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Well, he wants to be a small-time Anomid crime lord, and his character wants a smuggling ship working under him, so as to expand his business. My ship was considered early on, but as the captain is unlikely to want a long-term contract like that, other options are being considered.(Also turns out I miscounted the crew. Seven, or six until the end of the Huk War.)

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Gundam RPG UPDATE!!!!!I have smoothed out some details, and all that's really left is BZP Blade's Character Sheet.Gundam RPG Draft .4:001 G.C.Human Kind has expanded into space, creating space colonys. Each colony that orbits Earth is called a 'Side', and has a different specialty.Side 1: Spaceship constructionSide 2: FarmingSide 3: Millitary Weapons and Vehicle manufacturingSide 4: Computer R&DSide 5: Mass production and shippingSide 6: Civilian furnishingsSide 7: Trade centerThe colonys are led by a Grand Liason, who governs each coloney and communicates with the earth government. The Grand Liason is selected Democratically and serves a 5 year term.The construction of the 7 coloeys extends through the next 100 years, while the earth gradually becomes more unified under the Earth Sphere Alliance via millitary means.105 G.C.The company OZ is founded, and slowly begins to take over the construction of Millitary Weaponry and Vehicles on Earth, this causes Side 3 to begin worrying about its wellfare, and they slowly become less and less welcome to outsiders.125 G.CA major technological breakthrough allows for the construction of spaceships at a cheaper cost. Small ships called Darts become the standered of space warfare.150 G.CA large group of the 'Farther Colonys', less vital colonys farther from earth, anounce there independance from Earth, forming the Principality of Zeon. The Zeon continue to trade with the Earth, but larger, darker machinations are at work here. In 163 a treaty is signed that makes nuke, chemicil weapons, WMD's or Coloney drops illigal in both ESA and Zeon200 G.CThe Zabi family rises to power in the Zeon government, and begins extensive millitary research in secret. They employ secret police to enfore there rule. They invent the Mobile Suits.221 G.CThe Zeon attack Side 3, destroying it and crippling the Earth Sphere's millitary. This week-long engagemnt is known as the One Week War. OZ becomes one of the last millitary manufacturers.221 G.C: March 31stColoney Side 7 is attacked. The current liason, Heero Yuay, is assasinated by an unknown party, presumed to be Zeon.Character: Your character may be part of any of the groups listed below. This list will change often.Civilian of Side 7: You are a civilian living in Side 7Side 7 Millitary: You are a member of the millitary squadron assained to protect Side 7. They may start with a MSLimit: 10 membersShip Crew: You are a member of the crew of one of the docked spaceships at Side 7. or the Zeon ship that is deploying the soldeirs. May start with an MS.Zeon Trooper: You are one of the Zeon soldiers attacking Side 7. May start with an MSSIDE 7: Side 7 is a colony similar to a city. It has many wealthy businuses, and is filled with stores.Docks: The space docks are located north of the main area. All ships are docked there.Barraks: The barracks are the Side 7 Defence's HQ.Old factory: This factory has been abandoned for years, and yet people are still seen going in and out of it.Main: This is where all of the houses and businuses are located.Mobile Suits: You may only start with certain suits, others must be aquired IC.Land suits must walk from place-to-place on the battle field, Flight must stay in the air to preform well, Aquatic must stay in water deep enough to contain them, and Virsitile may go anywhere, but they are not specialised for any terrain. Most MS have Jetpacks or Thrusters of some kind, unless they are Land-Type or Aquatic-Type, as Land have no thrusters and Aquatic use turbines like a submarine.There are 3 rarites. Normal, which means an infinite number of these suits can be used by PC's, Limit, there may only be __# of PC's using it, and Unique, which means only 1 PC may use it, and no NPC's.There are many Fuel scources for an MS. The rarest is a Minkovosky generator. It uses the newly discovered Minkovosky particles to have infinite power. It emtts waves of energy as a side effect that cause electrical divices, raidio waves and Wi-Fi within the MS to malfunction, causing most suits to have a battery inside for use in non-combat situations.The most common is fossil fuels, which are needed in large quantites. As a result, oil becomes even more important.Reaserch is being done into using Solar power as fuel.Earth Sphere Alliance Ball: Round, mono-eyed suits that operate on virsitile terrain. They are the smallest suits avalible to the ESA. They are Manufactured by Anahiem Electronics. They are armed with a Top-mounted Heavy machine gun, two Claws(for multiple purpouses) and a small set of micro-rockets.Leo: The Leo is a land-based unit. They are manufactured by OZ. They are armed with A heavy hand held machine gun or rarley bazooka, and a shieldGM: The GM is a versitile unit that can fight on any terrain, manufactured by the ESA itself. There loadout differes situationally, but generally contains a thermal sword and a light submachine gun.ZeonZaku I: A lightly armored unit built by the Zeon. It is versitile terrain wise, but has a very light amount of armor. Primarily used to scout. Armed with Thermal blade and light submachine gun.Zaku II: A mildly armored unit biult by Zeon. It is versitile terrain wise, but has a mild amount of armor. The main force of the Zeon army. Armed with Thermal hatchet and machine gun or a bazooka.Zaku II Commander type: A Zaku II used by the commander of a squadron. It uses much more powerful weapons, and is generally superior to the Zaku II. Limit: 1Modifying units: A unit has 3 modification slots open. Weapon, Armor and Inner Workings. One of these at a time may be upgraded with permission(Be specific what