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Was that really your reasoning for skipping Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency? You're missing out on a lot of story, man.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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No, the real reason I did it was because I'm a meme addict and wanted to see the origins of the "BEHOLD MY STAND" meme came from.

(Please don't think that was sarcastic.  It's really the real reason.)

But now I realize that maybe it was a mistake, because I don't know what the heck is going on most of the time.

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thinkin bout how gay i am

That made me think of just how diverse the members of this site are.  We've got anime addicts, a Muslim, an atheist, some Christians, some trans folks, a pair of lesbians, a gay guy, gender fluidity, and whatever EmperorWhenua is.

Really dealing with the whole box of crayons here.

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I recently looked up the pagan Greek creation account for my epic The Visions of Thasos, and I think it is amazing how something can start out similar to another story, but it is simple wording that make a polar opposite end result with different philosophical implications. I just think that that is fascinating.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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No, the real reason I did it was because I'm a meme addict and wanted to see the origins of the "BEHOLD MY STAND" meme came from.

(Please don't think that was sarcastic.  It's really the real reason.)

But now I realize that maybe it was a mistake, because I don't know what the heck is going on most of the time.

This kinda messes with my steeze. 


I recently looked up the pagan Greek creation account for my epic The Visions of Thasos, and I think it is amazing how something can start out similar to another story, but it is simple wording that make a polar opposite end result with different philosophical implications. I just think that that is fascinating.

Which exact account? Like Classic Greek mythology? And what story is it so similar to?


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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I just want to thank BZPower for existing.

Without it I be less skilled at MOCing, be a emotional wreck, and never have met the colorful personalities that call this wonderful website home.


Thank you BZPower.

May you last forever.

Edited by ToaTimeLord II

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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thinkin bout how gay i am


That made me think of just how diverse the members of this site are.  We've got anime addicts, a Muslim, an atheist, some Christians, some trans folks, a pair of lesbians, a gay guy, gender fluidity, and whatever EmperorWhenua is.

Really dealing with the whole box of crayons here.

youd be really surprised at how diverse this site actually is, its just that a lot of people might just not ever talk about a lot of that kind of stuff. idk if this is still how it is since ive been largely inactive as of late, but i know as recently as just a few years ago - especially before the server upgrade in 2011, when the site was really active - this site had a LOT of specifically conservative christian people. needless to say, it fostered a rather ... unpleasant environment, at least to me


i for one know like, a dozen trans women alone who are/were members of bzpower, myself included. i also happen to be a lesbian myself, if my original post was any indication

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bionicle is trans culture

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Hey would any of you wonderfully diverse people care to play one of BZPower's most famous games.


If so your in luck a new Mafia Game is starting but hurry only one spot left.


Here's the link.


Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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No, the real reason I did it was because I'm a meme addict and wanted to see the origins of the "BEHOLD MY STAND" meme came from.

(Please don't think that was sarcastic. It's really the real reason.)

But now I realize that maybe it was a mistake, because I don't know what the heck is going on most of the time.

This kinda messes with my steeze.

I recently looked up the pagan Greek creation account for my epic The Visions of Thasos, and I think it is amazing how something can start out similar to another story, but it is simple wording that make a polar opposite end result with different philosophical implications. I just think that that is fascinating.

Which exact account? Like Classic Greek mythology? And what story is it so similar to?


I was referencing the Biblical account. It says how there was nothing, then came order, and then the order degrades into disorder. For the polytheistic Greeks, it was first eternal chaos, then came order, and now the universe goes from chaos and order and back again. Warhammer likes to play on this.


The philosophical implications are that one has it so that the universe was created with a purpose, and in the larger view of everything has a purpose (aside from the acts of sentient minds), the other implicates that as the world came from chaos then there is no purpose to existence except for the goals we sentient minds plan during our existence. See how the order of the words changes how the very nature of the universe can be seen? I just find that fascinating.


