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It appears that a small town in the U.S unknowingly harbours an 'Awakened'. Send in agents immediatly to see why this person has Awakened, and if there is any major danger to the Project.


END MESSAGE/////////




This is bad.

Really Bad.

We need a lot more men if we want to contain this.

Several Agents have already fallen, and we still have no idea who the enemy is; although we have spotted several Shadows wandering the area. The town is under a Dark Hour.

The Shadows are targeting various people, with no pattern that we could detect.

There IS a branch of the Investigation Team here though, so they may be able to do all the work for us.

More info soon, please send backup.




We have infiltrated the town, and discovered the enemy.

It's Na




Send in all nearby agents, we need to contain this threat immediatly. Permission granted to recruit from the populace. Extensive Briefing Enclosed:



Welcome to the Persona RPG! Currently, a small town in the U.S is experiencing some strange phenomina, and the PERSONA PROJECT has sent in it's agents to scope it out. They have found much more then they bargained for. Meanwhile a branch of the Investigation Team has taken it apon itself to defend the town from the Shadows. What do all those terms mean? Look below.



The PERSONA PROJECT is a Japan based orginization dedicated to monitoring, and in some cases interfiering with all Persona related activity. They have been kind enough to provide us with some of there information on Personae, which you will find below


Persona are mysterious creatures. They come in many forms. They most common is a Shadow.

Shadows are Feral Personae. They feast apon the minds all living things within a certain radius of there host, and under some cercumstaces, the host itself. These people are called 'The Lost', and cannot speak, feel, or think. The general populace has named it Apathy Syndrome, as they have no idea of the Shadows involvement.

Shadows are dark sides of there host, and sometimes they can take there hosts likeness. If a host confronts there Shadow, the Shadow will try to seperate from the host. This is acomplished when the Shadow is rejected, usually with phrases such as "Your not me" or "You don't exist", or other phrases along those lines. This allows the Shadow to take it's own form, usually as a nightmarish creature, of much greater power then the normal Shadow. These stronger ones are called Awakened Shadows.

Persona are the next most common. They are created in several ways, but they all serve the same purpose: Combat. Persona are used to fight Shadows, and are one of the only things that can dispell one. Persona can also fight eachother. Persona, unlike Shadows, are under the hosts control, but this has several downsides. If a Persona is Dispelled, then the summoner experiences intense pain.

Persona represent the True Self, and often will reflect aspects of the summoners mind. A Persona can become stronger over time, as it is used. Only people who have accepted there Shadow as a part of them may summon there Persona at will. Otherwise you must use other means.

  • COMPs are small iPhone like devices. They can be used to summon a Persona, however the COMP is destroyed if the Persona is Dispelled. The control of a Persona is limited, as you must be holding the COMP in your hand to command it, otherwise the Persona will simply sit there.
  • Evokers are another way, although they are fround apon. They use a blood sample to summon a Persona. However, the Persona has equivelent power to the amount of blood sacrificed. The Evoker takes the shape of a knife.

Sentient Personae are strange. They can be Shadows or Personas. They have somehow developed sentience. Little is known about them, and only 4-5 cases have even been seen.

All Persona fall under a certain category, known as an Arcana. More on those below.



"The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed..."

Arcana are symbols of the Personae type, and are decided by the personality of the host.


0.The Fool:

"The Fool Arcana does not mean it that can be taken lightly. The Fool is number zero. It is the void from which all other things begin."

The Fool arcana represents innocence, divine inspiration, madness, freedom, spontaneity, inexperience, chaos, and creativity. In combat, Fool Personas are a jack of all trades, master of none. The Fool is one of the few arcana that can ascend to a greater form, sometimes even becoming the World or Judgement Arcana!


1.The Magician

The Magician Arcana represents action, initiative, self-confidence, manipulation and power (more specifically, the power to harness one's talents.). Magician Personas tend to use Fire as a weapon


2.The Priestess

The silent voice within one's heart whispers the most profound wisdom.

The Priestess arcana represents hidden knowledge or other untapped power, wisdom, female mystery and magic. Priestess Persona often have healing abilities.


3.The Empress

The Empress arcana represents mothers, prosperity, creativity, abundance, fertility and comfort

Empress Personas tend to use Ice as a weapon


4.The Emperor

Only courage in the face of doubt can lead one to the answer...

The Emperor arcana represents the desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable. Emperor Personas often use Lightning in attacks.


5.The Hierophant

It is indeed a precious gift to understand the forces that guides oneself...

The Hierophant arcana represents education, authority, conservatism, obedience to rules and relationship with the divine. Hierophant Personas are well rounded, possessing no great streanths or weaknesses.


6.The Lovers

There is both joy and wonder in coming to understand another...

The Lovers has two meanings. One is coming to a crossroads, and having to make a life-changing desision. The other is love. Lovers Personas often have healing or support abilities.


7.The Chariot

One of life's greatest blessings is the freedom to pursue one's goals.

The Chariot arcana represents victory, conquest, self-assertion, control, war and command. Chariot Personas often attack with melee.


8.The Justice

To find the one true path, one must seek guidance amidst uncertainty...

The Justice arcana represents a strict allegory of justice, objectivity, rationality and analysis. Justice Personas often fight with Light.


9.The Hermit

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path..

The Hermit arcana represents wisdom, introspection, solitude, retreat and philosophical searches. Personas of The Hermit often have some kind of a Mental ability.


10.The Fortune

Alongside time exists fate, the bearer of cruelty.