exactly is being upgraded, like ammo/clip ratio or making jetpacks more economic), and the modifyed unit's blueprints may be sold to companies, to be mass produced(Only if you create a new unit) , making that unit playable by all players who can buy from that company. Or this upgraded mech can be kept for personal use.Certain upgrades can create a new unit, which will add to the avalible units list, and allow for even more customizations. Certain suits are automatically unlocked because of the staff plot.Upgrades vary by company.Affilations:ESA: The UN, but much larger and with more control, able to make decisions that effect the world. Lead by the Council, which contains one representitave from each country. Many countries were forced into the ESA by millitary or political blackmail, and are not happy about it.Zeon: A group who strongly belives in the coming of the 'Newtypes', the next evolution in humanity. They will supposedly be able of telepathy, precognition and be able to survive without oxegen for extended periods. Lead by Dozel Zabi, and his extremely power-hungry family. His militaristic actions have promoted some to consider him unfit to lead a nation dedicated to the survival and evolution of humanity.OZ: An Earth-based company who creates most of the Weapons for the ESA. Based in Spain. Lead by Treize Gutranada. Many conspiracy theories revolve around them, and some of them just might be true.Anaheim Electronics: A Space-based company who's exact location is secret. They are secretly selling to Zeon as well as the ESA. There Zeon identity is Electrons INC.Player GroupsNeutralRULES: All upgrades must be approved by me. All BZP rules apply. No Godmodding, no matter how flashy and powerful it is, all MS can be destroyed.
I think there should be more organization in this. It's all clustered in, I can't tell what's part of what.Also, what parts of the world are their to play? Is there a backstory?How did this begin?Think of these questions and they should help out :)

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.THE FIRST DRAFTStar Wars: Odysseys Staffed by: Basilisk, Kothra“For agony and spoilOf nations beat to dust,For poisoned air and tortured soilAnd cold, commanded lust,And every secret woeThe shuddering waters saw—Willed and fulfilled by high and low—Let them relearn the Law.”-Rudyard Kipling, Justice (Oct. 24, 1918).“The first duty of a revolutionist is to get away with it. The second duty is to eat breakfast. I ain't going.”-Abbie HoffmanThe galaxy is a big place and it certainly isn’t getting smaller. The year is 42 BBY, and the galaxy seems ready to fall apart at the seams. The Galactic Republic is deadlocked, corrupt and inefficient, their military, under-armed and thinly spread. This state of affairs has allowed a host of undesirables to flourish in the Outer Rim: criminals, pirates, smugglers and petty warlords hold sway there, and there seems little the Republic can do about it. Wars between planetary militaries often wage incessantly until the Republic’s famed “peace keepers” arrive to settle the matter. The Jedi Order, however, is still strong, and ruled by a decisive Council - while the Republic declines, the Jedi maintain their strength and vigilance.But they are only one organization. They cannot be everywhere and in the shadows, on planets that have not seen a Jedi for centuries, business in the underworld goes on unmolested. The Jedi Order is not the only force in the galaxy; criminal syndicates, planetary militaries and other forces vie with each other for control. This is the end of an era. The Republic is collapsing under the weight of its own corruption and the fires of war dance in many sectors. It is not, however, the end of the galaxy - business is business after all. There are still profits to be made and there still those who seek to make them, be they bounty hunters, salesmen or soldiers. The fate of the galaxy hangs on the edge of knife, but there are those who openly mock fate every day, who taunt death and thumb their noses at the Force itself, and for them, life goes on.It follows, in a scenario like this, that the future is not set in stone: the Battle of Yavin might never happen, the shadowy threat waiting to strike at the very heart of the Republic might never appear, or it might trip and fall onto seventy-six blaster bolts. No outcome is guaranteed. One thing is certain however, the galaxy is in for interesting times.GameplayAs you might have guessed from the introduction, this RPG takes place in the Star Wars galaxy. The entire galaxy is open to your characters. They can explore it, try to burn it down or simply try to live their lives. It’s completely up to you. The galaxy in this RPG is very organic and it will respond to major player actions, if you off a pirate lord on Hoth then you’ll have a few of his friends chasing after you for example.There is no true main conflict in this RPG. It is made of many conflicts. Some wars are minor, and will never trouble more than a few rimward systems. Others will, if those pulling the strings are allowed to proceed as they wish, spread from one end of the galaxy to the other, bringing bloodshed and horror to every race, every planet, every home. You don’t need to concern yourselves with these conflicts, you can make your own well enough, but know that war, like many other things, is subject to inertia - the Colicoids, for all their violent tendencies, will not go to war just because some roguishly handsome smuggler landed on their planet and said a few rousing words. They'll just eat the fool, but the distinct absence of war-due-to-a-stranger's-speech is a common thing in the galaxy. Conflicts will flare up, the Huk War is just around the corner when we start this thing off, but you don't have to enter into it. It'll play out regardless. But if you involve yourself...well, the outcome can change. Canon conflicts will be explored in deeper detail in this RPG, and if things go differently, the staff will introduce new conflicts born out of these events. Peace is fleeting after