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Now now, be patient, Basilisk doesn't know about the edit feature.Also, that ship profile had better include a way to give some specific information on an individual ship in a pre-existing class, for tidiness and detail-mongering.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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I do. It's just no one will notice it. I've tried it before. :P

Name: Every ship has a name be it "Lady Bright" or "RandomshipIdon'tcareabout-0005."Model: What type of ship is it? A YT-1300 like the the Falcon?Function: Transport? Gunship?Weapons: Because it is utterly stupid to go about in space without something to shoot at incoming threats. All ships have some type of weapon, even if the canon says differently. If your ship, canonically. starts out with nothing then you can assume it starts out with one basic laser cannon.Modifications: Have you made any modifications to it? A new hyperdrive? A shiny turbolaser? Is it longer then normal? Does it have a new module attached?History: How did you purchase here? What caused that blast mark on the hull? Did she ever complete the Kessel run?
That acceptable? Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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I'll be including the paint job in the 'Modifications' section, then. Looks good.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Space elevators! Let's just hope that asteroids aren't too much of a problem. Safety wise a space elevator is an amazing tool and can be relatively easily reattached if the cable snaps, but really you can only make so many patch jobs before it stops working. Thankfully, space is filled with dust and gas, not much out there larger than pebbles, relatively of course (space is biiiiiig). Proper amounts of carbon nanotubes and Whipple shielding are good enough to get the job done.Question though; how will the nations of Earth effect us? As while the nations we know today may rise and fall, I'm pretty sure the EU is still going be a major power in 2060. China and America I'm not so sure due to economic reasons in both of them, but I can see Russia making a real comeback.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Switzerland will have conquered the whole world, except for the bits conquered by Ireland.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Eh. Swiss halberds were amazing, and I wouldn't recommend trying to conquer Switzerland, but as a conquering force I don't think they'd be the greatest.The Celts though, I can see them doing it.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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You can play as a National Space Agency of any sort. Due to the historically low funding that these agencies have received, playing as a Space Agency is functionally identical to playing as a privately owned Space Corporation. Brazil and Kenya are both off limits; these nations control the Space Elevators and enjoy a nice fee every time something goes up, but they aren't particularly interested in space, since they have their own problems here on the ground.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Hmmm, so no playing as a gloriously reformed Cherokee Nation after the fall of America after some nasty economic problems?Unless I'm the Cherokee Nation on the moon....

Edited by Void Prophet Alex Humva


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Eh. It's a bit limited for an RTS-RPG. I'll just focus on my SW RPG for now I think.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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To each their own. But I've lost interest, less chance to flesh out the culture, how things work etc. It's just not that interesting to me. Playing as a government is one thing, many governments have long histories behind them. But a space agency? Bleh.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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If you played as an Agency, you'd be allowed to fill out the fluff for the nation behind it, but when it comes to RP itself you'd only control the Space Agency.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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I appreciate it, but it's still a bit limited for me. It's your RPG and I won't ask you to change fundamental parts of it because of my feelings on the matter. Everyone else still seems quite interested, so I wish you all the luck in the world on this endeavor but it's just not my style.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Actually, playing as a multinational corporation has interesting possibilities, I think. You suckers can be space agencies or whatever, but I control your food.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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I might actually have to go the corporate route, actually. Not quite the space food delivery business, but there's a lot to be had in space once you can knock the pricing down with space elevators. Ores, food, power generation... Could get all Gundam 00 on this.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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My business plan in this RPG, if we are allowed to play corporations that aren't actually their own space agencies.Basically, run.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Ah. Well then.I think I'll still try my hand at the corporate world, even if it's only to fail hilariously. I've failed plenty in FTL, why not there?


