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[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

This wasn’t a good day for Sue, it seemed.   If the atmosphere of incredibly thick tension wasn’t bad enough, the chilly human was back along with a women who, well--

Sue’s nose was flooded with a complex metallic tang as her senses suddenly extended past the mundane smells of alcohol and unwashed bodies.  It was so strong that she sneezed, hiding her face in her elbow just in time.  She forced herself to take another bite of pie, even though the smell made her nauseous.  She had to look like was in control, like the two patrons were nothing more than a normal sort.

Now that the initial surprise had drained away, she was able to distinguish the smell of plasma and burning flesh, as well as a clinical smell underlying it.  It was a smell that Sue knew too well, a smell forever associated with the triangular shadow of an imperial star destroyer.  The women gave of a chill too, not as strong as the broad shouldered stranger from before, but somehow deeper and more penetrating.  

Sue locked eyes briefly with Talik Vao, as she poured a glass of water for the stricken looking humanoid at the bar.  He looked as on edge as she felt.  She had a good relationship with the twilek and his companion--although she of course didn’t know anything about what the did for a living.  They were regular patron’s with a penchant for telling good stories.  (All fictional of course, so they swore.  Or Tallik did anyway.  Cylund didn’t believe in such things as fiction.)

“Here you are,” said TK, hovering by her head as she handed the glass to the woman’s twilek companion.   The women was barely standing, and her skin looked paler than normal and tinged with green.


“I have some medicinal powers too.  Your friend looks like she might need more than a glass of water.”


"Chief Inquisitor Costa Vespula. I don't know if either of you have seen a screen lately, but that Zabrak schmoozing you is a wanted fugitive from here to the Inner Rim. Either help me arrest him or step aside, and I'll throw in a good word for you before I leave this trash heap.  Maybe even get you stationed somewhere with a view.  The rest of you are coming with me. Soon as we vet you and make sure that you're not just poor suckers he's trying to bring down with him, we'll send you on your way.  Gutter rats aren't in my jurisdiction anymore. Pinky promises."


Sue thought out some very complex wookiee curses to herself.   She purred and the small translator droid flew over to hover between the two groups of people.


“Perhaps this discussion might be better taken care of outside?” it suggested.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"That would be our preference."


Liare, for his part, knew his job. While Costa moved to intercept the suspects he placed himself between her and the Togruta at the bar. He didn't look particularly imposing, but he didn't need to; the hand resting lightly on ther hilt of his lightsaber spoke volumes.


"We don't want any trouble. We need the fugitive, everyone else is free to go." He smiled, a genuine effort to ease tension. He really wanted to be allowed back. "I hope we haven't ruined anyone's evening. We'll collect our man and be out of your way before you know it."


"That said, if things get hostile... It won't be on my conscience."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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She'd been getting some creepy feelings off of about half of the people in the bar for a few minutes now, but it wasn't until the Inquisitor made her announcement that Isariah was able to piece it together and confirm that this was probably somewhat more than the bar's usual level of discomfort. Setting aside a half-finished crab, she stood up slowly, carefully, with both hands raised to about eye level, and addressed the Inquisitors.


"Pardon me, don't mean to be a nuisance, but what exactly is he wanted for? You don't seem like the sort who'd get sent to haul in tax-dodgers."




The Zabrak pushed aside a mostly-full glass of water and rose, speaking quietly to her colleague as she made for the door.


"Better than leaving it alone. Might even be able to avoid starting any fires, this time."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC [Raia Veyura, Viggy's Lounge]


"Only if Kaz doesn't get there first."


Once outside Viggy's, Veyura swung herself onto the waiting speederbike and fired up the repulsors as Varis climbed on the back. The two Inquisitors shot off into the Lower City, homing in on their prize.



* * *


Veyura brought the speederbike to a swift halt outside the Stray Tach. Dismounting, she reached into her coat's concealed inner pockets to withdraw a vial of liquid that she clipped into her Disperser. Her lightsaber remained inside: Costa's signal had been a generic homing beacon, so the trap might not yet have been sprung. She had no intention of blowing cover at this crucial point.


Having exchanged nods with her Zabrak colleague, the Umbaran pushed open the door to the bar and strode inside.


IC [Tallik Vao, The Stray Tach]


The situation was not looking good, to say the least. A quick look at Cy's face confirmed he thought the same. Their new employer had been identified and confronted almost immediately, by at least two Imperials, who would now have had a good enough look at all of them to make an ID. If they fought their way out, even if they escaped Taris, they'd soon be wanted on every world in Imperial territory.


That was to say nothing of the nature of said Imperials. Nobody Tallik had spoken to knew much about the Inquisitors, but they knew enough to dread the name. And if those metal cylinders on their belts were what he thought they were, then even the very worst rumours might be true.


The Zeltron's promises of amnesty rang hollow in Tallik's ears. There was already enough evidence to mark both him and his partner as collaborators. Given the Empire's (not to mention the Inquisitorius') reputation, surrender would likely mean torture at the very least.