The Fortune arcana represents Fate and varying luck, fortunes and opportunities. What goes up will go down, what goes down will go up. Bearers of the Fortune Arcana are often individuals who roll with life's punches and/or seize their own destiny, regardless of their surroundings, or are involved with making important choices and decisions. The Personas of The Fortune use Wind in combat.


11.The Strength

Only with strength can one endure suffering and torment.

The Strength represents the morality about the stronger power of self-control, gentleness, courage and virtue over brute force. Strength Personas often utilize physical strength in combat.

12.The Hanged Man

In the face of disaster lies the opportunity for renewal.

The Hanged Man arcana represents self-sacrifice for the sake of enlightenment, the bindings that makes one free, paradoxes and hanging between heaven and earth. Hanged Man characters may be self-sacrificial, but are more often notable for being caught between two different extremes or parties. Personas of the Hanged Man have abilities designed to keep themselves or there host alive.

13.The Death

Beyond the beaten path lies the absolute end. It matters not who you are... Death awaits you.

The Death arcana represents a sense of foreboding and of doom, The Death Arcana also symbolizes the metamorphosis and deep change, regeneration and cycles. The Death Personas often fight with Dark.

14.The Temperence

The Temperence arcana represents synthesis, prudence, harmony, and the merging of opposites. Personas of The Temperence are powerful in all regards.

15.The Demon

The Demon arcana represents the urge to do selfish, impulsive, violent things and be slave to ones' own impulse and feelings. Occasionally, it is also portrayed as a symbol of temptation. The positive aspect, however, represents a healthy bond or commitment. Demon Personas excell in Dark abilites and subterfuge.

16.The Tower

The Tower arcana represents a overly arrogant, prejudiced and authoritarian organization, which walk to their own ironic demise. Furthermore, it is also more generically used as an omen of doom and disaster. The Tower Personas are cruel tricksters, often using underhanded tricks in combat.

17.The Star

One that gives hope to those on the ground below. It shines in times of need. But, eventually, it is destined to fall to the earth and disappear...

The Star arcana represents hope, self-confidence, faith, altruism, luck, generosity, peace and joy. Personas of The Star arcana often use Wind or Ice in combat, but are weak to Fire.


18.The Moon

The Moon arcana represents creativity, inspiration, dreams, madness, illusions, fear, fantasy, the subconscious and trickery. It can also represent being attuned subconsciously to the world around, gaining the ability to sense things without being told about them or without anyone else knowing (which means that some identify this Arcana with psychic energy). Personas of The Moon often have weak combat skills, and so use trickery to win battles.


19.The Sun

The Sun arcana represents happiness, joy, energy, optimism, and accomplishment. Occasionally, it is also associated with one's initial happiness. Personas of the Sun arcana utilize Fire and Light.

The following Arcana are EXTREAMLY rare, and only people with staff permission may have them.

20.The Judgement

The Judgement is one of two super arcana. It represents a balance of Light and Darkness. It has only been seen a few times, one of which is in the Sentient Persona; Fallen. Fallen has shown to be able to overpower almost anything sent against him.

21.The World

The World arcana is the most powerful arcana in existence. It has the ability to create miracles. It represents the world's totality, the symbol of fulfillment, wholeness, and harmony.

???.The Universe

This arcana represents the power of creation. Only one person in the entire history of the world has ever used it, and it cost them there life. Now The Universe arcana holds the Sentient Ascended Shadow, Nyx, and her brother, Erebus apart. If the two were to meet again, it would end the world. However, only 3 people have any proof of this, so it is largely thought to be fictional.

All Personae are in the form of gods of old Pantheons, or as other anchient mythical creatures.


The General Populace: Most of the populace has never heard of a Persona. They are simply going about there normal lives, unaware that the Shadows are hunting them.

The Investigation Team: A small movement on the internet, started by Naoto Shirogane 2 years before. They are trying to keep the world safe from the Shadows, and value civilian lives above most other objectives. Because of the large distance between Teams, several splinter factions have appeared.

The PERSONA PROJECT: An experiment to create a Persona-wielding army of 'Agents', to kill Nyx and Erebus for good. They have created several Persona-wielding cyborgs, for use as special agents, among them Labrys. They are not above capitilizing on disasters to streangthen there power. They are lead by a mysterious chairman.

Ascended Shadows: The Ascended Shadows seek to feast on the minds of living things.

-Soldiers of Erebus: Ascended Shadows who are trying to free Nyx.


Brownville, New England. The most average town you can possibly think of, it's bigest attraction is the monthly farmers market. The town is experiencing a Dark Hour. A Dark Hour is a phenomena that seals all people without the potential to use a Persona inside of special coffins, while the Shadows come out to attack. This is the only time that Personae can appear in physical form. The coffin may be opened by a human, and in that case the person within will always be awake during the Dark Hour. The cause of the Dark Hour is the mysterious being at the center of the Labrynth.

The Labrynth is a massive maze that appears above the town during the Dark Hour. There is an elevator to enter and exit the Labrynth on the south side of town, within the town movie theater. If someone were to not exit the Labrynth by the end of the Dark Hour, they will be trapped inside until the next Dark Hour.


I will probably break the Arcana bit into a new post, because it's so karzing long.

Edited by The Lonesome Wanderer

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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Dumping the draft here.


Dragon Ball: Legacy of the Past

Long ago, there was a warrior known as Goku, part of a group known as the Z Fighters. He eventually became legendary for his immense power and ability to prevail, no matter what the odds. After he had left the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament to train a young boy known as Uub in Age 784, many changes occured that would shape life on Earth even 216 years later in the Age 1000.

