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Posted (edited)

Love that face. The rest of the build is pretty solid as well.

Edited by Lyichir

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

Posted (edited)

i can't believe it. Brickeens finally posted this thing


hang on give me a minute to take this all in, this is a bit of a shock




ok yea i think im good


fantastic work as always, Bricks; the shaping on this (adorable) alien..thing..is just beautiful and i absolutely love the aesthetic she's got. i hope to see more builds in the near future ??? yea, i hope that's a thing that you can do

Edited by Arc
  • Upvote 1

The cool proportions on this guy are really rad.  So much character!  The arms look perfect with the rest of the MOC.  The thigh-spikes I'm less sure about.  Maybe they would look better mirroring the upper two around the hearlight-esque piece?


Posted (edited)

Once again lovely work here Bricks. I'm really digging a lot on this guy. I have seen this thing several times in your WIP folder, & it's nice to see you got around to finishing him up! The legs are probably my favorite part, sporting some fantastic flow and shaping. Those Ben10 thighs look spot-on there. I personally think his torso is fine as is, just a bit too thin. Maybe some more thickness around the heartlight-esque plate would be fitting. Otherwise, the use of Corrode's claws is gorgeous. The arms are fine on the bottom, however the upper arms are a little too basic - almost boring and could have used some gribbles (or whatever they're called (this is what happens when you dont visit a site for 2 years)).  I like the idea you went for on the head shape, it's really neat and well put together. The little chain mouth is just great.


Overall fantastic work here Bricks, hope to see more soon.

Edited by Daiker



Really digging the insectoid look, man. The bird/bug like legs also work and the colors are great. Such a pleasure to see your stuff here again.

Hand-drawn, bespoke avatar by none other than Mushy the Mushroom.


a body adrift in water, salt, and sky


It's a nice looking MOC but what's the hype for? So he didn't post a here for a while and? It ain't frontpage material.

evidently the people who pick fan-created content for the front page disagree with you.

  • Upvote 2


It's a nice looking MOC but what's the hype for? So he didn't post a here for a while and? It ain't frontpage material.

evidently the people who pick fan-created content for the front page disagree with you.



So he's a premium member and? I made some cool creations too but this site didn't even give a about it, just kept commenting on someone's 5 minute MOC and how "cool" that was. And you still didn't answer why is there such a hype.


Brickeens, my boy! Glad you finally got around to finalizing this! The unbridled jealousy is deserved.


Excelent technique as always. Your colours are always terrific, and the shapes are amazing. I cannot wait to see this with wings.


Though I still stand by my earlier sentiments; vestigial arms are the way to go with this.

  • Upvote 2



Spoiler Alert





It's a nice looking MOC but what's the hype for? So he didn't post a here for a while and? It ain't frontpage material.

evidently the people who pick fan-created content for the front page disagree with you.



So he's a premium member and? I made some cool creations too but this site didn't even give a ###### about it, just kept commenting on someone's 5 minute MOC and how "cool" that was. And you still didn't answer why is there such a hype.


premier membership has nothing to do with it. quality has everything to do with it. if you keep at it, maybe you'll get on the front page one day too - if it's any consolation, not many people do. i've never done it myself, and i'm not complaining.


oh, and for the record, this MOC took months to finish. you're honestly being really rude.

Posted (edited)

It's a nice looking MOC but what's the hype for? So he didn't post a here for a while and? It ain't frontpage material.

this is a terrible comment and let me tell you why


a MOC is not just some product. It's not just here for your viewing pleasure. It's not just here for you to come in and denounce it as "not good enough" without giving any reason whatsoever.

You are being unconstructive and frankly disrespectful to Brickeens. Aptera, like any other MOC, or any other art for that matter, is the product of a creative process. This creative process

is reliant on learning from one's mistakes and, simply put, improving. And the only way to improve is to make sure you know what mistakes you've made previously, so that you can avoid them in the future.

So while saying it's "not frontpage material" and all, you're doing nothing to help. You're doing nothing to acknowledge the creative process behind the MOC, nothing to help Brickeens improve to your standards.

Not to mention you seem to be intent on making this about you and your creations. That's not what this thread is for. If it matters, I can offer you a review on a MOC of your choice.


More coming, I just had to get this out of my system Continued:


I'm personally not seeing a "hype". I'm seeing a MOC with rightfully appreciated qualities. My favourite things about Brickeens' MOCs is that they always have this distinct character, as well as solid concepts,

great piece usage and shaping, and excellent colour management. If a MOC has all these qualities, I think it should definitely be recognised as a good MOC. Of course, there are subjective standards when it comes

to these qualities, but for those standards to actually matter you have to have some reasoning as to how things could be improved. Otherwise, you just leave the person who made the MOC with this unsatisfactory feeling

of having done something wrong, but not knowing what.


My point is this: if you feel at all hit by what I've said, you should retry making that comment. Except instead of being very brief and dismissive, you should go into some detail as to what you don't like about the MOC.

See it as a challenge.


(I'm open to discussion so throw me a PM if you do feel like responding)

Edited by VampireBohrok
  • Upvote 1



Member creations that get featured on the front page are selected at the discretion of the Reporters. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions as far as what they like or do not like, and what appears on the BZPower front page is what the BZPower staff likes. If you want to highlight creations that you like, nothing is stopping you from starting a blog or other website to do so.


Please be respectful to all members and if you want to give feedback, make sure it is constructive.

  • Upvote 3

Member creations that get featured on the front page are selected at the discretion of the Reporters. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions as far as what they like or do not like, and what appears on the BZPower front page is what the BZPower staff likes. If you want to highlight creations that you like, nothing is stopping you from starting a blog or other website to do so.


Please be respectful to all members and if you want to give feedback, make sure it is constructive.


...Aaanyways, I absolutely love the appearance of the MOC. It gives a very insectoid feel, compounded by its color scheme, and looks really neat. The eyes contrast very well and surprisingly look good, despite not being my first choice for eye color. It's figure is very bug-like and thin at the joints, and overall looks very well put together, even for a WIP. My only concern would possibly be that the black far outweighs the lime green. I would suggest limiting the lime to what you have, and using a dark color like grey for the exposed joints, just to slightly lessen the black.


  • 1 month later...

You did a really nice job on this MOC. I was going to the say the upper arms were kind of thin, but you did such a good job shaping the limbs that it makes perfect sense to for them to be that thin. Everything about it is so well done, the shaping, the color scheme, even the back is finished.




Wow. Loving the head design on this guy, those eyes are too perfect. Colour scheme works really well too. 


The white rubber on the alternate hip/hand pieces stands out, but there isn't really much you can do with that. I'm also not a huge fan of the arms -- they seem a little stubby and almost half complete to me. Maybe if the claws at the ends were rotated 90 degrees, so they rotated in the same direction as the elbow does? 




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