Fight, flight, or neither? None of the options were attractive.  His shoulders tensed as he resisted urge to reach for his sword and blaster: he would let the Zabrak make the call before taking action.


Two women in dark clothes entered the bar. There: the cold hum had increased again, he was sure of it. But what was it?





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"You can put down your hands." Liare said and raised his free hand palm out in a calming gesture. He gave the faintest smile then flipped his palm up in a slight shrug. "I promise, we're not here to cause problems. Our Zabrak friend is guilty of causing not insignificant damage to an Imperial ship, and accused of both obstruction of justice and the murder of an Imperial officer. You're right, they don't send us for the small fish."


"Which is exactly what my boss means. We just need the Zabrak and any collaborators. The bulletin on him only went out earlier this evening,  we don't blame anyone for not being aware of his status. We need him and anyone who knowingly helped. We're not going to hold ignorance against anyone." His smile widened, becoming almost conspiratorial. "Believe me, I'd love to wrap this up and get a drink. I don't get to be social much."


His expression took on a note of genuine concern as he noticed the ill woman on the bar, and he patted a small kit at his waist.


"She doesn't look so good. I'm certified as a medic, I would be happy to help once we can calm things down."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Dak remained tense. The individuals who had arrived at the table said they only wanted one fugitive and they were willing to let everyone else go after questioning. Then again, what good was the Empire's word most of the time? Even if she wasn't charged for being present, there was still the issue of her alleged desertion which could be used to charge her. Most likely these individuals either believed the false warrants or, worse, were involved with actively covering up the truth to make her look like a traitor.


She wasn't sure what to do. She could try to run. That wouldn't work, she was too outnumbered. She wasn't sufficiently armed to even try to fight her way out. She could let herself be captured, but that would increase the chances of being identified and dishonorably discharged at best. 


The ex-Stormtrooper reluctantly stood up. "I need to use the washroom," she muttered.




"Okay," Nadia replied. She didn't like the idea of working with the man who had stormed into her base, but he seemed to be the only qualified person around, and it didn't look like he was going to charge her anything.


"She often has trouble in crowded places, but I've never seen her like this before."

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"Nah ah. No can do, trooper. Everyone sits tight until this is sorted out, and the quickest way for someone to start a chase and get hurt is by taking this outside into the street. Cooperation will make this all go by much quicker." Costa put her left hand on her hip and ran her gaze over those gathered at the table. It landed on one person in particular.


"Hey, big guy. Want to pop off the helmet for me? I like seeing a sentient's face when they're ogling me."





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IC (Raltz Nightwing, Taris Streets):


The Sentinel shuttle's bay doors opened as it slowed down to allow the troops to disembark. Raltz stepped out, activating his jump pack to slow his descent not for his sake, but so he didn't drop through the building. Eight sets of scuttling impacts sounded behind him. He tried not to retch in his helmet, they sounded like droids. But they were on his side now, at least. Raltz turned to address the terror troopers.


"Six of you, circle the structure and find the entryways, lock them down. Two of you, with me."


There was no reply, but one of the abominations nodded before they all activated their cloaking devices. The darktrooper strode to the edge of the building, overlooking the street below. "Inquisitor," he growled into his commlink, "We are on site, awaiting your orders."

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Okay, so they knew she was a stormtrooper. Whether they had specifically deduced that she was Dak Ulgo, designation TK-4601, who had been labelled a deserter was another matter. The other man seemed more focused on crowd control, and she didn't know the Zeltron addressing her. It was a long-shot, but it may still have been possible that at least the Zeltron believed her to be just an off-duty stormtrooper in the wrong place at the wrong time. So long as her partner didn't speak up, that was her best chance at getting out of this mess alive. Assuming that her long-shot had any chance, it would still be a question of who's side she'd be on when and if she got out.


Every instinct she had was telling her not to trust the Zeltron. Part of her wondered if she had a hand in what had transpired earlier, the events that led to her becoming a deserter. In any case, it was also obvious that there weren't very many alternatives. There was no way she was fighting her way out, and if she was smart the Zeltron had no doubt called for backup. Whether it would actually be used was another matter, but it didn't seem unreasonable that she would at least want to make sure it was available as a precaution. Sneaking out wasn't an option either. The Zeltron wasn't going to take her eyes off their table that easily. She'd need a distraction of some sort and it would take a pretty big one.


That left only one clear option, to play along with the Zeltron; at least as long as needed. If an opportunity presented itself she'd be happy to take it, but for now, all Dak could do was sit back down.

Edited by Atton Rand
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"Well, that sounds like politics to me, so I'm going to finish my soup."


Lowering her arms to a more comfortable position, the cargo pilot sat back down, picked up the half-eaten crab, and dipped it in her soup. While continuing her meal, she kept her eyes fixed on the Zeltron Inquisitor who seemed to be running the show. Isariah was getting more of a weird feeling off of her and the other Inquisitors than the rest of the bar, and while she couldn't quite place what it was, ignoring it didn't seem like the smart bet.




