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Most Underrated And Overrated Movies

Toa Zaz

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The most overrated movie I can think of is "The Shining". Even though it is widely regarded as a classic, It could have been quite a bit better if it stuck more closely to the book. Also, whoever casted the movie made some weird choices: Jack Nickolson was the most (and just about the only) truly belivable and frightening preformance, Shelly Duvall seems to be trapped within Olive Oyle's emotional spectrum, and Danny Lloyd was simply too young to act in the movie properly.Can't really think of a truly underrated movie though. More often then not if people (not professional critics) think that a movie is bad, it probably is. I'll try and think of a good one.

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Overrated: Literally everything Michael Bay has ever done. I can understand why some people like his movies, but that doesn't make the plot any better, the excuses for explosions any less contrived, or the whole package you receive any more creative.Underrated: Um, I guess the Blackadder version of A Christmas Carol. It's a funny twist on an oft-told tale, and features Rowan Atkinson being clever. And yet I hadn't heard of it until I just sort of stumbled across it.Really, I think Mr. Bean has sort of cast a massive shadow over the entirety of the rest of Rowan Atkinson's career. Everything from Blackadder to that goofy Doctor Who comedy relief episode gets barely any recognition, while a lot of people literally only know Rowan Atkinson as "Mr. Bean."

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^And don't forget the brilliance of Rowan on Not the Nine O'Clock News. And all of the brilliant acts he's done at the Secret Policemen's Balls and other live stage performance.Over-rated...I'd say Gone With The Wind. Compared to Wuthering Heights from the same year, it pales horribly. I'd say that the only reasons Gone With the Wind won the oscar were because: 1. it was in colour; and 2. it was an American story as opposed to the very British Wuthering Heights. I normally haven't realy cared about the Acadamy awards - especially in modern years where it seems like they're really just giving them away willy-nilly because there weren't any really GOOD films they could go to - but Gone With the Wind winning over Wuthering Heights ranks as one of my top upsets.Under-rated: Topper Returns, no contest. This was a brilliant and adorable comedy, and Billy Burke was brilliant in it. Her along with the other actors and actresses (Including the outstanding Eddie Anderson) made it one of my favourite films of my youth.

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Yes. Rowan Atkinson is an absolutely brilliant comedian and actor. Personally, I would be highly amused if they announced he was going to be the 12th Doctor. Unlikely as anything, especially considering that they seem to be going for younger actors this time around, but it would be awesome.

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Underrated: Um, I guess the Blackadder version of A Christmas Carol. It's a funny twist on an oft-told tale, and features Rowan Atkinson being clever. And yet I hadn't heard of it until I just sort of stumbled across it.Really, I think Mr. Bean has sort of cast a massive shadow over the entirety of the rest of Rowan Atkinson's career. Everything from Blackadder to that goofy Doctor Who comedy relief episode gets barely any recognition, while a lot of people literally only know Rowan Atkinson as "Mr. Bean."

That's interesting, because there's a movie called Johnny English which he starred in, and although it may be a British release, I still feel it's pretty underrated, 'cuz, y'know, you can get it from Netflix and whatnot.For overrated, I'd have to say all three of the Transformers movies. To me, it's just Victoria's Secret models with giant robots beating each other up...I mean I don't like Transformers a whole lot to begin with, but there's so much unnecessary hype around these sorts of things.
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Like I said, pretty much everything Rowan Atkinson's in except for Mr. Bean is underrated.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

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We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

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A Rowan Atkinson Christmas Carol!? "Immediatly gets on netflix."Interesting, I have been wondering what else he's done besides Mr. Bean and Johnny English. I'll have to keep an eye out for some of the stuff you've mentioned.On the subject of British comedy, most of Monty Python, with the exception of Holy Grail, is pretty underrated and forgotten. Life of Brian would've gotten a little more recognition if they hadn't thrown in all that totally unneccisary dirty "humor" that killed it. Meaning of Life.... :dontgetit: uh.....no comment. Don't see it if you want to keep your eyes (and ears) from catching on fire. But all their TV episodes are priceless, and again, underrated beyond the Spanish Inquisition and the parrot sketch.