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Well. That's fortunate. For anyone who wants to fight in a war and get taste of what it'll be like in this RPG, the Huk War will just be kicking off when the RP starts. The date matches up exactly.Quite a bit of good luck that.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Well that means that one of the characters in my group won't be joining up with the others until...huh. Could last as late as 34 BBY. So 5 real-life years, if you don't do time skips.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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There will be timeskips.Or I could up the timescale a bit. With allowances made for "past" ICing. Chime in people.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Well, allowances should be made for 'past ICs regardless - hence my suggestion about having people include the time in the header of the IC - but I think anything more than a 2:1 ratio would end up with everyone ICing in the past.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Alright I have finished the draft version of the Digimon RPG,Digimon Generations:ZZZZZTTT---Is this thing working? HELLO? Oh I think I got a connection! If you are hearing this, we need help! Major problems have happened in the Digital World, the ---ZZZZZZZZTTTT--- has taken over several places in the Digiworld, leaving many of us to fight to protect whatever uncorrupted lands we have left. Oh, my name is Tripomon, look I do---ZZZZZZZTTT---my--ZZZZZZZTTTT---left---ZZZZZZTT---oh no, look if you can hear this, find a way to the Digiworld, and help us out! Please!---ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTTTT---Digimon: The Virus SpreadsIt has been many years after the events of when the Real World and the Digital World were almost eclipsed and fused into the darkness. Since then, both humanity and Digimon have lived in piece. Until now. A dark force has rised in the Digital World, planning to take control of all Digimon and eventually, the human world. No one knows where the original Digidestined went to, leaving the Digiworld without the aid of humans. Only the Digidestined can enter the Digiworld, and with the Digidestined missing, no one can enter to save the Virtual Realm. However, a new hope rises as new Digidestined rise, and take their roles into saving the Digiworld. But as the numbers of light rise, so does the number in darkness. But times have changed, no one really remembers the digital world, only the Digidestined and their families do... But the new Digidestined will meet, and fight together to save the digital world.Will you be a Digidestined and save the Digiworld, and the Real world?A Tamer who trains his or her digimon, staying clear from the war?Or will you be a part of the Virus, and aid in the conquering of both worlds?Digimon:What is a digimon? It is a resident of the Digiworld, a creature composed of digital data. Though they are mainly data, they are similar to us. They feel pain, they laugh, they cry. They are our partners, our friends as the Digidestined have showed. They are at ourside, ready to aid us, as we should aid them. Join your digimon and save or conquer the worlds!Digidestined:It is said only children that are destined to enter the Digital World may enter and pass freely The Digiworld, with the aid of their Digivices. These children are paired with a chosen Digimon, and help train them, as they help them digivolve to more powerful forms. They are said to be the ones who aid the digital world, and who will vanquish the virus.Tamers:Tamers, unlike Digidestined, don't have crests, however they still have Digivices and digimon, but they have their own methods of training. They are the neutral side to the war.Virus Empire:An organization of virus digimon, lead by an unknown leader. They plan to plummet the worlds into darkness, and corrupt them, and they did a good job with the Digital World. They want to corrupt and enslave other Digimon, to make an army, and it seems not all Digidestined are of good, as some have sided with the Virus Empire.DigiWorld's Regions:The digital world seems to go on forever, the Virus Empire has their main fortress near the nine crest regions:The Courage Region/Volcano Region:A large land with several volcanos and rivers of lava. Many Fire and Dragon digimon live here, where they train and fight, every digimon here is very brave an courageous, an will never back down from a fight. It is pretty hot so pack some sun screen and water!Reliability Region/Ice Region:A cold icy land with many mountains, and the grass and trees covered with pure white snow. Mainly ice, beast and mammal digimon live here, like Grizzlymon and Friggimon. Digimon here are always at each others side, and will help travelers out of the cold. It's pretty cold, some hot coco would help you here.Love Region/Sky Region:High above the Crest Regions, the sky regions is home to Bird and Flying Digimon. They are very loving and don't really hold grudges against people, this region hasn't been corrupted by the Virus Empire, and they don't want to get into the conflict. The clouds are so soft you might fall asleep if you lie down on them too long.Wisdom Region/Machine RegionThe most advanced of the regions, many cyborg and machine digimon live here, as well as several vehicle digimon here to transport other digimon across the regions. There are many skyscrapers, and the digimon here are very wise and intelligent. Friendship/Kindess Region/Primary VillageThis is where digimon are born, or revived. This place, luckily has not been corrupted, but the Virus Empire is planning to conquer this village to build their armies. Many fresh and in-training digimon live here and play, waiting for their human partners. Senserity Region/Forest RegionA large forest with several lakes and swamps, with many kind digimon here. Fairy, mammal, beast, insect, amphibion and reptile digimon live in this huge forest. This region is the biggest of the regions, (on the ground that is), and half of it has been corrupted, leaving the last half fighting for their lives.Light/Hope Region/Purity IslandA small island off of the main regions, this place has not been corrupted, being guarded by Angel Digimon. Several angel and fairy digimon live here, staying clear from the battle raging on.The Water Region/Magna BeachA giant cresent shaped beach leading out to the ocean, many water, fish, reptile, beast and human digimon live here. This is a nice