The most obvious source of trouble, as Varis saw it, was the large sentient the Chief Inquisitor was addressing. Removing the helmet could defuse the threat to some degree, but if they chose to respond poorly to Vespula's request, things could get ugly fast. Maintaining position near the doorway, Varis kept her gaze steady on the armored one and practiced breathing exercises, keeping herself relaxed and hoping no one in the bar was planning to do something stupid.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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It had, all things considered, fallen apart rather rapidly. Fortunately enough, it also appeared that the Inquisitors, who helpfully made themselvse known on the other side of the establishment, were attempting to buy time, undoubtedly for whatever reenforcements had been called in. It was a bad place to be, and he'd been in some decidedly bad places before.
Naturally, his blaster was in-hand and held ready as soon as Imperials had made themselves known, standing up to face them across the room. His blue-armored contact hadn't moved; it was hard to tell whether or not the rapidly degrading situation was even registering for him. Rav stayed silent as the zeltron, who was obviously the commander, spoke. He weighted his options, and didn't like the outcome of any of them.
In the midst of this, he felt his commlink vibrate once; it was all the warning that he needed.
Finally, the armored being moved, carefully raising a single hand to remove the helmet. It's hand never reached it. A pair of light puffs sounded, immedaitely followed by considerably more forcefull thump, as a pair of grenades exploded into thick clouds of smoke. Launched from the underside of the being's gauntlets, one was fired straight down at the floor, and the other into the ceiling above the Imperials. The view of Rav's group was obscured, long enough for Rav to make a snap decision.
While the occupants of the bar were still reeling from the sudden explosions, Rav really would've liked to warn the rest of those helping him about that. Deftly, he pulled the data chip from his belt, and slipped it into one of pockets on Tallik's vest.
"Protect this," he instructed under his breath, giving a single nod towards the twi'lek. It had become increasingly clear to him that it was not going to be safe under his possession.
Even before the smoke started to clear, Rav was moving, circling out and around the edge of the bar. He was loath to fire his blaster in such cramped conditions, but there was little chance that Inquisitors would just let them leave. He fired off three quick shots from his pistol, two at the zeltron and one at the second Inquisitor, though they were aimed more to keep them occupied than anything else.
"Let's go!" he shouted, the smoke now starting to disipate completely.
His blue-armored contact had already been moving, freighteningly fast given his size, and relative unwillingness to do so before, practically leaping to the side to angle around, the unmistakable shape of a blaster aimed to cover the entrance.
IC:​ Jenth
"Fierfek​-!" Jenth's head rose sharply from what she had been working on, her stark white eyes wide from surprise. "Oh​, oh, hey Vaandred." Jenth frowned for a moment, as if forgetting why he was there. "Uh, oh right, the armor. Yeah, I think I said a few hours, it uh... Well it was kinda more like minutes."
She waved a hand in the general direction of her droid, who lumbered off towards a corner of the shop where she had put the armor back together. "Sorry, would've contacted you or something, but I wasn't exactly sure how to... And I got kinda distracted."



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IC (Raltz Nightwing, Taris Streets):


As soon as he heard the grenades go off in the building below, Raltz was moving. "I'm moving in, cover me!" The Dark Trooper hopped off the roof and onto the street below. The passers-by that weren't already running started when the explosions sounded started when the black-armored behemoth crashed onto the duracrete street. Some distinctive blasters went off behind him, and Raltz spotted someone that has presumable tried to run out the front door of the Stray Tach drop to the ground from the two terror troopers guarding the door. The two reactivated their cloaks, hands on their stun blasters.


Raltz made an effort not to step on him as he stooped to enter the door, repeater at the read. Combat stims were flowing through his veins as he switched on his helmet's MFTAS to see through the smoke. This is what he lived for. What a lovely day!


IC (Vanndred, Jenth's Workshop):


The chistori shrugged. "I ran by the bounty office and renewed some red tape. I think I have a lead on my guy at the Stray Tach. I was hoping I could slip into the suit before I went back."


Ducking his head slightly out of reflex, he followed the droid. "Any luck with it?"

Edited by Keeper of Kraata

The times, they are a-changing...



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“I see-”


Liare’s hand, originally going to the pouch at his waist, instead went for his earpiece. Something about the way the armored being moved, the way they went for their helmet, seemed wrong. It was something in the movement itself, what little body language he could read, something impossible to place; when the grenades went off the earpiece was in place and his hands were already going for the weapons on his belt. Left for his blaster, right for his saber.