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"totally unneccisary dirty "humor" that killed it."I thought it was necessary. I'd go into a complicated discussion of why, but doing so would definitely go into BZinaPpropriate territory. I'll just say that to properly mock/exagerate/ridicule what they were, the irreverent and dirty humour were most definitely a needed element.And honestly - even though this is going into the territory of Television and this topic is about movies - that Monty Python's Flying Circus had a few short-comings as a television show that they definitely eliminated in their movies, Meaning of Life aside. I have to say that Victoria Wood, A Bit of Fry and Laurie, and even French and Saunders where much better at putting together solid sketch shows that didn't veer off into bizarrely random, which many episodes of Monty Python tended to do. (Even Not the Nine O'Clock News is guilty of this on ocassion). Luckily, within movies (Again, with the exception of Meaning of Life, and "And Now For Something Completely Different [though that was actually well put together] they had a plot to fit their sketches into, which prevented them from becoming utterly ridiculous.That's my two-bits, though, and obviously no-one will ever agree.

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I'll assume underrated also means movies that don't get enough recognition, not only movies that aren't liked much.Overrated: All the Transformers movies, with the potential exception of the first one, and Twilight. Don't get me started on Twilight.Underrated: A bunch. City of Ember, The Witcher, Exodus (because no matter how many people would like it it wouldn't get as much credit as it deserves simply because it deserves a lot), Lord of the Rings (same as Exodus, except that even if it would be given the title of "Most Epic Movie Ever Discussion Over Everyone Who Disagrees Shall Be Guillotined", even then I wouldn't agree that it gets the credit it deserves), Inkheart, Fighter (not to be confused with The Fighter), Loss, Stone of Destiny, Troy (it's, unlike most of these, underrated because of bad reviews, not lack of recognition), Death Note, Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures, Ghetto, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (quite frankly much better than the game), aaaaaaaaand... can't think of any more right now.-Dovydas

Edited by Dovydas the Nerevarine
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I've always thought The Matrix was an overrated movie, personally. Everyone always claimed its some big philosophical movie on top of being a fun action movie, but, well...it isn't. Referencing Lewis Caroll every opportunity you get does not a philosophical movie make. And the characterisation is non-existant, frankly. I mean, that scene where basically every extraneous character dies, was I meant to care? Because (with the exception of Mouse) I barely knew those guys' namesUnderrated...hmm, I'm going to go with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I'll freely admit its not the best of the Indiana Jones movies, but its not that bad. I don't like the introduction of aliens, yeah, but thats my only complaint really. I don't mind Mutt, because he's not as annoying as Willie Scott, and I don't mind 'nuking the fridge' because its not like Indy hasn't done stuff like that before (getting to Cyprus from Egypt by holding onto a submarine anyone?)


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Overrated: Ju On: The Grudge. Yes, the Japanese original. I saw it, I was like "What the hay?", then forgot about it. Then I watched it again, I was like "What the hay?" again. This movie didn't resonate me. Now, Ringu, however...Underrated: Equilibrium, with a pre-Batman Christian Bale. Awesome, awesome movie. Unfortunately, most critics passed it off as a Matrix clone, and it was shown in only a few theaters.It's not a Matrix clone at all.

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On the subject of British comedy, most of Monty Python, with the exception of Holy Grail, is pretty underrated and forgotten. Life of Brian would've gotten a little more recognition if they hadn't thrown in all that totally unneccisary dirty "humor" that killed it. Meaning of Life.... :dontgetit: uh.....no comment. Don't see it if you want to keep your eyes (and ears) from catching on fire. But all their TV episodes are priceless, and again, underrated beyond the Spanish Inquisition and the parrot sketch.

