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"We're not going to that part of the labs." Costa's eyes rolled as the doors parted for them with a hydraulic hiss, opening them up to Insight's lab and all of its goodies. Despite the devilish reputation of the Inquisitorius, their focus on interrogation and information extraction, and the sadistic nature of some of its membership, there wasn't much in the lab on board their Star Destroyers that would have looked out of place at any research center in the Core Worlds or Inner Rim. It was as sterile as many Star Destroyer interiors, with expansive sections for biological, chemical, and technological assignments. Veyura would have been more comfortable at either of the former, and Raine would have probably been more comfortable in a training room, but Costa had wanted them here. Neither of them were technically minded, and everyone knew the two were incapable of getting along, but the Chief Inquisitor intended on as many of her subordinates having just enough of a grasp on current events to thrive as possible. Keeping them focused on the manhunt aspect would be best for everyone; the same went for her superiors, the older Chief Inquisitor and High Inquisitor Rydoon. They had reluctantly ceded her more operational control after the stellar manhunt on Taris, and Costa planned on playing things as close to her chest as possible until that holocron was in their hands.


The issue was keeping Liare Sarir away from her chest. 


"We're going to the eggheads," she concluded, reaching the three Inquisitors gathered there - two from her unit and Kryik, who handled most of their technical issues on board Insight - and nodding off their salutes. "Inquisitor Kryik. Good to see you're staying caffeinated. What have you got for me?"








"Chief Inquisitor," Kryik dipped his head in greeting, the Mirialan looking distinctly less dour than usual, though his complexion was a few shades paler than normal.


"We reconstructed the data from the flight computer, initially it only seemed to confirm what we already knew, the pilot never set foot on any systems that he jumped into, staying well outside the range of any planetary bodies. There was no indication of his next target," the Inquisitor paused, and keyed something into the datapad he was holding.


"However, I continued searching, and managed to pull a specific set of coordinates from one of the systems that the pilot had​ been. I took the liberty of having the local patrol group dispatch a probe droid to the location," Kryik's eyes gleamed, and for a second it nearly looked as though he was going to smile, "It found an old hyperspace beacon, very old, put into service nearly 4,000 years ago, to be exact. Attempting to retrieve data from that proved to be more difficult than I anticipated, and would take far too long."


"This," he turned the datapad for Costa to view, on it a starchart of local space, with a chaotic mess of lines connecting systems together, "is the plot of all the hyperspace jumps we pulled from both the astromech and the nav computer. All meaningless, our rebel pilot did a decent job randomly jumping between systems."


"But this​," he pressed a key, and the chaotic mess dissolved into a string of five systems, "is the plot of the systems which our pilot spent a considerable amount of time in between jumps, courtesy of the flight computer, including the system where the probe found the beacon. I have already dispatched probes to these systems, but the Force tells me what they will find. Based on this, the only logical terminal to this pilot's trip is here," he pointed to a system near the edge of the screen, "Dantooine."


"Which, if I'm not mistaken, was rather important for the Jedi some 4,000 years ago."

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"Like a Revan fan club these days."


Liare had padded in after Costa on silent feet, breaking off from his position to circle around to the right of where she stopped next to Kryik. Each step was easy and languid, as though he was simply bored with the proceedings. The con man stood out like a sore thumb in such a sterile environment; he eschewed his usual coat despite the slight, unshakable chill of an Imperial starship and instead wore the usual burgundy underneath. Sleeves rolled up to mid-forearm so there was no risk of touching the workstation he leaned against, palms resting on the cold surface. He listened to the proceedings silently with his eyes closed, at least until Kryik mentioned where the pilot had been. Then he watched his boss carefully from half-lidded eyes. 


Contrary to popular opinion, he read. He read almost as much as the Chief, no matter how much he teased her for it. He didn't know the details, it was four thousand years ago and whatever details weren't lost to time... He didn't have. It was a nagging feeling, for years now, that material like that was restricted for people with higher clearance than him. Despite their desire for freedom, dark side users were notoriously paranoid, eternally afraid of giving out an advantage an underling might use against them. Justifiably. It was the same attitude they imparted to their students. Which might be why he cultivated the popular opinion; better to be seen as lazy and ill-informed, less of a chance someone decides to take care of you. Or see it coming if you took care of them first. Dantooine had been very important to the Jedi, a long time ago. Supposedly everything had been destroyed, around the same time that beacon would've been from. But if something had been found....


"No offense to any Revan fans in the room," He added quietly, glancing again in Vespula's direction with what might have been a wink if it hadn't happened so fast. There was something she wasn't telling him. Probably a few things. But she had her reasons. Didn't change his job any, or how he'd handle the room. "Does seem weird that we'd end up at Taris and get pointed to Dantooine. Funny coincidence. Any ideas what he might've been doing there? I doubt it was for the locals, met 'em before, such a boring bunch..."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG



IC [Raia Veyura, ISD Insight labs]


"If he is after the holocron, then where better to look than in ancient Jedi sites?" Veyura opined. "If the records are correct, Ood Bnar was old enough to have visited the Dantooine ruins before they were ruins. Perhaps the pilot had reason to think he'd find a clue there. Or even the holocron itself."


The Umbaran smirked.


"But this is all academic. Why speculate when we have the pilot himself sitting in Detention, waiting to be interrogated?"





  • 1 year later...


Costa chewed her lip for a moment, thankful that her distinct coloration prevented anyone from seeing the vein she imagined was pulsing in her forehead. She was grateful that Veyura had shut up Sarir, who was going on and on about farmer's daughters on Dantooine and Darth Revan ceremonial masks in some inane joke that made her wish she could pull the shrapnel from the astromech droid and decapitate him with it. But the look on her face was disquieting. She did like Raia, for what it was worth, and she even kind of believed that Raia liked her too; they even had girl's nights of a sort on Coruscant, where they'd known each other slightly casually before being assigned to Insight together. That was where the mutual dislike between her and Sarir had begun, too, but it was still Veyura who tipped her off regarding Sarir's impending fate, for no other reason than the Umbaran knew it would matter to the Zeltron. There was no reason she'd want Liare alive aside from Costa wanting it. So as much as the scientist was fond of anything...