He’d given diplomacy a shot. His best shot. They’d decided to throw it away, and now they’d gone and taken a literal shot. The Zabrak and his compatriot started a fight in a civilian establishment without regard for their safety, and he took a shot at the boss


The Inquisitor sensed the bolt before he saw it, and reacted before he knew it. The crimson light from his blade caught on the dissipating smoke, rendering the room in shades of red while the sound of plasma deflecting off plasma explained the shot’s absence. The bolt was returned in a sense to sender, deflected towards where he knew the armored being to be. This was the part he hated; the part where he felt the rush of adrenaline pumping through his veins, the promise of a fight, and the demonstration of his power. This was the part where he felt the dark side burning at the edges of his consciousness. Promising the power to defeat his foes, protect his friends, and feel this alive.


It really was tempting.


“Stay down. You’re going to be okay.” Liare commented softly to the civilians at the bar, the calm in his tone at odds with the unfolding chaos. His next words weren’t as calm, radiating with an unspoken menace. “Raltz, back us up. But stay out of my way. Non-lethal suppression only, we want them alive. I can patch up anything short.”


“Veyura, Varis, no one gets past me or the Chief. If they do, you’ll answer to me before Vespula ever gets the chance.”


“And you.”


The armored being was quick, having already found cover during the initial blitz, but his defenses meant little to the Force. A solid push destabilized him and Liare used the opportunity to flank him, raised barrel of his DC-17 and ignited saber indicating the change of demeanor his threateningly neutral expression reflected.


“You’re not going anywhere. You kinda ###### me off.”

Edited by Peele



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: That wasn't good. A smoke bomb and blaster fire. In a crowded place. In a crowded place with lots of alcohol and drunk people. That could only mean one thing.


The Togruta stood, drawing her vibro-double blade. The smoke may have reduced visibility, but the noise certainly had a way of drawing attention. She could hear coughing amidst the cloud of smoke that had filled the bar. Still, it could have been worse. At least nobody tried to throw a flashbang. That would probably happen any moment. 


She could hear the noises of patrons struggling to orient themselves. There were a few broken classes, some overturned furniture, and then...


Right in front of her, Tashka watched as a large Trandoshan was thrown out of the smoky cloud, slamming into the counter next to her. The Trandoshan stood angrily and stared toward his attacker. He charged as another figure emerged from the smoke, tackling them and disappearing. Another figure was tossed in her direction, landing on the floor.




"Oh boy..." Nadia muttered as she struggled to see through the smoke. From what she could tell, it looked like things weren't going to go smoothly. An armored individual of unclear gender seemed to be marching through the door. Shots had been fired, and a lot of disoriented patrons were drunk.


Not good.


A man was tossed towards her table, collapsing overtop. He drunkenly climbed to his feet, trying to throw a punch at Nadia. She managed to duck just in time, and watched as the man staggered forward.


"Figures," the Twi'lek muttered. "I guess I'd better be ready for a Barroom Brawl."

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IC: Dak didn't get much time to react as she felt Odiina grabbing her arm and yanking her out of her seat. The smoke was starting to clear but now the customers had started getting aggressive. Too many drunk people and all it took was a few shots and some smoke.


What was Odiina doing now? It would probably have been a more practical move to get out on her own than to try and drag someone else out of the Cantina with her. Was this meant to be an arrest or a rescue? Both? Neither? In any case, it was a confusing situation.


"LOOK OUT!" she yelled as she ducked, pulling her arm out of Odiina's grip just as a large Aqualish tried to swing a chair at her.




A Dulok was tossed towards the counter, knocking over several glasses as he collapsed on top of it. He was obviously dazed as a result, and struggled to sit up before falling over the other side.


Tashka remained alert, her sword at the ready. Ordinarily she would have preferred to avoid killing civilians. But self-defense warranted an exception, especially seeing as several of these people had a chance of provoking her aggressive side.


The Togruta ducked as a Rodian charged toward her with a chair. She rolled forward in time for him to throw it over her head, striking a shelf behind the counter. He reached for the blaster at his side.


Bad move.


Before he could draw, Tashka rammed her vibro-double blade into him. She yanked it out a second later and watched as the rodian fell.

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OOC: Let's dance.




It was amazing how little literally every kind of superiority seemed to mean to these people. The smoke grenades had been a dirty enough trick, but there was only so much you could do against the Force. With her orders from Liare clear and backup in the building, she activated her lightsaber and brought it up into a guard stance, focused on keeping any of the bar's patrons from making it to the door; in the confusion, it would be too easy for one of the fugitive's co-conspirators to slip out unrecognized, so it was better to keep everyone in and sort it out once the fighting was over.


"Listen to the nice man and keep your seats, folks, you do not want to find out whether the fellow with the grenades cares that you didn't plan on dying today, so keep your heads down, stay out of the way, and don't even think about making a move for the door until we've got this under control."




The Inquisitors were giving out fantastic advice. Really, they were, and any civilian with an ounce of sense would have listened.


It was, therefore, to their credit that Isariah had pulled her table back against the bar, and was still eating soup. Her pistol was on the table, yes, in case the grenade-happy guy made another appearance, but she was undeniably still eating her meal.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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OOC: Let's dance.


