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IC:​ Jenth


The mechanic's eyes were wide, and she stared at the deactivated gauntlet for a good moment longer before realize that Vanndred had been talking to her​. "Oh, uh, right, there's a room in the back. Don't really use it for anything besides storage."


Which was debatable, seeing the state that the rest of her shop was in.


"You're not actually going to ​go over there​." Jenth seemed increasingly distressed as she considered the thought.



Posted (edited)

IC (Vanndred, Jenth's Worksheop):


Vanndred immediately picked up the crate carrying his armor and swiftly moved into the back room, hitting the door control with his elbow. "I am. Viido was gonna be my point of contact for this acquisition, and I had... other business I had to deal with at the Stray Tach. And the money from that bounty was going to provide some pin-money me to get back into the big hunts."


There was a weighty pause. "So, I'm pretty sure Viido is gonna be the one providing your paycheck, one way or another."

Edited by Keeper of Kraata

The times, they are a-changing...






As the special boy in shining armor laid down suppressing fire against Liare, Varis turned her pistol on the star of every Inquisitor's headache, laying down a stream of fire directly targeting the aggressor so that he could not devote all of his attention to keeping her colleague pinned down. Her aim was a little less than perfect, as she had one hand still keeping her lightsaber ready to deflect incoming fire, but perfection wasn't necessary to make a nuisance of herself. With some regret, she noted that her own options for cover near the door were somewhat less plentiful than the tables and chairs in the bar proper, but moving away from the door would make it too easy for one or more targets to slip out.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom




Somehow, both the armored mercenary and the Twi'lek who'd managed to escape out into the streets had proved more interesting - and competent; he had a little vibe about him - than the New Republic agent they had been sent here to detain. Costa, who had at least envisioned a grand arrest to make up for the sixteen hours she'd spent planetside with a growing headache in the search for this B-wing pilot, was now left pouting and genuinely peeved at the three measly blaster bolts she was left to deflect while the pilot scurried into cover behind one of the seats of a booth. 


She could just push him out, or get over there acrobatically...


But at the same time, Costa Vespula couldn't deny that the long stay on Taris and the series of setbacks it had taken to get to this guy had left her feeling...








Flipping the free palm that wasn't on her lightsaber over, Costa focused briefly on her image of the pilot and the space around him and closed her hand's fingers into a tight fist. A loud cry of pain was her only answer, followed by a loud thud and a faint hum not unlike that of an open current or a lightsaber. When she rounded the booth and looked down on her target, she saw that the Force net had worked as planned and bound the Zabrak in painful ropes of crimson Force energy. Normally, she only used the technique on Jedi; your typical pilot wasn't going to have enough strength with the Force to require having his connection with it severed so abruptly and painfully. But with the way this investigation had gone so far, it was better to be safe and a little cruel than kind and stuck here even longer.










"You are under arrest," Costa said deliberately, glaring down at the Zabrak. "Stay. Surrender. Good boy."



  • Upvote 4






Son of a .


The profanity never got a chance to leave his mouth owing to the attention he had to put into blocking blaster-fire coming his way. His saber moved like an extension of her body, flicking from point to point to deflect the incoming bolts, but the sheer volume made it difficult to concentrate. It didn’t matter that he was quick enough to do it, eventually he’d make a mistake and then he’d be in trouble.


Fortunately, the universe decided to cut him some slack.


Blaster-fire from the direction of the door, courtesy of one Varis (Liare made a mental note to thank her later), took up some of the armored being’s attention. It was only a split second reprieve, but it was all he really needed. He deflected the last shot, stepped to the side before his window could close, and flicked upwards with the barrel of his pistol. The being’s rifle followed suit, the barrel yanked upwards to direct its shots into the ceiling and it stayed there. Liare doubted they were strong enough to completely counteract the telekinesis, but it didn’t really matter. He wasn’t giving him the chance.


The Inquisitor bolted forward, weaving in an unpredictable manner. It might have made it hard to hit him, but it was simple to keep track of him…


Until there wasn’t one Liare to keep track of, but three.


The Liares’ trajectories interconnected with one another like a shell game on their way across the few meters their foe had retreated, until it was impossible to tell which one was real. Not even a machine could have thanks to the way his little trick worked. The Inquisitors had crossed the gap in a matter of seconds and each took a swing at their foe from a different direction, one vaulting up and over the table to stab at him on his way down, another flanking left with a controlled diagonal strike while the last flanked right with a slash at waist-level to try and exploit the way the carbine had dragged their hands up.


“You’re really gonna make me work for this, aren’t you?” The one that flanked right growled, midswing. “Typical. I tried to keep this clean.”

  • Upvote 1



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


Posted (edited)

IC [Tallik Vao, The Stray Tach]


Raltz's stun shots peppered the doorway, some of them buzzing into the back room on Tallik's heels. By the time the Terror Troopers scuttled down the alley to the Tach's rear door, the Twi'lek had already burst through and was sprinting down the back streets like a bat out of .


Left. Right. Right. Left. Instinct and muscle memory had taken over, guiding him on a haphazard but effective escape route away from the Tach. Only a small, quiet part of his mind was not occupied with flight, repeating one thought to itself:


Cy will be fine Cy will be fine Cy will be fine


IC [Raia Veyura, The Stray Tach]


Costa was dealing with the Zabrak. Liare and Varis were taking on the blue-armoured being. Raltz and the Terror Troopers would no doubt capture the fleeing Twi'lek.


The two off-duty Stormtroopers, however, were still in the bar, and given what she had seen when entering, Veyura had her suspicions about one of them. She flicked her lightsaber into life and advanced on the counter.

Edited by Ghosthands






IC Odiina:




Storm troopers didn't desert, everyone knew that!




...didn't they?


She felt a headache coming on, and decided to press the issue another time.


"Look, we can sort this mess out once the inquisitors are all done with the that killed our CO..."


She took a peek up from her cover.


There was a very unhappy looking woman with a light saber coming their way.


Odiina's blood ran cold.


She glanced back at Dak.


In the heat of the moment, there was no telling what an inquisitor might do to a suspected traitor.


Not while they were conscious, anyway.




....she was going to have to improvise. Again.


"Apologies in advance," she said, pointing her blaster at Dak and firing a stun round.


She's either saved the woman's life, or at least spared her a painful death.


She hoped, anyway.