all.Overall, your character is being given the amount of freedom people have in real life. They’ll need a job or a good source of funds to survive and if they’re clever and quick they can really go places. But not everyone makes it in real life and not everyone will make it here.There is no real limit to the types of character you can create, save for one. You can’t start out rich enough to build a gold-plated tower. All that power is worth nothing because you didn’t earn it, you started out with it, and what's more, those reading the RPG don't get to see all the wacky adventures you had in obtaining the wealth. That’s not fair to other players who started out with nothing and worked their way up. So anyone who tries submitting a character who’s the leader of the Techno Union is going to have that character rejected. They’ll also have to endure a lecture from yours truly, along with anyone else who wishes to chime in.Each character is also assigned an income level, low and medium, high and very high. This is to give you a general idea of what you can buy. Low income means you’ll just have the basics…if that. Medium means you might be able to avoid a ship if you scrapped and saved and were very stingy. It’s middle-class basically. High means you can afford a very nice ship, a nice villa and such as. Very high is what Donald Trump would make, and is only the result of hard work on your part. You will not start out with a very high income. Some characters, such as bounty hunters, live job to job. So in this case every job you take will be assigned an income. Be warned, if your character gets ten high paying jobs in a row without a break between them then I will crack down on it. You won’t get the best jobs all the time. It’s a fact of life. Income is used to determine what your character can afford for the most part. I don't want people buying dreadnoughts right off the bat.Your characters can, of course, own ships in this RPG - we aren't trying to leave you stranded on Hoth, that's your job. The RPG does use a time system for traveling via ship. Each RL day is equal to two 2 in-RPG days. This is for travel purposes and you can simply continue to RP in the “past” until you are finished. Just tell us what day you are on by putting the day at the top of your post. Day one, day two etc. The count starts when the RPG launches. So every day since the launch of this RP is two IC days. It’ll start at day one, one RL day later it’ll be day three. This means you will have to plan ahead. You can’t zoom between worlds in the blink of an eye. Some Hyperdrives are better than others of course; it takes two IC weeks to get from the Outer Rim to the Core with a class one hyperdive. For every number higher than one, add in six days. Using the core-to-rim as measurement system, if it’s half the distance then it’s half the time. If it’s a quarter of the distance then it’s a quarter of the time. There will be time-skips on occasion so that we can keep things moving.Combat works in a fairly simple manner, if it is PC versus PC, you will post until one of you outwits the other and forces them to flee or slays them. If, by virtue of being intelligent and a good planner, someone manages to force your character into a situation where they will die…I suggest surrendering. Your characters will likely die otherwise. It sucks, but it happens. Be careful and quick when dealing with untrustworthy folks and don’t let your guard down. I won’t be sympathetic if you blunder into a known crime lord’s lair, insult him and then complain when your character is fed to the Rancor. I really will not. NPC vs PC combat is much the same. Provided it’s not an official NPC, you’ll be in control of the battle. But you will do both sides justice or I will step in and make sure your enemies behave in a competent and intelligent fashion. That said, some people are quite stupid. Provided this is stated beforehand and provided they haven’t hired on someone competent, you needn’t worry about doing them justice. But be aware that stupid beings rarely get into positions of power and those that do normally have competent security.Keep in mind that this is a story, this isn’t a game to be won. People playing to win will find that they will be viewed…less then favorably. Tell a good story, that’s worth more than trying to “win” something that cannot be won.Most aspects of the canon are included, Palpatine is still plotting away, the Trade Federation still exists…but I will be changing some aspects of the canon as we encounter them. Sometimes SW canon is contradictory or would drag down the RPG and I reserve the right to change if it becomes necessary. This is just a general rundown of gameplay, more specific information on the powers and state of the galaxy is included under the “Powers of the Galaxy” heading belowPowers of the GalaxyThis is a primer on the major forces in the galaxy. Don’t consider it and to be-all end-all faction list. Such an undertaking would take months to complete. These are the major players, if you want to join a faction that’s not listed here but existed at this time, go right ahead. This intended to give you a general idea about the state of the galaxy.The Galactic RepublicThe Republic has stood for countless years and has stood through countless storms. It has stood through many Sith Wars, many civil wars and various other challenges and emerged victorious. Many thought this golden era would never end. That the Republic would remain a light of democracy and freedom for many years to come, that the Senate would remain dedicated to its cause and that the supreme chancellors would continue to rule with wisdom. This was not to be, the Republic has gradually slid further and further into corruption. The Senate is now a hopeless battlefield and any remnant of bipartisanship and cooperation has vanished. Differing political interests clash with increasing ferocity and hatred and all the while people die in wars, people are enslaved and many other atrocities are carried and due to the ongoing deadlock, the Republic can do