OOC: Put on your red shoes and Dance the blues


IC: The noise of the chaos in the cantina made it hard to hear the specific instructions from the Inquisitors. No doubt there would be a few idiots would ignore them or be too intoxicated to make a rational decision


Nadia stepped backwards toward her corner. Her hand was ready to draw her vibroblade if needed, but it was probably best not to engage. Whatever was going on here, it looked like going out the door wasn't her best option. No way she'd be able to fight off everyone. If anyone provoked her she was ready to defend herself, but it was probably best to sit in the corner and stay out of the way.


Viseria seemed to be weaker now. It seemed that every time another person entered it was becoming harder for her to move. She didn't seem to show any obvious signs of a physical illness.


"Something's not right," the Miraluka muttered.


"Come on," Nadia replied. She took Viseria's hand and led her into the back corner before sitting down. She placed an arm around the Miraluka, allowing her to rest her head on her shoulder.

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IC Raltz Nightwing (Stray Tach):


A blaster bolt slammed into Raltz's chestplate as he set his repeater to stun. Behind him, the terror troopers started firing into the cantina indiscriminately with their wrist-mounted stun blasters. He sighed as his MFTAS started identifying figures amongst the smoke. Not as fun as he hoped this would be. The dark trooper dropped to a knee and raised his repeater to his shoulder. Instead of going for individual targets, he sprayed stun-fire across the room in a wide arc, giving a wide berth to the Inquisitors. Several patrons pushed over tables for cover.

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC [Raia Veyura, The Stray Tach]


Veyura didn't particularly like taking orders from Liare, but she agreed with the underlying principle: it would be prudent to take the suspects alive wherever possible. Information was central to this mission.


She had donned her breather mask when the smoke grenades first detonated. Now that the smokescreen was dissipating, the mask's goggles would only obstruct her peripheral vision so she pulled it back off her face. Her lightsaber was already in hand, ready to be ignited. As a last preparation, she replaced her Disperser's vial with one containing nerve toxin and set it to dart mode. The liquid was infused into its dart with a short, sharp hiss.


IC [Tallik Vao, The Stray Tach]


Tallik and Cylund moved seconds after the smoke descended. The Zabrak had given them something he wanted protected, which meant it was flight not fight. Finding out what that little data chip was would have to wait. Amid the general confusion, the duo vaulted over the bar, putting them on the far side of it from the Inquisitors — and also on the near side of it to the Tach's back door (which was their best avenue of escape, if the sounds coming from the front door were any indication). It would take more than a little smokescreen to mess with their intimate knowledge of Taris' drinking establishments.


"Get it open!" Tallik shouted to his partner over the din of yells and blaster fire, pistol in hand. "I've got you covered!"


Cylund darted for the door, hunched low to maximise cover. Tallik followed more slowly, keeping his back to the door, straining his eyes for hostiles in the slowly thinning smoke.





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To anyone watching, the sight of Tallik Vao hurtling back over the bar, weapon clutched tightly in his hand, could have been construed as either the shameless bravado of youth or, perhaps, a noble attempt at leaping back into the fray to pull any remaining Tach patrons in the line of fire to safety.


Only the Twi'lek himself was keenly aware that his return trip back into the fray was not, shall we say, voluntary.


Costa, protected from the stray blaster bolts aimed by the desperate fugitive by Liare's quick lightsaber work, watched Tallik land shakily, the hand that had Force pulled him back towards her lowering to clutch her hip. With her pursed lips, rolling eyes, and the lengthy sigh weighing down an already beleaguered torso, she could have passed for some patron's exasperated older sister. But for the first time, the Zeltron's lightsaber was visible on her belt, having been moved from underneath her tight vest. The hand on her hip was placed perilously close to it.


"Ten minutes of questioning, and you would have been home free," she admonished him with another eye roll. "But hey, no one has ever given a gutter rat props for their patience, right?"


The curved hilt of her lightsaber danced along her knuckles briefly before fitting into the palm of her hand; the long, scarlet blade hissed forward quietly, and even the low bass of the weapon's hum could have gone almost unnoticed even without the commotion around the Chief Inquisitor.


"Square up."





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IC: In the middle of the cantina, R9 remained in her current position. She swiveled her dome, trying to make sense of what was going on. Her sensors detected a group of armored troops marching in. The armor that made it impossible to tell their identity or gender suggested Imperial connections. They seemed yo have bigger priorities right now. The Empire wasn't going to dispatch an elite squad to take one astromech droid.


Nall had evidently got lost in the crowd. The droid couldn't see her. She could try moving toward the door. The troopers may not think much of a common R2 unit leaving. The people who seemed to be leading them looked more dangerous. She could see that at least one had a lightsaber. They were probably individuals she didn't want to mess with. At most, she could if she was lucky give one a surprise shock before being taken down.


R9 emitted a sad whistle as she trie to figure out her next move.

Edited by Atton Rand
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IC [Tallik Vao, The Stray Tach]


Tallik Vao had never had a lightsaber pointed at him before. Nor, for that matter, had he ever been pulled bodily through the air by invisible hands. Today was clearly a day for firsts.