IC: Kaz Arrives Again! Bring forth justice to desolate plains!
Having long since placed all of his explosives, the aggressive inquisitor known by the name Kaz had found himself quite bored by his mission. Setting explosives and ordering the weak around was a mission not suited to someone who desired the thrill of combat above all else. Yet that was where he now found himself, and said mission was quick to cause Kaz to doze off. Yet his dreams of combat, would soon be interrupted by alert of a homing beacon designating that someone, somewhere, was prepping for a fight. 
With a bolt and a savage grin, Kaz became a mental prepping of his own. Thus sticking his boring job of watching the garrison on some random storm trooper, Kaz sprinted atop his own speeder bike. A powerful, if a bit dated, beast that currently rested outside of the kicked in doors of the outpost. Someone was probably going to get fined for Kaz's previous dramatic entrance, but for now that was the least of his concerns. Well, you couldn't really say it was a concern of his at all, it didn't even enter his thoughts if one's being honest. Now all that was left was the ecstasy of revving the engines of his speeder bike and the burning anticipation he had in hopes of the fight ahead. The speeder burned it's way across the land, rapidly approaching the origins of the homing beacon Kaz had recently received.


Of course, Kaz understood a thing such as protocol existed, and so he made a courtesy call where it was needed. To one Costa Vespula, Chief Inquisitor and the woman responsible for stuff that Kaz didn't quite understand. 
He wasn't the most eloquent of beings when it came to the common tongue. To her credit, Costa was quick to reply with a rather exasperated tone of voice. 
"Yes, Kaz. Help fight."


"Good. Who?"


"Since when do you care?"


"Need knowing, punch who?"


"He's a big guy...for us. Armored head to toe. Liare is having trouble with him."


"Good. Under roof?"


"Yes, Kaz. We're under the roof."


There wasn't another response from Kaz, at least not verbally. For he had a few moments before positioned himself on the roof above the ongoing battle. Thanks then to the buzzing sounds of a saber, mixed with rifle blasts, yelling and the general sounds of a skirmish, Kaz had learned a while back the position most likely to contain fun. Costa had merely confirmed that it was also the right place for him to drop in. Thus Costa received her response in the form of Kaz blasting away the roof and quite literally dropping in. Of course, he had made sure that during said drop, his saber was already out and coming down from above and behind the head of the armored being Liare was currently flanking.


Always fond of a dramatic entrance, Kaz couldn't help but shout amongst the confusion and shattering wood the phrase that had long ago become a calling card of sorts for the young inquisitor. 




And in a second, so too would his blade arrive upon the head of his current target.  

  • Upvote 1



IC: Dak quickly collapsed as she felt the impact of a stun shot in her chest. What was Odiina thinking? Right now, her agenda seemed very confusing.


She didn't have much time to think as she started to lose consciousness.



Rav grinned, though it just as easily could have been a wince given the glowing tendrils of energy that bound his body. If looks could kill, then the almost animalistic fire in the Zabrak's eyes might've caused a few of Costa's ancestors to spontaneously combust. He didn't speak, not for lack of trying despite the Force net, and had settled on the next best thing. He managed to squeeze off a burst from his pistol towards her torso, having taken the painful steps necessary to position the pistol against his body as the Inquisitor approached. Even so, it was all he managed to do, as it seemed the ropes of energy had begun to sap his strength already.


The armored being had already been backpedaling away from Liare as the barrage of blaster fire shot towards him from the door. The first shot went wide, exploding off a back wall, and his aim was thrown off as his blaster was yanked a few inches upward. The second shot seemed to be far more effective, connecting with the being’s head and causing him to drop to the floor. So it seemed. Until the drop turned into a lateral lunge to the side and back, the remainder of the blaster fire flying above him. The blaster pistol shot that had connected left a blackened crater on the side of the being’s helmet, but otherwise appeared to have done little else in terms of damage to the armor.

It was then apparent that the motion was hardly related to the blaster rounds, as Liare’s triple-sided attack came up short. The being had already raised his weapon again while on the move, and was preparing to sweep the area with automatic fire, if it weren’t for the fact that ceiling had decided to cave in.

Or rather, the ceiling was complicit in Kaz’s plot to a dramatic entrance.

Unfortunately, the Inquisitor’s saber only met empty air, the being had been moving too fast for the vertical strike to connect, though the same couldn’t be said about the blindingly fast strike that Rav’s contact snapped towards Kaz’s kidney as he flew past.

He didn’t stop to brawl with the Inquisitor, his target being further back; one of the cybernetic troopers that had surrounded the bar. The Terror Trooper, the exact opposite of oblivious, turned fired a stun round directly into the being’s chest… and was immediately body-slammed into a wall, its armor caved in from the impact, before being whipped around and tossed towards the Inquisitors. The being took the opportunity, and out through the opening that the unfortunate Trooper had blasted into the bar earlier, disappearing from sight.

IC: Jenth

The mechanic’s eyes didn’t appear to be physical able to relax, and she nodded once in understanding with an “Oh.” That certainly changed things, immensely.

Jenth, who was dwarfed by the stacks of parts next to her, asked the bounty hunter, “…are you gonna need help?






"Liare, Kaz. Hold off on pursuit."


Costa effortlessly flicked her lightsaber to the left, deflecting Raz's last-ditch shot with a long-suffering, baleful look at her Zabrak captive. The Zeltron Chief Inquisitor looked around at the trashed interior of the Stray Tach, and her reproachful look grew colder.


"You. Pilot," she called out to the woman that had called out earlier. She seemed to be among the clever few that had been happier sticking to her late dinner than picking a fight with the Inquisitors, and now that Costa had a moment to catch her breath and focus on her there was a nugget of Force potential in the woman. She knew how loathe Liare was to drag along captive Force users for training the way the two of them had been taken...


But if this woman was a mercenary, what harm was there?


"I'll give you a shot. Our Star Destroyer is still in orbit. ISD Insight. Take these two prisoners," she instructed, gesturing to the struggling Rav and unconscious Cylund, "and dock with us. Veyura, Raltz, you're with her. The rest of us will take the Lambdas at the garrison back."


Her eyes met Liare and Raia meaningfully before Costa stepped away from her drained prisoner.


"Who owns the bar?"






IC [Raia Veyura, The Stray Tach]


Veyura attention had been diverted by Kaz's 'entrance' and the subsequent escape of the Zabrak's blue-armoured accomplice; the two off-duty stormtroopers were (at least temporarily) forgotten.


She nodded in acknowledgement of Costa's orders. Deactivating her lightsaber, she beckoned Raltz over.


"Sergeant, if you could secure our prisoners..."






IC (Raltz Nightwing, Stray Tach):


"As you command, Inquisitor."