It was a useful little "connection," with maximum air quotes. That doesn't mean that she didn't get weird about interrogations. Costa was trained in the art, as every Inquisitor was; breaking Jedi came with the job. Her charm and her pheromones had come in handy many a time, and she even got a mild thrill out of occasionally getting rough with them. But just like sex, it required a certain mood - and the proceedings on Taris had thoroughly soured hers. She'd hit her head when the big guy tackled her, too, the brute they had chained up in the brig awaiting being fired into Prakith from orbit in a carbonite bar. She wasn't in the mood for torturing something. She'd given the pilot a once over and figured on his uselessness. They had what they needed from him.

Veyura seemed to disagree.

"He seems like your regular mark to me," the Chief Inquisitor remarked, arms crossed and one hand squeezing her elbow. "How much more could he know? If we asked him what Ood Bnar was he'd say he was vaccinated for it."





IC Odiina Brando - Insight:

Being aboard a starship wasn't a new experience for Odiina, but she'd never actually been aboard one of the massive Imperial-I Star Destroyers before. Much less one made especially for the Inquisitorius. The enormous wedge shaped battleship felt familiar though, in so far as it met the same standards and layouts Odiina was already familiar with among imperial stations and ships. The difference was the quality. Everyone and thing aboard the Insight was perfection. So much so that Odiina felt almost out of place.                                                                                                                                   Then again, she really was  out of place. Pulled from Taris, away from her friends and squad to an Inquisitor ship and on the way to some other planet far away. It was unsettling. 

She sat in her new bunk, dressed in fatigues and idly played some game on her datapad without really paying it much attention. Her mind was far more occupied trying to figure out what the inquisitors wanted with her. They had left Dak on Taris. She wondered if she'd ever see the woman again. Some part of her doubted it. 

The time passed as she continued to think.


ooc: mobile posting is suffering please ignore the fact that the whole post is italicised

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Posted (edited)

[Sue, Above The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

It was almost insulting, how the past five years could fit into two small suitcases.


True, it was partly because aside from an embroidered robe for special occasions, Sue carried little in the way of clothing, which might fill out another being’s luggage quite a bit.  StillーSunorhyyn thought, or had thought, that she had built more of a life during her time in Taris. But aside from basic, necessary tools and her personal vanities, there was little else.  She hadn’t even amassed that many additions to her collections of oils, perfumes, and brushes. In fact, the only thing she appeared to have in any amount was her stash of credits. Some of it was in digital form, but she had never quite outgrown the smuggler’s mentality.


Yet, despite the lack of physical evidence, Sue knew he had made something here.  In the gloomy hours between sunset and sunrise, she had carved out a little piece of happiness--hot oil and warm conversation with the aid of well made social lubricant.  She had thought it would last. She had thought a lot of things.


Sue picked up her luggage.  That was the easy part done. 


Now, she needed to go tell her employer.  Maybe.

Sue sighed, and shut the door to her apartment, stepping into the lift that would take her back to the shell of The Tach.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

  • 3 months later...

IC: Jorena Kaal, The Stray Tach

"Bwab bwab bwab bwweeeeeeeooooo bwab."

Jorena rubbed her face, looking over at the astromech sitting next to the table, its servo arm pointing at the hole in the ceiling as it rocked back and forth angrily. Its cobalt paint job was chipped, she noted idly, her crimson eyes tracing over E3's dented and batted dome with their usual inexpression, and there was a hole in one of its containment slats. "Mm. It does seem to have gone downhill. But no, we're not leaving."

The arm rattled back into its sheathe. "Bwaeeeoooo?"

Jorena didn't bother answering questions E3 already knew the response to. She had a hunch. That was all she ever had these days, the faint inkling of a need to be somewhere for some reason. She looked at her faint reflection in the back of an azure nail, scarlet looking back at her, mocking her. Those eyes could see so much more so long ago... Could see clearer, see what she was interested in. Not these random sparks that tried to pull her around to wherever they wanted her, for whatever stupid reason. But she still listened to them, except when it got too dangerous to do so. She and E3 hadn't had employment for a bit, so she'd sat on her bed a while and focused really hard on trying to find a job. It wasn't her preferred method--too much usage of that talent and eventually someone might come for her--but the remnants of the skill that had given her such an esteemed position as a little girl were certainly helpful now. 

Speaking of people coming for her, word had it there had been Inquisitors around here. Still, no one that would be interested in her, not these days.

"Dooo," E3 cooed quietly, settling in next to her seat. She patted the astromech on the dome, flicking a small holographic disk onto the table before sitting back and letting her eyes go half-lidded. Just a Pantoran with a of an eye condition, waiting for someone who probably wouldn't come. 

SHIP FOR HIRE, the sign read. Non-serious applicants will be spaced. 

It had been a gag gift from some old colleagues of hers sometime past. Served its purpose well enough now. 

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

Posted (edited)

IC [Tallik Vao, Taris lower city streets]

As he walked with as much inconspicuous confidence as he could back towards the Stray Tach, Tallik Vao couldn't help but berate himself for deciding to do something so stupid as return to the bar where, not even a full rotation ago, he'd fought an Imperial Inquisitor in hand-to-hand combat.

But as bad an option as it was, it somehow looked like his best one. After giving the Inquisitors' troopers the slip, he'd laid low in a safehouse (who was he kidding; a disused maintenance duct with a small stash of supplies) he and Cy (don't think about Cy) maintained. With little else to do but massage his bruises and eat expired nutripacks, he'd plugged the New Republic guy's data chip into a datapad to see if he could figure out what all the fuss was about.

It wasn't exactly enlightening. Some of it was meaningless to him: some kind of cipher, he guessed, but couldn't glean anything from it. The only information he could make anything of was a set of coordinates; he recognised the planet code as Dantooine. It wasn't much to go on — in fact it was only a little more than nothing. But he needed to get off-world, and if he was now an accessory to whatever this spy had been up to, he may as well follow through with it.