vacation spot in the regions, and is the way to get to the Purity Island by riding on the fish digimon.The Main CityThis city lies in the center of the regions, with many human and beast digimon leaving here, with a few machine digimon as well. Below this, is the under ground fortress of the Virus Empire, however the digimon are unaware of this.The Virus Castle/Myotismon's CastleA giant underground fortress, it has a very erie feeling to it, bringing fear into even the bravest of hearts. This fortress is huge, spanding under the Volcano, Main City, and the beach regions, allowing quick access and travel to the surface.Digimon Forms:Fresh: New born DigimonIn-training: The start of Digimon training, and the form they take in the Real World until they become stronger.Rookie: The first of the fighting forms, they are typically weaker than Champion Digimon and above, but there are some exceptions (PM the staff if you want your digimon be stronger, within reason). Reached after one battle.Champion: The middle point of their forms, showing that they are strong. It is extremely hard for normal digimon to digivolve, but with the aid of the Digidestined they can evolve with ease after some training. Reached after five battlesUltimate: For most Digimon, the pennicle of their training and strength. They are far more powerful than normal digimon, these are a rare class of digimon, achieved when the Digidestined or tamer has found out what kind of person they are. Though only Digidestined get the crest. If they have the crest, they can use ultimate eggs to digivolve into ultimate armor.Mega: Even rarer, and a harder form to achieve, Mega Form Digimon are the strongest of all their previous forms. Some Digimon of this form are leaders or commanders. This is a mark of mastery for those Digidestined who managed to have their digimon achieve this form. Reache when the human and digimon partners connect with a special great emotion. Digi-egg users find mega digi eggs and share a great emotio. Need help choosing a digimon? Click here for the link to all of the canon digimon.Digimon : Digimon species - Digimon Wiki: Go on an adventure to tame the frontier and save the xrosed world!Digivolutions:What is digivolving? Well it's how Digimon become stronger. These are the types we will use in the game:Basic: Basic form of evolution. From here, there are three branches of digivolving.Special/Advanced.Armor: Using special digi-eggs, digimon can evolve through Armor evolution, with three kinds of digi-eggs to use, champion, ultimate (found by crest) and mega (found by emotion).Important Items:Crest: There are nine kinds of crests, courage, kindness, hope, light, serenity, love, knowledge, reliability, and friendship, these are used to identify the Digidestined. Crests look similar to necklaces, the symbol for each Digidestined. Digi-Egg (Normal): A Digi-egg is where digimon are born from. There are two kinds, one is where digimon are born from, the other is Armor Digi-Eggs.Digi-Egg (Armor): Another method of digivolving Armor Digi-Eggs, each egg based upon a crest. These can be used to digivolve digimon in an area where they can't digivolve.Black Spires: The Virus Empire was inspired by Ken's (when Ken was the Digimon Emperor) Black spires, they decided to reuse them to prevent digimon from evolving. Causing damage can destroy its effects to negate Digivolving, though you'd have to be really strong to destroy them. The only way to digivolve around these is with Armor Digi-Eggs.Black Gears: Connected by the Spires, when placed on digimon, they become servants to the Virus Empire.Digivice: You gateway to the digital world and way to evolve your hoses digimon, these are used by the Digidestined and Tamers. These are the only electronic devices to work in the digital world, plus they can hold data on Digimon, and keep track of the digimon your have meet.Digivolution - Digimon Wiki: Go on an adventure to tame the frontier and save the xrosed world!Profiles:Degidestined/TamerName:Faction: (Resistance or Virus Empire?)Class: (Digidestined or Tamer?)Gender:Age:Personality:Apperance:Bio:Digivice: What kind is it and what does it look like? D-power can only be used by Tamers.Digimon:Apperance: (Photo only)Type: (Vaccine or Virus)Personality:Forms unlocked:Abilties/Moves:Fresh:In-training:Rookie:Champion:Mega:(The digimon template also applied to diigimon without humans, such as minions of the virus empire or digimon wanting to protect the digital world)List to Rookie Digimon (The starting form for the digimon in the RPG): http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Rookie_DigimonBanned Digimon (Only Staff can control the following, but will not have these as their main digimon):-Seraphimon (Evolves from MagnaAngemon, please ask permission if you want to evolve from the staff)-Cherubimon (Evolves from Antylamon, please ask permission of you want to from the staff)-Ophanimon (Evolves from Angewomon, please ask permission if you want to evolve from the staff)-Lucemon-All Ancient Digimon -MaloMyotosimon-Apocolymon-Armageddemon-Diaboromon-All 7 Demon Lord DigimonThe following Digimon are typically are at "god" status in the Digiworld, or OP, or there is only one of them.Battle Setup:How are battles set up? Simply put, each player battle each other, following ech others posts till a winner is determined. How is a winner determined?-Whoever the last stands -If it is decided through PM before the battleRemeber these rules to a fight:-Players can can either attack, dodge, defend in one post.-You can perform attack/defense, dodge/attack, but you can't dodge/defend or perform all three.-A fight cannot last forever, if it lasts more than 40 posts from each player, it must stop.-OP moves such as Gate of Destiny or Total Inaliation are banned unless a reason is given or using such moves.Rules:• All BZPower TBRPG rules apply.• No God-modding• No bunnying (Unless the player requests for you to do it or asks)• All Digimon must start at either In-Training Mode or Rookie Mode. PM the Game Master or staff if you like to start with a higher mode digimon.• Respect other playersStrikes:Strike 1: OOC from staff member telling you to please edit your post.Strike 2: PM from a staff member explaining what you did, leaving a warning.Strike 3: GameMaster PM's you temporarily banning you for three days to a week.Strike 4: Perminate banning from the RPG, or as we say, being deleted from the Digital World.Staff:ZacaxFlex NardBasiliskStaff PCs:Zacax's PCs