During that time, Goku's son Gohan published a book called Groundbreaking Science, explaining martial arts and ki manipulation to the general public, causing many Humans to become interested in advanced martial arts. Inspired by the book, a few Z Fighters had started different schools to teach different forms and styles of martial arts. Krillin started the New Turtle School, the teachings of which emphasized teamwork and overpowering stronger opponents with multiple attacks. Tien Shinhan established the New Crane School, whose teachings emphasize raising one's power to their limits to perform immensely powerful ki attacks. Even Trunks and Goten started the Kikoukenjutsu Sword School, training people in both physical sword attacks as well as channeling one's ki through their sword.

Humans now share the planet with two different races as well. Namekians moved to Earth after New Namek was destroyed, leaving them with no planet to live on yet again. A new race known as the Majins was formed as well, the result of Majin Buu longing for love, creating a mate and starting a family, which expanded quite quickly suffice to say. As a result, Three major species now inhabit Earth, all training in martial arts.

The age of the Z Fighters is long gone, but their legacy still stands to this day. That legacy is now being threatened by a mysterious group known as the Time Breakers, led by a demon named Miira. Tearing through time, they wish to obtain the DNA of several powerful beings, as well as to place them under their control to build their army further. As a result, many rifts in time are being formed, drawing people from different times to the present. Noticing this, Dende, the Guardian of Earth enlisted the help of a Trunks from an alternate timeline. Together, they formed the Time Patrol, dedicated to stopping the threat of the Time Breakers and to protect the past. This is where you come in. Do you ally with the Time Patrol and bring the Time Breakers to justice? Or do you choose to become an agent of chaos by siding with the Time Breakers? The fate of the past may rest in your hands.

1. Story

This RPG takes place 216 years after the last episode/chapter of Dragon Ball Z(no, GT is not canon in this storyline). During that time, many changes took place, such as the various inhabitants of Earth having become widely interested in martial arts, and there now being a total of three different races coexisting. Recently, a group called the Time Breakers has been meddling with the flow of time and causing temporal disturbances. In response to this, Dende and an alternate Trunks(hereon out referred to as Time Patrol Trunks) has set up the Time Patrol to counter them.

2. Rules

1. Follow all BZPower rules.

2. Make sure you get your profile(s) approved before playing. You may do so in the Discussion Topic.

3. Be clear whether your posts are in OOC(Out of Character) or IC(In Character)

4. Do not do any of the following:

  • God-modding: Yes, this is Dragon Ball, and people here are ridiculously powerful, but keep in mind that there is going to be someone on your level of power, most likely stronger. No killing Frieza with one Kamehameha or bringing Cell to his knees with a judo kick, or dominating an entire army by yourself.
  • Bunnying: Do not take control of any NPCs or PCs other than your own. You are also not permitted to kill any NPCs or PCs without permission.
  • Metagaming: Do not use information you read from another player's post and instantly give your characters that knowledge. Keep OOC knowledge seperate from IC knowledge.

5. Your character cannot be ridiculously powerful when they start. This also means they are not capable of using powerful techniques to their full potential from the start. You may have your characters partake in missions to become stronger, or train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

6. Have fun!

3. Factions

Time Patrol: Led by Dende and Time Patrol Trunks, this organization is dedicated to stopping the threat of the Time Breakers and ensure that everything in the past stays the way it was. Their base is located in West City.

Time Breakers: This dastardly group is led by Miira. Their intentions are to obtain the DNA of several powerful beings from the past, as well as to place some of them under their control with their mind controlling technology. Their base is located in Diablo Desert within Mount Paozu.

4. Playable Races

Available from start:

Humans: Among the most diverse race in terms of culture and appearances, Humans are definitely one of the most prominent races. In the past, humans used to be pathetically weak in comparison with various alien races. Nowadays, they are a force to be reckoned with as a result of being cross-bred with the Saiyan race and the training in martial arts that many of them now recieve

Namekians: Having moved to Earth as a result of New Namek being destroyed by the Time Breakers in the past, Namekians are the creators of the Dragon Balls. With characteristics that make them resemble humanoid slugs, Namekians are unique in several ways. Firstly, they reproduce asexually, spitting out eggs that contain their young, meaning all Namekians are genderless. In addition to that, Namekians require no form of nutrition other than water due to their bodies possessing unique enzymes which can convert water into nutrients. Lastly, they are able to regenerate body limbs that have been removed, though the process is painful and it requires a lot of energy to perform. Though typically peace-loving, many Namekians are powerful fighters.

Majins: This peculiar race had appropriately peculiar beginnings. After reading one of Hercule's adult books, Majin Buu began to long for love. This resulted in Majin Buu fashioning himself a wife and creating their first child with the Love-Love Beam. The family expanded quickly, to the point of them now being recognized as a new race, the Majins. Males look like pink, plump genies and females are more slender. This race is typically fun loving and carefree, though they can be near unstoppable when angered.

Reward races:

Saiyans: Long extinct in the present, the Saiyans were among the most powerful beings in existence. Brutal and savage, they formerly worked for Frieza's Planet Trade Organization, until Frieza wiped out their planet and nearly every Saiyan in existence, save for a select few such as Goku and Vegeta. The Saiyans have recently resurfaced due to a few being sent to the present by temporal disturbances. Their outward appearance is similar to Humans, except for the fact that they possess a monkey-like tail, which allows them to transform into Great Apes during a full moon.