The Midge wasn't an option; he couldn't fly it alone, and the Imps would be on the lookout for any illegally docked vessels leaving the planet. That meant he needed passage on a ship, with a captain who'd ask as few questions as possible. Finding that could be difficult, and wasn't something he was used to doing; after all, he was usually on the other side of the equation. He and Cy (don't think about Cy) had contacts on Taris, of course, but they'd been gone a long time; Imperial credits would likely be more motivating than half-remembered loyalties. There was only one person on Taris he could think of who'd be streetwise enough to know of a suitable ship, and decent enough not to sell him out, and that was Sunorhyyn. Bartenders saw all kinds of comings and goings, and despite being barely more than acquaintances, Tallik somehow felt he could trust the Wookiee. It was an odd but familiar kind of hunch, and he'd learned to trust them when they came.

And he couldn't help thinking, with what foolish hope he had left, that maybe she'd have some idea what the Inquisitors had done with Cylund.

Don't. Think. About. Cy.

So back to the Tach he went.

Hopefully he wouldn't be recognised: he'd scraped together as much of a disguise as he could from the gear in the safehouse, namely a large and shapeless poncho, a pair of mirrored goggles, and a passable Twi'lek headdress he'd improvised from some strips of cloth. He told himself the last place the Imps would expect a suspect to go was the scene of the crime (and felt foolish even as he did). But again: it was the best option he had.

He spotted the Wookiee before he'd even reached the bar, which was unexpected. Even more unexpected was that she appeared to be carrying a pair of suitcases. He quickened his step to catch up with her.

"You going somewhere, Sue?" he asked in a low voice once he was close enough, hoping not to make her jump. Even knowing her generally mellow temperament, he knew better than to startle a Wookiee.

Edited by Ghosthands





Posted (edited)

IC (Isariah, ISD Insight):

The Inquisitorius was nothing if not efficient. After the freelancer's ship had managed to limp into orbit, docking arrangements were made with one of the bays aboard the Star Destroyer, and, following a smooth prisoner transfer, Isariah was now fretting over her beautiful, broken ship as a crew of technicians worked at repairing the damage inflicted by her last job. While she tried to stay out of the techs' way, a mix of curiosity and protectiveness might have made her a little bit of a nuisance.

Regarding the prisoners she had transported for the Inquisitors... they'd made their bed. The easy way had been offered to them, and they'd refused it with extreme prejudice. While her gut told her that nothing good awaited them, she couldn't bring herself to feel too worried about it.


IC (Varis, ISD Insight):

In her quarters, Inquisitor Kalaf sat cross-legged on the floor, eyes closed, eyebrows raised, and a tattooing needle raised to the skin of one eyelid. Her left hand moved in quick, precise movements, guided with the aid of the Force to fill in a design within the hemisphere she had already drawn upon that eyelid. As she sat, eyes closed, expression placid, she remembered the view of Taris from space; a shimmering jewel, incandescent, iridescent, alive.

And she remembered what she had seen on the ground, what Taris was like up-close. Choked by smog, desiccated, a broken world limping along to no end.

Neither vision was really false, but the two could not coexist. Taris the Jewel concealed and denied; Taris the Corpse shattered and stained. Incompatible truths. Past and present, intermingled, at war with themselves and each other, and no clear vision for the future. A beautiful atmosphere did not give the people of Taris hope; the scars of the past did not give them a plan.

And so the Zabrak Inquisitor, the seeker of truth, tattooed what she had seen upon her eyelids. As abstract shapes were impressed upon the right, forming the image of a shattered hemisphere, a single tear escaped her eye, running down her cheek as it mingled with the blood inherent to the process.

Edited by Rache

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom


[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]


For all the visual disguises he tried to put on, Sue smelled Tallik a second before he approached her.  Her replying growl was higher and sharper than usual, and totalled disregarded his question.

<<Tallik.  You shouldn’t be here.>>

Sue kept walking down the stairs toward the bar, until she realized the young twi’lek had stopped and was looking at her.  He smelled worried--and afraid.


Her next growl softer, almost a pur.  <<But since you’re here, you might as well come.  You’ve saved me a difficult confrontation.>>


Sue opened the door to the Tach, locking eyes temporarily with her apprentice behind the bar counter.  Luckily, with the hole in the wall and rumors of imperial activity the clientele was significantly reduced, so Psan probably would be fine.

Probably.  She was going to leave him a big tip.


Sue had spotted the bounty hunter a couple days ago--she had somehow been able to avoid the chaos of the last day, which was a point in her favor.  And she also appeared the perfect combination of bored, desperate for money, and confident for Sue’s purposes.


The Wooki strode over to the woman’s table, taking a seat on her suitcases.  She reached into her shoulder bag and turned TK on, setting its volume to moderately low.


“Would paying for a round of drinks be considered proof of seriousness?”  the droid translated Sue’s inquisitive growl.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

Posted (edited)

IC: Jorena Kaal, The Stray Tach

Jorena's crimson eyes opened again, looking over the Wookie and the fairly shabbily disguised Twi'lek. Not that she had any idea who he was, mind, but a good disguise was usually a bit less obvious than... that. To be fair, however, there were a lot of reasons one went disguised in the underbelly of Taris, and she wasn't one to judge. Not when she might be one of ten Chiss on the planet. The Wookie was one of the bartenders here, she seemed to remember, a relatively stable job in a place like this. One could only wonder why she'd be leaving that kind of comparative stability, least of in the company of a bounty hunter. And she seemed to be intent to do so quickly, as well, judging from the presence of her luggage. Probably something to do with that hole in the wall.

Maybe she wanted to go on vacation, she thought sardonically. Naboo was great this time of year.

"Mmm," she said verbosely after a few moments, reaching out and tapping the disk once to turn it off, palming it before patting the astromech on the head, putting gentle pressure to get him to move away from obstructing the booth. "We'll go with yes." She looked down at the droid a moment, her eyes and his blinking indicator light exchanging a glance before he rattled to the side with a faint "bweeeeoooo" of protest at being made to move so Tallik could sit. 

Far more polite than he usually was. Then again, E3 tended to be a lot less disruptive when credits might be about to exchange hands. The Chiss turned her attention back to the Wookie, scratching at an azure cheek with a nail as she sat back in her seat. Her metabolism tended to give her an advantage whenever alcohol was involved, but the Wookie almost certainly had her beat on that front regardless. And hopefully she wouldn't need to leverage much in the negotiations, these people must be really desperate if they'd come to this bar and asked her of all people for passage.