Name: Zac TechikaClass: DigidestinedAge: 15Gender: MaleApperace: Zac is pretty lanky and tall for his age, being white skinned, has shaggy, somewhat spiky brown hair, has hazel eyes and his hands are somewhat bigger than the norm for his age. He wears a grey vest over his dark red button up, wears a pair of black fingerless gloves, dark blue denim jeans, and grey shoes. He wears a pair of red goggles on his forehead, only putting them on his eyes in a storm, or inventing.Personality: Zac is a caring and brave young boy, he can seem oblivious, but he is very intelligent. Zac loves to strategize, maybe that's why he is so good in battles, and often plans ahead. He is socially awkward, missing social cues and acting a bit quirky, but when you get to know him, he is a nice, funny guy. He tends to be passive aggressive, meaning he often puts himself down or holds a grudge, and doens't tell anyone if he is hurt or upset.Bio: Zac lives in Georgia with his family, being an inventor, making tons of inventions. He is homeschooled, living his parents and two sisters, he often hangs by himself, inventing or playing a video game. He had a brother, but he died three days after birth, which is a reason he is so much of a loner.He was getting supplies for an invention, but then he saw some sort of robot running out of an ally way near the hardware store. Confused, Zac stopped it and asked what was going on. Before the robot could speak, he was dragged into the ally, with Zac being dragged in there two. He and the robot were attacked by some sort of plant thing, it was a Red Veggiemon. It was chasing the robot, who happened to be a Tripomon, escaping a portal when a portal opened, causing these two to escape. Zac managed to get free when he used his skinniness to free himself and freed the Tripomon.A flash happened in his pocket, and his red phone was turned into a dark red Digivice. Zac asked Tripomon what it was, and Tripomon said Zac was a digidestined, and explained what they do. Together, the two destroyed the Red Veggiemon, and afterwards, Tripomon lead Zac to the portal he came from and told him of why problems lied ahead. Zac nodded and jumped into the digital world with Tripomon, the two now fighting the Virus Empire.Digivice: Dark Red D-3 Digivice.Digimon: DronomonType: VaccineApperance:http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120906013122/digimon/images/7/76/Dronomon.pngPersonality: Just like Zac's, though Dronomon is More open.Forms:Fresh: MetalkoromonIn training: Tripomonhttp://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120906013051/digimon/images/5/5a/Tripomon.pngRookie: Dronomonhttp://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120906013122/digimon/images/7/76/Dronomon.pngChampion: Sentrymonhttp://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120906013225/digimon/images/4/42/Sentrymon.pngUltimate: Arsenalmonhttp://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120906013319/digimon/images/6/6d/Arsenalmon.pngMega: MarkChiefmonhttp://images.wikia.com/digimon/images/4/43/Markchiefmon.pngName: Bo RobinsonClass: TamerGender: MaleAge: 16Apperance: A tall, muscular boy with short aburn hair, green eyes, has freckles on his white skin, and has somewhat bushy eyebrows. He wears a green jersey with white trimming, and a white 16 on the from and back, tan pants, soccer cleats and wears wrist bands.Personality: Bo is sarcastic, comedic and bold, being intelligent and slow to Anger. He has a lot of energy and stamina, and in fact, sometimes fights along with Cacomon.Bio: Zac's first best friend, the two have been good friends Zac moved into his neighborhood. No made friends quickly with Zac and the two hung out everyday, till Bo had to move. The two haven't seem each other a lot since.After Zac found Tripomon, he met with Bo again and told him about the Digiworld and invited his friend to come along. Bo hrugged and agreed, thinking it was a convention, but once he got to the portal, Bo was amazed. When they entered the Digiworld, he got a Digivice, though it was a D-power unlike Zac's, he didn't become a Digidestined. However, he met his chosen Digimon, Cacomon.Digivice: Green and Brown D-power DigiviceDigimon: CacomonApperance: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120924140257/digimon/images/1/13/Cacomon.pngPersonality: Cocky, headstrong and bold can describe Cacomon very well. He is quick tempered and looking for a fight. He is best friends with Dronomon.Forms: YuramonIn-Training: TanemonRookie: CacomonChampion: BandimonUltimate: DesperomonMega: Bountimon