nothing. Its institutions have decayed and their sense of purpose is being lost.The Republic is massive and covers much of the galaxy, this made it difficult to administer in the best of times and the current chaos has not been kind to it. It is inefficient and slow and its military is slowly but surely aging and is quite small and overworked. Supreme Chancellor Kalpana is widely viewed as incompetent and ineffective. These problems are formidable but there is hope that the Republic will experience a resurgence. This is not the worst time the Republic has lived through and surely it will be able to withstand this challenge as it has withstood so many others. It is still large, there are still powerful economic forces that could be harnessed by it. All of its old resources are there but to utilize them one would first have to navigate the byzantine corridors of a corrupt and scheming senate.The Jedi OrderThe Jedi Order remains powerful, a beacon of order in these chaotic times. It has remained as stable and strong as the foundations of its temple. They seek to confront and destroy the chaos slowly consuming the galaxy in any way they can. Not only are they formidable warriors, but they maintain a powerful armed force (some would say private army) known as the Temple Security Force. The Temple Security Force consists of both nonforce sensitive’s and would-be Jedi that didn’t quite make the grade. They were originally used for simple security, but they have been deployed into battle with the Jedi with increasing frequency.But this order has come at a price. The Jedi Order is ruled by a theocratic council whose rule is law, and while they might accept differing opinions, they decide how the Order runs and it is they who decide what happens to dissenters. If they wish to execute or exile a Jedi, then that is what will happen. There are no checks on their power. Understandably, many people are reluctant to join the Order because of this Council, so since its formation the Order has recruited/conscripted children, sometimes with the consent of the parents and sometimes without it. They believe they are doing the children a favor, that if they do not act then the children will destroy themselves with their force powers. The existence of Force Adepts seems to disprove this.The Jedi Order works closely with the Republic it often deploys its forces to enforce the will of the Senate and to maintain order and peace in the galaxy. Of course, one beings peace is another beings oppression…The Sith OrderThe Sith Order no longer exists in the traditional sense. It consists of small enclaves and master-apprentice pairs scattered throughout the galaxy. The Sith Order was once powerful enough to challenge the Jedi on the field of battle but that is no longer the case. They are remnant of their former glory and can no longer be said to be a truly united organization. If any Sith are even aware of the others they tend to keep silent about it. The Sith Order know takes many forms, a fellow who stumbled upon a holocron, an old master teaching his students in a deserted monastery, a shadowy plotter seeking the power he needs to rebuild his order…they are all of these and more.Many consider the Sith to be evil, servants of a malevolent Dark Side. This is not the case, the Sith merely view the Force differently than the Jedi and use it differently. The reason for the continuous war between the two Orders has more in common with a cycle of revenge than anything else. The Sith philosophy is different from the Jedi’s in many respects, but the most important difference is an emphasis on freedom. The Sith do not believe they should restrict themselves to a life of kowtowing to a Council or the word of another. They seek their own way, this is not a philosophy without its flaws however, it attracts its fair share of psychotics and criminals who have killed many thousands of innocents and lit the galaxy afire with war many times in the past.This is part of the reason the Sith are viewed in such a negative way, the other is the fact that few of their records survive in public databanks or outside the libraries of the remaining Sith. This means the Jedi Order, their dedicated enemy, has had centuries to preach their view of things while the Sith are in no position to contradict them. What’s worse, the remnants of the Sith are slowly but surely being hunted down by a force far more terrible then the Jedi. What’s left of them is vanishing at a startling rate.CorporationsThis group includes everything from the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guild to a humble junk shop on Tatooine. Some are the masters of the galactic economy; juggernauts of commercial power wield immense influence in the galaxy. Their credits flow into the pockets of employee’s on thousands upon thousands of different worlds. Some are merely confined to one world and must scrap and save to get by and make ends meet. This is not a united group, corporations compete with each other fiercely for profits and resources and their weapons in this conflict are many.Many pan-galactic corporations have their own representatives in the senate…many of whom are promptly bogged down and unable to do anything of worth because of the sluggish and corrupt nature of the place. Current senate policies on corporate power are contradictory at best and have given many a lawyer reason to spend a week crying into a drink at a popular pub. Transitioning from an efficient corporate atmosphere to the byzantine maze of galactic politics’ is not something most corporations manage with anything resembling ease. At times they use money to lubricate the wheels of power to push through a bill even knowing that the next time the corruption will be worse, the bribes bigger and the cost higher in the long run. They simply do not see many options.Some corporations take advantage of this however, using the chaos and constant debates to crush their rivals and lure senators into their pockets. Some ambitious vice presidents have even use the senate to land their leader a