"I'm Captain Jorena Kaal, of the Mossy Badger. This is R2-E3. Pleasure to meet you both."

It was pointless to ask why they needed her services, of course, that much was obvious. Might as well skip to the point. She lowered her voice.

"How many, where to, and how careful?"

Edited by Leaf

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles


[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]
Sue glanced at Talik, and the robot translated her series of low growls.  “Just two, I think.  Pretty careful--but not too careful, that tends to attract as much attention as being not careful enough.”

Sue called one of the servers over and ordered a round of Tarisian Ale.  It was from her last batch, and was one of her best. She sipped thoughtfully while watching the pantoran woman.  “As for where too?” came the translation.  “I’ll pay for your best hunch.  You seem to be good at avoiding trouble.”  Sue gestured at the hole in the wall with a soft chuff.  “I’d trust you more than myself at this point.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

Posted (edited)

[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

Tallik sounded very sure of himself, which sounded like trouble to Sue.  Then again, maybe it’s not the place she thought.  Maybe it’s me

She’d tried running, and a fat lot of good that had done her.

She shrugged.  “Sure.  Dantooine’s fine,” TK translated.

Edited by Mel
lore correction

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.


IC: Jorena Kaal, The Stray Tach 

Jorena raised one dark eyebrow, looking over the two of them again. 

So one needed to go somewhere, the other just wanted to get out. Not such a unified front. Still, if their money was good, that really didn't matter much to her. Hopefully the rat ####### that called itself her brain-stem was guiding her toward coin rather than destiny. She'd asked for the former, and no one had time for the latter. Still, the certainty with which the Twi'lek stated his desire to go to Dantooine was... troubling.

Very troubling. 

Her eyes flicked across to E3. The astromech rattled a bit and looked back at her with his visual sensor. 

"To that backwater? Suppose it's as good a place as any to run to ground, if this place isn't good enough," she said. "2000 credits seem fair, all told? That's a private cabin for both of you, few questions, quick departure. We can leave when you're ready. The Badger's no blockade runner, but we'll get there fast enough."

Dantooine wasn't a very long trip, but it was still a few days. That, combined with leaving fast and whatever trouble was chasing them upped the price. 

Her crimson gaze fell on the suitcases a moment, then returned to Sue's face. "Seems you're in a bit of a rush as is. If you've got the credits I'll have E3 go ahead and prep her."

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles


[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

Sue drummed her fingers on the table as the pantoran woman talked.  Peculiar eye color that--she had encountered a fair number of pantorans in her time as a smuggler, mostly as something to get around--they weren’t the greatest fans of spice and the people who dealt in it--and she’d never seen one that ventured outside of yellow.  Still, with such a small sample size she couldn’t really be sure. Then there was the smell of something around Captain Kaal, a smell hard to identify, which was infuriating, because identifying smells was Sue’s specialty. It wasn’t even a smell really, but the suggestion of one, like an odor that had faded but left behind some small incomplete chemical component.


Pride and apprehension struggled in Sue’s consciousness before pride won out.  She was a wookiee, bark and leaves, and she was not going to leave without throwing her weight around a little.  It would be more suspicious if she skulked off into the night meekly.


Sue didn’t miss the way Kaal’s eyes flickered toward her suitcase, and as they returned upward, she leaned in closer, resting a hairy arm on the table and staring intently as the captain finished her .  The growl that followed wasn’t loud, per say, but it was deep.


“1800 credits, Captain Kaal,” TK said, voice as flat as ever.  “1000 up front.”


Sue took out the required credits and placed them on the table, watching to see how the woman would react.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.


IC [Tallik Vao, The Stray Tach]

The odd-looking Pantoran's price wasn't outrageous; it was about what he and Cy would've charged for that kind of job. More to the point, he could afford it with what he had on him, though not with much to spare. So he was quietly relieved when Sue chose to haggle the price down; who knew what difference a couple of hundred credits would make once they got to Dantooine?

He let Sue take the lead on the negotiations, giving only a small nod to indicate his support for her offer.






IC: Jorena Kaal, The Stray Tach

The Chiss looked back at her evenly for a few moments, then shrugged. "That's acceptable if you're willing to help around the ship. Nothing major, but E3 is notoriously bad at mixing drinks." She smiled faintly, tapping the droid on the head. Don't argue with a Wookie unless you have some way of defraying the situation. Choohoo had taught her that much.

"Bwab. Bwab bwweeeeeeooo."

He trundled off, access panels rattling as he hit the threshold and left into the access passageway. She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, looking over the Twi'lek a moment, then returning her gaze to the Wookie. "You've not told me names, though I care for that little more than having something to refer to you. Mmm. The eyes are not contagious. Just something I have to deal with. We can follow E3 when you're ready."

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles


[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

The growl from the wookiee relaxed in a deep, contented pur.  “Excellent,” came the translation.  “Just let me finish my ale and I think we’ll be set to go.”


Her eyes moved over to Tallik.  “Unless you’ve got anything else to take care of, hun?”


Privately, Sue was kicking herself for not trying to talk the spacer down a couple more pegs, if this was how fast she gave in.  Ah well, the reputation of wookiees would survive a weaker haggle then this. She had a win, which had improved her mood considerably.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.


IC [Tallik Vao, The Stray Tach]

Tallik placed his own down-payment on the table beside Sue's, and gulped down the last of his ale.

"No, nothing else," he replied. "The sooner we get going, the better."

Eyes still hidden by the mirrored goggles, he turned his head a little to address Kaal.

"Names can wait until we're on the ship."






[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

Since Tallik seemed inclined to head off as soon as possible.  Sue took the opportunity to stash her resignation note in a stack of tips left for Psan.


She grunted in assent to Tallik’s statement.  “Most people know me here,” translated TK “surprised you didn’t catch my name.  It’s true what they say about not remembering the bartender, I guess.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

Posted (edited)

IC: Jorena Kaal, The Stray Tach

The Chiss smiled faintly, sweeping the credits up and slipping them into her pocket. "I know the name you go by. Didn't know if you had some new name you wanted me to use considering the situation."

And, you know. If there wasn't time for manners what was the galaxy coming to?

