explorable 3D version of the original island of Mata Nui is being developed. Copy this signature to support the project!"
NickonAquaMagna Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 I'll whip up a video about this too, if I can get the recording to run smoothly enough. 3 The Toa- A Bionicle Retelling by NickonAquaMagna http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/25275-the-toa-a-retelling-of-bionicle/
Tattorack Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 I can record some myself with fraps ^^ -I was infected for the most part on April the 1st BEWARE
Arzaki Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 An addendum to the above post, is that you will be unable to unlock tier of masks. Find Great Masks and Noble Masks from the original 2001 sagaUnlock Rare or unusual masks from bosses or special quests. These masks include things like the strange ruru/pakari from the tarakavaUnlock "future" masks like Calix, Iden, Volitak etc. and more doing extremely difficult side quests. Unlock Copper mask of victory playing Kohlii, Koli, and other regional gamesUnlock Golden masks (and tools) doing Builder's Guild questsWill there be a Kualsi? 1 I got Monster Hunter World on PS4, add me at bmrjw2 if you want Also I play FFXIV, my main is Anastasia Willow on Exodus but I've got characters on every NA datacenter.
JacobLazer Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 OH MY MATA NUI THIS IS AMAZING! this has gotta be one of the best fan-made Bionicle games I have ever seen 1
specsowl Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 (edited) An addendum to the above post, is that you will be unable to unlock tier of masks. Find Great Masks and Noble Masks from the original 2001 sagaUnlock Rare or unusual masks from bosses or special quests. These masks include things like the strange ruru/pakari from the tarakavaUnlock "future" masks like Calix, Iden, Volitak etc. and more doing extremely difficult side quests. Unlock Copper mask of victory playing Kohlii, Koli, and other regional gamesUnlock Golden masks (and tools) doing Builder's Guild questsWill there be a Kualsi? Yes. Masks you SHOULDN'T expect are Ignika, Vahi, the new Mask of Creation, Olmak, and various other like the ones that don't have names or any that only a titan or someone important wears. Probably not the Noble masks like Miru, Akaku, and Kakama either and not the Great Masks of the Toa Metru. You can, however, expect Lhikan's Hau from a special quest from a special someone (it will not be yellow). Edited October 7, 2014 by specsowl 2
BULiK Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 Hey there, Any progress/suggestions to get the linux build working? (I could have missed something so pardon if this is redundant) Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)
specsowl Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 No idea man. Still looking into it. I'm not experienced with Linux and the forums don't seem to have anything helpful.
dinosgamez Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 I really enjoyed the current release and can't wait for more content. But I noticed a few bugs that I guess your aware of but I thought it would be worth mentioning them just in case.If you jump while riding the lift you will fall through it and you there is a gap on one of the points on top of the under water hut that allows you to see into nothing. On a unrelated note might I suggest that at some point in development you add a faint glow to the matoran's eyes and it also would look a bit better if the button inside the lift has something on it ( like the ga-koro's logo as le-koro's lifts featured their logo ) as it would make it look less plain and it might be worth adding a stem or something to the lifts lily pad so it looks less weird when your at the bottom and its moving. Keep up thegood work and thanks for releasing this early version. 3
Gatanui Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 You know, this would be awesome as an Oculus Rift project...now if I only had one. -Gata 2 - Gata Please don't use my avatar or signature without permission, thanks!
Shadow Destroyer Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 You know, this would be awesome as an Oculus Rift project...now if I only had one. -Gata I can't believe I hadn't thought of that. You are right, that would be amazing! 4 Thank you to the Dark Beings Banner and Avatar Shop for the banner! Brickshelf Gallery BZPRPG Profiles
specsowl Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 (edited) I really enjoyed the current release and can't wait for more content. But I noticed a few bugs that I guess your aware of but I thought it would be worth mentioning them just in case.If you jump while riding the lift you will fall through it and you there is a gap on one of the points on top of the under water hut that allows you to see into nothing. On a unrelated note might I suggest that at some point in development you add a faint glow to the matoran's eyes and it also would look a bit better if the button inside the lift has something on it ( like the ga-koro's logo as le-koro's lifts featured their logo ) as it would make it look less plain and it might be worth adding a stem or something to the lifts lily pad so it looks less weird when your at the bottom and its moving. Keep up thegood work and thanks for releasing this early version. Ok, so I hate posting super inside info like this...but I will. I literally slapped a small cylinder onto a big cylinder for the internal button. (But why). A lot of the assets in this game are so far from final it's not even funny. As a game artist myself I would puke if I saw that in a game. I would puke, then post it on the internet and say "Really". We wanted to put out a game for people to enjoy quickly (Resonating "But why"). Because we wanted to make sure we got our Core right for the game. Not the mechanics or visuals, but the CORE. And good news everyone, we did! Do not despair! We will TOTALLY fix things that look and play bad You know, this would be awesome as an Oculus Rift project...now if I only had one. -Gata Oh man...but the dev kit cost $$$. Give it time though Edited October 7, 2014 by specsowl 1
NickonAquaMagna Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 I was enjoying this priceless moment in the game, reminiscing over my childhood an' all that, and then... whoops! At one point, I almost swore, but... I didn't finish, and it's so muffled I think we can let it slide. Still... just felt like sharing something funny. Full preview video coming tomorrow. 4 The Toa- A Bionicle Retelling by NickonAquaMagna http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/25275-the-toa-a-retelling-of-bionicle/
Tattorack Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 You know, this would be awesome as an Oculus Rift project...now if I only had one. -Gata I can't believe I hadn't thought of that. You are right, that would be amazing! Sure thing!Anybody mind borrowing their Oculus Rift to us? Along with dev kit?We'll get one ready in no time, I'm sure XD I was enjoying this priceless moment in the game, reminiscing over my childhood an' all that, and then... whoops!At one point, I almost swore, but... I didn't finish, and it's so muffled I think we can let it slide. Still... just felt like sharing something funny. Full preview video coming tomorrow. Ah yeah that, heh heh heh XDThere's actually a reason for that wich will be implemented later, or so Specs told me.Wont say what it is though, don't want to spoil anything. 1 -I was infected for the most part on April the 1st BEWARE
fishers64 Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 I was enjoying this priceless moment in the game, reminiscing over my childhood an' all that, and then... whoops! At one point, I almost swore, but... I didn't finish, and it's so muffled I think we can let it slide. Still... just felt like sharing something funny. Full preview video coming tomorrow.You fell into the water too... Hero Factory RPG | Bionicle Mafia XXIX: Storyline & Theories
specsowl Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 (edited) I was enjoying this priceless moment in the game, reminiscing over my childhood an' all that, and then... whoops! At one point, I almost swore, but... I didn't finish, and it's so muffled I think we can let it slide. Still... just felt like sharing something funny. Full preview video coming tomorrow.Ok. one second. hahahahahaha Alright this visualization made me realize the frustration of the water. also I have NO idea how you fell through the boat. I have a theory but I will have to look into that. I hope you got to actually do the preview you wanted, despite the boat incident! Edit: Figured it out. The boat animated while you stay stationary, causing you to fall through because you clip through the collider and into the mesh. Whoops! Edited October 7, 2014 by specsowl 2
Tattorack Posted October 7, 2014 Posted October 7, 2014 You fell into the water too... Not from running and gunning thats one thing for sure XD -I was infected for the most part on April the 1st BEWARE
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