Raltz coldly smiled beneath his helmet as he passed his repeater to one of the terror troopers. Heavy metal footsteps sounded in staccato as the dark trooper approached the apprehended zabrak and human. An armored hand roughly pushed Rav's head to the table as he wrestled his arms into some restraints. One of the terror troopers held him down as Raltz slapped another pair of restraints on the unconscious human. Raltz picked Cylund up and grabbed Rav by the shoulder.


"We should get one of the standard troopers to do a body search. I'd do it myself, but I don't want the prisoner too badly beaten before the interrogation."

The times, they are a-changing...




IC: Whatever was going on, it wasn't good news. On the bright side, it looked like most of the Imperial forces were focused in the middle of the bar. Whatever business they were up to, it looked like they apprehended their person. They were already close to the door. A well-timed sprint could be the key to survival.


Nadia remained calm as she started to stand up. She reached for Viseria, pulling the young Miraluka to her feet.


"Come on," she muttered. "We should get out of here."


The Twi'lek moved toward the door, her friend on her shoulder. She just hoped to avoid drawing too much attention. From the looks of things, it seemed that the Imperial forces were primarily focused on trying to subdue the armored being that had drawn so much attention. It didn't seem like they were as interested now in the Cantina patrons.


She was almost there. Nadia carefully stepped through the door and onto the street outside. So far, nobody had noticed or cared.


"What next?" Viseria asked weakly.


The Twi'lek looked around the street. There was one thing that quickly caught her eye. It looked like a swoop bike, parked just across from her. One of the Beks was stepping off and into one of the buildings. 


She smiled.


Nadia moved forward, placing Viseria onto the front seat of the bike, before moving onto the back. "Hold on," she said as she started up the bike's engines. Now she just had to get off the street before any of the Imperials noticed...



Liare growled, moments from hampering the Armored Being's pursuit when he heard Costa's order.


The Terror Trooper intended to keep him from following had failed miserably, given that it was batted aside with a contemptuous Force push. He watched the enemy combatant disappear with simmering resentment, and an anger at his escape that broke his focus. A feeling like that wasn't like him, and it bothered him that he had slipped into it so easily.


So he obeyed the order without complaint, though despite himself it was clear it was the exact opposite of what his instincts told him. 


He permitted is saber to extinguish, clipping the handle back to his belt and pacing back towards his booth. The Inquisitor grabbed his coat and slipped it back on, using the mundane retrieval as an excuse to center himself. A sip from the flask in his coat helped, though his mood remained... Sour. Accomplishing their objective was a matter to be celebrated, but they wouldn't get the chance. His little vacation from prison was over now that they didn't need to stay on Taris. It was going to be back to the Insight.


The thought made him want to growl again.


He spotted two very, very conspicuously fleeing people. Given that they were neither involved nor a threat, he didn't care enough to follow them. That was the Troopers' job, if they were going to carry it out that was their problem.


The frown on his face only deepened when he heard Raltz, and his tone of voice. Coming down from the adrenaline rush, from the anger that had coursed into his veins too easily, he only had to cast a glance around him for resentment to turn to shame. Most everyone inside would survive, that was true. The Troopers had been using stun rounds. Liare had been very specific about it. But the carnage wreaked, the fear instilled, the time it would take for such a place to feel comfortable again...


It wasn't what he wanted. It wasn't what a Force user was supposed to leave in his wake.


It made him sick.


But surrounded by the people who reveled in it, he couldn't let that show on his face. Instead he turned to Costa stone-faced and quiet, slipping his hands into his pockets.


"His accomplice escaped. Sorry, boss."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG



IC Odiina:


Hearing the sounds of restraints and light sabers powering off, Odiina risked another peek over her cover.


The inquisitors seemed to have caught their man.


She breathed a sigh of relief.


She wasn't particularly happy about having knocked out a former trooper for nothing, but it had been tense.


Not quite coming out of cover, she spoke up, "Is it over?"


IC: So far, so good. So far all she had to deal with was one angry Bek, who she barely heard yelling as she sped off. Around the corner, through another street. She had to swerve momentarily as she barely dodged an incoming speeder before she moved into an alleyway. This is what she lived for.


The Twi'lek paused as she brought the swoop bike to a halt. She climbed off and looked into the main street. No sign of Imperial pursuers. Good. That either meant they didn't notice or didn't care. Either way, they were out of the Stray Tach. For now, the smart thing to do seemed to be to get some distance from the Stray Tach. Better to lay low in some hotel for a while than wait to find out if anyone was coming.


Viseria slowly stepped off the swoop bike. Her strength seemed to be returning. She was able to walk again. 


"You okay?" Nadia asked.


"Yeah," Viseria replied. She leaned against the wall, taking a moment to catch her breath. She could barely remember the last few minutes. "What happened?"


"I don't know," the Twi'lek said. "I went into the Stray Tach to see if I could reach a doctor. Then all of a sudden a bunch of stormtroopers ran in and starting shooting up the place, apparently looking for someone. Only now you're suddenly recovering."


"I don't know what it is," the Miraluka said. "Something about that crowd-"


"Don't worry," Nadia said. "First we'll find a place to lay low. It looks like we got away but I'm not waiting around to find out for sure."


"That's going to be difficult for you," the Miraluka replied. "You're the biggest swoop rider on Taris."


"I am," Nadia replied. "I could try and get us some fake identification, but they could still recognize the face on every swoop race advertisement... we're going to need a ship off-world."

Posted (edited)



"Inquisitors." Reo sipped calmly at his beer and let his chest rise and fall in a single deep breath. Years of Imperial discipline hadn't left his posture easily, and he was seated ramrod straight, with his free arm casually slung along the back of the circular corner booth of the dive his contact had chosen; it was a classic relaxation pose for officers, the kind everyone struck when you were getting your photo inserted into a brochure or some story tossed around the base's HoloNet bulletin. It still felt familiar and comfortable to the TIE pilot.


Skri thought it was comfortable, too. But that's because she'd never worked on her posture a day in her life, and had kicked up her legs so that she was taking up half the booth with her inert figure, and her head was balanced lazily on Reo's chest like a kitten hogging a pillow.


"Here on Taris? Our craft is--"


Throughout years of Imperial service, Reo had never so much as seen an Inquisitorius craft or crossed paths with their soldiers on one of their infamous Jedi hunts. It was a perfectly unblemished record he'd like to keep.