"Suppose waiting for the ship is a better idea," she acknowledged. In fairness, this kind of transport wasn't exactly her area of expertise. Normally she would be asking them to come along with her. Asking with her blaster. And some durasteel cuffs. Or a crowbar and plastic ties, in one instance. 

She stood and stretched, her back popping a time or two, then adjusted her belt holster to sling low around her hips, where it should be. She beckoned for the two of them to follow her, then started to walk off toward the ship docks. 

A few minutes later they arrived at Dock 17-B, where the Badger was already warmed up. A few spacers Kaal knew had problems with their droid having the level of authorization to fly and perform maintenance that E3 had, especially with no restraining bolt, but as far as she was concerned... The crusty jerk of a droid couldn't get that far with it, he knew the consequences, and he was more trustworthy than almost anyone she'd ever met. Always knew where you stood with him, at the very least.

The Badger itself was a reflection of her captain--she looked like a mostly ordinary YT-2400, admittedly an older and fairly battered one. An experienced eye could tell she still flew well, though. On the other hand, the same experienced eye would be downright disturbed at the weapons that took up a few of her 13 gun emplacements. 2400s had a huge hull for their class and significant power generation, and the Badger was no different--but those guns definitely didn't look like they were of Correllian make, and the emplacements had heavy alterations to allow the strange, thick cylindrical weapons to be fitted properly. 

The astromech was already rolling down the walkway onto the ship. 

"You go ahead and handle the power reassignment, E3?"

"Eeeee. Oooo."

Her crimson eyes narrowed. "Just make it easy to reverse. We don't need the internal fields generated, and I'd prefer to have some more power to work with. In the event of any difficulties."

"Bwaaaaaaab," E3 responded, rattling angrily before trundling off again into the depths of the ship.

Kaal nodded to the other two, leading them into the ship and to some relatively well outfitted cabins. They were nice enough, if a little spartan and infrequently used. "These are yours. Feel free to settle in, we'll set out for Dantooine soon enough. I'll come get you when we're eating, but otherwise feel free to relax or hang around in the common room. I'll be around. Need anything else from me?"

Edited by Leaf

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles

  • 3 months later...

IC Odiina Brando - ISD Insight:

Time dragged on, and despite her best efforts, Odiina felt a growing restlessness within. The slight chill of the air, the endless drone of lights and the ever present subtle rumble of the engines. Her thoughts kept returning to Taris, and the life she was leaving behind there. It had been.....comfortably boring on Taris. Quiet.  Peaceful, even. Now there was too much sound and thinking and it all grated at her, and she finally sighed, stood, and with a casual toss of her data pad onto the bunk, hit the door control and began to take a walk, in search of a mess hall.




  • 1 year later...


The subtle, eerie blue glow of hyperspace emanated from the freighter's viewports. Just as it had for the past few hours as the Badger made the journey through the liquid landscape of the alternate dimension. Mesmerizing, sure, but equally as unsettling. A small ping from the YT-2400's control console indicated that the route was complete, the sound preceding the amorphous shapes of hyperspace resolving themselves to pinpricks of light. Suspended among them the pale green marble of Dantooine, slowly increasing in size in the viewport as the Badger accelerated towards it.

Something wasn't quite right about the planet, at first it was nothing more than a strange sense of unease that permeated the recycled air of the freighter, but the source of it became more and more apparent as they got closer. Sharp, dagger-like shapes cut through the green backdrop of the planet itself, the largest of which unmistakable from the sheer scale alone.

The Imperial fleet above their destination was a rather large wrinkle in their plan.

Kaal took a deep breath. She could curse her thrice ####ed Chiss brainstem and its hunches, but that wouldn't exactly be useful at the current moment--nor would it be conducive to this minor problem not becoming a Major One. One blue finger reached out and tapped the intraship communicator. That same intuition told her the passengers were going to want to land regardless of the Imperials, that they had some purpose here beyond running. The Chiss method of navigation through space was much like navigation through time. Even if you forgot how to sky-walk, you still kept your sense for when your actions were being guided by something else. 

"Captain Kaal speaking. We've arrived in the Dantooine system, but we have some... imperial entanglements to avoid. If you wanted to lie low here, I'm afraid we just stepped in a pretty big mess. Taking us in for a landing."

She tapped over to the communication channel, opening it to the ringing frequency. "Captain Kaal of the Mossy Badger speaking. Go ahead, I'm listening."

The response that came over the comm was clipped and cool, bearing the unmistakable core-world accent that permeated the ranks of the Imperial forces.

"Mossy Badger this is Behemoth, this space is under Imperial control, submit your manifest and flight plan immediately. Failure to comply will result in immediate use of force."

Kaal pinched the bridge of her nose, looking at the stars through the front viewport of the Badger. Even as long as it had been, she could tell the Imperials were mostly trying to intimidate smaller craft while their eyes were firmly on the New Republic Fleet parked right in front of them. She could probably have submitted a flight plan scrawled on a blaster receipt with a manifest that listed the Death Star plans and they wouldn't have read it. 

Still, when on Coruscant...

"Sending the manifest and plan now, Behemoth," Kaal responded, nodding to E3 to send it over. The flight plan listed the capital city of Tanniko as the destination, which was the truth. It gave passenger transport as the purpose, which was also the truth. It also listed two passengers, Erzibek Dann and Calliope Yohanna, two humans. That was a lie. A Wookie and Twi'lek together wasn't the most common traveling party, probably best if she didn't tell the Imperials. 

Besides, wasn't like the people in question would get irritated she was stealing their identities. Or, well, feel many emotions at all at this point.

“Acknowledged Badger. If you deviate from your designated flight path you will be apprehended.”

The last half gave the air of a threat more than a warning, but their path seemed clear even as Kaal maneuvered her ship around the Imperial battlefleet, the multi-kilometer warships filling the majority of the viewport as they approached. A tension hung among the flotilla, an ordered rigidity to their formation that spoke to a readiness. The reason for which became clear as the small freighter cleared the massive bulk of the dagger-shaped Super Star Destroyer that hung as the fleet’s centerpiece.

Across the empty void that separated them from the planet itself sat another massive collection of ships, far more eclectic in design and makeup than the Imperial fleet, but just as imposing. While too far away to make out details given their low orbits, the red livery and opposition to the Imperial fleet narrowed down the possibilities to very few other powers in the sector. It was becoming more clear that the Imperials had much bigger problems to worry about than a single small freighter.