Flex Nard's PCs:

Name: Jace CovingtonGender: MaleAge: 17Apperance: Jace is an attractive male. He has longish black hair that is a bit jagged and messy. He has two bright green eyes, and an athletic form. He usually wears a dark blue hoodie, red T-shirt, a pair of blue skinny jeans, and some red Vans.Personality: Jace is a very brave kid. He’s very loyal to his friends, and some of them look at him as a leader or a good example to follow. He’s an avid skateboarder, and gamer and he likes to spend his time outside, but at night curled up in front of his TV with a controller. Jace is a bit headstrong and arrogant at times. He thinks he’s cool, and sometimes he makes rash decisions that can get him intro trouble. He’s also a fighter, he’d rather fight then run away from a conflict.Bio: Jace grew up like most of the kids his age; he lived a pretty normal life; with the normal social problems of today’s youth. He grew up in Florida. He never studied very hard in school, but he seemed to always pass his classes without much effort. He spent his days outside skateboarding alone or with friends.On rainy days or days he didn’t feel like going outside he played videogames or read books. He always dreamt about something more, something big in his life that would set him apart from the rest, he never saw himself becoming an average working class person, no he felt something was out there waiting for him. One night he saw a strange meteor shoot out of the sky.It was glowing white hot and it shot into the ground in a field near where he was skating. He walked over to where it impacted to check it out and found a red device in a small crater. As he picked up the device and turned it on he was suddenly transported through a portal to the Digital world…Digivice: Red colored DigiviceDigimonType: VaccineApperance: http://images2.wikia...06_anime)_b.jpgPersonality: Agumon’s personality is much like Jace’s.FormsFresh: Botamon (http://images4.wikia...e/Botamon_b.jpg)In-training: Koromon (http://images3.wikia...3/Koromon_b.jpg)Rookie: Agumon (http://images2.wikia...06_anime)_b.jpg)Champion: GeoGreymon (http://images4.wikia...eoGreymon_b.jpg)Ultimate: RizeGreymon (http://images3.wikia...zeGreymon_b.jpg)Mega: BlackWarGreymon (http://images4.wikia...arGreymon_b.jpg)Name: Kane WilliamsGender: MaleAge: 17Apperance: Kane has dark blonde hair that is a bit long and jagged and spiked to the side, he has two piercing blue eyes and a handsome face with a sort of too cool for everything attitude. He usually wears a dark grey tank-top, with a small tan cloak he found, also a pair of brown gloves that belonged to his father. For shoes he wears a pair of plain brown boots. He's a bit tall, standing at 6'1'' and very slender.Personality: Kane is a brooding and loner type. He usually feels that he is too cool for most things, so he ends up hanging out by himself or his few friends. He can be quite mean or rude to people because he often times thinks he is better then others. He is very competitive and he always wants to win.Bio: Kane was born in Chicago, but his parents soon moved to Japan due to his father’s work. At the age of twelve he had to adjust to the new country and learn how to speak the native tongue. It took him a while to master it, but eventually he did. He then became a popular kid as his school since he was the only American boy. He showed off with his American style, and how cool he was, working out a lot in the gym to keep his body well toned.When he was seventeen he was walking down the street one night when suddenly a huge portal opened up in front of him. Kane looked around and then moved closer to check it out, but suddenly he fell in, finding himself in the Digital world, along with his new Digimon companion, Tsunomon, who quickly digivolved into BlackGabumon. Both Kane and BlackGabumon were recruited by the Virus Empire, he now works for them as a dark Digidestined...Digivice: Black DigiviceDigimon:Name (if any): GabumonApperance (Picture only): http://www.oocities....lackGabumon.gifPersonality: Gabumon’s personality is much like Kane’s but he likes fighting much more, and he enjoys killing other Digimon.Abilities:· Petit Fire· Little Horn· Tsuno KougekiForms:Fresh: Punimon Pic: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090804073347/digimon/images/4/4e/Punimon_b.jpgIn-Training: Tsunomon Pic: http://images2.wikia.../Tsunomon_b.jpgRookie: BlackGabumon Pic: http://www.oocities....lackGabumon.gifChampion: BlackGarurumon Pic: http://fc06.devianta...digiartistx.jpgUltimate: ShadowWereGarurumon Pic: http://dma.wtw-x.net...eGarurumon1.jpgMega: BlackMetalGarurumon Pic:http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b315/anime_master123456/Assorted%20Anime/BlackMetalGarurumon.gifDigimon: BeelzemonGender: MaleApperance:http://privatetrainingsite.wikispaces.com/file/view/beelzemon%5B1%5D.jpg/265126998/161x330/beelzemon%5B1%5D.jpgPersonality: Beelzemon is a dark Digimon. He values strength and power, and dislikes humans and would rather see mankind ruled over. But deep down he has a good side, he just represses it. His hatred towards humans stems from the fact he is jealous he never had a Tamer himself. He enjoys fighting, and feeling superior to other Digimon.Abilities:Double Impact: Rapidly fires powerful bullets from his two Berenjena shotguns.Darkness Claw: Attacks enemies using his razor sharp claws.Primal Orb: Conceals his enemies in inescapable bubbles.Fist Of The Beast King: Shoots fire from his fist that is shaped like a lion's head.

