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Rpg: Starscape


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IC: Our destination lies at the bottom of this tower. We'll be taking the elevator.They moved through a hallway, stopping at a door guarded by two Sui'malo honor guard. The lead Marine flashed something in an unknown tongue to the Alizarin, and the two stepped aside, the door opening into a circular room. They stepped in, and it began to descend for several minutes, taking them deep enough where it became obvious that the tower did, indeed, extend underground.The metal door opened again, and they approached two more guards guarding what looked like a membrane stretched between the coral. While it was slightly translucent, the room beyond couldn't be made out, and the coral made a complete seal around it.The Marine flashed a signal to these guards as well, and the membrane retracted, forming a circular opening. They entered, and the Alizarin saw the being they were to meet.The Tsui'nau was ten feet long, a column of glowing blue tentacles hanging down from its bell. It's skin was translucent and glowed a bright blue.The Marines knelt as the squad leader flashed again at the Alizarin.We present to you our god.The voice of the Tsui'nau echoed in the minds of the Alizarin as it spoke inaudibly.Greetings, my friends, from the Treanuan Dominion. It is my pleasure to welcome you to this world.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: Unlike the Syrrinx before them, the Alizarin took no objection to a creature calling itself god. Not because they had strong views on a theocratic society, but because the assumed 'god' was just the word used here for ruler, similar to their own White. In a language based on light and the psychological and emotional connections to it, you might as well call a god a king, or a president, or even a head honcho. "It is a pleasure to be on your world," said the Chief Navigator, "You are the third alien race we have encountered."


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OOC: Diemwnt-Drwg and Diemwnt-Blaidd upgraded to Core Worlds, production of Fighters at 100% completion.The next couple of hours will see me making an important decision regarding the near future of my navy.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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OOC: Hey, TSOoT, just to point out the Alizarin poked you on Spacebook, since you seem to have missedIC: "Technically the full term is Alizarin-Folly-Carmine-Tangelo-Aureolin-Gamboge. But that is hard to pronounce in a non-visual medium, which the species we have encountered operate with. If you have data banks, we could happily trade information, upload our own information while downloading information on you. It would save much time."


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OOC: Ah, so that was me. I did wonderIC(Diemwnt-Drwg): "This is the Irregular Orbit of the Perpetual Questions, a ship of the Alizarin nations," the pilots' communications officer responded, "We come in peace." It had always wanted to say that! "Where do you wish us to dock?"IC(2-35): "Is that an agreement to the data-share?" the Navigator asked, "It would be the easiest way to create a lasting archive of each other's presence."

Edited by The Power that Is


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IC(Diemwnt-Drwg): "We will meet you at a specific location on the great southern continent. Sending, providing, giving you the coordinates now... It is done, you may land."The coordinates sent by the Diemawr pointed the Irregular Orbit towards a relatively flat piece of land near a shallow bay on the southern continent. Artificial structures were nearby, but they appeared to be industrial in nature - the Diemawr were hardly subtle in directing the visitors away from major population centers.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC(Diemwnt-Drwg): The Alizarin took the directions to a sheltered bay as a compliment rather than an insult, unintended or otherwise. They had no concerns over being put near water, seeing it as a sign of courtesy, not a snub at not being allowed near the planets population centres.It descended through the atmosphere, hovering briefly over the flat landing pad before touching down. The pilots inside waited to see what sort of greeting they had before suiting upIC(2-35): "Exploration-based information would be useful. What sectors you hold, what sectors you know others hold. And you mentioned previous contact, information on these others is desirable. Along with any information about yourselves you feel you can share."


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IC: That sounds acceptable- We'll transmit to you what we have in return for your data. By the way, I don't believe introductions were made- I am designated Proctor Mulutau 3765, chief god of this planet. How are you called?Meanwhile, information was collected and prepared to be transmitted, containing what data was available about the Syrrinx and (Necro's race), as well as what parts of the cluster had been explored, and a brief segment on the Treanuan races, culture, and government. It was stored in the coral, waiting to be transmitted when the Proctor gave the signal.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OOC: Not really a snub, just a dash of paranoia. They're worried about the possibility of violence, so they put some distance between aliens and civilians.IC(Diemwnt-Drwg):What awaited the Alizarin on the ground was a grouping of about fifty of those the Lord President had deemed suited for contacting new races - a few biologists, a handful of psychologists, a couple of astronomers, a decent helping of diplomats, a few experienced soldiers, who eyed the ship with some uneasiness, and, there more for show than anything else, a member of the local Conclave.One of the factories in the small city of manufacturing plants was visible from the meeting area - it was, in fact, a production site for a popular model of stringed instruments, but the aliens didn't need to know that. What they needed to see, however, was a fully functioning factory in the background of their meeting, with the faint hum of machinery (climate control and water circulation, mainly - most of the actual work on building the instruments had to be done by hand) and the occasional mauve flashing light.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC(2-35): One of the Alizarin brought out a length of fibre optic cable. It stored a variety of light on different wavelengths of the spectrum, subtly overlaying each other. From the outside it just appeared to be a piece of wire, glowing slightly with a soft white light, but if read correctly by Alizarin technology it was essentially an encyclopediaIC(Diemwnt-Drwg): The Alizarin scuttled forth in their mechanical suits, tentacles crunching on the ground of the bay. The Alizarin themselves sat in the tanks, gently bobbing."Greetings."OOC: Do I espy a Doctor Who reference there Shadows? Hopefully a mauve alert in a music factory can't be too bad :P