In the Visions of Thasos chapter Theology, my characters Thasos and Iaredios discuss the chapter's namesake, one being an angry agnostic who has felt betrayed by the gods of his traditions, the other is a paranoid optimist who is hopeful about life but cynical in people. These spiritual beliefs lay the foundation for people and I personally felt it important to express that.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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I've been toying around with the idea of giving some of my characters Stands.  They'd be non-canon, of course, but they'd be super awesome nonetheless.

So far, the Stands and powers I have are:

  • WAYWARD SON- Puts you in an eternal sleep
  • CRAZY TRAIN- Gives you severe mental problems
  • X- Gon' give it to ya

Inary, you're good with stuff like this.  Have you any more ideas that I could steal "borrow?"

Edited by capMARVELOUS
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My friend and I are toying around with Stand abilities for something, and that's where most of my Stand ability ideas are being channeled. If you pick a genre of music, it'd probably easier to come up with names. Abilities can be completely unrelated to the Stand's name, though, and is more often than not the actual case. 


Like, "Yellow Submarine" could have to do with water and the sea, or it could be a tiny, li'l, yellow submarine that shoots torpedoes at people.

I dunno.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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Okay. I am officially bored. Don't know what to play. Tired of the cattle-crud lies on the news (I see through your mockingbird tactics). Cartoon Network has been taken over by TTG. I feel unmotivated to continue playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. I have writers block so I can't continue with my Epic. I had a job interview yesterday and do another part of it on monday. I feel like exploring by walking to a local store, never done that before, but landscapers are coming over today and I miss him then because of his busy schedule we wont be able to get him back and my family will have fines against us (yard stuff). I don't really feel like reading a book I got from the library either (WW1 for USA, our path to getting involved and the after effects for America). Thankfully I am not suffering from the tooth aches that wrecked me yesterday, so I wont have to be occupied by that for right now; though mentioning it I can feel it return. DANGIT.


Boredom is presently my slaver.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Watch a musical and if it stinks make fun of it while watching it.

Planet of the Apes marathon today on amc. Ye-yeah! The boredom has been slain! ...FOR NOW...



I started on Stardust Crusaders.  That's where the whole "BEHOLD MY STAND" stuff comes in.

Not familiar with anything here.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Welp, I took the SAT today. It wasn't as stressful as I thought it might be, but it was still a bit challenging in some areas. It's still amazing how quickly four hours of your life can be taken away. 


I started on Stardust Crusaders.  That's where the whole "BEHOLD MY STAND" stuff comes in.

Not familiar with anything here.

Stardust Crusaders is the third major story arc, or Part, of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which is preceded by Battle Tendency, which is preceded by Phantom Blood. For some reason, I don't see you as the type of guy to get into it. 

Edited by Inary the Gunhaver


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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I started on Stardust Crusaders.  That's where the whole "BEHOLD MY STAND" stuff comes in.

Not familiar with anything here.

Stardust Crusaders is the third major story arc, or Part, of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which is preceded by Battle Tendency, which is preceded by Phantom Blood. For some reason, I don't see you as the type of guy to get into it. 

I am watching the anime on Toonami if that counts for anything. Idk what part or arc I am on by official names, but the protagonists have left Italia.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Stardust Crusaders is the third major story arc, or Part, of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which is preceded by Battle Tendency, which is preceded by Phantom Blood. For some reason, I don't see you as the type of guy to get into it. 

I am watching the anime on Toonami if that counts for anything. Idk what part or arc I am on by official names, but the protagonists have left Italia.

Oh, really? Huh. It's not like where you watch it determines if you've watched it or not. And you're in Battle Tendency. The main character is Joseph Joestar where you're at, yes?


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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That made me think of just how diverse the members of this site are.  We've got anime addicts, a Muslim, an atheist, some Christians, some trans folks, a pair of lesbians, a gay guy, gender fluidity, and whatever EmperorWhenua is.