And on that note, I'd put Meaning of Life down for a great underrated movie. Yeah, the other two had more of a "plot" (and Life of Brian is utterly fantastic), but Meaning of Life, to me, always seemed to most fundamentally Pythonesque of all the movies. The whole point of Flying Circus was just to be surrealist and absurd, and in that manner Meaning of Life feels like an episode of the TV show given the proper budget to just be as ridiculous as it can be (Which, to be fair, they sort of did with Something Completely Different, but that was just adaptions of sketches from the show so it doesn't really count). Plus, it has two of my favorite songs from the Pythons, and Gilliam's short at the beginning is a great addition.And really, if you don't like "dirty" or "adult" humor you really shouldn't be watching the Pythons. Dear god, I don't even want to imagine how utterly neutered they would be if they were anything even resembling wholesome.As for an overrated film... never really liked Jurassic Park that much. Maybe if I'd seen it as a kid I've have liked it more - absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs as a kid - but there's just nothing that really grabs me about the film. The dinosaurs are visually impressive, but the characters are either bland, annoying, or Jeff Goldbloom, the film's "chaos theory" message is inconsistant with events in the film (the park fails more due to gross incompetence rather than completely unforeseen events), and the science is just insultingly ludicrous at times (remember kids, mixing dino DNA with frog DNA gives them features of frogs! Chromosomes mean absolutely nothing!). Plus, it features my least favorite trope of all time: the little kid who is somehow the world's greatest hacker. That alone should be enough to condemn this movie. I will concede that it's a freaking masterpiece compared to the sequels, though.[For Science!]

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and that is beautiful.

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And really, if you don't like "dirty" or "adult" humor you really shouldn't be watching the Pythons. Dear god, I don't even want to imagine how utterly neutered they would be if they were anything even resembling wholesome.

I believe this holds true for pretty much any and every GREAT British Comedy. Even if someone takes this as an insult (and it's not), I'd say full-heartedly that the British are nowhere near as pedantically moralistic and uptight in thinking as Americans, and thus it's near impossible for anyone British to ever do 'Wholesome' comedy. Edited by Malevolence

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The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford isn't necessarily underrated (as it seems to have a pretty good standing amongst audiences and critics), but definitely under-appreciated. The release seems to have been so botched that I didn't even know when it was released to (limited) theaters. And it was a movie I was looking forward to seeing. Had it not been for some minor AMPAS recognition I'm not sure if people would have known the film exists. It's like the distributers didn't know what they had.I don't really have an opinion on overrated movies. I would say Michael Bay films, but his generally get the reception they deserve.

As for an overrated film... never really liked Jurassic Park that much. Maybe if I'd seen it as a kid I've have liked it more - absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs as a kid - but there's just nothing that really grabs me about the film. The dinosaurs are visually impressive, but the characters are either bland, annoying, or Jeff Goldbloom, the film's "chaos theory" message is inconsistant with events in the film (the park fails more due to gross incompetence rather than completely unforeseen events), and the science is just insultingly ludicrous at times (remember kids, mixing dino DNA with frog DNA gives them features of frogs! Chromosomes mean absolutely nothing!).

I think the use of chaos theory was to illustrate the point that 'life will find a way.' Even if the park didn't fall apart due to incompetence, the dinosaurs would adapt, reproduce despite gender control, and maybe even get off the island anyway. Despite all efforts of control, there really was no guarantee of control to begin with. The book makes this a little more clearer than the film, though. Edited by Vorahk1Panrahk2
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Overrated: InceptionUnderrated: Either The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension, or Big Trouble in Little China.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



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I think the use of chaos theory was to illustrate the point that 'life will find a way.' Even if the park didn't fall apart due to incompetence, the dinosaurs would adapt, reproduce despite gender control, and maybe even get off the island anyway. Despite all efforts of control, there really was no guarantee of control to begin with. The book makes this a little more clearer than the film, though.