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IC: Curiously, the Proctor directed one of the Sui'malo to attempt to interface with the cable.Two short, pipelike tentacles with a hole on the end of each emerged from slits in the alien's side. From the hole, small back tendrils extended, a glowing blue light on the end of them. The tendrils curled in the air, as the Sui'Malo brought the cable to them. When it reached them, the tendrils wrapped themselves around the cable, and the alien's eyes rolled back in his head as the data began flowing into his brain.Your technology works on a similar principle to ours, explained the Proctror, Except ours is natural and biological. This is convenient, though- the coral ought to be able to interface with such a cable of yours.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OOC: Certainly Doctor Who influenced the choice of mauve, but I wasn't really thinking of it as a mauve alert in this case. More of a... mauve lunch-break notification.IC: One of the diplomats stepped forward, examining the Alizarin curiously while, behind him, the biologists took notes. Light-based communication had been theorized about, of course, but to actually see it happen - if this day ended well, it would be accounted a great victory to have made contact with such a race."We greet you, in the name of the Diemawr, the Lord President, and the great Conclave of the homeworld, Diemwnt-Cwn. What would the Alizarin request in their dealings with the Diemawr?"

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Ooc: Well, I'm a bit stuck in my Ic position right now, so...Construction of 4 Forschung scout-ship started. (Done 11-14)(@Xom): Can we split production times for small ships when constructing a single vessel?

Edited by Veeci

Imagine, a room, awash in gasoline. And there are two implacable enemies in that room. One of them has nine-thousand matches. The other has seven-thousand matches. Each of them is concerned about who's ahead, who's stronger. - Carl Sagan
Formerly Vorox Chief.

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OOC: I'd rather you didn't just to keep it all in whole numbers and days.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC:The bubble rose and began to follow the lieutenant, while Lehua stood up and began to walk.Wonderful. Well, Primarch Ranes, when we leave if you'll update the marked starchart to my ship, I'll take it for my government's approval.

IC: "Consider it done. For now though, best to focus on the meeting ahead in my mind."OOC: And fast forwarding to speed things up.IC: "Here we are." At that, the comms lieutenant opened the door, gesturing the three inside.OOC: And let the sparks fly.

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IC:Sienta eyed the creature with a sarcastic eye, her two long arms crossed over her chest. She said nothing, though.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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IC: As Ranes entered the room, the other Primarchs each gave various gestures of what appeared to be welcome to the three aliens, Osled getting up and embracing his brother. The two sat down, Argus gesturing the two newcomers into the room."I believe our three guests are acquainted?"


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IC:"Roughly. I can't tell one mass of protoplasm from another. Are you the same 'god?' (Seela's smaller hands did the equivalent of human airquotes) I spoke to earlier?"

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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OOC: Sorry for my lack of existance. Lots of stuff happening IRL, busy.IC: 10-1"We will go with our people." Thadanox Simply said. From the Heavy clanking of the armoured guards to the light clanking of Civilian boots, the crowd of Thernians made way to the place where the Feast would take place.Upon arriving, Thadanox approached the Senator. "Where shall we take a Seat, if there is any place in paticular?"OOC: Sorry for the fail post. I'll post another one with construction/ship updates tommorow :/(Colonizer has succesfully turned the planet it found into a colony or w/e and stuff, as i said ill get all technical later)--Ak

"I've brushed with death so often I should start giving him high-fives while I pass."