Really dealing with the whole box of crayons here.

youd be really surprised at how diverse this site actually is, its just that a lot of people might just not ever talk about a lot of that kind of stuff. idk if this is still how it is since ive been largely inactive as of late, but i know as recently as just a few years ago - especially before the server upgrade in 2011, when the site was really active - this site had a LOT of specifically conservative christian people. needless to say, it fostered a rather ... unpleasant environment, at least to me


i for one know like, a dozen trans women alone who are/were members of bzpower, myself included. i also happen to be a lesbian myself, if my original post was any indication


I'm still heavily reminded of, before the server and website upgrade, way back when any LGBT+ content was absolutely not allowed in Short Stories, Epics, Artwork, or any creative work or form of expression. Not to mention all of the (largely) ex-members who used to be incredibly cruel, abrasive and insulting that would stir up things every now and again.


When those days were those days this place absolutely sucked to be a part of.


It's been nice to make blog entries/posts talking about transgender stuff, or mentioning my girlfriend, etc... without someone coming along to insult me over it (By and large, experience can vary). 


So I guess what's on my mind now is just that I'm grateful the website became a lot more open over time, that a lot of the people who caused trouble and problems in the memberbase by dehumanizing and actively harming, harassing, insulting, degrading other members are largely gone. 

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I just want to point out it daylight savings time.



So there gose my hour of sleep.

My state doesn't have it. We have so much sunlight, that we'd rather opt for a daylight-spending time. :lol:





Stardust Crusaders is the third major story arc, or Part, of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which is preceded by Battle Tendency, which is preceded by Phantom Blood. For some reason, I don't see you as the type of guy to get into it. 

I am watching the anime on Toonami if that counts for anything. Idk what part or arc I am on by official names, but the protagonists have left Italia.

Oh, really? Huh. It's not like where you watch it determines if you've watched it or not. And you're in Battle Tendency. The main character is Joseph Joestar where you're at, yes?


Yeeup. And what do you mean, I wouldn't be the kind of guy? I've watched plenty of anime. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is brutal, funny, and has a logical source of super-powers. I don't only focus on history, limiting oneself to only one interest is a waste of a life; but, history is a subject of both fascination, importance, and great broadness that it covers about all topics fathomable, that's why I pay attention to it.* ...that  might also be why I loved the first season of JoJo, what with 1800's and chivalry.


Also, where i am at, I speculate that the powerful blood stone that the sides are vying over comes from the Pope. There is a cross in it, and by the Donation of Constantine forgery, and the eventual 1204 Sack of Konstantinopolis by rogue crusaders funded by Venice (which the characters head to eventually), those corrupt and desperate zealots would have stolen the crystal from the Roman Emperor and the occupying Latin Empire would have handed it over to the Pope as an offering of piety. The sack of Rome in the 1500's could of have made it fall from papal control, and end up in the hands of some mercenary who was involved in that slaughter, from there it could have wandered about Italy, eventually landing in the hands of Lisa Lisa. 



 *And not just that which is cherry picked in schools. Call me paranoid, but I am wary of institutionalized brain washing...



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Stardust Crusaders is the third major story arc, or Part, of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which is preceded by Battle Tendency, which is preceded by Phantom Blood. For some reason, I don't see you as the type of guy to get into it. 

I am watching the anime on Toonami if that counts for anything. Idk what part or arc I am on by official names, but the protagonists have left Italia.

Oh, really? Huh. It's not like where you watch it determines if you've watched it or not. And you're in Battle Tendency. The main character is Joseph Joestar where you're at, yes?

Yeeup. And what do you mean, I wouldn't be the kind of guy? I've watched plenty of anime. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is brutal, funny, and has a logical source of super-powers. I don't only focus on history, limiting oneself to only one interest is a waste of a life; but, history is a subject of both fascination, importance, and great broadness that it covers about all topics fathomable, that's why I pay attention to it.* ...that  might also be why I loved the first season of JoJo, what with 1800's and chivalry.


Also, where i am at, I speculate that the powerful blood stone that the sides are vying over comes from the Pope. There is a cross in it, and by the Donation of Constantine forgery, and the eventual 1204 Sack of Konstantinopolis by rogue crusaders funded by Venice (which the characters head to eventually), those corrupt and desperate zealots would have stolen the crystal from the Roman Emperor and the occupying Latin Empire would have handed it over to the Pope as an offering of piety. The sack of Rome in the 1500's could of have made it fall from papal control, and end up in the hands of some mercenary who was involved in that slaughter, from there it could have wandered about Italy, eventually landing in the hands of Lisa Lisa. 