It's been a while since I've read the book, but I vaguely recall finding it superior to the movie (even though I've never been much of Crichton fan). But really, the only reason the park fails in because of Nedry's sabotage (which I will admit is a legitimate "chaos theory" event), since even if the dinos can reproduce, they still couldn't escape without the fences getting shut down. Honestly, Jurassic Park could have worked a lot better if it had just been about hubris, with the park staff thinking they could control the dinosaurs without properly understanding them. All the elements for that story are there, but then we have Ian Malcolm coming in and making the whole story about why the park shouldn't be built because something unexpected might happen. It turns the story into a dull "science is bad" plot (which, frankly, isn't that surprising for a Crichton story :P ), and the plot has bend over backwards with critical points pulled from thin air (frog DNA!) just so it can vaguely make sense.[For Science!]

No one in the world ever gets what they want,

and that is beautiful.

Everybody dies frustrated and sad,

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Allow me to be the first one to say Twilight.Horribly overrated movie series. And each movie sucks more than the predecessor.I'm not trying to be one of the "cool people" who hate Twilight.I actually get annoyed by the amount of people who are blind to the actual flaws in the (ab)use of language in the book series. I've read the books, twice. I am still mystified as to what the actual bond between Bella and Edward is, and what their personalities are.The only really good character that was well defined in the series, Alice, wasn't featured much at all.And even then, you have to use loads of imagination to figure her out.Anyways, those were my two cents regarding Twilight.My candidate for most underrated movie has to be Keeping Mum.It's a British black comedy movie starring Maggie Smith (you might know her as Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter).The plot revolves around Maggie's baby who was given away for adoption because her mother was a psycho-killer that killed her husband and his mistress, and there's no place for kids in prison. Years later, her baby grows up to marry a priest and have two kids, and the marriage and family life is going downhill, and she has no knowledge of her real mother.This all changes when her mother, who's released from prison, is hired as their housekeeper. And of course, she keeps the fact that she's their children's grandmother a secret. She soon begins to kill or harm those who have a negative impact on the quality of her daughter's family.I highly recommend everyone to see this movie. It is hilarious fun!

Edited by The Change


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The problem with saying Twilight is overrated is that overrated means that it's a widely-liked movie that shouldn't be. And it isn't. It's a broadly-loathed movie that happened to be popular with a specific demographic.As far as Jurassic Park goes, I wouldn't characterize the plot as "science is bad", though I would agree that the movie was, compared to the book, rather badly botched. It got even worse with the second movie, which didn't even pretend to follow the same plot as the second book. And the third movie, without a book to pretend to follow, was definitely the low point.

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Overrated: Paranormal Activity. It was creepy, but had one glaring flaw. The husband acts like a complete moron, messing with the demon that is obviously haunting them.Underrated: The Hobbit. Yes, its kinda childish, deviates from the plot a bit, and is really old. But it is still mesmerizing. The animation is okay, the music is good and it remains relatively faithful to the book. Although it was a TV special, and made by the company that spawned Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, it sure beats the horrid animated version of the Lord of the Rings.

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I think the use of chaos theory was to illustrate the point that 'life will find a way.' Even if the park didn't fall apart due to incompetence, the dinosaurs would adapt, reproduce despite gender control, and maybe even get off the island anyway. Despite all efforts of control, there really was no guarantee of control to begin with. The book makes this a little more clearer than the film, though.