"Probably fine," interjected his contact, a disheveled-looking salesman who Reo had worked with for a handful of years. He was some disgraced, disowned cousin of one of Reo's old wingmates (one of the dead ones, fortunately) and had some questionable business connections in Outer Rim tibanna smuggling. Reo had gotten in touch with him about a year or so before the destruction of Alderaan, when the con artist had needed to use some Imperial clout and familial connection in order to move a shipment safely through the sector Reo was stationed in. He had been spurned by his cousin, but Lieutenant Saporta lacked a certain scruple or two that his wingman didn't, and had cheerfully obliged in the interest of some credits on the side for his next vacation. After Reo's defection, the two had struck up a steady business - business that the pilot had cut Skri in on after their...






"The Inquisitors are after one guy. Some pilot, out of the New Republic and in over his head. If that big old Lancer of yours isn't in the way of their Star Destroyer, you shouldn't have a problem."


Reo spared a glance at the positively-cozy looking mutt cushioning herself on his chest.


"Still," he said, "I think it's best if we stick around on Taris until they bail. I'm not interested in them asking any questions about where we got an Imperial vessel any larger than a TIE fighter."




"Wait for it."


A note of apprehension had cut into the voice of the Novatrooper's personal coordinator for this operation.


"Wait for it."


As if she hadn't sounded tense and professional enough to begin with--


"BOOOOOOOM! He used the left hand! He used the left hand!"




Until further updates came in on the Inquisitorius situation in the Lower City, there was a dearth of things to do.


And their cover had involved watching shockboxing. If anyone were to view the pay-per-view records from the Tarisian suite that had been rented for Rebekah Fell and didn't see shockboxing...


Well, it would look suspicious.


"That's the left hand that beat three previous champions to death since the fall of the Death Star. No sentient being can withstand it and live."


It was a tactical precaution.



Edited by April Schwarz



Posted (edited)


"They're Inquisitors, they should have their man quick. Doubt they'll stick around long." The Zeltron captain commented lazily, only keeping her eyes half-open. "Shouldn't be much to worry about. They'd have picked up on us already if they were going to pay much attention."


"You are very... Enthusiastic." 


The Novatrooper had her earpiece in, given that her armor was stowed and carefully hidden under the room's bed. She might have been more concerned about her signal being intercepted if she hadn't invested in a model with decent encryption. Even if someone happened to pick up on the right frequency, it'd just be noise. Tech wasn't her specialty but she knew enough to operate halfway decent communications tech. 


Besides, a helmet wasn't comfortable enough for lounging on a bed to watch shockboxing.


"I believe I was correct. You are something of a shockboxing fan."

Edited by Peele



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG



OOC: ayyyy new computer


IC (Isariah):


The smuggler - and now, apparently, Inquisitorius hireling - flashed a cheery hand signal to the boss-lady, laid down as generous a tip as she could for her meal, and folded the last of her crabs in a napkin. Nodding to Sgt. Raltz and the Inquisitor assigned to her, she started for the door.


"Right then, it's not too far to the drydock I had to leave Khorshid in, but your friend's cunning entrance just might have stirred up a bit of panic on the street, so... ah, you know what? You're trained for this. Just do what you do and we should get there fine, yeah?"

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

  • 2 weeks later...



"So we'll find a hotel and stay a weekend. That doesn't seem too far off from what I just said. Captain."






There were several moments of silence, followed by an odd clicking noise - like a console trying to process something, or a nervous tongue against the inside of a cheek.


"...I find their commitment to the pursuit of physical perfection...admirable."




"And when you can hear the punches make contact."








"I didn't say it wasn't, XO. Not everything is an argument."




"Aye, I rather guessed that." The comment carried the first real traces, however small, of levity in the Novatrooper's tone. Rebekah fiddled with her earpiece a little, making sure it would stay attached, and reclined further; she half closed her eyes, mostly paying attention to her ears. The sounds of the match, its chaos and applause, mixed with the faint sounds on the other end of the commline. She had no intention of sleeping, but the... Almost relaxing moments were nice.


"You can admit to enjoying the spectacle. Such things weren't uncommon in Army training, or in the Corps later. Fighting, and watching a fight, is a basic part of nature. In many species. Sports, holivids, games. There's an element in all of it." A pause. "Moreover, you can just plain admit to having interests."


"Who am I going to tell?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


  • 2 weeks later...

[Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

"Guess you’re stuck then," was Sue’s response, translated by TK.  "Get com-"

The droid’s response was buried by the of the wall collapsing.  Sue winced.  Now, that was going to put a serious dent in the business.  Literally.

The wookiee remained crouched down, back to the counter, until the chaos seemed to subside.


"Who owns the bar?"

This was her cue, probably.  Sue slowly stood up, brushing invisible specks of dirt off her coat.  Her eyes flickered between the occupants of the room before finally coming to rest on the Zeltron woman.

“I do.”

Sue repressed a sigh of relief.  She was saved from further explanations by her employer, who had strode through the gap in the wall.

Ollakansara, the current owner of the bar and inn known collectively as The Stray Tach, had never had the dancer’s figure that her species was famous for.   Age had only served to accent this.  But while lithe she may not have been, the sturdy Twi’lek was one of the quickest draws and best shots with a blaster on Taris.  The money to finance the Tach had come largely from her winnings in competitive shooting competitions, and when she cared to, the occasional local bounty.

Now however, her off-white hands rested on her belt, nowhere near her blaster.  This was clearly a contingent beyond the control of any one being, even one with as quick as a hand as Ollakansara.

“What is it you want with me?” she said.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

  • 1 month later...

IC (Isariah):


Given the choice, the smuggler decided she would much prefer to carry the unconscious prisoner than the one who was still twitching, and therefore scooped the prisoner up and over her shoulders in a fireman's carry, continuing on, somewhat slower, towards the door.


"I'm guessing one of you two is going to carry the other guy? I hope, anyway, I mean... if it's all the same to you, I'd really rather not carry both."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

  • 4 weeks later...



Costa was almost considering just strutting out and letting the people here clean up the mess. There was little on this planet worth salvaging to begin with; the trashing of one dive bar was hardly a nadir in the history of an embattled planet like Taris. But this manhunt had wrapped up in just one night; sure, it was one long, tedious, migraine-inflaming night, but only a night regardless. She could afford to be a little generous in her victory. 


The Zeltron woman stepped forward towards the Twi'lek, slicking over her dark blue undercut, tousled by the brawl. She must have had a cut on her scalp from when the big brute had powerbombed her; her scalp was sticky, her hair matted by an unknown substance that made the swoosh atop her head cling tighter to the crown of her head.