 *And not just that which is cherry picked in schools. Call me paranoid, but I am wary of institutionalized brain washing...

I wasn't implying anything, and I certainly didn't mean any offense. To be honest, I haven't had much interaction with you. Your knowledge of history and your more cool-headed approach to things has led me to see you as mostly scholarly. That's just a feeling. The people I know who have liked JoJo off-forum have been high-energy, meme-loving near-weebs. Including me. I just haven't seen you as that. But, then again, JoJo does have extremely wide appeal.


What other anime have you seen, dude?


Also, I like that Red Stone theory. 


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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Stardust Crusaders is the third major story arc, or Part, of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which is preceded by Battle Tendency, which is preceded by Phantom Blood. For some reason, I don't see you as the type of guy to get into it. 

I am watching the anime on Toonami if that counts for anything. Idk what part or arc I am on by official names, but the protagonists have left Italia.

Oh, really? Huh. It's not like where you watch it determines if you've watched it or not. And you're in Battle Tendency. The main character is Joseph Joestar where you're at, yes?

Yeeup. And what do you mean, I wouldn't be the kind of guy? I've watched plenty of anime. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is brutal, funny, and has a logical source of super-powers. I don't only focus on history, limiting oneself to only one interest is a waste of a life; but, history is a subject of both fascination, importance, and great broadness that it covers about all topics fathomable, that's why I pay attention to it.* ...that  might also be why I loved the first season of JoJo, what with 1800's and chivalry.


Also, where i am at, I speculate that the powerful blood stone that the sides are vying over comes from the Pope. There is a cross in it, and by the Donation of Constantine forgery, and the eventual 1204 Sack of Konstantinopolis by rogue crusaders funded by Venice (which the characters head to eventually), those corrupt and desperate zealots would have stolen the crystal from the Roman Emperor and the occupying Latin Empire would have handed it over to the Pope as an offering of piety. The sack of Rome in the 1500's could of have made it fall from papal control, and end up in the hands of some mercenary who was involved in that slaughter, from there it could have wandered about Italy, eventually landing in the hands of Lisa Lisa. 



 *And not just that which is cherry picked in schools. Call me paranoid, but I am wary of institutionalized brain washing...

I wasn't implying anything, and I certainly didn't mean any offense. To be honest, I haven't had much interaction with you. Your knowledge of history and your more cool-headed approach to things has led me to see you as mostly scholarly. That's just a feeling. The people I know who have liked JoJo off-forum have been high-energy, meme-loving near-weebs. Including me. I just haven't seen you as that. But, then again, JoJo does have extremely wide appeal.


What other anime have you seen, dude?


Also, I like that Red Stone theory. 


Sorry, didn't mean to come across as being defensive, its a habit of mine. Well, then lets get to know each other a bit more. You're right, I am scholarly, but I also like epic stuff and random/stupid humor (take Eric Andre Show and Xavier: Renegade Angel for example), as well as having drifting eyes while being spiritually minded. I'm a complex person. :lol:


I have seen Death Note, Code Geass, Dragon Ball + DBZ (though I am rusty on the former), Lupine III, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (I would love to see the original movie), Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Samurai Champloo, a Hellsing series (forget the name), half of Gungrave (my brother had the whole series and I had to go out for a while and decided to let him watch the rest without me), Space Dandy (except for the last episode, much to my dismay), Bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo (?) (watched it when I was younger), Gurren Lagen (only because my brother watched it while I was around), that one series about prisoners fighting to death in an amusement park and some folks could use blood as weapons (before its cancellation), Attack on Titan, and Spirited Away (lovely movie). Currently watching DBSuper, HunterxHunter, Gundam Unicorn, and JoJo. I may have forgotten some but that's alright.


Glad you like that theory, I made it right then and there. :P Though I wouldn't be surprised if the makers of Jojo fall for the 'Roman Empire totally fell and the dark ages came' propaganda-remnant that still lingers about, so that unfortunately might not be it in-lore.



high-energy, meme-loving near-weebs

That fits my brother exactly,  he's even on Facebook all the time and has ADHD.