It's been a while since I've read the book, but I vaguely recall finding it superior to the movie (even though I've never been much of Crichton fan). But really, the only reason the park fails in because of Nedry's sabotage (which I will admit is a legitimate "chaos theory" event), since even if the dinos can reproduce, they still couldn't escape without the fences getting shut down. Honestly, Jurassic Park could have worked a lot better if it had just been about hubris, with the park staff thinking they could control the dinosaurs without properly understanding them. All the elements for that story are there, but then we have Ian Malcolm coming in and making the whole story about why the park shouldn't be built because something unexpected might happen. It turns the story into a dull "science is bad" plot (which, frankly, isn't that surprising for a Crichton story :P ), and the plot has bend over backwards with critical points pulled from thin air (frog DNA!) just so it can vaguely make sense.[For Science!]
But I think that's what it's completely about. These scientists had every ability and chance to try and understand their creations, but they (more or less) just mass produced the dinosaurs and stuck them in paddocks, without even considering what would happen if their giant T-rex got out. Crichton isn't telling us that science is bad, he's trying to say that science without caution has the potential to go wrong. Bare in mind that the characters in the film/book relied heavily on an automated computer system, without even considering what would happen if that system bugged. Hammond and co. were so full of pride that they couldn't see the flaws in their system.Also, in the book, dinosaurs got off the island long before the events of the book took place (as evident by the prologue). So they didn't need Nedry's tampering at all. This doesn't happen in the movie, but I think we can assume that something would have aided in their escape eventually. Maybe even that hurricane.Lastly: If the book/movie were scientifically accurate, it probably wouldn't have had any dinosaurs. And where's the fun in that? :P
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I myself enjoyed the Transformers series, but thats because I watched them with the knowledge that it was going to be a mindless summer action film. And they did a good job of that. I mean, a movie about giant fighting robots directed by Michael Bay staring Shia LaBeouf? If you went into that expecting Lord of the Rings, then you my friend were sadly mistaken.Allthough, I will admit the plot for all of those movies was rather weak, and it basiacally was an excuse for 2 and a bit hours of robots fighting, explosions and slow-mo running scenes. But I enjoyed for that.Overrated: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. True Grit. Little Miss Sunshine. Watched those expecting amazing (considering the awards loved them) and didn't enjoy any of them. Benjamin was just... too convuluted. True Grit had a good story, but I couldn't understand a word Jeff Bridges and Josh Brolin said. I was enjoying Mat Damon's character until they made him bite the end of his toungue off (I will admit though, that it was realistict there.) and I couldn't here anything he said for the rest of the film. And Little Miss Sunshine just sucked. Plain and simple. Ofcourse I highly doubt I was the target demographic there, but still...Underrated: All of Monty Python's stuff. I love Monty Python (the series, the films, and then John Cleese's Fawlty Towers) really do need to be remembered as just funny stuff. Instead of giving us Adam Sandler and Will Ferrel playing themselves every movie, why not just replay Life of Brian?My two cents people...MTL

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I have a new one for over-rated: March of the Penguins.I fell in love with La Marche De L'Empereur from the moment I heard Emilie Simon's Original score. When I finally watched the American release, I was dissapointed. After watching the original French version with subtitles, I wasn't just dissapointed in the American release, I was disgusted.I rarely use very negative language to describe films, but the NICEST way I can describe March of the Penguins is: It took everything beautiful, elegant and magical from the original, stuffed it back into the womb of creativity, and for good measure jammed a knitting needle in there. What Americans were left with was a boring, dull, emotionless stock-documentary with music not even the greatest fan of orchestral works could stay awake through, let alone feel any special attachment to. It actually made me lose a good fraction of respect for Morgan Freeman that he'd even consider giving his voice to this film. He must have been in desperate need of money.If you haven't seen the original French version, do so. You can download english subtitles for it online.I'd give something else for under-rated, but I can't really think of anything.

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I will most certainly list Rankin & Bass's adaption of The Hobbit as extremely underrated. Pretty much nobody seems to have heard about it, but it is quite possibly the best animated adaption of a book in history. It is much more faithful to the book than most adaptions ever are, and they did wonderfully with the animation and music. It is probably the best animated feature ever.BIONICLE: Mask of Light was not recieved all that well by critics, but was a great film, especially since it was adapting a comic series based a a toy line.I personally do not feel that any of the Jurassic Park films are at all overrated. But then, I love dinosaurs.


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QUOTE(GregF @ Oct 13 2010, 03:21 AM)

Keep in mind that if Star Trek fans had, as a group, said, "No point in talking about this anymore, it's never going to come back," it never WOULD have come back.

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Eh, definitely wasn't Rowan Atkinson's best work, though I think the fault lies more with the people writing the movie.