Basilisk's Profiles:

Digimon: Myotismon (calls herself Alucia)Gender: FemaleSpecies Type(Virus, Vaccine): Virus, but she's broken from the virus army due to a failed political coup. For the sake of her continued survival, she's willing to throw her lot in with the digidestined and offer her skills and expertise to them. She's in this for survival however, not out of any moral conviction. If things turn south, don't expect her to fight any rearguard actions of their behalf. Indeed, in such situations she may used them as body shields if her life is truly in danger. Due to a corruption of her code (damaged when she escaped from the Virus army) she can longer reconstruct herself, if she is deleted, she's gone. For good. Because of this she has a huge concern for her safety and a paranoid nature.Appearance: Elegance, that is the first word that often comes to mind when one see's Alucia. She wears a metal breastplate, with fine black cloths worn underneath, a red cape flows out from her body, attached to the armor. She also sports a golden monocle that she wears in most situations, merely for the feel of it rather than any actual need. Her skin is a pale gray and bears an uncomfortable resemblance to that of dead, but not decayed, human flesh. Her hair is gray and no longer grows due to the data corruption. This corruption has made her look unhealthy even by the standards of the undead and by extension, makes her more fragile looking as well. Her eyes are a light orange, they tend to glow in the dark, making her a target and granting her the ability to see in the dark. Her clothes are made from the finest materials and despite the marked decrease of her access to the resources to properly maintain such a wardrobe, she somehow managed to keep them repair and in good condition. She also sports two fangs, though one is chipped, another flaw introduced by the corruption.Personality: Alucia is a political being through and through. She knows the ebb and flow of political power in the digi-world like she knows the back of her hand. She has a sharp mind and her personality is quite focused on self-interest. She isn't evil, merely pragmatic. Her foremost concern is her own survival and currently, that is tied to the defeat of the Virus Army. She is well-spoken and even charming at times, she can get along with most anyone when she puts her mind to it. She is also quite anaylitical, able to break down the motivations of a being from their actions quite quickly.Abilities: Due to her weakened state, she only retains a few of her abilities. Nightmare Wing (allowing to fire bolts of electricity that turns the target into a paranoid, mistrusting mess essentially), Nightmare Claw (shrouds the victim in black energy, paralyzing them) and Crimson Lightening (uses a stream of blood like a whip) she also wields a well-crafted sword, feeling she need's extra protection in her weakened state.Forms: None, she's stuck in her current form due to the corruption of her data. She cannot evolve or de-evolve and it is likely attempting to do so will delete her. Permanently. Understandably she is quite unwilling to experiment because of that.


Digimon: AndromonGender: MaleApperance: http://digimon.neoseeker.com/w/i/digimon/1/10/Andromon.jpgPersonality: A wise and intelligent Digimon, Andromon is like a father to Dronomon. He is wise, tactical and humble. He looks over several Guardomon that haven't been taken into the Virus Empire, he and the Guardromon defend the Machine Region.Abilities:-Lightning Blade-Gatling AttackDigimon: WizardmonGender: MaleApperance:http://dma.wtw-x.net/DMA/DigimonStands/Toei/Seppi/Wizardmon.jpgPersonality: Calm, cool and quiet, Wizardmon has fought against the Virus Digimon before, along side Gatomon, Kari's chosen digimon. Finally beig reconfigured, an no longer a spirit, Wizardmon has returned to aid the new digimon in anyway he can. He normally doesn't talk to many, mainly because the only friend he ever opened up to was Gatomon, but he is a loyal friend when you finally get to know him.Abilities:-Electro Squall-Magical Game-Blink BreezeDigimon: Gennai and MekanoirmonGender: MaleApperance:Gennai:http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120208142038/digimon/images/0/01/Gennai_t.gifMekanoirmon:http://digipedia.db-destiny.net/encyc/images/mekanorimon.jpgPersonality: Gennai is wise and humble old...well man. Like digimon, he is composed of Data, though he doesn't have the same attributes as Digimon. He has helped the original 12 Digidestined save the Digiworld, and now aids the new Digidestined and tamers in order to stop the Virus Empire. He rides in a new Mekanoirmon, as he lost his old one.Abilities: He has no abilities other than knowledge of Digiworld and it's legends. But with the aid of Mekanoirmon, he can still fight:-Twin Beam-4-Disk Break