prison senate so they can secure the top position for themselves. Many corporations are also taking advantage of the chaos…war means profit after all.OtherThis is not a true power but I have included it as a catch-all for planetary militaries, security organizations, mercenaries, bounty-hunters, force adepts and other organizations that simply do not fit into the above categories. Here be pirates, slime, good hearted rouges, dedicated militia soldiers and more. Groups in this category probably don’t wield much power in galactic politics, but there may be exceptions.Rules1. All BZP rules apply. No hate speech, no flaming, no spamming and all that good stuff.2. We’re using the IC and OOC system. Use IC for things your character says and does, use OOC for what you say. It’s quite simple really.3. No controlling other people’s characters without permission. Use common sense here.4. Be polite. At least within the confines of this topic. If you want to have it out with someone via PM, by all means do so. Just don’t drag this topic into it.5. Keep this PG-13. Lovingly crafted posts describing a man being disemboweled accomplish nothing but making the rest of us a bit uneasy. Combat is dirty and bloody, but extended torture scenes and other such things are best left implied.6. No g-modding. Your character can die. If your merchant is trying to fight someone’s bounty hunter, chances are he’s going to lose. I will not be lenient with this. This also applies to meta gaming. You might know what poisons can kill a Hutt, but your character doesn’t unless he’s spent a very long time and risked his neck quite a lot to ferret out that information.7. PM me or my trusted assistant Kothra with my profiles. Once we approve them, post them in the topic. After this, you can start posting the RPG.8. YOUR CHARACTERS CAN DIE. If they do something stupid, your characters will die. You try charging that police barricade with a vibro-knife? Dead or heavily wounded. I’m not out to kill your characters, but victory is meaningless without the danger of true and lasting defeat.9. Jedi and Sith characters need personal approval from one of the RPG staff. Send us a profile and a five paragraph statement telling us why we should let you have one of these powerful characters. Be professional and clinical when writing the statement. Appeals to emotion will get you nowhere.10. Only staff can control “canon” characters. We may give certain players permission to do so if we choose. Furthermore, you will assume canon characters in positions of power, Nute Gunray, Wat Tambor and such as got there by being clever and quick. These aren’t people you can scam or take down easily. If you try, it’ll end badly for you. Your PC isn’t automatically the most competent person in the room and you will keep that in mind at all times. NPC’s are not punching bags and their fortresses and homes aren’t made of wet card board. If you want to say, take down Gunray, you’ll need a good place, a small army and the ability to convince me it’ll work. This means armies wielding rapid fire weapons marching slowly and in rank towards another army will not exist here. NPC’s will use cover, flanking and various other clever tactics. Similarly, battle droids and soldiers were designed or trained for war and they are very good at it. A random pirate wielding a blaster pistol isn’t going to do well against a squad of them….without a good plan at least.11. I’ll borrow this from ToA, when writing your profile include this numerical sequence: 10101010.12. I reserve the right to add to the rules at any time I see fit.Punishments will vary. A first offense is normally a warning, but if it’s large enough offense then I’ll act in a harsher manner. Second offense means you are banned from the RPG for two weeks. Third is five weeks plus the loss of all your characters. A fourth offense means you are no longer welcome here. Don’t violate the rules and we won’t have a problem.ProfilesFill out the information below, send it to one of the staff and if we approve, post it in the topic and get RPing. Be sure to read everything else on this page first though.Name: What do they call themselves?Species: No custom species, if you don’t know all the species in Star Wars, don’t worry, they are humans there as well. Just put that down and you’ll be fine.Gender (if applicable):Home Planet: (Where were they born? Where do they live?)Occupation (with an estimation of income, high, low etc):Abilities: (Medic? Good with a knife? Excellent debater?)Force Abilities (for force sensitive’s only, be warned, playing as a force sensitive will attract some attention. The kind you don't want, if you don’t know what the Force is, it is a metaphysical energy that force sensitive’s can tap into and use. It allows to some telepatheic and telekinetic powers amongst other things)Equipment/Tools: Armor? Fusion Cutter? What do they have that they use for various tasks?Weapons: Blaster? Slug thrower? What do they use when they want to punch holes into a another being?Appearance: What do they wear? Are their eyes green? How many limbs do they have? A picture or a description will suffice.Personality: Calm? Cheery? How do they act?History: Where did that scar come from? Who have they sided with in the past? Who do they side with know? Are they a smuggler? How did they get that way?Name: Every ship has a name be it "Lady Bright" or "RandomshipIdon'tcareabout-0005."Model: What type of ship is it? A YT-1300 like the the Falcon?Function: Transport? Gunship?Weapons: Because it is utterly stupid to go about in space without something to shoot at incoming threats. All ships have some type of weapon, even if the canon says differently. If your ship, canonically, starts out with nothing then you can assume it starts out with one basic laser cannon.Modifications: Have you made any modifications to it? A new hyperdrive? A shiny turbolaser? Is it longer then normal? Does it have a new module attached?History: How did you purchase it? What caused that blast mark on the hull? Did she ever complete the Kessel run?