Ice-jinns: A mysterious race that Frieza and his family belonged to. Their history is unknown, with Frieza's family being the only encountered examples in recent years. Some individuals could be so powerful, they had to make transformations to inhibit their true power. However, they had a major disadvantage against others, Ice-jinns were incapable of sensing ki, meaning they had to rely on other senses to track opponents. Like the Saiyans, some of them have resurfaced due to temporal disturbances caused by the Time Breakers.

5. Transformations

Transformations will be given out as rewards or given out during certain sections of the RPG This will list all of the transformations available.

Super Saiyan: This transformation is usually triggered by rage, and it increases the power of anyone who uses it exponentially. However, unless trained, the transformation will burden the body of the user and may leave the user exhausted and vulnerable afterwards. Available for Humans and Saiyans.

Great Namek: The user grows in size greatly, increasing power and defense, but lowering speed drastically. Available for Namekians.

Pure Majin: This form transforms the user to resemble Kid Buu, and drastically boosts strength. However, users lose much of their capability to think and become much more violent. Available to Majins.

6. Profiles

Fill out this form if you wish to join, and then post it in the Discussion Topic for approval.

Username: Put your current username here

Name: What is your character's name?

Race: Is your character Human, Namekian, etc.

Faction: Are they allied with the Time Patrol or Time Breakers?

Background: Who is your character and what is their history?

Techniques: You can have a maximum of three techniques when you start. You may use pre-existing techniques(i.e. Kamehameha, Masenko, etc.) or create your own, though new techniques must be approved.

Weapon: Does your character possess a weapon?

Weakness: No one is perfect, even in Dragon Ball. What is a weakness your character has?

7. Missions

The structure of the RPG is mission based, having players go back to specific events in time. This will list all available missions

None yet.

8. Staff

Head GM: JiMing

Co GM: Axilus Prime, BZP Blade

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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How about: Dragon Ball: Lost in Time?


EDIT: Oh nvm you found a good name.


Also Androids would be very easy to create a reason why they are around. Especially if there is time travel. Could have that crazy scientist guy from the Cell Saga somehow come into the future and create a new lone of androids. A lot of them could rebel. Honestly they could be a fun starting race.


Yay for GT not being canon.

Edited by Flex Fiction
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How about: Dragon Ball: Lost in Time?


EDIT: Oh nvm you found a good name.


Also Androids would be very easy to create a reason why they are around. Especially if there is time travel. Could have that crazy scientist guy from the Cell Saga somehow come into the future and create a new lone of androids. A lot of them could rebel. Honestly they could be a fun starting race.

I'll think of adding Androids later, I haven't come up with a good enough explanation yet, so unless anyone else has got something...

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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The Incident was not something easily covered up.

Scientists still are unsure of how these people, these Incidents, function. Those among us, gifted with powers far greater than any normal human, who pose a threat to society at large. Some say their abilities come from their genes; others, from their gods. If there is one thing for certain, however, it is that the world was not ready for such powerful individuals. It was in the year of 1996 that the first Incidents started to appear. Select children, upon reaching physical maturity around the ages of fourteen and sixteen, would tap into their unique powers. The first few victims of the Incident were passed off as extreme circumstances. When they continued, people began to catch on to what was happening.

The new millenium dawned with the world slowly coming to realize that the Incident was truly happening. Some governments attempted to cover up the fact, but it happened far too quickly and was far too widespread for that tactic to work. Soon the world was fully aware of what was going on, and no one reacted particularly well to it at first. The European Union was the first to properly react to the situation, forming the Institute of Special Incidents. It’s goal was to study the source of the Incident, to find out what caused it, what fueled it, and, potentially, how to take or add it from a person.

Yet the ISI’s purely scientific goals were not appreciated by all. Across the world governments formed new ways of dealing with the threat these Incidents presented; in America, Incidents were faced with the threat of a newly formed organization, the Department of Special Incidents. The organization was built with one specific goal in mind; to handle the policing and management of Incidents. A Congressional hearing granted them authority over a vast number of state matters, and with it, began policing Incidents across the nation in force.

The year is now 2017. The world has become a different place, and yet has changed so little. Incidents now live amongst the general population, with no easy way of detecting who is and who isn’t an Incident. Fear runs amongst the populace, while the Department of Special Incidents struggles to deal with a rise in Incident-related crime. The American government has entered a new election cycle, and the thirtieth anniversary of the start of the Incident has passed. The future is not bleak, but all the same, humanity is fearful for it.

The Incident

The World After The Incident

The world of 2017 is a lot like our world today, even after thirty years of Incidents roaming around. One would imagine somewhat magical superpowers would of changed things a lot, but the standard day-to-day humdrum is still exactly the same. People still work in offices, Apple, Google, and Microsoft are still competing over the mobile market, and we still don’t have marketable jetpacks. The world’s economic recession has lightened up and the major superpowers are still in position, though the involvement of Incidents has given some... historical oddities. Ultimately, the world hasn’t changed enough in terms of history or technology to be alien to the viewer of 2013 (and maybe 2014, if we’re lucky!). Five years into the future and the only thing to note with technology is that the iPhone isn’t selling as well as it use to. Oh, and Star Wars came out. It was ok.

It should be mentioned that this isn’t exactly the standard superhero world. That being, there are little to no superheroes. Superheroing is a tough business, and the world doesn’t appreciate it. Common vigilantes are heavily frowned upon by society, and superpowered ones are no different. Being a superhero means you have the DSI on your *** and not being particularly well received by the general public. You tend to get pretty bad PR when stuff gets smashed during a fight with an Incident criminal, and bad PR is never good, especially when people don’t like you to begin with. Most Incidents find that they have a better chance out in the world as an improved cog in the industrial machine. That isn’t to say, of course, that being an Incident is a dull life. Some people don’t care about the DSI, and, well, if you see a crook on the streets... a good deed, with minimal collateral damage, is never a bad thing.