He grunted as he regained his balance, and straightened up, meeting the Zeltron's eyes with as much steeliness as he could muster. He was outmatched: he already knew that. But if he wasn't going to put up a fight.


The Twi'lek loosened the knuckle-whitening grip on his blaster and slid it back into its holster. He relaxed his tension-ridden muscles, rolling toned shoulders, readying himself as he'd readied himself for countless duels. Holding his opponent's gaze, he reached over his shoulder and drew his sword from its scabbard. The polished blade slid free with clean rasp.


He slashed left.


She dodged back, faster than any duellist he'd ever faced.


He slashed right.


She dodged again, still not even raising her saber.


He brought his follow-through around into a lightning-quick jab — a jab she neatly side-stepped. Tallik recovered quickly enough and tried a different tack, slashing a wide arc for the Zeltron's midsection. 
She bent over backwards. The sword whistled cleanly over her exposed navel, and she righted her posture again with nary a back crack. Her lightsaber's position was unchanged in her grip, firm but casual and pointed away from her.
"One more go?" she asked sweetly, eyes warm and twinkling.
Tallik jabbed at her heart. 
Costa flicked her wrist. 
The red blade struck his sword a finger's length from the hilt, and sliced clean through. Three feet of steel clattered to the floor.


For a heartbeat, Tallik stared dumbfounded at what remained of his sword. The severed edge glowed orange like the wick of a blown-out candle.





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IC: Nadia tried to stay quiet as her friend huddled toward her. Viseria was resting her head against the Twi'lek's chest, Nadia kept her arms wrapped around the Miraluka's shoulders.


The chaos was still ensuing in the cantina. But so far the corner seemed to be safer. Amidst the brawl, there was one figure who stood out: a Zeltron. She seemed to be moving another person: a blue Twi'lek. Nadia recognized him immediately-


Talik Vao? What was he doing here?


In any case, the Zeltron looked like she wasn't going down easily, especially when she shattered his sword.



On the other end of the cantina, Tashka could see that this Zeltron was not one to be messed with. She liked a good fight but that didn't mean she was stupid. The brawl was getting intense as well. She'd seen Talik Vao in the duelling ring. Anyone who could best him was probably out of her league, especially one who had a lightsaber and the ability to levitate people.


Best option seemed to be to try and get out alive. The Togruta retracted the blades in her sword before turning toward the counter. She jumped over, rolling onto the floor behind it.

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OOC: This post was made with input from Dov, who's no longer playing, and Ghosthands. Any movements described were either contributed or approved by those players.






Costa lowered her head slightly so that she could meet Tallik's lowered eyes, trying to steal his attention away from his ruined sword. One part of the Zeltron's mouth was drawn up ruefully; her lightsaber, so flippantly drawn mere portions of seconds previously, was now aimed right at the Twi'lek's chest - the same part of the body he had tried to pierce in his final, doomed strike.


The Zeltron's wink was downright plucky.


"Don't feel bad," she said, understanding grin still on her face. "That move used to scare me half to death, too."


Her hand flicked back to deliver the killing cut--


--and Costa, with a yelp of surprise, found herself enveloped by a big, mean semi-muscular mass of ebony rage, lightsaber still in her hand but blade dissipated by the force of Cylund Calrissian's tackle. Tallik had been knocked to the floor as well when his best friend had leaped over the bar and into the fray of the fight, but with nothing currently pinning to the ground and Costa's hands preoccupied with wrestling for control of her weapons, the Twi'lek had scampered out of her sight in no time. Costa's teeth gritted in frustration.


"Raltz!" she called out, knowing the effort was probably fruitless. "Back door!"


Cylund crowed something Costa didn't care to listen to as he reached into her hand to try and pry her lightsaber loose from her fingers. Costa took advantage of her splayed-open palm to shove him back, just momentarily, and then lunge back at him in turn with the full power of the Force behind her. This time, she landed on Cylund's chest; the Human physically dwarfed her, but she was still in command of the situation long enough to draw back her hand with the saber and deliver one hard strike, Force powered and saber hilt augmented, directly into Cylund's nose. One punch was enough to leave him seeing stars. Two left him entirely unconscious.


The Twi'lek had definitely disappeared, but Costa couldn't afford to go after some gutter rat - and, she had to admit, the part of her that remembered listening to her daddy's final flight in anguish and fear was rooting for the kid to go to ground - while the mission's actual objective was still skulking around the bar somewhere.


She tossed Cylund up onto a table by his dreadlocks and wiped a smear of blood on the Human's jacket as her attention turned to one particular presence, singled out for her by the Force.


He was...coming right for her?





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As much fun as taking pot-shots at gutter-rats had sounded initially, the troopers had quite thoroughly discouraged any such heroics, and really seemed to have a decent handle on things. Taking discretion as the better part of valor, she had flipped her table sideways, hidden behind it, and continued eating her soup, peeking around the edge to make sure the grenadier hadn't popped back up.