Edited by Iaredios the Desert Dude



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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I'm thinking I like Funko Pop figures now.  As a completely on-the-spot decision I decided to get the black Power Ranger at a comic shop this past Friday after work, and he looks awesome on my nightstand.


Thinking of getting the rest one at a time every time I go to a store that sells 'em.  


I'm also thinking they should make more Power Ranger teams than just MMPR.  I'd kill for a Samurai one because Samurai Sentai Shinkenger is my favorite Tokusatsu show.

---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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Sorry, didn't mean to come across as being defensive, its a habit of mine. Well, then lets get to know each other a bit more. You're right, I am scholarly, but I also like epic stuff and random/stupid humor (take Eric Andre Show and Xavier: Renegade Angel for example), as well as having drifting eyes while being spiritually minded. I'm a complex person. :lol:


I have seen Death Note, Code Geass, Dragon Ball + DBZ (though I am rusty on the former), Lupine III, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (I would love to see the original movie), Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Samurai Champloo, a Hellsing series (forget the name), half of Gungrave (my brother had the whole series and I had to go out for a while and decided to let him watch the rest without me), Space Dandy (except for the last episode, much to my dismay), Bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo (?) (watched it when I was younger), Gurren Lagen (only because my brother watched it while I was around), that one series about prisoners fighting to death in an amusement park and some folks could use blood as weapons (before its cancellation), Attack on Titan, and Spirited Away (lovely movie). Currently watching DBSuper, HunterxHunter, Gundam Unicorn, and JoJo. I may have forgotten some but that's alright.


Glad you like that theory, I made it right then and there. :P Though I wouldn't be surprised if the makers of Jojo fall for the 'Roman Empire totally fell and the dark ages came' propaganda-remnant that still lingers about, so that unfortunately might not be it in-lore. 

I've heard of most of those, but I have yet to watch them. Which of those would you recommend the most? Sans Dragon Ball, Death Note, and JoJo.

Also, I'm not sure how Araki views most historical events. 


I'm thinking I like Funko Pop figures now.  As a completely on-the-spot decision I decided to get the black Power Ranger at a comic shop this past Friday after work, and he looks awesome on my nightstand.

Thinking of getting the rest one at a time every time I go to a store that sells 'em.  

I'm also thinking they should make more Power Ranger teams than just MMPR.  I'd kill for a Samurai one because Samurai Sentai Shinkenger is my favorite Tokusatsu show.

I've got one of Megaman and then I have the Avengers, which I got as a gift. I like the Megaman one the most. 

Edited by Inary the Gunhaver


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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Sorry, didn't mean to come across as being defensive, its a habit of mine. Well, then lets get to know each other a bit more. You're right, I am scholarly, but I also like epic stuff and random/stupid humor (take Eric Andre Show and Xavier: Renegade Angel for example), as well as having drifting eyes while being spiritually minded. I'm a complex person. :lol:


I have seen Death Note, Code Geass, Dragon Ball + DBZ (though I am rusty on the former), Lupine III, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (I would love to see the original movie), Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Samurai Champloo, a Hellsing series (forget the name), half of Gungrave (my brother had the whole series and I had to go out for a while and decided to let him watch the rest without me), Space Dandy (except for the last episode, much to my dismay), Bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo (?) (watched it when I was younger), Gurren Lagen (only because my brother watched it while I was around), that one series about prisoners fighting to death in an amusement park and some folks could use blood as weapons (before its cancellation), Attack on Titan, and Spirited Away (lovely movie). Currently watching DBSuper, HunterxHunter, Gundam Unicorn, and JoJo. I may have forgotten some but that's alright.


Glad you like that theory, I made it right then and there. :P Though I wouldn't be surprised if the makers of Jojo fall for the 'Roman Empire totally fell and the dark ages came' propaganda-remnant that still lingers about, so that unfortunately might not be it in-lore. 

I've heard of most of those, but I have yet to watch them. Which of those would you recommend the most? Sans Dragon Ball, Death Note, and JoJo.