It only took a few minutes to cross the intervening space between the two fleets, a no-man’s land marked with nothing but emptiness. This time a communication came through unprompted, a short message that confirmed transponder identification, and giving clearance for a flight path along with a rather solemn “safe flying” attached to the end of the message.

Making good on her connections, it seems.

There wasn’t time to relax though, as the red glow of atmospheric entry lit up the particle shields, slowly dissipating to the green masses of Dantooine proper...

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Posted (edited)

IC [Tallik Vao, Mossy Badger]

Tallik had spent most of the voyage in his cabin, with the door shut. With hours to spare as the ship moved through hyperspace, and without the urgency of escape and survival to focus his mind, he'd been unable to avoid thinking about what had happened on Taris and the full weight of the day's events had come crashing down on him.

He was now a fugitive of the Empire, an accomplice to New Republic espionage of some kind. He was aboard an unfamiliar ship, with people he barely knew, heading to a planet he hadn't set foot on since childhood, with no idea what awaited him there and nothing but a set of coordinates to guide him.

And Cylund Calrissian, the man who'd been his brother in all but blood since they were orphaned urchins on the streets of Taris, had been taken by Imperial Inquisitors. The feeling of powerlessness was almost overwhelming. His mind returned time and again to the memory of the day he'd met Cy, when he'd seen the young Human being threatened by thugs and saved him with a well-thrown stone. Time and again they'd watched each other's backs, time and again he'd dragged Cylund out of trouble. Why had it been so different this time? Why had he fled, leaving Cylund to the mercy of the terrifyingly powerful agents of the regime that had, until only a few months ago, held the whole galaxy in its iron grip?

Tallik couldn't keep his mind from cycling through all the things that might be happening to Cylund right now. At the very least the Inquisition would have him imprisoned, with no hope of escape or negotiation. Was he being questioned? Tortured? For all he knew they might be about to execute him. They might have already done it.

Is this all my fault?

The Twi'lek was jolted from his ruminations by the sound of their captain's voice over the intercom.


On 6/29/2021 at 9:03 PM, sunflower said:

"Captain Kaal speaking. We've arrived in the Dantooine system, but we have some... imperial entanglements to avoid. If you wanted to lie low here, I'm afraid we just stepped in a pretty big mess. Taking us in for a landing."

Tallik frowned, his focus quickly returning with the news of their arrival and the Imperial threat. His guilt and dread banished for now to the corners of his mind, rose from the bunk and made his way to the bridge.

He stepped into the freighter's cockpit just in time to see the bulk of the Super Star Destroyer recede from the front viewport, giving way to a sweeping view of the New Republic fleet and the green planet beyond. He let a long, slow whistle escape his lips at the sight of the assembled fleets. What in the galaxy is going on here? The situation looked one sudden move away from a full-scale naval battle. This was more than just a complication — for all they knew, they might've just stumbled into a warzone.

Nevertheless, their safe passage past the New Republic ships was enough of a relief to put him in a more talkative mood as the glare and roar of atmospheric entry gave way to the familiar grasslands of Dantooine.

"Haven't been here since I was a kid," he said. "Dad used to take us digging for relics out in the hills. Said it was one of the best places for it in the galaxy, if you knew where to look."

He glanced at the nav-computer screen.

"We'd dock at Tanniko most trips. Wonder if it's still how I remember it."

Edited by Ghosthands
  • Like 1






[Sue, The Mossy Badger]

Sue had spent the vast majority of the trip convincing the caf machine to produce something decent, which she thought she had succeeded in.   It was a distraction, like so many of the things she had been doing in the past few years, but distractions helped her think. 

The rest of her time had been spent lounging on the bridge tapping through guidebooks on Dantooine.  The place was hardly a smuggler’s hotspot, although there was always a rich estate owner or two looking for a diversion.  Habit meant she had spent far too much time speculating on the fine quality alcohol that the planet’s vast fields of grain likely produced.  Distractions, again.

She still had a nose for trouble it seemed, as she smelled the familiar tang of Imperial presence a few seconds before the intercom came on.  Useful, the instincts she had been attempting to bury for the last few years--a greater forewarning could have been even more useful.

Still, this was about what she had expected.  The universe seemed determined to demonstrate the futility of running.

Taking her caf mug with her, she strolled to the bridge, bag in hand--just in time for the captain to smoothly lie to the Imperial blockade.   A professional, this one.

She growled. 
“Thanks,”  TK translated, “I’ve got a bottle of Tihaar that was my personal project for several years in the fridge.  Consider it an apology.”

Talik followed soon after, and began chattering, which told her that he was also trying not to think too hard about something.  Probably his friend in Inquisitorious' clutches.   A different time, she might have bought the Twi’lek drink and urged him to talk his feelings out, but they weren’t out of the lower levels yet.   Still, ruins.   Interesting.  The guidebooks were very vague about them.

Her next snort had a bit of an edge to it. 
“Ruins, huh?  Planning on a nostalgic hike?”

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.


IC [Tallik Vao, Mossy Badger]

The Twi'lek chuckled, not quite smiling.

"No, I don't think so."

That part of his life, the happiness and safety of his family, almost felt like a dream now. Too much had changed.

"Maybe it's better for some things to stay buried."

  • Like 1






[Sue, The Mossy Badger]

Sue purred, taking another sip of coffee.  “I think you and I will get along well, hun.”

  • Like 2

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.


IC Odiina Brando - ISD Insight - Mess Hall:

A short search found the Stormtrooper in the mess, and at last, she felt a little more comfortable. Star Destroyer or not, this was familiar. Off duty troopers and officers just.... Relaxing a little. She wasn't hungry, but she hadn't been assigned anywhere yet either so here was as good a place as any. She found an open table and sat, the tightness in her chest loosening just a little.

Posted (edited)

IC: Jorena Kaal, The Mossy Badger

Kaal smiled faintly at the Wookie's offer and nodded her gratitude. Despite her frequent presence in the common areas of the Badger, the "Pantoran" had been remarkably quiet for the journey, her azure lips rarely parting to say much other than brief, polite statements for the sake of coordination and cordial pleasantries. Rather, her strange, crimson eyes were intent and interested when others were speaking, her preference obviously for listening.