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Overrated: As a bunch of people have said, Bayformers.Underrated: I don't watch that many movies, but I'm just gonna go with the random Shaw Brothers kung fu movies I've seen (One-Armed Swordsman, Return of the Five Deadly Venoms, Five Element Ninjas, etc.). I mean, sure, they're cheesy, the fight scenes are all unrealistically choreographed, they often have terrible dubs, and probably only have extremely obscure cult followings nowadays, but hey, I love those movies, and I think they need more love.

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Lets see...Overrated: Most of the movies nominated for Academy Awards nowadays.Pixar (several of their films are good, but lots of people act as if everything they turn out is a miracle of cinema).And finally, although several people have already mentioned it, I have to add Avatar to the list.Underrated: A much longer list...All the Pirates of the Caribbean films, with the possible exception of the first one.All the Transformers films, with the possible exception of the first one.Both National Treasure films.Ghost RiderNextKnowingSignsThe VillageDevilAnd that's all I have for now. I'll probably think of more later, though."That is not dead which can eternal lie, / And with strange aeons even death may die."


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Overrated: The Saw series(minus the first three).The story in the first three movies were promising untill they decided "We should have a heir or two for Jigsaw to carry his ways" and it struck to the earth. Nothing but lots of blood and guts in the later movies as well. Even the fake teasers for Saw 3D before they did the theatrical teasers were better than the movie because the megaphone room and the robotic gun were different than "saw your leg to escape" or the other creepy things I won't mention here... At least we know that Gordon survived all along.Underrated: any Bionicle movie? lol I can't think of any since my views usually follow everyone else.Maybe District 9 because I didn't see much hipe for it and its one of the best alien movies I've seen.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Another rather overrated movie made recently was Battle Los Angeles. Now, I'll admit that it was an interesting concept of showing an alien invasion from the perspective of ordinary solders fighting it, but the plot (especially in the last hour) was a total rehash of Independance Day, even going so far as to show the guys shooting rockets at the lazer on the bottom of the ships to defeat them at the "climax". A complete waste of two hours of my life. The blatant unoriginality ruined any gains that the film had in my book, and yet everyone I know thought it was awesome.

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I thought the recent Transformers movie was pretty underrated. It seems it slipped by under the radar, hidden under the shadow of disappointment that was Revenge of the Fallen. It's sad really, because Dark of the Moon ended up being the best one in the series. It was the one transformers film that you couldn't say "had no plot lol" without looking like a complete moron. it had the clearest plot of all three movies, beating even the first in understandability, not to mention also having the most interesting plot out of all of them. The humans siding with Decepticons was a great twist that I honestly did not expect.

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On the subject of British comedy, most of Monty Python, with the exception of Holy Grail, is pretty underrated and forgotten. Life of Brian would've gotten a little more recognition if they hadn't thrown in all that totally unneccisary dirty "humor" that killed it. Meaning of Life.... :dontgetit: uh.....no comment. Don't see it if you want to keep your eyes (and ears) from catching on fire. But all their TV episodes are priceless, and again, underrated beyond the Spanish Inquisition and the parrot sketch.

And on that note, I'd put Meaning of Life down for a great underrated movie. Yeah, the other two had more of a "plot" (and Life of Brian is utterly fantastic), but Meaning of Life, to me, always seemed to most fundamentally Pythonesque of all the movies. The whole point of Flying Circus was just to be surrealist and absurd, and in that manner Meaning of Life feels like an episode of the TV show given the proper budget to just be as ridiculous as it can be (Which, to be fair, they sort of did with Something Completely Different, but that was just adaptions of sketches from the show so it doesn't really count). Plus, it has two of my favorite songs from the Pythons, and Gilliam's short at the beginning is a great addition.And really, if you don't like "dirty" or "adult" humor you really shouldn't be watching the Pythons. Dear god, I don't even want to imagine how utterly neutered they would be if they were anything even resembling wholesome.
"Dirty" nothing - if you ask me, the humour in Meaning of Life is well over the top! The Carry On films at least used double ontondres... entendres... however you spell it. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/blush.png Now the Pythons - they didn't even try to be so implicit! Was a sex-ed lesson on the silver screen really necessary? If I'm honest, I liked 'em better when they didn't cuss :bored: - if ever there was such a time.That said, I AM fond of one of Eric's songs - "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life". It works so well, it turns out!That out of the way, I see the Carry On films as fairly underrated myself.