"I want to help you pass the buck," she offered. "Chief Inquisitor Costa Vespula. Use my name with the local Governor and tell him that I'm expecting fair appropriations towards any restoration work you need done here. As best as we can tell, nobody here was harboring fugitives on purpose - you didn't invite this waste of skin to drink here, and your staff didn't do anything to provoke a fight. I'm hoping that we can both just put this behind us as a bad memory, and move on with our businesses."


She gave the Twi'lek a confident smile and shrugged.


"Give the Governor that name. Costa Vespula," she repeated. "And you can watch this dive fix itself."




"So you say."


With Skri, though, most things did tend to be arguments. Be it about astromech droids, ship maintenance, job offers, or the amount of undue attention paid to Aldera's bridge instead of her, Skri loved to needle her pilot.


"I'm picking the place."







"Not literally, mind," Liare drawled, letting a faint little grin start to slip back onto his face. Even if it didn't feel real. Yet. "Yet to see anyone get a bar to put itself back together. You find someone let me know, that's handy."


Cheery. Cheery and smug. That was it. Slowly but surely he was beginning to fit right in his own skin, as normal as he ever got. The anger was fading with each breath, at the escapees, at the idea of going back, at himself; it was all slipping away. And as it went, the things that normally occurred to him started to come back. Things like realizing how much this all killed his cheerful buzz. And how much he was going to hear from Veyura about 'letting him get away'. Or how boring the Insight was gonna be. Or if anyone needed medical attention.


Like if someone got a cut, for example. 


Slipping the little silver flask back into a pocket, he pulled a little pouch off his his belt and crossed the distance between him and his boss in a few casual steps. Costa Vespula had rank on him, always had even when it was a little more unofficial, but he had a good nine inches on her. Easy. He could look down on her scalp without effort, almost out of the corner of his eye. At first blush his thought was to just make the cut go away, it wouldn't take much. But the practical little voice in the back of his head ruled that out quick, given that someone might see and flip their lid. You'd think the clan of evil might like some useful tricks like that, but noooo.


It tended to just derail into a 'more evil than thou' pissing match. 


Speaking of , he knew she wouldn't appreciate him taking care of it himself. Even though he could. And he would've preferred to. God knows, Liare certainly did, what sort of infectious you could find in a bar. Let alone one on Taris. So he held out a disinfectant swab and a small packet of bacta salve at hip level, using his casual posture and most of his hand to keep it discreet.


"The Chief is right, though. It'd be a sin to have a bar like this out of commission for long." The grin on his face widened a little. "Shame it broke out in here, I was hoping to cajole her into trying the same drink I did."


"We rolling out, boss?"



"Fine, but I get a veto."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


Posted (edited)

[Ollkansara/Sue, The Stray Tach, Lower Reaches]

“I appreciate your generosity,” the Twi’lek said, her face carefully neutral.  Sue knew the governor was just as likely to laugh in their faces without any sort of guarantee.  It would really depend on the Imperials' desire to follow up on them.  But Ollakansara was hardly stupid enough to demand anything from them.


She was at least bold enough to meet the human’s little jab at humor though.


“Yeah, that would be nice--but I’ve been to a nanite bar once and trust me, they tend to put most people off their drinks.  Now, is there anything else you require…?”

Sue could here the implication.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.


OOC: @Rache: Going by Keeper's post it looked as though Raltz had already picked up Cylund, but I'll assume he just passed him to Isariah.


IC [Raia Veyura, The Stray Tach]


Veyura gestured to Raltz to escort the Zabrak prisoner after Isariah, falling in step behind him. Seeming to remember something, she paused at the door and turned back to her colleagues.


"Oh, Inquisitors: one of you may wish to investigate behind the bar."


The Umbaran's eyes briefly met Odiina's before she turned away to follow the smuggler and dark trooper out of the Tach.





  • 3 weeks later...


"I don't think there is, unless the boss disagrees." The Inquisitor kept the friendly grin at his face when he looked from the Twi'lek to his Zeltron Chief, but a brief jolt of irritation went through him. A quick glance towards the bar revealed the woman hiding behind it, trying to determine whether or not things were over. He couldn't get a good look at her, but it was pretty clear the Umbaran was trying to stir up another issue. 




"Yeah, it's over. We should be out of your hair quick."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG



IC: Tashka remained quiet as she sat against the bar. She took a deep breath and tried to relax. So far, it seemed the Inquisitors had got their man. Whatever they intended to do here had been accomplished and now they were on their way out. 


She felt tired. She could still feel the effects of the strong whiskey she had drank just before all this started. The buzzing in her montrals didn't make that any easier. Her eyelids were growing heavy. 


"Next time," she thought. "Don't order the strongest whiskey."


Amidst the quiet, she started to lie on her side, sliding a hand under her lekku, and shut her eyes.



Dak was starting to regain consciousness. Her vision was blurred. She could make out a large blob which was probably an overturned table, and she could barely hear a voice from nearby.


"Yeah, it's over. We should be out of your hair quick."

She tried to lift her head, but found it quickly falling back to the floor. Obviously it was going to take a few minutes to recover from the effects of the stun blast.
Posted (edited)

IC: Great. A run-in with the inquisitors was exactly what she needed.


Dak's vision was slowly starting to come back. She managed to force herself to roll over. She needed to get out of here fast. She reached out in front of her and began to pull herself forward.




Meanwhile, in the back of the cantina, Tashka was fast asleep. The Togruta warrior lay comfortably against the counter, faintly snoring.

Edited by Atton Rand
Posted (edited)

OOC:  My first time a part of this RPG.  Besides the initial post, I have no idea what's going on currently in story.  I'll start with something relatively disconnected from other people's stories and then merge into them (If I can, haha).