Also, I'm not sure how Araki views most historical events.

I recommend Spirited Away first and foremost. To go with it, you should also watch Full Metal Alchemist, Attack on Titan, and Samurai Champloo. I forgot to list Cowboy Bebop, and you should watch that too. Lupine III and Space Dandy are comedies so if you need a break from serious stories go check those out.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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I'm thinking about how cool it would be if I didn't just lurk B-) 


thinkin bout how gay i am

That made me think of just how diverse the members of this site are.  We've got anime addicts, a Muslim, an atheist, some Christians, some trans folks, a pair of lesbians, a gay guy, gender fluidity, and whatever EmperorWhenua is.
Really dealing with the whole box of crayons here.

youd be really surprised at how diverse this site actually is, its just that a lot of people might just not ever talk about a lot of that kind of stuff. idk if this is still how it is since ive been largely inactive as of late, but i know as recently as just a few years ago - especially before the server upgrade in 2011, when the site was really active - this site had a LOT of specifically conservative christian people. needless to say, it fostered a rather ... unpleasant environment, at least to me


i for one know like, a dozen trans women alone who are/were members of bzpower, myself included. i also happen to be a lesbian myself, if my original post was any indication


I totally agree with this sentiment, back in the day things were pretty different, and I wasn't always super eager to bring up aspects of my identity. In more recent years, a lot more members have been sorta more open about themselves and freely discussing the diversity in the userbase and different subjects attached to it - at least as far as I could tell. It's been wonderful getting to know everyone over the years, on and off of BZP itself; like Mercy said there's plenty of folks here and folks who've been here over the years that have more to them than you'd assume. 

Just to add to your box of crayons, I'm Jewish, and bi! Everyone here has so much that makes them unique and contributes to making the BZPower community so wonderful and varied.


JJBA has suddenly become a huge part of my life, my friends are all over it and it seems like everyone else in my circles have been on it for a while, and I love it. What a wild ride, I have no idea how Araki comes up with this stuff. My partner and I just finished Stardust Crusaders and started Diamond is Unbreakable, I really love the new animation style and all these mysteries have me hooked. It's definitely one of the best anime/manga I've ever seen, so fantastic. Really curious about how they'll handle the live action movie o:

Did any of you pick up on any ambiguous similarities between JoJo and Bionicle? Because the other day my friends were talking about stands and something they mentioned reminded me of Bitil's mask power and then I offhandedly summed that up for them and capped it off with "but then they died in a giant electrical storm" and realized how bizarre that all sounded :P

Edited by Pomegranate

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I recommend Spirited Away first and foremost. To go with it, you should also watch Full Metal Alchemist, Attack on Titan, and Samurai Champloo. I forgot to list Cowboy Bebop, and you should watch that too. Lupine III and Space Dandy are comedies so if you need a break from serious stories go check those out.

I forgot to mention that I have seen Spirited Away, but I have been considering watching it again soon. Probably during a movie night with my friends. I guess I'll make a list of things to watch.


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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I've been playing the game Slither.io

for the last 2 weeks and this crazy idea came to me.


What if we got alot of people off of BZP and see if we can get on the leader boards.


Can we make this a thing?

Hop on to computer and use your BZP name and let's see how many members we came get playing.

I'll be playing all this week at around 9 to 11 in the morning.

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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I've been playing the game Slither.io

for the last 2 weeks and this crazy idea came to me.


What if we got alot of people off of BZP and see if we can get on the leader boards.


Can we make this a thing?

Hop on to computer and use your BZP name and let's see how many members we came get playing.

I'll be playing all this week at around 9 to 11 in the morning.

Never played Slither.io. never even heard of it before.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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I've been playing the game Slither.io

for the last 2 weeks and this crazy idea came to me.


What if we got alot of people off of BZP and see if we can get on the leader boards.


Can we make this a thing?

Hop on to computer and use your BZP name and let's see how many members we came get playing.

I'll be playing all this week at around 9 to 11 in the morning.

Never played Slither.io. never even heard of it before.
It's one of those simple games that are design to distracted you from what you need to be doing.

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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