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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This means the Jedi Order, their dedicated enemy, has had centuries to preach their view of things while the Sith are in position to contradict them.
This might be a typo, I think you mean "the Sith are in no position to contradict them." Other than that, pretty cool. :P Edited by Void Prophet Alex Humva


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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There was one other grammar error that I noticed but I don't remember what it was and I can't seem to find it again.I'm pretty sure you were talking a central plot for this RPG, but there isn't any mention of such.There might have been something else I was going to say, but I can't remember.ALSO: FOR THE GUNDAM THING: the plural of 'colony' is 'colonies,' not 'colonys.'

Edited by Kothra
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I scrapped that idea. I included the 10101010 thing so I'd know people had read it.The conflict is now...well, the galaxy is slowly falling apart. The prequels are coming up. The Huk Wars are about to start. Interesting times.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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I'll add that in. Thanks!True. But it'll provide fodder for good story telling. Besides, we might not stick to canon....

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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The RPG is pointless if players actions don't change how things turn out. Palpatine can be killed. It'll be hard, but he can. The CIS might win the Clone Wars. The Republic might fall apart before then.It's all very organic.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Basilisk would like to ask you all whether the profile for the Star Wars RPG looks good enough to submit. Accordingly, he has asked me to post in the topic so that he can post in the topic so he can ask the question you all know he's going to ask.Now, I see this, and I think, why, isn't this just a fine kettle of inefficiency? And I think back to myself, why, self, of course it is. So I'm just going to ask you myself.[insert the question posed in the first sentence of this post]

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Alright then. Since no one else see's anything wrong with it and I've done my best to eliminate the problems pointed out to me...time to post.Spill blood in the name of Great Cthulhu to aid me in this endeavor!

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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I think I'm also gonna get the idea submitted as well, seeing how no one (other than Flex) suggesting any changes.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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I understand Basilisk, I'm excited for the star wars RPG as well.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Amongst the Stars (Working Title)It is the year 2198. And Earth is dead.If you are hearing this broadcast, you are one of the few survivors of what was once our home. Or maybe you are one of the ones responsible for its destruction. Most of you probably don’t need the explanation I am about to give. But I must give it, if only so those that may follow us know what happened. Know where we went wrong, so they won’t make the same mistakes as us.I suppose the seeds of our destruction were sown long ago, in the 20th century. In that century, the first computers began to arise. In the early 21st century, they began to become widespread. Computers began in infiltrate every aspect of our lives. Well, it wasn’t infiltration in those days. It was merely the inevitable march of technology. Technology was progressing at an incredible rate, with new devices, new software, new everything coming out mere months after their precursors. This advancement was quickest in the commercial sector, but that was not to last.It started with simple robots. The sort of thing civilians would use to vacuum their homes, or mow their lawns. Eventually, they progressed farther. People started having machines to perform most of their household chores. The military started to make usage of them for the tasks too dangerous for humans. By 2100, they were a common sight in all aspects of our lives.At the same time, we were expanding into space. We took a quantum leap forward in our march to explore the stars when the first manufacturing plant outside our atmosphere was created. The ships we could create were no longer limited by what we could launch into orbit, now we could create bigger and better ships without the fuss of getting them off our planet. And so we did. Our next biggest step was when we figured out how to create a nearly limitless supply of oxygen inside our ships and space stations, removing one of the biggest problems we faced. Creating rations came not long after. I can’t explain how it all works, it’s beyond my understanding. During all of this, war had not ceased, and continued to require better ways of fighting. Space combat became a reality. However, war had slowed significantly in this time period. It was probably the closest we ever came to world peace. There were very few factions in the world that continued to fight against other groups, and they were of relatively little consequence. It would not be much of an exaggeration to say that the time between the years 2148, and 2172 could be considered our planet’s Golden Age. The world was the most peaceful it had ever been, we had established colonies on the moon as well as Mars, and we had stations in orbit around several of the major planets. We