"Y'know," she called out, over the general noise of the bar-fight, "if you're hiring pilots, I could use a steady job. My Khorshid's a bit roughed-up, and I'm not exactly at risk of scraping together enough credits to fix her on Taris, yeah? So... non-disclosure agreements, security clearance, moral ambiguity, whatever sort of red tape you need, I'd be happy to reach an agreement, long as you've got work for me and hangar space for the tub."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: Tashka remained under the cover of the bar for a moment. She could see the unconscious Dulok still lying close by. An Amorphian was thrown into the counter, falling backwards into the shelf.


Tashka's best shot was to get out the back. She looked up. The Zeltron was still occupied. It was now or never.


The Togeuta got to her feet and quickly moved toward the back door.

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As the Zabrak Inquisitor saw a Togruta making a move for the back door, and very few people of any nature making a go for the front, she relaxed her stance slightly, taking one hand off of her lightsaber to quicky draw one of her blasters from her belt. Flicking the fire-control switch to stun, she took aim just ahead of where the Togruta was and fired off several shots, leading the target slightly with each so that she could not simply dodge once and continue to the door.


"Sit. Down," she called across the bar. "Your instructions were not unclear on that point."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: Okay, that plan didn't work. Obviously they were too fast if they could stop her from opening a door just a few feet away. Tashka couldn't do much more than duck behind the counter. It looked like she was going to be stuck there for now anyway. 


There were stormtroopers moving into the cantina now. They were firing on customers, although it looked like they were at least stun rounds. They seemed to be of an elite division, probably not individuals she wanted to mess with. A few meters away a trooper fired her blaster at a drunken rodian before signalling to her squadmates.


Tashka ran through a few scenarios. If she timed it right it may be possible to take down one of the troopers by surprise. The one close by could work, but then there was the risk that doing so would alert the rest of her squad, to say nothing of the lightsaber-wielding individuals. Escape didn't seem to be much of an option now. Her best shot seemed to be to remain where she was and observe how everything played out.


She suddenly heard a whistle next to her. The Togruta turned toward a new visitor. It was an astromech droid, painted in a faded orange. That was unusual.

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IC Raltz Nightwing (Stray Tach):


At Inquisitor Vespula's order, Raltz spotted the twi'lek scrambling away. Growling, the dark trooper leveled his repeater and fired a volley of stun shots. "Perimeter team, lock down the back door!" he shouted into his comm. He waded forward into the chaos, knowing his armor would protect him from anything short of another lightsaber.

The times, they are a-changing...



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OOC: What Twi'lek? If you were referring to what I think you were, I should clarify that Tashka is a Togruta.


IC: Looked like the troopers were moving to the back door now. One quickly took point, signaling one of her squad mates to lock it down.


Going out that way wasn't an option. Tashkent tried to remain calm. She looked at the droid next to her.


"Where'd you come from?"


The astromech delivered a brief whistle.


"Fair enough, Tashka muttered. "Any idea why the Empire's so interested in this place?"


The droid gave her a sad beep.


"Is your master around?"


The droid remained quiet.


"I'm sorry. My name is Tasha."


Another whistle.


"R9-G6. Okay.

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IC Odiina:


Said patron was almost instantly overtaken by stun shots.


The smoke was beginning to affect her breathing and vision, but the rookie trooper pushed the discomfort away. Whatever was going on here was way above her pay grade.


She ducked down as well, drawing her side arm.


"Where have you been, we thought you were dead?!"

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IC: Dak looked towards Odiina. This was slightly awkward. Under the circumstances, she could probably afford to answer her questions. Of course, it was harder to tell if taking the time to explain it was the most practical choice.


"The short version," Dak muttered. "I got accused of desertion and had to hide. I'll tell you the rest if we get out of this alive."

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[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

Normally, Sue would have stopped the fight before it had began.  She would have growled low in her throat, in a voice that steadily increased to a full blown roar that vibrated the very bones of the inn’s patrons.  The participants of the fight would have suddenly found themselves focused not on each other--but on the bartender, suddenly ashamed.  What did they think they were doing, spoiling everyone’s downtime and probably a few drinks?  If they wanted to fight, they could easily do it outside, or better yet in a fighting ring.  Plus, they certainly didn't want to upset the bartender, who was reaching for the wickedly curved sword they knew was beneath the counter.

Sue had only actually had to take the sword out three times, and had only had to douse the combatants in a light sedative once before they righted their chairs and sat back down, looking sheepish.  She’d never had to actually use the blaster pistol stashed in her apron to remain in control.

But this was not a normal situation.  The woman who had just dispatched Cylund Calrissian with hardly a thought and sent Talik Vao running was not normal.  Sue would have known that even it weren’t for the the crimson glow and low hum emanating from her weapon.  From multiple weapons now.  Someone else might have been confused, but Sue was bold enough to remember, dimly, the robed figure of a Jedi.  Old enough to know what that sword was--and what the color meant too.  And even if she had known that there was still that chill, right behind her sinuses and pounding occasionally in warning.  