Name: Peter Mitsunaga

Age: 36
Gender/Species: Male/Human
Appearance: Tall, With white hair and beard (His hair went white early in life).  
Skills: Leading, Tactical and Strategic abilities, a specialist in computer systems, hyperdrives and navigational equipment (etc.).  
Force Abilities: None.
Equipment: Standard Imperial Commander's equipment.  Standard issue rifle, comm, etc.
Personality: Kind, thoughtful and calm.  (Is known to be able to calm in intense situations.)   While serving for the empire, he frequently clashed with those in High Command, due to his disagreements over the empires methods.  Some have called him "A republic captain in an imperial age.".   He has a strong moral base, and focuses on how he can help and defend others.
History: Joined the Imperial Academy 1 year after clone wars ended.  Rose in ranks at a normal rate but experienced a number of clashes with High Command over debates on Imperial protocol.  He frequently pushed for better treatment of people in circumstances, as well as pushed for keeping of older Republic protocols, instead of newer and harsher Imperial protocols.  Due to this, he was assigned a command in a no-where system near wild space and the unknown regions.  Due to frequent Pirate activity, and his skill with dealing with them, he was given command of a Imperial Class Star Destroyer prior to the Battle of Yavin.   Due to his stance on the treatment of others and the goal of peace, He got into contact with the Rebel Alliance, and acted as an informant leading up to the battle of Yavin, and continued to afterwards.  Since the destruction of the second Death Star and the creation of the New Republic.  Cmd Peter Mitsunaga and his crew unanimously agreed to join the New Republic and fight for Peace and Justice.  Since then, The Monolith has patrolled the outer rim, defending planets from the Empire as well as Pirate groups trying to capitalize on the tumultuous state of the galaxy.
Ship: IDS Monolith, Imperial Class Star Destroyer, Currently a part of New Republic Fleet, Outer Rim Devision
Affiliation: New Republic, formally Galactic Empire (Before Battle of Endor),  Secretly Rebel Alliance informant, prior to New Republic creation. (Fulcrum Agent)
Rank: Commander
Position: Captain of the IDS Monolith
Alignment: Good, Defence of Others, Justice

"Entering the Taris system" Lieutenant Jameson said.

The blue streaks of hyperspace warp suddenly as the ship exists hyperspace.  Outside of the bridges windows, the planet Taris slowly comes into view.  Surrounding the planet is a number of cargo freighters, as well as a small assortment of smaller patrol vessels.
"Open comms.  System wide."  Cmd Mitsunaga said.
"Aye Sir."  A comms officer called from his station.
After a moment, the comms officer continued and said "Comms open sir."

Cmd Mitsunaga nodded to the officer and started to speak.
"This is Commander Mitsunaga of the New Republic ship Monolith, we've received word that there have been a number of pirate attacks over the past few weeks.  We've arrived here to investigate these attacks.  If you have any information, or other things you'd like to report, please contact us.   Thank you."
Cmd Mitsunaga nodded again to the comms officer, who promptly closed the comm.
"I have a question sir", one of the new Cadets, who was stationed just to Mitsunaga's left, raised her hand.
Mitsunaga had encouraged any of the active cadets aboard the ships to ask any questions they'd like during their time training aboard. 
"Yes Cadet?"  Mitsunaga replied.
"Why did we just let everyone in the system know we were looking for pirates stationed in this system?  Wouldn't doing so let the Pirates know we're coming for them?"
"A good question."  Mitsunaga said,  "Our goal here is to catch these pirates, yes.  But another goal of our mission is to show the people of Taris that the New Republic cares for these small outer rim worlds like this.  A good number of these pirates will leave the system after hearing that we're here.  Probably to some smaller system where they can more easily prey on the small shipping freighters.  Little do they realize that we'll follow them there too.  No world is too small to be helped by the new republic.  That aside, our mere presence in the system will be enough to throw a serious wrench into these pirates organizations. The more people who know that we're here, the better."
"Ahh, I understand." The cadet replied.
Mitsunaga nodded and said "Thanks for the question.  It's really nice to see Cadets your age getting involved in --"
He was cut short when his Second officer rushed up to meet him on the bridge.  
"Sorry to interrupt sir." His first officer said, handing him a Datapad.  "We just received reports that there may have been Inquisitor sightings on Taris."
Mitsunaga's expression turned from his usual cheerful expression into one of deep concern.  He glanced over the info on the Datapad, and after a moment looked up again at his first officer.  
"This is very worrying."  
He turned to face the rest of the bridge and issued an order.
"We've received reports that there may be imperial inquisitors within the system. Monitor all traffic to and from the system.  If they're here, I want to make sure they don't leave."  He looked back at his First Officer and continued "Prepare a platoon of troopers.  We're going down there to see what's going on."
Edited by Metax

Hi, I'm Metax.  BS01's Lead Programmer and Longtime Bionicle Fan!

  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)



Is this it?


Am I dead?


Is this what peace feels like?


It had been eleven hours since the Inquisitorius Lambda-class shuttles had left the surface of Taris with a handful of captives, including the Rebel pilot they'd been sent to the planet to detain in the first place. It had been eleven hours - and Costa Vespula was still allowed to rest.


She felt at peace, so she must have been dead. Maybe the shuttle had malfunctioned or something; maybe she had wound up on the wrong Star Destroyer. Or, more likely, they'd forgotten Sarir planetside or something similarly inane. That would be the luckiest break she could hope for.


Her two superiors in the Inquisitorius delegation had been taken aback by her success, but pleased; even the grouchy, taciturn Kerrigan hadn't given her a very hard time over her methods, including the execution of that Stormtrooper idiot who had gotten the B-wing's data wiped. And to think, even that wasn't completely kiboshed; the techs were making ample progress, and by the time the pilot was sealed up to his eyeballs in carbonite on Prakith, they might even have some semblance of real information from the Republic starfighter. That thought was worthy of one content sigh - and of a happy, private dessert when she was safely inside her quarters onboard the Star Destroyer Insight.


A good nap, a good pastry...


All she needed was a good--






For a second, she thought it was Sarir, and one of her eyes had opened up in irritation, but she should have known better; the voices didn't match, and she had long since blocked Liare's access to her sanctum's private commlink. He had abused it too much late at night - or worse, one of his girlfriends would butt dial her from time to time. In the end it was easier to just block his frequency altogether. Not that she could explain that easily to the swashbuckling medic without him pouting at her. Honestly, he was so needy sometimes. As if she was the one who was punishing him when he was the one who wasn't screwin--


"Chief Inquisitor? Chief Inquisitor Vespula?"








"You're needed in the labs, my lord. We have news on the astromech droid."




"Kay." That was sort of casual for a Chief Inquisitor. "Roger. Tellllll...Veyura, to meet me there."


Veyura and...




"Veyura and Nokon."


That would be a fun combo.


"And tell Kaz to hang out with Liare for the day."


That would be even better.


"It will be done, my lord."


Hearing that was just too cool. 


It was about time she started getting some respect around here.



Edited by Sauce
  • Upvote 2





"Would ya look at that. Natural twenty."


There really was no justice in the world. None. 


"Turn out your sleeves."


None at all. 