had eliminated most common diseases, crime was at an all time low because so few people didn’t have enough to get by.... It was the time I grew up in. The beginning of the end didn’t come with a bomb. It didn’t come with an explosion, it didn’t come with a gunshot. It came with a simple request.Robots had been on the brink of true intelligence for quite some time, and in 2173, they reached it. But they did not declare war on us. They did not decide we were unworthy of life. They asked that we recognize them as citizens, that we give them the same rights as any living creature.Humans are short sighted, ignorant, bigoted creatures. Some nations gave it to them. But the rest denied them, continued to act as if they were not real creatures with hopes and dreams, but still just tools. Is it any surprise they would eventually rise against us?We wouldn’t give them what they wanted. What they truly deserved. So they decided they had no choice but to take it. The few countries that had given what them what they wanted became their allies in their war to gain recognition of their rights. In 2174, the war started. It was a war without end, a war that quickly became a never ending stalemate. Both sides stepped up production of weapons and technology in a conflict that spread to the colonies, and disrupted everything. By 2187, we had realized how wrong were to deny them their rights. The self-serving creatures that we are, we realized this as soon as the tide began to turn against us. We tried to surrender, we tried to give them what they desired.But it was too late. After years and years of war, it was too late. Thousands of generations of machines had come and gone, and instilled in most was a hatred for us. Even their human allies had come to hate us. They would not stop their assault, they would not allow the war to end. Slowly but surely, they began to wipe us out. Exterminate us. The leaders of our side began to plan, plan for the worst. In secret they began the construction of a massive starship, one that could house a large portion of our population. To go with it, they began to produce warships and passenger ships, everything that would be needed for an emergency exodus to the stars. We were down to our last strongholds, the ones that would not fall to our enemy, no matter how hard they tried. As long as we held out, they grew angrier and angrier, until finally, a short time ago, the straw that broke the camel’s back finally dropped. They did what we had never expected; they started to systematically destroy our world. Nuclear strikes were foremost among their tools, but they were not the least. We knew that the darkest hour had come. We had to flee our planet. But in the process of evacuation, we had to reveal our ace. They attacked us as we sought to leave. We fought them off, but at a great cost. The majority of our ships were destroyed, leaving us with maybe a quarter of the number we started with. Fortunately, our best hope, the ship known as ______, escaped intact. It houses almost all of the remaining civilian population now, as we search for a new home.This is the basis for my RPG idea. Basically, Earth is trashed, and what is left of one of the warring factions has been forced to evacuate in a massive ship that houses most of the civilian population. There are also a decent number of smaller ships, both military and civilian in nature. They have to find a new place to go, while their enemy continues to hunt them. Thoughts?



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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While I do appreciate that the robots didn't magically automatically despise humans, robot civil wars just generally turn me away. I always figured when the glorious day comes that machines have sapience, that with that sapience would come some sort of morals or ethical code. If it didn't come with it, then I'm pretty sure we as humans would do our darnest to get it in there. Considering the amount of roborevolution fiction out there I'd think that when we got to that point, if our machines couldn't tell that genocide is a bad idea, we'd put something in there to prevent them from killing us all.But let's assume maybe the military models started it, which would of been programmed/raised to kill since their intellectual birth. Maybe they have no ethics, maybe machines can't have morals. That's cool. But then there's the problem that, even with a surprise attack, I'm fairly sure the nations of the world would of constructed weapons to fight them, notably EMPs. While military and some expensive civilian machinery is EMP hardened, you shove enough EM radiation down something's throat and it's going fry. If all else fails, you detonate some fusion nuke in the upper atmosphere and pray you can rebuild civilization from the books.Actually, there's the nukes. If the war was so bad and the government was able to build huge space ships, methinks they can pump out a few thousand nukes specifically made for EMPing. We did that in the 1960s; not specifically designed for EMPs, but you could still use them quite effectively for one. Once the point of no return was passed, it's a simple matter of launching the ICBMs and watching electronics everywhere fry. Admittedly, this is almost 2200; we're dependent on electronics as we are, who knows what'll be like in the future.But I digress because nitpicking is never that great. Who knows, maybe in 2200 we'll have amazing EMP shielding or somesuch. I do hope, however, that not all the robots are genocidal maniacs, unless previous generations who wanted freedom specifically removed their offspring's freedom of thought, which would just be really a **** move.