Virus Empire Commanders:

Digimon: PuppetmonGender: MaleApperance:http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb57887/villains/images/4/41/Puppetmon_img.gifPersonality: Puppetmon was defeated by the first eight Digidestined, and wants revenge, specifically on the Digidestined with digimon the original eight used (eg: Jace and his Agumon). He isn't really bad, he is with the Virus yet again to beat the Digidestined and get stronger. All he wants is to have a friend, being a lonely digimon.Abilities:-Puppet Pummel (Used with either his metal hammer or the wooden x)-Drill Nose-He can use stings to manipulate the movement of DigimonDigimon: KingEtemonGender: MaleApperance: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091106042430/digimon/images/e/e9/KingEtemon_b.jpgPersonality:A tough, powerful (and the king of rock) digimon, KingEtemon is back yet again, ready to fight the Digidestined. They may not be the original eight, but no matter, he will take his revenge out on them insted. He is very cocky, self-centered, and loves to show off his cheesy one-liners. He loves music, specifically, rock. He may have lost in his previous forms, but he is ready to win.Abilties:-Saru Shibai (Performs a false show to lower the spirits of Digimon-King Mon-Kick-Spontaneous Rock Concert.Digimon: QueenchessmonGender: FemaleApperance:http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090127181859/digimon/images/e/e2/QueenChessmon_%28Black%29_b.jpgPersonality: A very self-centered, and cold Digimon, Queenchessmon is very cunning and intelligent, being able to outwit her oppenets, always saying "God of Chess, bestow pardon," expecting all digimon lower than her to follow her orders. She looks down on all digimon, other than her leader. In battle, she always quotes chess terms.Abilties:-Grand Cricket-Queen Stamp-Hime no Wagamama (Gives her foes a hard time)

Edited by IX. Dymex

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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There will be a slight delay in the first draft. It's mostly done, but I need to some research and it's late where I am. It'll be up by tomorrow.Apologies.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Whoops!Well I just fixed that, so any more suggestions for the draft that I might have accidentally excluded?