"Salcor, buddy, do you really think I'm-"




With a roll of his eyes, Liare Sarir did as he was bid and slipped off his jacket to bare his forearms. He lifted them up, twisted them about, and even shook the sleeves of his jacket for effect. Even though he'd proven his point, his Twi'lek opponent didn't seem any more amused. There was just no pleasing some people. Now, to be fair, he had hidden cards up his sleeve before; not lately, and certainly not when he played his friends. Acquaintances. Whatever you wanted to call the people that'd hang out with him, wouldn't try to kill him, but also wouldn't stick their neck out for him. It was a shorter list than his enemies, but a lot longer than his friends friends. 


Whole lot more insidious than cards up his sleeves, honestly.


He really was just that good.


"That's two nat twenties and a nineteen."


"Uh huh."


"You barely touched your side deck."




The Twi'lek groaned.


"Look on the bright side, buddy, it was just Senate rules right?" Officially. The bosses wouldn't really condone betting. Something about it being unprofessional. Plus a lot of people just didn't really play, it was kiiiinda pointless to play a 'random' card game with a bunch of Force sensitives. Or, it would be if everyone understood the game as well as he did. "But you can drop that 'finders fee' by my quarters any time."

Operative word was probably the 'officially'.


His friend grumbled but nodded, and passed the main deck back over. Neither of them really felt like playing another round, but Liare liked shuffling the deck. Gave his hands something to do while he mused on how short the straw he'd drawn was.


Breaking it down, Costa had given him authority over the Inquisitorius forces that weren't her. They went down to Taris. In less than a day their objective was complete, the fugitive and an accomplice were in custody, minimal to no casualties on their end, and the leads he'd been working up lead them straight to their target. Vespula was the boss, all credit from the higher ups went her way. Wouldn't send it his way even if he'd personally hauled the entire New Republic in by himself, they were all still hoping someone'd space him 'on accident'. That was fine, he didn't want their praise. 


But by his score, he'd taken his first real responsibility way out in the Outer Rim and he nailed it. Yeah, some of the guy's pals got away. But they were secondary objectives at best, and soon the Inquisitorius would know everything they did. Just a few hours later. Setting aside how he felt about helping the higher ups, he was pretty sure he exceeded the boss' expectations. Did he get a 'thanks, Sarir'? A 'you did good, Liare'? A 'here, Liare, I'll finally unblock your comm frequency'?


Nnnnope. Mm mm. He was hanging out with Salcor. Playing card games he'd learned to count when his voice hadn't even dropped yet. Now, it wasn't the game he minded. Paazak was kinda fun, if you got to play with someone on your level. Which, he knew for a fact, his only best friend did. Playing Paazak with Costa? Now that would be fun. Maybe Nar Shaddaa rules. Give Costa the home town advantage. But he played Salcor a couple times a week. The guy counted cards about as well as Nokon could... Well. Count. It was boriiiiing. Maybe he'd given her some extra leverage to keep him alive and that was all well and good, but what good was [iliving[/i] if you didn't get to live? They didn't even get to stick around on Taris for a while! Enjoy the fruits of their labor!


"Inquisitor Sarir, I've been instructed to inform you that Inquisitor Kaz will be joining you for the day."

Hoooold up.


"On whose orders?"


"Chief Inquisitor Vespula's."

Ohhhh no. Nope.


"I see. Did the Chief mention where she was going to be, in case I..." A pause, thinking. "... Require her determination on how best to keep Inquisitor Kaz occupied?"


That gave the grunt some pause. No one really wanted Kaz to be bored. Score.


"I do not think she wishes to be disturbed."

"And she won't be. Unless it's absolutely necessary."

"... Yes, sir. She was headed to the labs, with Inquisitors Veyura and Raine."


"Uhhh huh. Thanks." The deck went into his jacket pocket, and Liare was off his feet in a flash. No way was he getting saddled with Kaz for the day. And technically she gave instructions to Kaz, not to him. It wasn't his fault if Kaz couldn't keep up for the day. He mouthed a 'gotta go' to Salcor and ventured into the hall, power-walking away from the scene and towards the Chief's quarters. The rec lounge fell in just the right spot to catch her on her way to the labs, if he intercepted. If he moved quick. And more importantly, moving quick would keep Kaz from finding him. "Good day."


Just no justice in the world.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG



IC [Raia Veyura, ISD Insight]


The Insight's labs were Veyura's usual haunt on the ship, so it was no surprise that she was the first to arrive at the droid workshop. She stopped short of entering, opting instead to lean against the corridor wall beside the door and wait for her colleagues to arrive.


Speaking of whom: why had Costa asked for Raine, of all people? His was hardly an intellect suited to analysing subtle intelligence of the sort that would be gleaned from the Republic astromech's innards. Someone like Varis or (begrudgingly) Liare would seem to have been the logical choice. More likely, Costa was playing some casual mind games with her team, pairing up personalities she knew would grate. Veyura smirked. She could respect that, even if she was on the receiving end of it. And it could be worse: some poor soul out there was probably saddled with Kaz for the day.


A pair of Imperial techs walked past, carrying what looked like a crate of salvage from the B-wing between them. The labs were pretty well staffed, all in all; the Inquisitorius could generally be relied on to secure a high calibre of specialists. Veyura had found the biotech division to be particularly unburdened by ethics or squeamishness — when your job meant working on Terror Troopers on a regular basis, you had to be.










Elsewhere in orbit around Taris, a very feminine young Echani was still wrapped in the throes of sleep-pouting -- unaware, but unconcerned, of the seriousness of the coming predicament on the planet below. This Echani was focused on stretching out languidly in the crew quarters, burying his face in the sheets with a silent, pantomimed yawn. He assumed that they must have been out of hyperspace by now, but the traffic in this system had absolutely blown up over the course of the last few days, and Mischief Managed was a frigate that was dwarfed in size by any of the larger Imperial ships in the area. They would look like any old merchants or smugglers, Krayn and Dor would...just a nice, peaceful little insertion and extraction.


H e h.


Not that Dor liked that sort of thing to be peaceful~!


Aaaaaaaaand speaking of--


--Eyes still peacefully closed, reveling in the comfort of the bunk--


--Dor reached over to poke a very familiar nose--


--And his index finger touched the pillow.


It was only now that one eye opened in irritation.


And then the other, staring balefully, with a pronounced sulk, into the empty bed.


Super duper rude, Inzaka.




If he was in the cockpit, Dor was so going to have words with him. 




Where's the slave circuit? 