Some things throughout the world have changed because of Incidents, however. Because of their abilities, many things once impossible are now quite in the realm of belief. Void walkers, for instance, are often capable of travelling vast distances quickly. Because of this, getting around is as simple as finding one who’s up for hire. Corporations employ all number of Incidents, from simple metal manipulators to empaths capable of telling when an employee is telling the truth or not. Of course, government regulation rests on many Incident jobs, but it has been scarce enough that it has yet to make a major dent in the Incident economy.

The Incidents

By products of a strange, ah, incident, (a careful distinction must be made here; Incidents are people, the Incident was an event), the Incidents are people born with innate powers. The precise nature of how these powers are fueled is still a matter for much scientific debate; thanks to the efforts of the ISI, however, categories of powers that these Incidents use have been formed. Outside of special cases (metaread: special GM permission), they all appear to fall under these categories. Note that throughout all of these, specializations can appear and with specialization comes greater power. You could, for instance, have a hyperkinetic, but he could never compete against a speedster, who’s entire abilities are focused around boosting his own kinetic energy. Note, however, that the law of Required Secondary Powers often does not apply. A speedster, for instance, will not have enhanced reflexes or durability.

Energy manipulators: Capable of manipulating different forms of energy, these range from pyros to kinetics to magnetics and everything in-between.

Void manipulators: Appearing to take into non-existence itself, or simply higher spatial and possibly even temporal dimensions than our own, these Incidents have a variety of powers to do with reality manipulation, ranging from teleportation to limited forms of reality-tearing, a process that is painful for all involved.

Mental manipulators: A varied category pertaining to the human mind; these include such things as telepaths, telekinetics, and empaths.

Elemental manipulators: Incidents that control the four classical elements, earth, fire, water and air. This can be as simple as moving it with a thought, or having more unique but powerful applications, such as metal manipulation. Note, fire manipulators are not the same as heat manipulators. Heat manipulators deal with... heat, whereas fire manipulators deal with fire. The two, while they go together, are not the same thing. A fire manipulator can control the flame but not the heat it produces. Similarly, a heat manipulator cannot control flames.

Biological manipulators: Capable of manipulating biological processes, these Incidents often manifest themselves as healers, though more unique and specialized abilities are quite common.

Outside of these categories, Incidents are seem to follow a set system of capability, rated between 1 and 7. While variations within each rating do exist, it is difficult to fully define them, and as such there is no decimal system in place. Incidents vary in skill and ability, though it seems entirely possible for them to advance through the ranks of capability.

1: The most common form of Incident, this ranking represents the weakness of Incidents. Capable of the bare minimum their power requires, stuck with basic tasks. An energy manipulator would only be able to handle so many joules, an elemental manipulator could only handle so much weight, and so forth.

2: Rank two Incidents seem to exhibit nothing else but a logarithmic power increase of varying proportions.

3: Rank three Incidents gain a logarithmic power increase, and exhibit the ability to shield themselves from their own ability. A fire manipulator, for instance, would gain the ability to protect him or herself from fire.

4: Rank four Incidents exhibit a logarithmic power increase.

5: Rank five Incidents exhibit a logarithmic power increase, as well as the newfound ability to be able to extend their powers past their visual range, presuming they know the location beforehand. This does not apply to void walkers, who instead gain a far greater range to their teleportation range.

6: Rank six Incidents exhibit a logarithmic power increase.

7: Rank seven Incidents are perhaps the most rare of Incidents, gaining a logarithmic power increase as well as the ability to sense to great precision when another Incident of their category comes within visual range. They are known to be extremely powerful and extremely rare, and are capable of great feats.

Another noteworthy aspect of the Incidents is their weakness to alpha and beta particle radiation. For unknown reasons, their powers interact poorly with such forms of radiation, resulting in a nullification effect and possibly cancer in twenty years. Because of this, the DSI makes heavy use of such things as depleted uranium rounds and, in recent years, thorium bullets, against tougher Incidents. Of course, regular Incidents will still drop as easily as anyone else to lead. You pull out the uranium when you start meeting people who can stop bullets with their brain.


While not a comprehensive list of all world factions, these are the major and relevant factions pertaining to Incidents in America, due to it being the primary setting of this RPG.

National Incident Rights Organization: An organization dedicated to protecting the rights of Incidents, they are a powerful political lobby group and have been successful thus far in keeping regulation on Incidents lighter than some might expect.

Institute of Special Incidents: A European scientific study group, they are devoted to further studying the Incident and the specifics of Incident powers. A valuable resource to anyone needing knowledge on the Incidents, their headquarters is easily reached by many void walkers.

Department of Special Incidents: A federal police and investigation force, this American agency has the task of dealing with Incidents on a national level. While in recent years individual states have formed their own versions of the DSI, due to Congressionally given power, they still are allowed to deal with state-side Incident troubles, and indeed, many welcome their presence, having the most experience with managing the Incidents.

Citizens Against Dangerous Peoples: The largest anti-Incident lobbyist group, these are the guys you see on the side of the street protesting at a government building. Believing Incidents to be a threat to society and the world, their views vary from simply more regulation to full on incarceration of all Incidents, or even death.