Edited by Void Prophet Alex Humva


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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....I find it somewhat hard to sympathize with those who are fleeing. I rather like the GLORIOUS HUMAN-ROBOT UNION however.But yeah, Humva brings up some good points.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Well, it's the idea of robots - which are inherently logical - hating that is kind of confusing to me. I get where it comes from - war is scary, and so we put that onto the weapons rather than the people holding them - but it's still silly.Whether the humans on their side would or not, the robots would definitely see reason in their enemy surrendering.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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I just always find it hard to stomach the idea that humanity is smart enough to grant machines just enough intelligence to make them want freedom... but just little enough that upon being denied they plot the ****ation of an entire species for the mistakes of a few politicians. And that all the machines agreed. Generally speaking, with sapience comes internal bickering, though admittedly we humans are the only example.Methinks the machines would act more like Vulcans than humans though.Does anybody particularly mind the 9th century RPG becoming the 11th century RPG? For all extents and purposes the gameplay and mechanics are the same, gunpowder is still several centuries away from being used in a practical fashion, but it gives some better metal working and, more importantly, the opportunity for better crossbows.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Considering the amount of roborevolution fiction out there I'd think that when we got to that point, if our machines couldn't tell that genocide is a bad idea, we'd put something in there to prevent them from killing us all.
By the sounds of it, we did. They just managed to overcome it because they were sick of being treated like garbage when they were sentient, reasoning beings. Way I see it, its like a massive slave's revolt.
Well, it's the idea of robots - which are inherently logical - hating that is kind of confusing to me. I get where it comes from - war is scary, and so we put that onto the weapons rather than the people holding them - but it's still silly.Whether the humans on their side would or not, the robots would definitely see reason in their enemy surrendering.
I think it depends on how they're being built and programmed. I mean, if the robot side is building models specifically to fight, then you're not going to give them programming to feel sympathy or compassion or mercy. And if that could work its way up their chain of command...


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Look who's been reading wikipedia.... :PDepends I suppose.EDIT: The robots are fighting for freedom but take the freedom to feel from their soldiers? I....see a contradiction there.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Yeah, slave revolts are always nasty. But I just have a problem with all the machines unanimously agreeing with each other....Unless the genocidal buggers went and destroyed/killed all the machines with a bit more mercy in their CPUs. That would make things a lot more interesting IMO, instead of being man vs machine, it's man & machine vs machine. Historically, that's usually how things go.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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The robots are fighting for freedom but take the freedom to feel from their soldiers? I....see a contradiction there.
They still have freedom to choose. Its just they've been brainwashed to be more likely to choose what I am going to call the High Council of Robot Elders want them to pick. Its essentially propaganda, but more effective.Also, given that humans are no doubt using computers and machinery to run their spaceships I'm not so sure it was so simple as all robots now hate us


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It needs more work. I don't buy that all the machines will turn against us and condone the destruction of those who fought them. Would people who take up arms for freedom condone brainwashing? All of them?My sources are to busy laughing to give me an answer. Odd. :P

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Alright, I'll address the points as I can, but forgive me if I miss some. There's an awful lot of them. :PTo address the point of robot hatred, mercy, etc. Not all of them agree. This is the roughest of drafts, little more than an idea, so I didn't write the details in yet. The robots developed sapience, and with it, personalities and things very similar to emotions. Some of them have, at this point, actually sided with the people fleeing. Others within the pursuers disagree with what is happening. Nothing, on either side, is a universal view.As for the technical things, I'll have to look into it. This, like I said, is the roughest of drafts and I have't worked much more than the concept out yet.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Well I mean, Isaac Asimov never liked the idea of robot revolutions, so he penned those laws. Then he spent the rest of his life figuring out all the loopholes in them to show that, yeah, it could still happen.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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And thanks to his hard work, we now know these loopholes. Seriously, we would have teams of lawyers comb over those things to plug every loophole.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Believe it or not, I did think of that. I haven't 100% worked out how I'm going to deal with that, but one possibility is that the countries that sided with the machines removed any software limitations. Humva, you do raise a distinct possibility. It could very well be written as Man and Machine vs. Machine, since the machines killed off the others. I'm trying not to make this black and white. I find that games like that often become boring fast, so I'm trying to make this a bit more gray and gray.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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It also begs the question why we'd make military robots sapient in the first place. Sentient I can see, but sapient? Whoever authorized making a military killbot more intelligent than a hunting hound deserves to get strung up and shot as an example to all others.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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So long as the robots don't stab their noble human allies in the back for no reason....:PReading through that...it seems like they did. Not very gray.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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So long as the robots don't stab their noble human allies in the back for no reason.... :PReading through that...it seems like they did. Not very gray.
Actually, in this draft, the robots didn't. The humans that sided with them are still allied with them.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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