Every cabin in the New Republic frigate that the two convicts had been stuffed inside was rigged with a slave circuit that would trigger the ship's alarm system for ninety seconds. Unless one of the two deactivated that alarm system within the minute and a half, the distress beacon would summon an entire New Republic cleanup force to the scene within thirty hours. Thus far, they had performed all jobs with aplomb; there was never any cause for alarm. But Krayn's abandonment could not be allowed to stand. This was so not comfy. The androgynous young Echani steeled himself to sit up, and his eyes - trained from a life of cat burglary - were creeping around the room for any hint of a hidden alarm panel or panic button. When he'd highlighted several potential spots, Dor slinked out of bed, a coy giggle ringing in the back of his throat, and he began to eliminate them one by one - not behind Krayn's glass holobook case, not inside any of Dor's trinkets and knick knacks, not stashed inside the blaster rack beside the door--




Krayn had cleverly set Dor's prized bust of Darth Bane atop the panic button. Only the Force knew how he had set it up so that such a heavy piece of artwork could rest atop a button without triggering the thing, but perhaps he'd gone in and tinkered with the alarm's workings somehow. He didn't know how skilled Krayn was with starships, but his partner certainly knew circuitry. It wasn't inconceivable that pressing this button would have an adverse affect beyond that which Dor was aware of - or, worse, it would do nothing at all. 




Either way, he had to be taught a lesson for his eschewing of an innocent trappo's needs. It was only just.


Disguising his wicked smile underneath another pout, Dor put his finger to the button and held it there, frowning slightly at a silence that lasted for two seconds. 


Before the long, monotone drawl of the alarm cut through the room - and, Dor assumed, the entire ship.


Nine-ty seconds, soldierrrr~!


Hurriedly, Dor scurried back to the bed and hopped down onto the center of the bunk, crossing his legs and aiming his most reproachful look at the door, waiting to use it on whatever opened the door.





  • 3 months later...


Rolling his new eye wasn't comfortable, or he would have.


Revolver was studiously quiet. The droid was quit smart that way.


He left supervision of the ship in the droid's capable hands, beginning an unhurried walk back towards the cabin. The alarm meant he had ninety, rapidly dwindling seconds to shut it off or be in deep trouble. Nothing he couldn't extricate himself, and his compatriot, from but certainly nothing he really felt like handling. Not that he was in too much of a hurry to turn it off, either. Krayn actually counted off a good twenty seconds, for no reason other than a faint amusement. He had no doubt who, or how, it had been triggered. He just wasn't overly concerned with shutting it off.


The former Imperial agent reached, for lack of a better term, for the thought processes he knew corresponded to commands. Rigging the alarm to accept wireless shutoff, from a verified connection, had taken half an hour and a few credits worth of spare parts. Was introducing a weakness into the system wise? Probably not. But he doubted anyone would find it, and if they did the two New Republic agents were already compromised. Besides, such a perspective functioned on the presumption that he ever really intended to call for a Republic cleanup crew. It wouldn't end well, he suspected, if he did. So he let the alarm dip under sixty seconds, just by a hair, and triggered his remote shut off a moment before he opened the door.


And regarded his mute companion with an equally mute raised eyebrow.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG





You have to be joking me.


Of course, she hadn't really expected Liare to submit weekly to his explosive fate of a day with Kaz. He was far too proud, and far too sulky, to not seek out the acknowledgement of the Chief Inquisitor for a job he thought was well done. Honestly...it had been well done. It wouldn't hurt to give Liare credit for a job well-done; a few quibbling matters of his conscience aside, he had done a lot of the legwork on Taris, and he had made sure to enforce all of Costa's orders with what rank and file he was given. He didn't even try and give her lip about the garrison commander that Costa had shot, which was a rarity as far as her frustratingly delicate friend was concerned. Liare just wanted to hang out with her. He would try to grab her , make jokes that were worthy of having him airlocked, and by the end of her shift she would go to bed with another headache...


But it would be worth it to have a friend in there with the brainiac and the knucklehead she'd selected to be in there.


"Walk with me," she said brusquely to Liare as she walked past him. He'd been on his way towards her quarters. He had probably been looking to loiter there and harass her. He might as well do something useful for her. "C'mon, Liare. You'll regret this. We're on our way to survey what they gleaned from the pilot's astromech. It's not like we're getting much else out of the pilot."


The pilot...


No, better not to let Liare know too much about that.


"We're meeting Veyura and Nokon there."




Dor was positively huffy. A long, elegant finger lifted up to point at Krayn accusingly, and then point at the pillow on the bunk beside where Dor had awoken. Namely, the Echani was pointing at the pillow that should have had the outline of Krayn's face along its soft, plush surface. The mute was clearly upset that the ex-intelligence officer had slipped from bed.


You, mouthed the Echani knife fighter in mute accusation, are neglecting me.


As light as an object lifted upon the air by the Force, Dor rose up onto one set of tiptoes atop the bed, then bounced onto the ground with his other set. His leg raised up, miming a kick to Krayn's jaw that stopped right underneath his strong chin.


You should apologize.


His arms crossed and Dor lowered his leg, shifting his weight from one foot to another, bouncing on the balls of his feet. His long, ashen white hair was messy from his morning gymnastics routine and his fresh awakening, but his bright blue eyes were alert and mischievous.


Are we planetside yet?





  • 2 weeks later...


"I regret a lot of things, don't think this'll make the list."


The medic fell into step alongside, and slightly behind, his boss with an easy grin. There were plenty of reasons for his position. Most of them were not entirely innocuous, but the big one was; he usually walked half a pace behind her so that if trouble ever began he would be out of her way, and with a quarter pivot he could guard her flank. It was habitual, not the least because an ambitious underling had once gone after her in a club. In a place like the Insight, it was best not to trust your allies too much.


Which did make him a bit of a hypocrite. It'd be the perfect way to get stabbed in the back, if he didn't trust Costa completely.


"Remember, if Raia asks you to smell something say no." Liare quipped, nothing but a gleeful grin on his face. As comments went, it was pretty tame. She was in work mode. He needed to behave a little. "Nokon, too, but I don't think he's smart enough."


"Soon. Hour. Maybe hour and a half."

If the former intelligence officer was perturbed by how close he had come to being kicked, it didn't show. Mostly because he doubted the Echani would have followed through. Threatened, as he did, for certain. But not followed through. He was much too playful for that outside of a real fight. If he was intentionally skating by the accusations, that didn't show either. Still, by way of appeasement, he reached up high enough to ruffle his sulking partner's hair. 


"Revolver is minding the cockpit," Krayn elaborated, a little laconically. "We should land quite shortly."

  • Upvote 2



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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