Recent Work: Return to Forum (2024)
Friend's works: Terrible Comics (2016) | The Guardians of Gevra Nui (2017) | Reborn (2016)
Older Work: The Legends of Taladi Nui (2017)


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IC: Greetings,Syrrinx. I trust your travels fare you well? May they always do so. In answer to your question, I am not the same Tsui'nau you spoke to. This is the first time I've encountered a Syrrinx.His attention shifted to the Primarchs, though he did not turn in his bubble.Greetings, my friends. We are well-met. Primarch Ranes has been nothing but a gracious and helpful host, and I trust his kindness as hospitality is well indicative of the rest of his race. I am designated Cal-te 4432, Minister of the Treanuan Dominion.Lehua bowed formally at the waist to the other races, but said nothing.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OOCWe gotta actually post saying our world upgrades? Figured it was a background process.Well, 1~2 and 1~39 are now core worlds, 2~3 is procerate or whatever.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC: Masada had ceased to import necessities, and now had gotten on its feet and was building the first of its fabrication factories.Meanwhile, Baross had recieved the news and, revlieved it no longer had to support Masada, had begun work on another colonizer.OOC: Masada has been upgraded to a Self-Sustaining World during the downtime. One colonizer under construction. Total Industry usage: 9/9.:w:

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Ooc: Alright, let's get caught up real quick.Self-Sustaning planets have become Outer Worlds. Total Industry (+7)Construction of four Forschung scout ships complete.Construction begun on 4 Klein (Done 11-18) and 10 Abfangen fighters. (Done 11-16)Xom, would you like us to post our Sunday updates, or just wait until next week?Also, can a ship cross between sectors via 1-40/2-12, or only 1-1/2-3?Ic (1-36): Niikka Tiede paced back and forth impatiently awaiting the completion of the group of scouting vessels. Despite her anxiousness she had to applaud her fellow colleague, Rahoittaa Teollisuus, the High-Minister of Finance & Industry. If only she could get her researchers to work as quickly and diligently as his engineers and workers.At least Viisas will return shortly, hopefully with the first specimens in hand so I can finally get to work.The iconic, low-frequency droning of a Leben engine broke her train of thought. On the other side of the hanger the four insectoid craft glided in from the construction line, hovering just a few meters of the ground. Gently they folded in their legs and lined up towards the gaping mouth of the cavern. One by one they flew off into the atmosphere, onward to the stars.Pleased and encouraged by the brief spectacle Niikka returned to her busy work, annoyed that Viisas had yet to return from the meeting in 1-3.Ooc: Forschung scouting craft to 1-32, 1-34, 1-40, and 1-42.

Edited by Veeci

Imagine, a room, awash in gasoline. And there are two implacable enemies in that room. One of them has nine-thousand matches. The other has seven-thousand matches. Each of them is concerned about who's ahead, who's stronger. - Carl Sagan
Formerly Vorox Chief.

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OOCBeing the map maker, I'm pretty sure all four worlds around the IL are capable of jumping, considering me and Xom have talked about it before.STATUS REPORT:PLANETS:1-1: Homeworld1-2: Core World, upgrade on 25th1-39: Core World upgrade on 25th2-3: Self Sustaining, upgrade on 17th.PRODUCTION:1 Protector Class over 1-1 ETA 18th1 Destroyer Class over 1-2 ETA 18th1 Homeworld Class over 1-39, ETA 17thSHIPS:Darter Class Starship New HorizonsValiant Class Unstoppable CourageValiant Class Unstoppable JusticeValiant Class Unstoppable MightValiant Class Unstoppable DestructionValiant Class Unwavering HopeValiant Class Unwavering FateValiant Class Unwavering PeaceValiant Class Unwavering WarHomeworld Class Knowledge of StrengthHomeworld Class Knowledge of CourageProtector Class #1, over 1-2Protector Class #2, over 1-39TOTAL INDUSTRY:11 IP production, 4.75 IP available.sellthecake.I think that's everything; if I missed something I'll add it in here.

Edited by Cartographer Alex Humva


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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OOC:Kalarii Federation Worlds and Starship Inventory#月#日World Classes:CO - colonyPR - protectorateSS - self-sustainingOW - outer worldIW - inner worldCW - core worldFW - forge worldHW - homeworldShip Sizes:s - smallm - mediuml - larged - dropshipc - carrierPlanets & Fleets:(1-8) Czalath - CW 3 - 11月24日- 1 Lutra M - 1- 1 Lutris M - 1- 4 Eversmanii S - 1(1-9) Kalaras - HW 5-1 Enhydra MD - 2(1-10) Torios - CW 3 - 11月24日- 4 Eversmanii S - 1- 1 Lutra M - 1(1-34) Nakare - SS 0 - 11月16日-Constructing:(1-8) 4 Putorious l - 1 - 11月16日(1-9) 月日(1-10) 月日(1-34) 月日Industry Total: 5+3+3+0=1111–3S–5M=3misakaimouto