National Incident Research and Betterment Agency: The American equivalent of the ISI, the NIRBA hasn’t done too much in the field, due to only being founded fifteen years ago, but has the bonus of being helmed by the famous Dr. Wilson Gray, the man responsible for many of the early Incident experiments in the ISI’s founding days.


This here is where you fill out your profile. Note, I will give you your specific power abilities per level after you send me your profile, so you know what sort of power you’re dealing with. All Incidents start at level one; for older characters, this is explained by the sporadic nature of ascending power ranks.



Power: (Omit if human)

Skills: (What sort of skills does this fellow have?)

Faction: (Not at all required, but you can be part of a particular faction if you wish.)

Bio: (What’s your character’s history?)

Yup guys, with Spirits being filed under the "good concept, bad timing" box, it's time for me to make a callback to the olden days and revisit one of my more successful ideas. Note that this is the first draft, and as such, is here to tell me what's missing, not here for you to tell me "HUMVAAAAA YOU SUCK THIS IS A TERRIBLE RPG." Unless it is terrible. In which case I will feel great shame and sorrow. Co-host is currently being worked out, so I don't need any volunteers.


Do note that due to regulations, this won't be able to be posted for thirty days, so gives me plenty of time to world build and the like. Let's just hope player interest doesn't die out in the mean time.


To answer some immediate concerns; yes, I'm aware of the existence of TSTW and X-Men. I feel, however, that this serves a different niche than those; TSTW is crazy superhero fun, X-Men is sane superhero fun, this isn't really even superheroes. Superheroing is hard. Rather, this is kinda more open to supervillains in that regard, but is really here for people to write stories in a world where people with powers aren't well accepted but also aren't particularly discriminated against. Rather, it's the story of people with extraordinary abilities often times being used for ordinary purposes. A world fearful but accepting.


tl;dr The TSTW and X-Men similarities end at "people are born with powers."

Edited by Judge Alex Humva


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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For those of you still having a little bit of a hard time understanding the map physics of Multiversal Collision, here's a basic map concept explaining travel between the four worlds. The edges of each square are color-coded (Red=North, Green=South, Blue=East, Yellow=West) so that it's easier to understand walking south into the northern portion of the next world, etc. Each square is also color-coded, and the text is flipped in the proper orientation.


Technically this is just to explain the concept; the worlds may very well be flipped or reversed, etc. Nothing official, in other words, just a basic aide.



~ Rumpelstiltskin

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It's... kinda the whole point. No one knows what the Incident is; it's just the name to the point at which children started to exhibit Incident powers. There's kinda a reason it's mentioned a few times that the ISI is still doing research to find out what, because, well, after thirty years of about .1% of the population exhibiting superpowers, you might want to know what's causing it. xD


But yeah. What caused the Incident is purposely not there because no one knows. It'll probably become a plot point later on in the game.

Edited by Judge Alex Humva


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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So I did some research on the beasts the Crawling Chaos has influence over. Some Mi-Go worship him, he has Shantaks and Haunting Horrors and a few things I'm sure, in my ill state, that I'm forgetting.


Though as the "Voice of the Outer Gods" and their soul, I'm betting he'd be able to hijack the creatures of the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones for whatever purpose he might wish.


Incidentally, you haven't lived until you've poured through a bunch of sourcebooks on Lovecraft as a storm rages outside.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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So I did some research on the beasts the Crawling Chaos has influence over. Some Mi-Go worship him, he has Shantaks and Haunting Horrors and a few things I'm sure, in my ill state, that I'm forgetting.


Though as the "Voice of the Outer Gods" and their soul, I'm betting he'd be able to hijack the creatures of the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones for whatever purpose he might wish.


Incidentally, you haven't lived until you've poured through a bunch of sourcebooks on Lovecraft as a storm rages outside.


That's all good stuff. Mi-Go could be an interesting addition to the RPG. In fact for a Cthulhu Mythos RPG it might be interesting to see some stuff other than Cthulhu (who in the grand scheme of things, when you get down to it, really isn't any more significant than us humans). Of course in that case we should probably find a title other than "Cthulhu Mythos RPG" (the use of "Cthulhu" in a title usually implies the presence of Cthulhu, I don't want to disappoint anyone if he doesn't end up appearing).


It has been established that Nyarlothotep is something of a shapeshifter, having numerous forms both male and female (could be interesting to see some of those female forms here) and all of them capable of driving somebody mad, but I don't know if he can actually possess or at least imitate the forms of specific individuals. The only story I know of where that happens was a piece by August Derleth, whose work is rather controversial for its drastic change in tone.

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Jiming - Wow. You basically copy-pasted the plot and structure of the RP from Dragon Ball Online's Wikipedia page.

Doesn't mean make the plot go in exactly the same direction.. It was entirely intentional. If you have a problem, make a better Dragon Ball RPG. Not everyone is aware of Dragon Ball Online, so it could be a fresh experience. I also admitted to using the same plot and structure in the past, in case you couldn't tell. I swear, no one wants to help me! Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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It's not that no one wants to help you dude, it's that no one really can help you. I'd be happy to help but I know absolutely zilch about Dragon Ball Z. My parents really didn't like me watching anime when I was growing up so it wasn't part of my childhood. It may just be that there isn't a particularly large DBZ fanbase here in the OTC, and that's something you have to accept when making RPGs based off pre-existing franchises.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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It's not that no one wants to help you dude, it's that no one really can help you. I'd be happy to help but I know absolutely zilch about Dragon Ball Z. My parents really didn't like me watching anime when I was growing up so it wasn't part of my childhood. It may just be that there isn't a particularly large DBZ fanbase here in the OTC, and that's something you have to accept when making RPGs based off pre-existing franchises.