The same could not be said for her droid companion. 

E3 chattered along while doing ship maintenance, while helping Kaal pilot the craft, and while watching Sue fix the caf machine. In fact, the droid's preference for surprisingly in tune warbles lended an almost singsong quality to his blathering, giving the distinct impression the stubborn cylinder of rusting metal and electrics was whistling while he worked. He even tried to speak to passengers in the halls, to as good effect as he could manage.


As they neared Dantooine and began their final descent, Kaal padded back into the common area, clipping her holster back on her belt and checking over her blaster before sliding it in. Her crimson eyes moved over the pack she held in her hands.

"Beeeeoooo," E3 said, an almost smug tone to his sound as he looked from Tallik to Kaal. 

Her gaze flicked up to the droid, narrowing, then moved over to the others, the unnerving, barely there rings of her irises and pupils the only indicators as to where she was looking.

"I presume once you're landed safely, this is where our business relationship ends," she said quietly. "Lest your intentions actually require a service of mine, I do not believe you will need me to run to ground."

Edited by Leaf
  • Like 1

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles


IC [Tallik Vao, The Mossy Badger]

Tallik nodded. He had no idea how long he'd be on Dantooine, and while Kaal was evidently a competent pilot and people-smuggler whose services could be worth retaining, he simply didn't have the credits for it.

"Yes, once we're docked I'll pay my share of the second instalment, and we can part ways."

He glanced to the Wookiee.

"Actually, Sue, that reminds me. There's something we should discuss."

  • Like 1





Posted (edited)

[Sue, The Mossy Badger]

Sue’s next growl was short with a rising intonation.  “Now?  As we are docking.”

Edited by Mel
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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

Posted (edited)


If it weren't for the slight feeling of nausea induced by the massive warship's stasis fields coming online once the ship had jumped to hyperspace, it would have been nearly impossible to tell that the Insight was hurtling towards their destination. The blackened transparisteel viewports give the impression that the ship was motionless, suspended in an empty black void devoid of even stars. Whether this was a more reassuring alternative to the other-wordly swirling mass of energy that hyperspace remained to be seen.

The lack of light almost gave the bridge of the Star Destroyer a serene quality to it, a polished austere amphitheater that belied the war machine it commanded. There was a faint hum of voices, though hardly conversation, as readouts, status reports, and commands were relayed across the bridge from the technicians and officers that filled the space.

"Captain," A single voice, raised above the rest, the astrogator on station turning in his seat to look up at the aforementioned grey-uniformed human standing on the gantryway above the recessed section. "Dropping out of hyperspace, we've arrived on station. Holding above Dantooine."

"Excellent," The response came, the captain's laconic tone not matching the word as she regarded the triangular viewports which began to clear to show the Imperial flotilla before them. "Keep our current orbit, don't form up with the Fleet just yet."

Unclasping a hand from behind her back, the captain keyed in a sequence into the console next to her position.

Elsewhere, deep within the massive, black-plated capital ship, a small chime came over the intercom, followed by the captain's voice.

"Inquisitor Vespula," A low rumble filled the space, the unmistakable sound of the Insight's giant ion engines powering up, "We've arrived at Dantooine, currentl-"

Then it hit.

A wave of unease and fear that drowned out the hum in the air. One that impacted with the force of a laser cannon to the chest, surrounding and engulfing the space with a deafening intensity that threatened to suffocate. It dampened all sensation save it, clawing up and into the mind.

But there was more... An undercurrent within the onslaught of emotion. An eagerness- no, a yearning. A want, hedonic desire. Every Inquisitor on the warship felt it wash over them.

And every Inquisitor could recognize its Darkness.

"-holding in a high orbit outside of the fleet," The captain's voice continued from over the intercom, completely unaware of what had just occurred. "Awaiting orders before hailing, I presumed you wish to be discrete with our dealings with the Navy."

The wave had dissipated completely by the time the captain finished speaking, though its euphoric effects had not.


* * *


Far closer to the the planet, within the confines of the comparatively diminutive freighter, a small chime emanated from a pocket on Tallik's person, a note that was unfamiliar to those around and him. Investigation would reveal that it was the data chip, but something had changed. A blip was pulsating from the small viewscreen, and the numbers scrolling through were no longer the coordinates of Dantooine itself.

Rather, they appeared to be planetary positioning information, outlining a sector east of the capital city.

It was then that the Dark wave hit. Unlike the experience felt by the Inquisitors in high orbit above, the one felt by Kaal, Tallik, and Sunorhyyn was less intense, but just as unsettling. It was, for those lacking the familiarity with the unrestrained side of the Force, almost inviting. But an invitation tainted with a rotten, blackened core.


Edited by sunflower
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Posted (edited)

IC [Tallik Vao, The Mossy Badger]

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Tallik replied, scratching one lekku sheepishly. "I should've brought it up earlier. I was...preoccupied. But it'd be best if we — "

He was interrupted by an unexpected electronic chime from one of his jacket's hidden pockets. The one containing the Zabrak's data chip. His hand moved instinctively to it, but he held back from opening the pocket. Professional as the Pantoran was, he wasn't sure about the wisdom of letting her get a look at the apparently precious (and evidently dangerous) item.

" — if we — "

And then the Dark wave hit. His breath caught in his throat, and his hands fell clenched to his sides. It was unlike anything he'd ever experienced.

Just as quickly, it was gone. Tallik shook himself. What had come over him? He was about to chalk it up to the previous day's trauma and lack of sleep, but then he saw the others' faces. Sunorhyyn looked displeased, even disgusted at something, while Kaal was staring intensely at him and Sue in turn in a way she hadn't before. Could it be that they'd felt something too?


IC [Raia Veyura, ISD Insight]

The sound of breaking glass shattered the atmosphere of quiet industriousness in one of the Insight's laboratories. A technician working a nearby bench turned to look at the source of the noise.

"Inquisitor...?" he asked, his voice a little high-pitched with nervousness. The good doctor was known neither for her clumsiness nor for her benevolence. "Is everything alright?"