It had been five years, five years of laying low and never stepping too out of line.  Five years of honest relaxing work, and if she was honest with herself, five years of running.  After five years, Sue’s past had unwittingly caught up with her.

So the wookie had been safely crouched behind the bar long before the stun blasts singed the cabinet behind.  She had flipped the cap of a vial of oxygen to clear her head against the smoke, her mind already calculating the full cost of the damage that was being done.  It was so far limited to a few tables and chairs, but her employer was not going to be happy.  If she knew the robust Twi’lek, most of the money was going to come of a variety of semi-underworld contacts, not Sue’s paycheck.  It was the damage to the bar's reputation that would be the problem.


Of course, the damage was probably the least of her worries right now, but she needed to focus on something that she actually had control of.  TK hovered silently next to her, its primitive sensors alert for any weapons pointed in their direction.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Tashka had to slide momentarily as she watched yet another patron get tossed over the counter. This time it was a Tammuz-an, who was hurled into the counter by a ruthless-looking Mirilian, before being pushed over top and collapsing in a heap on the floor nearby.


A few too many unconscious patients were starting to fill up the space behind the counter. It looked like the wookie bartender was there as well, also trying to take cover. 


The Togruta moved towards the wookie. She carefully tried to step over the semi-conscious Tammuz-an, before crouching on the other side. R9 managed to push the unconscious patron's legs aside as she rolled towards them.


Tashka tried to lower her head, making sure her montrals didn't become visible. She looked at Sue.


"Is there any other way out of here?" She asked.

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[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]


Sue punched a hairy thumb in the direction of the doorway between the two cabinets and grunted.


“Back door,” TK translated.


Somewhere, there was a thump as the Mirialan got hit by multiple stun blasts.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Liare had hardly enough time to move forward into position, let alone finish his sentence, when his advance was greeted immediately by a withering hail of blaster bolts. With an inhuman display of agility, the blue-armored being had twisted with the sudden push mid-stumble, the barrel of his blaster inexorably aimed at the Inquisitor throughout the motion. One-two-three-four-five, the barrage continued unending, as the being held down the trigger of the weapon, the short-range shots transitioning everywhere from the Inquisitor's head to his legs, so as to prevent him from gaining an opportunity to do much else but defend himself. Bracing against the ground, staying low as to avoid the barrage of stun rounds being haphazardly fired into the fray by the troopers, the being continued the automatic fire without pause. Despite the erratic firing pattern, the being moved to create distance between him and the Inquisitor without issue, putting an overturned table between him and Liare in moments.
Rav had started circling around as soon as he realized that Tallik hadn't jumped over the bar on his own accord. Blaster held ready, it was only until Cylund's ill-fated rescue attempt ended with him thrown up on a table that New Republic Agent fired. Two shots, followed by a third as he nearly slid into cover behind a booth. Well, it was nice of the reinforcements to show themselves so soon, even if there was the problem of them spraying rounds into the crowd. They were, thankfully, the distincive electric discharge of stun rounds. Even so, the troopers were big, clawed, and moved with the singleminded determination of a droid. He had no intention of getting up close and personal with them.


IC:​ Jenth


"Yeah, actually. Turns out most of the issues really just came from faulty connections between the components themselves, real easy fi-" Jenth stopped herself, glancing up at the Bounty Hunter. "Wasn't too bad."


The droid had managed to locate the armor, and had heaved the pieces up to give to Vanndred.



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IC (Vanndred, Jenth's Workshop):


The ex-retired bounty hunter grabbed one of the gloves and slipped it on, activating the wrist console.


"Good to know in case something like this happens again. Let me test out the holocaster and comm package." Vanndred plugged in the bounty chit he had received earlier, loading up the console with the information. Holograms of the escaped novatrooper and the bothan drug runner popped up, before the Chistori swiped them away. "I need to make a call anyway."


Aurebesh script sprang up of a list of names, and Vanndred scrolled through before grinning as he selected one. Viido. He buzzed him a few times before picking up. Vanndred had expected some music and bawdy laughter; instead, he was picking up shouting and lots of blasterfire. A familiar soundscape, actually; sounded like a lot of stun bolts. "Viido! What's going on?"


The heavily accented reply came after a short pause. "Vanndred, you big lunk of lizard, I am glad to hear you! Some Imperials, I think, are shooting up the Stray Tach! While I'm in it! There's smoke, there's laserswords, people are shooting back, agh, it's madness!"


Vanndred's eyes rapidly shifted; not so much looking around the room, but running through things in his head. "Viido, I can come get you. But you're gonna owe me."


More blasterfire. "Yeah, whatever, I'll give you the wings off my back, just get me out of this!"


"I'll be there. Over." Vanndred powered off the commlink and slowly looked back at Jenth. "I'm gonna need to change."

The times, they are a-changing...



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