Well then why do people keep criticizing and ignoring me? I got criticized for something I openly stated in the past, if I got the criticism then, that would have made more sense. Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Dude, this is the Planning topic. I've been around these parts for a while so trust me when I say, inappropriately timed criticism is not a new concept. Yesterday we had four different RPGs being discussed at the same time; nay, five. The fact that yours got ignored for a bit is to be expected, everyone else got ignored for a bit too as we cycled through. Being ignored isn't anything new either; just look at my Spirits and Men RPG. Practically no one discussed it here, though there was some Skype talk about it. Don't take it as a personal attack against you; sometimes, people just aren't interested in the concept enough to post, and sometimes, they only have negative things to say.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Dude, this is the Planning topic. I've been around these parts for a while so trust me when I say, inappropriately timed criticism is not a new concept. Yesterday we had four different RPGs being discussed at the same time; nay, five. The fact that yours got ignored for a bit is to be expected, everyone else got ignored for a bit too as we cycled through. Being ignored isn't anything new either; just look at my Spirits and Men RPG. Practically no one discussed it here, though there was some Skype talk about it. Don't take it as a personal attack against you; sometimes, people just aren't interested in the concept enough to post, and sometimes, they only have negative things to say.

Ugh, fine, I just don't see a lot of encouragement from here. Maybe it's because I'm not as experienced as the rest of the people here? I have played several RPGs in the past, it's just that most of them are dead. I'm no expert. I just want to have some fun with running an RPG. Oh well, at least I have some friends experienced in RPGs who have been providing support and constructive criticism. I guess I'll see you guys later, unless someone does have anything else to say.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Encouragement isn't dependent on your experience. Encouragement is dependent on how interested people are in the RPG at the moment.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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For the Incident thing, I think one factor that may be a source of the confusion is the way that you use the word 'Incident' for everything. The point in time at which this stuff started happening? Incident. The people who ended up with superpowers? Incidents. Things that happen involving them and a couple of fresh corpses? Incidents. When an Incident-spawned Incident is responsible for six incidents in four states, you need some variety re: words.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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So I did some research on the beasts the Crawling Chaos has influence over. Some Mi-Go worship him, he has Shantaks and Haunting Horrors and a few things I'm sure, in my ill state, that I'm forgetting.


Though as the "Voice of the Outer Gods" and their soul, I'm betting he'd be able to hijack the creatures of the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones for whatever purpose he might wish.


Incidentally, you haven't lived until you've poured through a bunch of sourcebooks on Lovecraft as a storm rages outside.


That's all good stuff. Mi-Go could be an interesting addition to the RPG. In fact for a Cthulhu Mythos RPG it might be interesting to see some stuff other than Cthulhu (who in the grand scheme of things, when you get down to it, really isn't any more significant than us humans). Of course in that case we should probably find a title other than "Cthulhu Mythos RPG" (the use of "Cthulhu" in a title usually implies the presence of Cthulhu, I don't want to disappoint anyone if he doesn't end up appearing).


It has been established that Nyarlothotep is something of a shapeshifter, having numerous forms both male and female (could be interesting to see some of those female forms here) and all of them capable of driving somebody mad, but I don't know if he can actually possess or at least imitate the forms of specific individuals. The only story I know of where that happens was a piece by August Derleth, whose work is rather controversial for its drastic change in tone.


My data on the Mi-Go is somewhat contradictory. Some of them appear to worship the Outer Gods, others appear to view them as tools or actively try to contain them. Ultimately, it's up to you there.




Then again, with a species that puts your brain in a jar if they like you I doubt our human understanding of politics applies.


He's a god. I'm fairly sure he can look like whatever he wants when he wants. Which sucks for humanity.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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JiMing: It has absolutely nothing to do with you whatsoever - your perceived lack of experience least of all. From what I can tell, everybody here is absorbed in making their own RPG, and quite a number of people seem to want to help you. They just can't because they don't know a thing about Dragonball Z. Heck, I don't even know what Dragonball is, nor do I care. The lack of help you're getting is called a lack of RPing interest, and it is anything but personal. If someone else were to propose a Dragonball RPG, they wouldn't be getting any help either. The sooner you come to terms with that, the happier you'll be. :D

Basilisk: In regards to the post above, not all humans view things the same; why should any of Lovecraft's races (in this instance, the Mi-Go) be so one-dimensional that each individual has to believe and do things the same way? So what if there's a little diversity in interests?


In response to the Harry Potter RPG idea I completely forgot to respond to: Well, I honestly could never imagine an RPG set at Hogwarts working. I mean, for the movie and books, that's one thing. But really, we've seen pretty much all it has to offer, we sort of went there with Harry, in a way. None of us want to RP about going to school, even if that school is Hogwarts. A workable RPG would have to be set in the adult world of HP. I'd take playing as an Auror over playing as a student any day.


While I have no intentions of running an RPG, I'm just tossing out ideas for anyone else who might. I think that, given the dates of Harry Potter are firmly established - Deathly Hallows was in 1997 - we could get away with a modern setting, well after the books. And why on Earth stick to just England? Voldemort may have had the British Isles under his thumb for a time, but his influence barely extended into continental Europe. What were/are American wizards doing? How about the Chinese? Or South Africans? There's an entire world of witchcraft and wizardry, with room for dozens of Dark Wizards that, while they may not match Voldemort in terms of immortality or followings, certainly open up infinite possibilities for an RPG.