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Gundam RPG UPDATE!!!!!I have smoothed out some details, and all that's really left is BZP Blade's Character Sheet.Gundam RPG Draft .4:001 G.C.Human Kind has expanded into space, creating space colonys. Each colony that orbits Earth is called a 'Side', and has a different specialty.Side 1: Spaceship constructionSide 2: FarmingSide 3: Millitary Weapons and Vehicle manufacturingSide 4: Computer R&DSide 5: Mass production and shippingSide 6: Civilian furnishingsSide 7: Trade centerThe colonys are led by a Grand Liason, who governs each coloney and communicates with the earth government. The Grand Liason is selected Democratically and serves a 5 year term.The construction of the 7 coloeys extends through the next 100 years, while the earth gradually becomes more unified under the Earth Sphere Alliance via millitary means.105 G.C.The company OZ is founded, and slowly begins to take over the construction of Millitary Weaponry and Vehicles on Earth, this causes Side 3 to begin worrying about its wellfare, and they slowly become less and less welcome to outsiders.125 G.CA major technological breakthrough allows for the construction of spaceships at a cheaper cost. Small ships called Darts become the standered of space warfare.150 G.CA large group of the 'Farther Colonys', less vital colonys farther from earth, anounce there independance from Earth, forming the Principality of Zeon. The Zeon continue to trade with the Earth, but larger, darker machinations are at work here. In 163 a treaty is signed that makes nuke, chemicil weapons, WMD's or Coloney drops illigal in both ESA and Zeon200 G.CThe Zabi family rises to power in the Zeon government, and begins extensive millitary research in secret. They employ secret police to enfore there rule. They invent the Mobile Suits.221 G.CThe Zeon attack Side 3, destroying it and crippling the Earth Sphere's millitary. This week-long engagemnt is known as the One Week War. OZ becomes one of the last millitary manufacturers.221 G.C: March 31stColoney Side 7 is attacked. The current liason, Heero Yuay, is assasinated by an unknown party, presumed to be Zeon.Character: Your character may be part of any of the groups listed below. This list will change often.Civilian of Side 7: You are a civilian living in Side 7Side 7 Millitary: You are a member of the millitary squadron assained to protect Side 7. They may start with a MSLimit: 10 membersShip Crew: You are a member of the crew of one of the docked spaceships at Side 7. or the Zeon ship that is deploying the soldeirs. May start with an MS.Zeon Trooper: You are one of the Zeon soldiers attacking Side 7. May start with an MSSIDE 7: Side 7 is a colony similar to a city. It has many wealthy businuses, and is filled with stores.Docks: The space docks are located north of the main area. All ships are docked there.Barraks: The barracks are the Side 7 Defence's HQ.Old factory: This factory has been abandoned for years, and yet people are still seen going in and out of it.Main: This is where all of the houses and businuses are located.Mobile Suits: You may only start with certain suits, others must be aquired IC.Land suits must walk from place-to-place on the battle field, Flight must stay in the air to preform well, Aquatic must stay in water deep enough to contain them, and Virsitile may go anywhere, but they are not specialised for any terrain. Most MS have Jetpacks or Thrusters of some kind, unless they are Land-Type or Aquatic-Type, as Land have no thrusters and Aquatic use turbines like a submarine.There are 3 rarites. Normal, which means an infinite number of these suits can be used by PC's, Limit, there may only be __# of PC's using it, and Unique, which means only 1 PC may use it, and no NPC's.There are many Fuel scources for an MS. The rarest is a Minkovosky generator. It uses the newly discovered Minkovosky particles to have infinite power. It emtts waves of energy as a side effect that cause electrical divices, raidio waves and Wi-Fi within the MS to malfunction, causing most suits to have a battery inside for use in non-combat situations.The most common is fossil fuels, which are needed in large quantites. As a result, oil becomes even more important.Reaserch is being done into using Solar power as fuel.Earth Sphere Alliance Ball: Round, mono-eyed suits that operate on virsitile terrain. They are the smallest suits avalible to the ESA. They are Manufactured by Anahiem Electronics. They are armed with a Top-mounted Heavy machine gun, two Claws(for multiple purpouses) and a small set of micro-rockets.Leo: The Leo is a land-based unit. They are manufactured by OZ. They are armed with A heavy hand held machine gun or rarley bazooka, and a shieldGM: The GM is a versitile unit that can fight on any terrain, manufactured by the ESA itself. There loadout differes situationally, but generally contains a thermal sword and a light submachine gun.ZeonZaku I: A lightly armored unit built by the Zeon. It is versitile terrain wise, but has a very light amount of armor. Primarily used to scout. Armed with Thermal blade and light submachine gun.Zaku II: A mildly armored unit biult by Zeon. It is versitile terrain wise, but has a mild amount of armor. The main force of the Zeon army. Armed with Thermal hatchet and machine gun or a bazooka.Zaku II Commander type: A Zaku II used by the commander of a squadron. It uses much more powerful weapons, and is generally superior to the Zaku II. Limit: 1Modifying units: A unit has 3 modification slots open. Weapon, Armor and Inner Workings. One of these at a time may be upgraded with permission(Be specific what exactly is being upgraded, like ammo/clip ratio or making jetpacks more economic), and the modifyed unit's blueprints may be sold to companies, to be mass produced(Only if you create a new unit) , making that unit playable by all players who can buy from that company. Or this upgraded mech can be kept for personal use.Certain upgrades can create a new unit, which will add to the avalible units list, and allow for even more customizations. Certain suits are automatically unlocked because of the staff plot.Upgrades vary by company.Affilations:ESA: The UN, but much larger and with more control, able to make decisions that effect the world. Lead by the Council, which contains one representitave from each country. Many countries were forced into the ESA by millitary or political blackmail, and are not happy about it.Zeon: A group who strongly belives in the coming of the 'Newtypes', the next evolution in humanity. They will supposedly be able of telepathy, precognition and be able to survive without oxegen for extended periods. Lead by Dozel Zabi, and his extremely power-hungry family. His militaristic actions have promoted some to consider him unfit to lead a nation dedicated to the survival and evolution of humanity.OZ: An Earth-based company who creates most of the Weapons for the ESA. Based in Spain. Lead by Treize Gutranada. Many conspiracy theories revolve around them, and some of them just might be true.Anaheim Electronics: A Space-based company who's exact location is secret. They are secretly selling to Zeon as well as the ESA. There Zeon identity is Electrons INC.Player GroupsNeutralRULES: All upgrades must be approved by me. All BZP rules apply. No Godmodding, no matter how flashy and powerful it is, all MS can be destroyed.

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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