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OOCSorry for not replying to our post sooner mate; kinda forgot about it xDIC [Location: 1-2. Identity: Unaware Light]"Well, there are some legal functions we need to fill out, some requests I need to make with the Confederation Council..." The CAI stopped cold for a moment, his eyes widening as a small atmospheric craft touched down on a nearby landing pad, soldiers pouring out of it. "They couldn't of found out already... Representative, if you could come this way please..."All the while the soldiers began racing towards them, the lead one yelling something but was too distant to clearly hear.Meanwhile, the commandos had found the water purification center; a small fusion reaction who's heat was being used to boil the water. If they went further into the pipe they'd begin to feel very, very, hot indeed.[Elsewhere]Ships were moved around and assigned to sectors; two Valiant classes were sent to 2-3, two Valiants and one Homeworld sent to 1-1, and a Homeworld on 1-39. One Valiant was sent to each of these systems in Sector 1; 40, 41, and 3, while one was sent into Sector 2, heading northward with a final destination of 35. Due to this long journey the crew was put into stasis, only two men left awake to watch the ship and awaken the others in the case of a crisis.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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IC (1-10): The attendant for the Thernian leader informed him that he may sit anywhere, then looked to the centre of the theatre where the screen was held. Close to the screen was a table reserved for the delegates of each species, while on the floor behind them was a huge buffet. The civilians who came to watch would sit in the stands.The buffet had all sorts of foods, generally popular dishes from Kalaras. Most involved seafood in some way, usually shellfish. There were small shrimp, HUGE shrimp, and some medium-ish shrimp. There were some fruits at a separate table and breads at another. The chefs had prepared as many kinds of Kalarii cuisine as they could so there would surely be something the aliens would eat.Near the delegate table was a table around which stood a scribe from each species to write up the terms of the treaty in their own language.The representatives from each race sat down at their table with the newly arrived Kalarii Consul Ranerei sitting in front of the large viewscreen.The screen flickered on, projecting a panoramic view of the Federation Senate floor on Kalaras.Consul Ranerei stood."Let us begin," he said firmly, then sat back down.

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IC [Location: 1-10. Identity: Captain]The captain of the New Horizons was the first to speak;"I believe the purpose of this meeting is to bring unity to our three races and form an alliance; the Natsirt Confederation Council has granted me the power to form such an alliance for my race." The captain spoke evenly and smoothly. "I propose a full alliance between our peoples; perhaps I am being too quick, but the Natsirt require allies to protect themselves against others who are not peace seeking, and I imagine your empires do as well. I propose a full trade, military, and civilian alliance between our three races."


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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OOC: Still have yet to finalize my decision for my next fleet addition, expect said decision by Thursday. Glad to see the forums back with no loss of significant data, by the way.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: From the Senate on Kalaras there were a few cries against this proposal, but the sources quickly silenced themselves as they saw the majority state their agreement.The main speaker for the senate stood and stated the majority opinion. Consul Ranerei nodded and stood. The Kalarii Federation agrees with your idea. We are lucky that we have found friends among our first encounters with starfarers; surely there will be those who seek to threaten our peace. We must indeed prepare for mutual defence against them."Now as for our alliance, we say that it is in all of our best interests that contact with new species be shared amongst all members. A small alliance explorer fleet could be sent together, or simply have representatives from each member state aboard the exploring ships."Another consideration: it is best that if one state becomes fully involved in war, that being if a declaration of war is issued from either side, the other states will send military force to aid their ally. This will not be necessary if one member is only partially involved, like if said member is providing military aid to another nation. Opinions or input from anyone else?"

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Ooc: Leben:Planets:

  • [*]1-36 (HW)[*]1-42 (OW, Upgrade on 11-17)[*]1-35 (OW, Upgrade on 11-17)


  • [*]5 Forschung Scout/Stealth Ship (Small)[*]2 Klein Boarding Craft/Dropships (Small)[*]2 Drydocked Anfänge'samen (Colonizer)[*]10 Abfangen (Fighter)[*]1 Tinte (Medium)

Total Industry : 7 (+5, +1, +1)Total Industry Usage: 3.75 (~55%)Currently Constructing:

  • [*]4 Klein Boarding Craft / Dropship (Done 11-18)[*]10 Abfangen Fighters (Done 11-16)

fibonacci(@Alex) Ic (1-2): Viisas's many eyes seemed to widen at the sudden appearance of these armored, hostile newcomers. Something was defiantly wrong. Without further hesitation the Minister turned around and ran in the direction the CIA had pointed out. Sprinting, she pulled out her comm unit and barked orders in a different language then she had been using to the commando squad deep beneath her feet"Abort the mission, repeat. Abort the mission. Return to the pod for extraction.""zzzzzz... Roger that, pulling out."Still running, Viisas adjusted the instrument to contact the grounded Leben vessels."Get into the air and await further direction. Prepare for the possibility of combat."Reaching a pillar several hundred meters away the Minister barricaded herself.Get a hold of yourself, Vi. Get a grip... Hold on... if this becomes a battle... Then there's still hope for obtaining a specimen... Perhaps from both sides...The Minister grinned the same twisted smile she had donned just earlier aboard the orbital station.Within the belly of the island the infiltrators began to turn around, though this wasn't a particularly easy task in an pitch-black, underwater pipe half a meter in diameter. Their bodies contorted to the point that their spines folded backwards in on itself as their internal structure rearranged and compacted. Sickeningly pops resounded throughout the pipe network. A few minutes passed and the team breached out of the water intake and swam through the murky water back towards the pod.

Edited by Veeci

Imagine, a room, awash in gasoline. And there are two implacable enemies in that room. One of them has nine-thousand matches. The other has seven-thousand matches. Each of them is concerned about who's ahead, who's stronger. - Carl Sagan
Formerly Vorox Chief.

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OOC: Veeci, I'm pretty sure that seperate planets that produce industry need to be in different star systems (unless it was cleared by Xom, but I doubt that). I don't think anyone would particularly mind if you just stuck that Outer World into some other system since nothing has really been settled yet.

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Ooc: I have problem doing so, I can see how it might be confusing. Alex, I'd like to move my Outer World to 1-35, could you mark the Leben as owning that system please?

Imagine, a room, awash in gasoline. And there are two implacable enemies in that room. One of them has nine-thousand matches. The other has seven-thousand matches. Each of them is concerned about who's ahead, who's stronger. - Carl Sagan
Formerly Vorox Chief.

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OOC: Since things apparently did upgrade during the brief downtime, then by my records the coloniser on Glaucous finished, as did the Ceruleans on Iris, Palatinate, Turquoise and Ultramarine. IC(2-5): With the Natsirt settling on sector 2-3, the Alizarin put their end of the deal into action. There were a number of prominent councilmen who didn't trust the Natsirt not to try and lock down the sector in an effort to cheat them, and as their fears couldn't be disproved action was taken to allay them. The newly constructed coloniser moved through the Great Passage (a name the Alizarin had decided to adopt from the Natsirt), arriving in 1-40. It didn't take long for the ship to spend itself terraforming the worlds that were due to them into ocean planets, fit for Alizarin habitationIC(2-35): One of the other Alizarin produced a blank fibre optic cable, dull and translucent. "Then have your coral feed information into this. We will be able to transfer it to our ship, and from their our home planet."IC(Diemwnt-Drwg): "At the moment we request merely information. Your race, your worlds, are new to us. We would like to know more. It would of course be a mutual arrangement. We would do the same, provide you with information on us."The Chief navigator started off with this simple request. But after the repeated implications in their dealing with other-worlders that there might be hostile races out there, they were instructed to get a kind of military concord, even if it was only an agreement to help in defenceOOC: And with that my stats should look something like this:2-5 (Glaucous-[Pheromone S]-Teal)Planet Level: Homeworld. Industry=5Navy: 4 Small Class IcterineIndustry Deductions= 1Total Industry=42-1 (Iris-[Pheremone S]-Teal)Planet Level: Outer World (Upgrade to Inner World Complete Nov 17). Industry=1Navy: 1 Medium Class Cerulean Industry Deductions= 1Total Industry=02-4 (Ultramarine-[Pheremone S]-Teal)Planet Level: Outer World (Upgrade to Inner World Complete Nov 17). Industry=1Navy: 1 Medium Class Cerulean Industry Deductions= 1Total Industry=02-6 (Turquoise-[Pheremone S]-TealPlanet Level: Outer World (Upgrade to Inner World Complete Nov 17). Industry=1Navy: 1 Medium Class Cerulean Industry Deductions= 1Total Industry=02-17 (Palatinate-[Pheremone S]-Teal)Planet Level: Outer World (Upgrade to Inner World Complete Nov 17). Industry=1Navy: Medium Class Cerulean Industry Deductions= 1Total Industry=01-40 (Celeste-[Pheremone S]-Teal)Planet Level: Colony (Upgrade to Protectorate complete Nov 19)Navy: NAIndustry Deductions=2Total Industry=-2Overall Industry=2

Edited by The Power that Is


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