~ Rumpelstiltskin

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JiMing: It has absolutely nothing to do with you whatsoever - your perceived lack of experience least of all. From what I can tell, everybody here is absorbed in making their own RPG, and quite a number of people seem to want to help you. They just can't because they don't know a thing about Dragonball Z. Heck, I don't even know what Dragonball is, nor do I care. The lack of help you're getting is called a lack of RPing interest, and it is anything but personal. If someone else were to propose a Dragonball RPG, they wouldn't be getting any help either. The sooner you come to terms with that, the happier you'll be.


It could just be a case of bad timing. Maybe you just decided to start at a time when there aren't many role-players with an interest in Dragon Ball Z. It's hardly your fault, just coincidence.


Basilisk: In regards to the post above, not all humans view things the same; why should any of Lovecraft's races (in this instance, the Mi-Go) be so one-dimensional that each individual has to believe and do things the same way? So what if there's a little diversity in interests?


The Mi-Go that appeared in The Whisperer In Darkness were known to worship Shub-Niggurath, but I suppose that doesn't necessarily mean all Mi-Go do. Some variation in a group of their species on a different continent would make sense.


And why on Earth stick to just England? Voldemort may have had the British Isles under his thumb for a time, but his influence barely extended into continental Europe. What were/are American wizards doing? How about the Chinese? Or South Africans? There's an entire world of witchcraft and wizardry, with room for dozens of Dark Wizards that, while they may not match Voldemort in terms of immortality or followings, certainly open up infinite possibilities for an RPG.


It does make me wonder if there's any wizarding schools hidden somewhere here in Canada.

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Anyone want to comment on my Persona RPG draft?

Although it was overshadowed by 2 other RPG's posting drafts at the same time, I'd love some feedback.


And yes, I will be breaking the Arcana list into a seperate post. It's just way to long.

The list of Persona seem a bit long. You might want to try and spice it up somehow.

That's not a list; thats just the types. You make your own Persona.

And Spice is a much needed thing throughout.

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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Jiming - Wow. You basically copy-pasted the plot and structure of the RP from Dragon Ball Online's Wikipedia page.

Doesn't mean make the plot go in exactly the same direction.. It was entirely intentional. If you have a problem, make a better Dragon Ball RPG. Not everyone is aware of Dragon Ball Online, so it could be a fresh experience. I also admitted to using the same plot and structure in the past, in case you couldn't tell. I swear, no one wants to help me!


A rather confrontational response.Personally, I am a fan of Dragon Ball. I've found that putting in an extra bit of effort to make a semi-original premise does wonders for personal morale, fosters a sense of ownership in the setting and generally makes for a better RP. Brainstorming ideas for a premise also helps create a stronger team spirit/general direction amongst staffers.


@Harry Potter discussion: The international side of the wizarding world might be fun to play out. An international body policing wizarding would draw in Aurors from Europe, and allow us to imagine other international approaches to "Wizard Cops." Dark Wizards, and even Wizards illegally using their abilities in the Muggle world could make for some interesting foes too (how did a no-name company end up in the Fortune 500 in three years flat?).

Edited by Madara: Mangekyou Master



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As would Muggles hunting down and slaying the Reality Deviants.


Harry Potter wizards are that unique mixture of arrogant and uninformed that makes fighting against them not just fun, but a joy.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Harry Potter wizards are that unique mixture of arrogant and uninformed that makes fighting against them not just fun, but a joy.



So no comments on the Persona RPG I posted at the top of the page?

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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I can tell you in precisely three words.


Panic. Glorious panic.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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I can tell you in precisely three words.


Panic. Glorious panic.


Followed by gunfire. Glorious gunfire.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Also law suits.


"So. You violated the privacy of....a thousand men?"


"What?! HOW?!"


"Erasing a memory without consent. Is there any greater violation?"



Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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The Persona RPG seemed...disjointed, Wanderer. You leap around going "oh this is this! Now this is this!" just spitting out bits of lore and facts. Get the player invested first. Put the setting up at the top, not right at the bottom, give us a clear idea of whats going on and why we should care. Also, find a better way to list the Arcana, not just to save space but because a lot of them seem very samey. Just from reading the descriptions I can't tell what the difference between a Fool and a Heirophant is, they both seem to be all-rounders with no preference towards any specialisation


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A magical Interpol sounds like a pretty cool idea, actually. I'm not sure I completely like the idea of wizards being found out, though - I think it's pretty clear in the books that they have all kinds of spells and charms preventing Muggles from finding them. And if they do, that's when you break out the memory charms and all's right with the world. I think that's part of the series' charm - all this is going on, and we're completely oblivious to it. If you make Muggles aware of it, not only is it a huge betrayal of the story's concept, you're also making it like any other magic or even superhero RPG we've had bouncing around in here: Magic users are distrusted, bunch of laws regulating them, yadda yadda. Or magic's the new technology, and everyone wants in. There's nothing special about it anymore.


Not to mention, you'd be exposing one heck of a big universe. I mean, I think it was pretty heavily hinted at in the books that all those missing house numbers when you drive down the street are wizard addresses. Wrap your minds around that.


EDIT: Not trying to shoot down concepts, though. Conspiracy theorists and witch hunters are fantastic ideas.



~ Rumpelstiltskin

Edited by Rumpelstiltskin
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Honestly, if we went with the idea of the wizards being exposed, I'd like it to not start from the assumption that the wizards are as vastly superior as they assume they are. They've got Avada Kedavra and are unwilling to use it, for the most part. We've got guns and just require a license for ownership thereof, with a few laws regulating their use.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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