Inquisitor Raia Veyura was standing stock still, ramrod-straight, one hand still outstretched as the liquid from the flask she had previously been holding spread slowly across the floor. Her back was to him, so he couldn't see the expression on her face, but he could just make out the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end. Then she seemed to shiver, and turned around to face him, smiling a strange, distant smile.

"Yes...yes, quite all right, Technician," she said. Her eyes almost looked glazed over, staring into the middle distance somewhere over his shoulder.

He couldn't think of anything to say. He swallowed. There was a long pause, before Veyura's reverie seemed to lessen and her gaze snapped properly onto him.

"I'm ending my research session early," she announced brusquely. She looked down, apparently noticing the broken flask for the first time and looking mildly surprised. She looked back to the technician. "See to it that this is cleaned up."

With that, Raia Veyura hung up her lab coat, replacing it with her usual Inquisitorius-issue one and swept out of the lab, walking purposefully towards Costa Vespula's quarters.

Edited by Ghosthands
  • Like 2





Posted (edited)

IC: Jorena Kaal, The Mossy Badger


The wave was sickening, perhaps not as much as it should have been. Kaal found herself grateful for her physiology, though perhaps... Had she really lost so much? Were these others so much stronger? 

Her expression didn't change, but for a moment before she talked her eyes flicked up to the ceiling of the Badger, almost seeming to plead with the rivets and plates of the hull before returning to the others. When she spoke she responded to the last thing Tallik had said to her, a tone of urgency marring her usual professionalism.

"Good. Our relationship will become a more personal one. I assume you intend on following that--" she pointed at the blinking chip with an accusing finger. "No matter what advice a woman you barely know gives you."

 Tallik's eyes narrowed.

"My closest friend sacrificed himself to the Inquisitorius so I could escape with this thing," he said quietly. "I owe it to him to follow through on that."

There was a long moment of silence as the Pantoran woman considered, her red eyes not leaving the Twi'lek, before the R2 unit sitting quietly in the corner released a small, quiet "weeeeoooh", his focus firmly on his 'owner'.

"I know," she said, almost under her breath, then looked the Twi'lek up and down once as her mental attention returned to him. "Very well, I will not waste my breath on arguments for abandoning the call before it is too late. While we are not currently hunted, that will change. Gather your things. We will need to hit the ground at a non-suspicious but brisk pace. I will have E3 take care of the ship. Deviation at this point will lead to losing time rather than gaining it."

She stuck her thumbs in her belt loops. "And like it or not, it is 'we' now, as we are all complicit. I think all would prefer if I was not captured and tortured for information, and considering my profession, I think I will remain of use to you."

Edited by Leaf
edited some wording for clarity
  • Like 3

No such thing as destiny.

BZPRPG Profiles


IC Odiina Brando - ISD Insight:

Odiina had almost managed to forget about the past few days for a moment when she suddenly felt very, very wrong. Despair and anxiety crashed over her like an all consuming wave, and her breathing became shallow and frantic. Cold sweat formed on her brow,  and the hair on the back of her neck sttod on end as if she'd become electrically charged. Nausea reared from inside; Odiina rushed to the nearest waste receptacle and voided her stomach.


And then it was gone, but she still was wet and shaky and panicked for no clear reason. She wiped bile from her mouth, and on shaky legs decided it was time to go to med bay.


  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

[Sue, The Mossy Badger]

Sue finished her coffee, although it was hard to taste anything but the stench that lingered in her throat, like the remnant of a vomiting episode.   She growled in reply to Kaal the intonation rising before smoothing out.   “My belongings are already packed.  I think you’ll find I have my ways of...expediting customs.”

Back to old habits.  The pantoran woman was right: they might have drawn only a sideways glance on Taris, but not here.   Sue was intimately familiar with that, as an escaped slave who had spent too many of her landings shoved into a crate, hidden under bags of grain along with the glitterstim.

The best hope they had right now was to get whatever Talik needed and hope to the universe that it was something useful.   Kaal was clearly more afraid of the Imperials than she was itching for the fact stacks of credits they were likely willing to hand over for Tallik, but Sue wasn’t sure how long that would remain true.  Hopefully enough for them to get somewhere away from the fleet. 

She wondered if given the option, they could convince her to run to the New Republic.   Unlikely, though, Kaal seemed like she avoided politics whenever it was convenient for her, and most of the time when it was inconvenient as well.  Hm.

The wookie was now looking at the ship’s captain with an equally evaluating gaze.

Edited by Mel
  • Like 3

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.


IC [Tallik Vao, The Mossy Badger]

The Twi'lek took a deep breath.

"Well," he said. "If we're in this together, we'd better all be on the same page. I don't know much about what's going on, but I'll explain what I can. That NR guy back on Taris gave me this — " he drew the device from his pocket and held it level for his companions to see " — before the Inquisitors got him. Told me to protect it. All it's displayed so far is coordinates, which is why I had us go to Dantooine..."

As he spoke he glanced at the chip's viewscreen. The numbers had changed.

"...and now it's pointing to a specific location here on the planet. Somewhere outside the city, to the east. And that's all I know."

Even as he said it, he felt foolish. Following this breadcrumb trail was a colossal shot in the dark, and now he'd arguably dragged others into the same mess he was in. But it was the only chance he had of finding a way to save Cy. As he'd said to Kaal, he knew this was what he had to do.

"I might know someone who can help us get ourselves a landspeeder discreetly, though. If he's still here."

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IC(Varis Kalaf, ISV Insight):

Varis was hanging upside down in her quarters when she felt it. The wave came as an assault on all her senses; the smell of rotting fruit, the pulse and shudder of something moving behind her eyes, muffled sounds that could as easily be sobs as laughter, centipedes under her skin, and the taste, intoxicating and foul, of blood and wine intermingled. Behind it all, above, below and coursing through, were the fear and the hunger, driving hooks into the back of her mind, fighting each other and her own consciousness as she struggled to breathe.

When she came to on the floor, the wave had passed, but the taste of blood remained. She winced, picking herself off the floor - bacta was a pain to apply discreetly to a bleeding tongue, and she did not feel like explaining this one to anybody. Still shaken up by the wave, she dusted herself off and left her quarters to look for a medkit.

OOC: Treated Varis's experience with the Force wave a bit like a grand mal seizure.

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We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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