~ CHTrilogy

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:kaukau:I see some comments I highly agree with...and some I highly disagree with. However, I'm going to respect the opinions of both and leave no comments.Someone mentioned the animated Hobbit movie. That was actually pretty good, I'll agree, because I saw it when I was a young kid of age five or so and it introduced me to Lord of the Rings at a very eearly age. It was interesting when the later live-action films came out. Being still young, I thought that they were based off of the animated movies. How off I was. Anyway, the live-action movies were truly awesome and among the greatest films of all time.Now for me to actually comment on the subject matter of the topic:Overrated: Blade Runner. Apparently some people really liked it for being moody. Director Ridley Scott claimed it was his deepest and most personal film (I guess if it's his film, I won't argue with that), but also went on to say that Vangelis's score for the film was his best ever. What? Then the film went on to be deemed historically, culturally, and aesthetically significant by the Library of Congress, and it is often at the top five in lists detailing the greatest sci-fi movies of all time.I was expecting the film to be something like The Fifth Element or Batman Begins. Indeed, it was dark and moody, but in a bad way. Yes, it totally had that depressing feel. To the point where the film was depressing. And boring. And who is Harrison Ford's character, anyway? He's apparently the best hunter there is, but the way he was pulled back into the job was rather lame. His background hints that there's more to him, but it's never elaborated on. He beats up and makes out with that replicant lady like some bully.It says on the back of the movie cover that the film is intensely action-packed. That is hands-down the single biggest stretching of the truth I've ever seen in a movie summery.The story was vague and undefined. It was hard to hear the lines. The main character was the atmosphere. The director's cut ending didn't particularly move me.The thing about this film is that there's nothing new after the initial scrolling introduction that gives a synopsis of the setting. As far as I'm concerned, there was more in that opening scroll than in the rest of the film combined. It took all I had not to fall asleep for the rest of the film.I bought this movie with my own money wanting to like it. I really did. It's a classic and I wanted to respect it, but at the end of the day is missed the mark by miles.The funny thing is, I've watched 2001: A Space Odyssey several times and each time I thought that it was awesome.Underrated: I can't think of an official candidate, so I'll just list a few.- Star Wars 1-3: For some reason it became the "in" thing to be overly critical of these films, although from my perspective it was okay that they looked and felt considerably different than the original trilogy. They were still really cool and cinematic.- Battlefield Earth: It's so bad, it's good. How's that for a paradox? Don't ger me wrong, it's still bad, but there's at least some merit in that I can still be entertained by laughing at the film.- The Blue and the Gray: It's an awesome miniseries that most people have never heard of, and when it's all put together it forms my second-favorite film of all time.- Planet of the Apes (Tim Burton's version): This is another film where it was the "in" thing to be overly critical of it, but it was actually pretty good in and of itself.- Fantasia: To my surprise, most people haven't seen this.- The Black Cauldron: I can see why it is a forgotten film, but at the same time, I see so much potential for an awesome remake. Too bad it's most likely never going to happen.- Terminator Salvation: It actually felt like a Terminator movie, just with less time-travel. To be honest, I thought that it was inherent in the series that one day we were going to see the actual war. It wasn't as good as the second movie, but it was still a very pleasing creation.- Ghost: Okay, it's one of my favorite films of all time and is therefore hard to be anything but underrated, but I still think that it was good enough that there should still be several external pop culture references to it like with A Space Odyssey and The Lion King and other classics.- Death Alive: It's a really cool zombie film, and considering that it was directed by Peter Jackson, you'd that that it would be better-known.Your Honor,Emperor Kraggh
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